A _____________ is an economic system that is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism.

America today has and needs to retain its hybrid capitalistic and socialistic economic system. Unregulated capitalism is an economic system that investors with capital profit from. Simply put, these investors use money to make money. Most maximize their profits by hiring workers and by using government lobbyists to minimize their taxes and maximize opposition to most government regulations, to maximize their profits.  

Socialism is an economic system that ranges from total government regulation of the economy to democratic socialism that makes economic policy by elected lawmakers.   America is a hybrid economic system of regulated capitalism and democratic socialism. If you believe in the stock market, you are a capitalist.  If you also believe in Social Security, you are a democratic socialist.

This hybrid has made America the greatest economic system in the world.

Only fanatics and fear-mongering politicians demonize capitalism or democratic socialism. Both are necessary for our continuing economic success and social well-being. An on-going balancing act is needed as we pursue our ideal Republic "with liberty and justice for all."

Tom Driscoll, Poulsbo

The two predominant economic systems today are capitalism and socialism. Between these two opposite extremes lies a continuum of variations on the models. Three key principles define the economic system of capitalism:
  • Private ownership of production and distribution of goods and services
  • Competition, or the laws of supply and demand directing the economy
  • Profit‐seeking, or selling goods and services for more than their cost of production

Laissez‐faire (French for “hands off”) capitalism represents a pure form of capitalism not practiced by any nation today. The ideology driving today's capitalism says that competition is in the best interest of consumers. Companies in competition for profit will make better products cheaper and faster to gain a larger share of the market. In this system, the market—what people buy and the laws of supply and demand—dictates what companies make, and how much of it they make. Workers are motivated to work harder so they can afford more of the products they want.

Supporters of a capitalist system point to the higher production, greater wealth, and higher standard of living displayed by capitalist countries such as the United States. Critics, however, charge that while the standard of living may be higher, greater social inequity remains. They also denounce greed, exploitation, and high concentration of wealth and power held by a few.


Three key principles also define the economic system of socialism:
  • State ownership of production and distribution of goods and services
  • Central economy
  • Production without profit

The ideology of socialism directly rejects the ideology of capitalism. In a socialist economic system, the state determines what to produce and at what price to sell it. Socialism eliminates competition and profit, and focuses upon social equality—supplying people with what they need, whether or not they can pay. The ideals driving socialism come from Karl Marx who saw all profit as money taken away from workers. He reasoned that the labor used to produce a product determined the value of that product. The only way for a company to arrive at profit is to pay workers less than the value of the product. Thus, wherever profit exists, workers are not receiving the true value of their labor.

Just as nations do not adhere to pure capitalism, neither do nations adhere to pure socialism. In pure socialism, all workers would earn exactly the same wage. Most Socialist countries do pay managers and professionals such as doctors a higher wage. But, because the state employs all members of the society, thereby controlling the wages, far less disparity exists between highest and lowest wage earners.

Supporters of socialism, then, point to its success at achieving social equality and full employment. Critics counter that with central planning's gross inefficiency, the economy cannot produce wealth and all people are poorer. They also object to what they see as unnecessary control of personal lives and limited rights—exploitation.

Democratic socialism and state capitalism

Ironically, critics of both capitalism and socialism accuse each system of exploitation. Consequently, some nations have carved out systems more in the middle of the continuum between the two.

One hybrid is democratic socialism, which is an economic system where the government maintains strict economic controls while maintaining personal freedom. Scandinavian nations, Canada, England, and Italy all practice democratic socialism. Sweden provides the most common example in which high taxation provides extensive social programs.

State capitalism is another economic hybrid. In this economic system, large corporations work closely with the government, and the government protects their interests with import restrictions, investment capital, and other assistance. This economic system commonly exists in Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea.

What is an economic system that is a hybrid of capitalism and socialism?

A mixed economic system is a system that combines aspects of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims.

What is capitalism and socialism called?

Socialism is an economic and political system under which the means of production are publicly owned. Production and consumer prices are controlled by the government to best meet the needs of the people. Capitalism is an economic system under which the means of production are privately owned.

What is capitalism socialism and communism called?

An economic system consists of the institutions and the method by which resources are allocated and products and services are distributed.

What is mixed and capitalist economy?

Key Takeaways. Pure capitalism is a free, private economic system that allows voluntary and competing private individuals to plan, produce, and trade without government interference. A mixed economic system is an economy that allows private property ownership, but there is some government involvement.

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