A marketing plan is a formal written document that directs activities for a specific time

Presentation on theme: "Sports and Entertainment Marketing.  A formal, written document that directs a company’s activities for a specific period of time  Outlines the goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports and Entertainment Marketing

2  A formal, written document that directs a company’s activities for a specific period of time  Outlines the goals and objectives and how the business plans to achieve them

3  Provides a “road map” for how a product will enter the market, be advertised, and sold  Helps monitor a company’s performance

4  Assessment that list and analyzes the company’s strengths and weaknesses  Lists everything that can foster success or lead to failure of a business

5  Both are internal factors that affect business operation  Centers around the 3 C’s  Company – what does the company do well, where does it struggle, and the 5 P’s  Customers – who is the customer, how do they rate the quality  Competition – what is the market share, advantages and disadvantages over competition

6  Both are external factors that affect business operation  Competition – What are they doing, changes in financial situation  Political Changes – government involvement (new laws and regulations)  Economic Factors – recession vs. prosperity  Socio-Cultural Factors – (demographics) diversity, health issues, current events  Technology – may help some industries but hurt others ex: digital photography

7  Parts of a Marketing Plan  Executive Summary  Description of Company/Organization – situation analysis  Objectives  Schedule of Events – marketing strategies/implementation  Responsibility Sheet  Budget  Statement of Benefits – evaluation and control

8  Brief overview of the entire plan  This should be written LAST  Can only be one page

9  Explain company background  Take stock of where company has been  Where is it now – where is it headed  Discuss SWOT analysis here

10  What will you accomplish?  Must be  Single minded  Specific  Realistic  Measurable  Have a time frame

11  What is the time frame of your campaign?  Remember 1-3 months  How are you going to promote the campaign?  Special events – fashion shows, theme nights, etc.  Advertising – print, online, on TV  Display – in store signage, layout  Publicity – press releases, positive buzz

12  Who is responsible for each aspect of the promotional plan?  Only focus on THIS campaign, not overall  Create a chart for this section  Include all aspects of the campaign

13  How much will your plan cost?  Create a spreadsheet that includes ALL aspects of the campaign  Don’t leave anything out  Find realistic prices for what you want to do


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In business, a marketing concept will list information such as ethnic background, age, income level, and geographic location. False
Selling camping gear through catalogs mailed to Sierra Club members and other outdoors people is an example of place utility True
According to the text the place is the means of getting the product into the consumers hands True
Buy one get one free. This is an example of distribution False
People who share similar needs and wants and who can purchase your products are called a market True
A marketing mix is a formal written document which directs activities for a specific time. False
The owner of a miniture golf business provides her customers with A service
Which economic utility increased when fast food restaurants began accepting credit cards? Possession Utility
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Which of the following utilities is not directly related to marketing? Form utility
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Which of the following purchases would most likely be made with discretionary income? Magazine Subscription
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The Music Stand direct-mail company wants to send catalogs to music teachers, dancers, and other music lovers. What type of data would be helpful in this endeavor? Psycographic
According to the text which U.S. ethnic population is declining, relative to other ethnic populations? Caucasian
During the last three months of the year, a grocery store stocks its shelves with plenty of canned pumpkin in order to increase the pumpkin's ______ utility. Time
Obtaining the money needed to start and operate a business is a marketing function known as __________ Finnancing
Retailers offer their customers installment or layaway plans in order to increase the ______ utility of their products. Possesion
The employees of a home-improvement warehouse are expert craftspeople who enjoy giving customers advice about do-it-yourself projects. The employees' advice increases the ______ utility of their goods Information
Birthday Bears Inc. has just received an order for 1,000 units from Unique Gifts. This is an example of a(n) ____________________ market. Industrial
Shopping at Target and paying cash for your purchases is a function of ____________________. Pricing
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When demand and production for a product increases in the world of Marketing, what usually decreases? Prices
A combination of geographic, demographic and psychographic data about a group of people can be used to create a customer ____________________. Profile
Expectations that reflect a marketing plans objectives is called an _________________ Performance Standard
A company's mission statement, quality of staff, experienced executives can all be found in a _________________________. Company Analysis
Political, Economic, socio-cultural and technological are four areas that make up the _______ PEST Anaylisis
The current state of the ________ is of interest to all businesses because it shape both business costs and consumer spending. Economy
During times of _________ research and development along with plans for new facilities will stop or slow down. Recession
Obtaining, developing, or improving a product product/service management
Deciding how much to charge for goods and services pricing
The added value of a product in economic terms Selling
Providing customers with goods and services Utility
Planning, Promoting, and distributing products Marketing
Tangible items Goods
Percentage of total sales generated by competing companies Market Share
Deciding how goods get into customers hands Distribution
Businesses that buy products for use in their operations. industrial market
Product, price, place, promotion marketing mix
Brief overview of entire marketing plan Executive summary
Characteristics such as age, gender, ethnic background, income Demographics
Analysis of outside influences on an orginization Environmental scan
Putting a market plan into action and managing it Implemntation
Information about where people live geographicas
Separating large groups into smaller groups based on characteristics market segmentation
Product information gathered from internet use Generation y
A combination of four strategies used to market a product marketing mix
Alert to changes in laws and regulations External opportunities
Money left after taking out tazes disposable income

What is a formal written document that directs a company's activities for a specific period of time?

A formal, written document that directs a company's activities for a specific period of time.

Will a time frame help determine if a marketing plan objective has been reached?

A time frame will help determine if a marketing plan objective has been reached.

What is a marketing plan quizlet?

What is a marketing plan? Written document that defines the target market and describes the promotion and marketing efforts to achieve one or more marketing objectives for a specific time period.

What is a formal written document that identifies a company's target audience?

Marketing Chapter 2 Review.


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