Clinical pharmacokinetic properties of magnesium sulphate in women with pre eclampsia and eclampsia

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  • What is the pharmacokinetics of magnesium sulphate?

    The pharmacokinetic profile of MgSO4 after intravenous administration can be described by a 2-compartment model with a rapid distribution (a) phase, followed by a relative slow beta phase of elimination. The clinical effect and toxicity of MgSO4 can be linked to its concentration in plasma.

    What is the purpose of administering magnesium sulphate to women with pre eclampsia and eclampsia?

    Magnesium sulfate therapy is used to prevent seizures in women with preeclampsia. It can also help prolong a pregnancy for up to two days. This allows drugs that speed up your baby's lung development to be administered.

    How does magnesium sulphate work in eclampsia?

    Magnesium sulfate may act as a vasodilator, with actions in the peripheral vasculature or the cerebrovasculature, to decrease peripheral vascular resistance or relieve vasoconstriction.

    Do women with pre eclampsia and their babies benefit from magnesium sulphate?

    Women allocated magnesium sulphate had a 58% lower risk of eclampsia (95% CI 40–71) than those allocated placebo (40, 0·8%, vs 96, 1·9%; 11 fewer women with eclampsia per 1000 women). Maternal mortality was also lower among women allocated magnesium sulphate (relative risk 0·55, 0·26–1·14).


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