Charlotte has a high level of job involvement. she is likely to demonstrate ______.

Which of the following generally occurs during the storming stage of team development?

Members try to establish norms of appropriate behavior and performance standards.

Which of the following represents the first three steps in the communication model in the correct order?

form message, encode message, and transmit message

Team ________ is defined as the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members

Which one of the following allows employees to collectively plan, organize, and control work activities with little or no direct involvement of a higher-status supervisor?

Groups are considered teams only when

employees directly interact with each other and coordinate work activities.

The organizational grapevine is useful because it

bonds employees together and fulfills their need for interaction.

John slams his finger while closing a cabinet drawer. Mary winces and shakes her hand. This is an example of

Several employees in a newly formed group must work together to develop a new product. No one in this group has worked with anyone else in this group before, and the development of this product has not been attempted previously. According to the media richness model, which of the following communication channels is most appropriate in this situation?

Keeping the team size sufficiently small and designing tasks such that each team member's performance is measurable are two ways to

Ned was assigned recently to a large team working on a major software release that was taking longer than expected. Ned and the other late additions into the project spent a month partnered with a senior programmer who went over the project in detail with them and got them up to speed. Unfortunately, this training put the project even farther behind schedule. After a few months of working on the project with so many other programmers, Ned’s work output becomes noticeably lower than it was before when he was working independently.

Ned’s reduced work output could be due to ________, a motivational process loss.

What effect does "noise" have in the communication model?

It distorts and obscures the sender's intended message.

Raisa has worked at GHI Inc. for 14 years. GHI has a large building where each work unit is located on a different floor. Raisa works on the accounting floor. She is also a member of a team formed to explore redesigning the office layout, where she met Suzie from Engineering and José from Receiving. That team will generate a report, then disband. Each week, the three meet after work on Thursdays to play darts at a local pub.

When Raisa, Suzie, and José meet after work to play darts, they are forming a(n)

more when the task is boring than when it is interesting.

In which of the following scenarios would a diverse team be better than a homogeneous team?

a need to bring different viewpoints to the decision

After the receiver decodes the message, what happens next in the communication process model?

The receiver forms feedback in response to the received message.

Senior executives at a large tire company learned that a line of tires had a tendency to fall apart in very warm weather. This resulted in several vehicle accidents in the Middle East and South America. However, the executives did not hear about these problems until several weeks after the lower-level managers learned about the same. Although the senior executives encourage staff to openly communicate all information, the lower-level staff held back the information for fear that they might lose their jobs. Which communication concept best describes this communication situation?

The three main components of active listening, in order, are

sensing, evaluating, and responding.

________ refers to the process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people.

NDB has several teams in their company. At any given time, the company may have teams starting and ending. Juan’s team has just started to build consensus around the group's objectives. Kimberly is on a recently-created team; so far, everyone is being polite and deferring authority. Sheena's team has completed its project and is about to disband. Victor's team has learned to efficiently coordinate and resolve conflicts.

Kimberly is on a team that is most likely in the ________ stage of team development.

Shanti recently went to a communication workshop to help improve her workplace performance. She learned that in effective communication, she should resist forming an opinion until the speaker has finished, then attempt to empathize with the listener, and finally effectively respond to the speaker. She learned techniques regarding maintaining eye contact and sending back channel signals to show interest.

In the communication workshop, Shanti learned ________ listening.

You have resolved a conflict with another department by offsetting your losses by equally valued gains. Which of the following conflict handling styles was used here?

Raoul knows he can take the risk of presenting “wild ideas” to the team without being ridiculed or threatened. This indicates Raoul’s team has developed

a norm of psychological safety.

Having weak ties (i.e., being merely acquaintances) with people from diverse networks can be more valuable than having strong ties (i.e., having close friendships) with people in similar networks. Why is this so?

Weak ties are acquaintances who are usually different from us and therefore offer resources we do not possess.

In a team meeting, Jared tells a colleague “That is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. Are you crazy?” This represents

Organizational politics typically involve

attempts to influence others to promote personal objectives.

Which of the following statements about power is true?

Power requires asymmetric dependence in a relationship.

At DoubleTalk, Inc., Joe, a supervisor, pushes his employees' performance by constantly checking their work and threatening them if they fail to keep their deadlines. After months of mistreatment, the employees get together and sign a letter to the human resources department to express their grievances.

What form of influence are the employees using?

The ________ style is often ineffective because it doesn’t resolve the conflict and may increase the other party’s frustration.

A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise.

What type of power is this employee most likely trying to attain?

According to the emerging view on organizational conflict, the two types of conflict are

task conflict and relationship conflict.

Francis and Donald were disagreeing over who should take the holiday shift. Although Francis didn't really want to work that holiday, because Donald was very adamant that he have that holiday off, Francis agreed to take the shift. Because the issue was less important to Francis compared to Donald’s feelings about the issue, the conflict was resolved by Francis

Conflict is ultimately based on

Which of the following does ingratiation include?

________ is the cornerstone of effective negotiations.

Employees at Charlotte International have been frustrated with management on just about everything. The conflict episodes are viewed by both sides as personal attacks rather than attempts to resolve problems. Both sides have decided to seek third-party dispute resolution. Management prefers a third-party intervention that has high process and decision control while employees prefer a high level of process control and no decision control.

Employees at Charlotte International prefer which of the following types of third-party intervention?

Jazmin is quick to complain about Timothy's lack of contribution on the team. She threatens posting pictures of the team working without him for the manager to see. Jazmin is using ________ power.

Peggy has been upset with a coworker for weeks, but has not said anything. Then one day, she can no longer hold her feelings in, and yells at the colleague. The conflict in this case has become

In organizational settings, power is defined as

the capacity to influence others.

Maggie begins a meeting by telling the attendees that the President of the company supports what she is about to present. Which influence tactic is Maggie using?

Angela wears a business suit to work every day in her job as a college business professor. Which of the following influence tactic does this refer to?

Influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness of the organization of which they are members is ______.

Luis is a machine programmer who recognizes that in his company there are frontline employees who informally assume leadership responsibilities in a variety of ways. The company is using a(n) ______ leadership model.

Shared leadership works most effectively in a(n) ______ culture.

The leadership perspective that views leaders as agents of change who create, communicate, and model a shared vision and inspire followers to achieve it is ______ leadership.

The elements of transformational leadership include ______.

The best definition of leadership is the ability to ______.

influence, motivate, and enable others

Why is developing a strategic vision a core element of transformational leadership?

It energizes people.

It unifies employees.

Which of the following are characteristics of shared leadership?

The view that leadership is a role

Employees leading one another

Shared leadership succeeds in organizations where ______.

formal leaders are willing to delegate power

Aspirational, unifying, and engaging are three essential characteristics of an effective_____vision.

Transformational leaders are those who act as change agents by inspiring others to achieve through ______.

creating a shared vision for the organization

communicating a shared vision

modeling a shared vision

Successful transformational leaders create meaning and motivation surrounding their strategic vision by choosing phrases that ______ the vision.

Which is the first step in transformational leadership?

Develop a strategic vision

The element of transformational leadership that represents a positive image or model of the future that energizes and unifies employees is ______.

Features of an effective strategic vision include ______.

a future with a higher purpose

personal values that fulfill stakeholders' needs

The CEO personally meets with customers and employees to learn what they need and then makes sure they get it. These actions are consistent with the strategic vision of the company and build trust. This is an example of which element of the transformational leadership model?

Effective transformational leaders communicate strategic visions to followers and other stakeholders ______.

through symbols, metaphors, and stories

A transformational leader would be most likely to ______.

encourage experimentation

The CEO of XCorp, a fuel oil company, has involved employees at all levels in developing a new vision, logo, and brand image for the company representing its commitment to alternative fuels. She has consistently made decisions that support investing in new energy technologies, which have generated excitement and motivated the company's employees and board of directors. The CEO of XCorp is ______.

building commitment to her strategic vision

Modeling the strategic vision is important to transformational leadership because it ______.

demonstrates what the vision looks like in practice

builds trust in the leader

Transformational leaders motivate followers by persuading and earning trust, whereas charismatic leaders motivate followers through the leader's inherent ______ power.

Transformational leaders support a learning orientation by ______.

encouraging employees to question current practices

encouraging experimentation

viewing reasonable mistakes as a part of the learning process

An important way leaders build commitment to the strategic vision is to ______.

involve employees in the process of shaping the vision

Research has shown that under transformational leaders employees

make more creative decisions

perform their jobs better

Among the challenges faced by transformational leadership is that leadership ______.

may not apply to all contexts and situations

The leadership style that focuses on improving employee performance and well-being in the current situation rather than moving the group in a new direction is ______ leadership.

Research has shown that transformational leaders make a difference because employees ______.

have greater affective organizational commitment

Which of these best describes the relationship between managerial and transformational leadership?

Transformational leaders motivate followers by persuading and earning trust, whereas charismatic leaders motivate followers through the leader's inherent ______ power.

Leaders who focus on clarifying tasks and setting goals are task-oriented leaders, while those who are concerned with asking employees' opinions and considering their needs are _____-oriented leaders.

Which of the following is associated with managerial leadership?

Focused on the current situation

Managerial leadership depends on ______ leadership to set the right direction, while transformational leadership depends on ______ leadership to produce operational excellence.

transformational; managerial

Leaders who are described as selfless, egalitarian, nurturing, and ethical are ______ leaders.

The researchers who investigated the behaviors that make leaders effective suggest that there are which two types of leadership behaviors?

Which action best represents Kelly's high job involvement?

Higher job involvement is reflected by a person's participation in team activities, and willingness takes additional job responsibilities. Here, Kelly's job involvement is indicated by her involvement in team activities, and asking for additional work to learn new knowledge and skills.

Does organizational citizenship involves high levels of job involvement and psychological empowerment?

Explanation: C) High levels of both job involvement and psychological empowerment are positively related to organizational citizenship and job performance.

What type of commitment is most likely to enhance job performance?

Organizational commitment helps organizations perform better and achieve their goals because their employees feel connected to the organization, are more productive and dedicated to their work.

What causes job satisfaction?

Reasons for job satisfaction include achievement, recognition, responsibility, growth, and other matters associated with the motivation of the individual in his job. Environmental pressures inside the company include work rules, facilities, coffee breaks, benefits, wages, and the like.


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