Before taking the oral temperature of a client who has just finished a cold drink

1. Application of the drug to the skin is known as?





2. The fall of temperature in zigzag manner to normal is known as ?





3. What is the term for a device used to take the place of a missing body part?




External rotation

4. When a client has left-sided weakness, what part of a sweater is put on first?

Both sleeves

Left sleeve

Right sleeve

Client’s choice

5. It is appropriate for a nurse aide to share the information regarding a client’s status with:

Any one the nurse aide sees fit

The staff on the next shift

The client’s roommate

The client’s family members

6. When helping a client who is recovering from a stroke to walk, the nurse aide should assist:

On the client’s weak side

On the client’s strong side

From behind the client

With a wheelchair

7. The nurse aide can BEST show that he is listening to the client by: (

Correcting the client’s mistakes

Responding when appropriate

Changing the subject frequently

Directing the conversation

8. What is a beginning sign of a pressure sore?





9. Which temperature is considered MOST accurate?





10. A client is upset and crying over the recent death of her husband. How should the nurse aide respond?

Tell her not to cry because it will make her feel sad

Sit with the client and allow her to talk about her feelings

Take the client to an activity to help her forget her husband

Close the door and leave the client to cry alone

11. A safety device used to assist a DEPENDENT client from a bed to a chair is called a:

Transfer/gait belt

Posey vest

Hand roll

Foot board

12. BEFORE taking the oral temperature of a client who has just finished a cold drink, the nurse aide should wait:

25 to 35 minutes

45 to 55 minutes

10 to 20 minutes

At least 1 hour

13. Clients have the right to:

See other clients’ medical reports

Go anywhere in the facility

Have access to a telephone

Smoke in any area of the facility

14. Exercises that move each muscle and joint are called:

Range of motion




15. How can the nurse aide BEST help a client who is not accepting a loss?

Discourage individual activity

Encourage the client to talk

Convince the client to accept the loss

Leave the client alone

16. The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust) is used for a client who has:

Fallen out of bed

A blocked airway

A bloody nose

Impaired eyesight

17. To BEST communicate with a client who is totally deaf, the nurse aide should:

Smile often and talk rapidly

Avoid eye contact

Write out information

Smile frequently and speak loudly

18. The nurse aide is asked by a confused client what day it is. The nurse aide should:

Point to the date on a calendar and say the date

Ignore the request

Provide the date and then test the client later

Explain that memory loss is natural and the date is not important

19. To avoid pulling the catheter when turning a male client, the catheter tube must be taped to the client’s:

Bed frame

upper thigh

Bed sheet


20. A nurse aide can assist clients with their spiritual needs by:

Talking about the nurse aide’s own spiritual beliefs

Avoiding any religious discussions

Allowing clients to talk about their beliefs

Taking clients to the nurse aide’s church

1. What is the most accurate way to take the temperature of a one-year-old client?

a. Oral temperature

b. Rectal temperature **

c. Axillae temperature

d. Tympanic temperature

Rationale: The correct answer is b (rectal temperature). Rectal temperature is the most accurate measurement method for children under two years of age, who are not able to readily follow directions.

2. An adult client is drinking coffee. How should the healthcare provider measure the client’s temperature? Select all that apply.

a. Take the client’s oral temperature right away

b. Take the client’s axillary temperature right away **

c. Take the client’s tympanic temperature right away **

d. Take the client’s rectal temperature in five minutes

e. Wait two minutes and take the client’s oral temperature

Rationale: The correct answers are b and c (take the client’s axillary or tympanic temperature right away). Recent consumption of a hot drink or cold drink alters a client’s oral temperature. Thus, temperature is taken via the axillary or tympanic route if a client has recently had a hot or cold drink. You can take an oral temperature if you wait 15 minutes after hot drink consumption.

3. What is the best way to measure temperature in a client who is confused? Select all that apply.

a. Oral temperature

b. Rectal temperature

c. Axillary temperature **

d. Tympanic temperature **

e. Temporal artery temperature **

Rationale: The correct answers are c, d, and e (axillary, tympanic and temporal artery temperature). A client who is confused often cannot follow directions, so they may not follow directions to close their mouth as required when taking an oral temperature. Additionally, it is not safe to measure rectal temperature when a client is confused. Thus, it is best to measure axillary, tympanic, or temporal artery temperature.

4. An infant’s tympanic temperature is 37.7°C. How should the healthcare provider respond?

a. Apply a cold compress

b. Re-take in the other ear

c. Recognize this as normal **

d. Take a rectal temperature

Rationale: The correct answer is c (recognize this as normal). A temperature of 37.7°C is normal for an infant, so no further action is required.

5. How should the healthcare provider take the temperature of an adult client who is post-operation day two following oral surgery?

a. Avoid measuring temperature

b. Take rectal temperature once a shift

c. Take tympanic temperature as needed **

d.Take oral temperature every four hours

Rationale: The correct answer is c (tympanic temperature). Taking oral temperature is avoided after oral surgery, and taking rectal temperature is avoided in the adult population. Thus, the best method is to measure tympanic temperature.


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