Direct sellers, kiosks, television home shopping, and vending machines are all examples of ______.

Whirlpool combines metal, rubber, and any other components in the production of appliances. In doing so the company creates ______utility.
a. ownership
b. form
c. place
d. time

The utility of a product or service is its:
a. want-satisfying power
b. re-usability
c. Function as a commodity
d. design quality

Convenience stores and vending machines create all of the following utilities except:
a. ownership
b. form
c. time
d. place

In the history of marketing, when did the production era end in the United States?
a. late 1800's with mass immigration of skilled workers to America
b. 1920's with improvement in production
c. 1960's with estab. of overseas facilities
d. 21st century with introduction to robotics

b. 1920's with improvement in production capabilities

The emergence of the marketing concept can be best explained by:
a. higher production levels
b. shift from production to a sales orientation
c. shift from seller's market to buyer's market
d. a focus on product quality

c. a shift from seller's market to a buyer's market

In the relationship era, firms focus on:
a. short term relationships with suppliers
b. long term relationships with customers and suppliers
c. short term relationships with customers and suppliers
d. long term relationships with customers

b. long term relationships with customers and suppliers

All of the following are examples of nontraditional marketing except ________ marketing.
a. political
b. cause
c. event
d. organization

The application of relationship marketing requires attention to levels of customer loyalty. Which of the following is the highest level as defined by this type of marketing?
a. loyal supporter of the company and its goods and services
b. advocate who not only buys the products but recommends them to others
c. regular purchaser of the company products
d. stockholder who literally buys into the organization and its mission

b. advocate who not only buys the products but recommends them to others

All of the following statements about strategic alliances are correct except:
a. strategic alliances can be formed by both for-profit and not-for-profit
b. all strategic alliances end up benefiting one organization more than another
c. strategic alliances can be designed to create competitive advantages
d. strategic alliances can be vertical and horizontal in nature

b. all strategic alliances end up benefiting one organization more than another

The physical distribution functions of marketing are:
a. storing and transporting
b. standardization and grading
c. financing and risk taking
d. buying and selling

a. storing and transporting

The process of anticipating future events and conditions and determining the best way to achieve organizational objectives is known as:
a. researching
b. planning
c. controlling
d. managing

Marketing planning establishes the
a. resource base provided by the firm's strategy
b. economic impact of additional sales
c. tactical plans that must be implemented by the entire organization
d. basis for any marketing strategy

b. economic impact of additional sales

Relationship marketing can help a company:
a. create long-term, cost-effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit
b. reduce strategic planning effort since the need for such planning is greatly diminished
c. find more effective media for use in advertising and mass marketing
d. cut through the planning process and move into tactical plans

a. create long-term, cost-effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit

At a time when computer users were having trouble storing, sending, and displaying photos, Apple introduced the iMac computer, which was equipped with a digital camera interface and photo-handling software. This product was a result of Apple recognizing:
a. product innovations
b. competitive constraints
c. a strategic window
d. financial opportunities

All of the following are marketing mix variables except:
a. promotion
b. product
c. process
d. pricing

In marketing, the term product:
a. refers to only tangible items that can be seen, tasted, or touched
b. is a broad concept encompassing the satisfaction of consumer needs
c. is limited in meaning to goods, services, and ideas only
d. never refers to such things as package design, brand name, or warranty

b. is a broad concept encompassing the satisfaction on consumer needs

The term marketing mix describes:
a. a composite analysis of all environmental factors inside and outside the firm
b. a series of business decisions that aid in selling a product
c. the relationship between a firm's marketing strengths and its business weaknesses
d. a blending of four strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets

d. a blending of four strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets (Price, Promotion, Distribution, Product)

All of the following are part of the marketing environment except:
a. political-legal
b. competitive
c. product
d. socio-cultural

The strategic business unit (SBU) concept is best identified as a:
a. planning tool that separates tactical and operational issues for analysis
b. device used primarily to separate marketing costs from production expenses
c. marketing planning tool best suited to the needs of large, diversified organizations
d. way to create units of business activity based solely on sales potential

c. marketing planning tool best suited to the needs of large, diversified organizations

The market share/market growth matrix classifies products with a low relative share of a high-growth rate market as:
a. stars
b. question marks
c. cash cows
d. dogs

The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment is called:
a. environmental management
b. marketing research
c. marketing management
d. environmental scanning

d. environmental scanning nigga

Monopoly in the competitive environment:
a. is enjoyed by few organizations as sole suppliers of a good or service
b. is common in the telecommunications industry
c. cannot be achieved temporarily, even through the use of patents and similar legal devices
d. is the most common type of competition in the U.S. market

a. is enjoyed by few organizations as sole suppliers of a good or service

which of the following has ended total monopoly protection for most utilities like natural gas, electricity, water, and cable TV service?
a. deregulation movement
b. oligopoly
c. temporary monopoly
d. antitrust remedies

An industry with only a few large competing firms is called a(n):
a. regulated monopoly
b. pure monopoly
c. perfect competition
d. oligopoly

A(n) _______ is a structure that refers to a limited number of sellers in an industry in which high start-up costs form barriers to keep out new competitors deters newcomers from breaking into markets while ensuring that corporations remain innovative:
a. duopoly
b. monopoly
c. oligopoly
d. monopsony

Which strategy requires developing and distributing goods and services more quickly than competitors?
a. time-based competition
b. follower
c. flanker
d. harvesting

a. time-based competition

Which of the following devalues money by reducing the products it can buy through persistent price increases?
a. yield
b. stagflation
c. inflation
d. deflation

The process of reducing consumer demand for a product to a level that the firm can reasonably supply is called_________.
a. indirect marketing
b. economic marketing
c. direct marketing
d. de-marketing

which of the following protects the consumer by exerting legal, moral, and economic pressures on business and government?
a. consumerism
b. consumer rights
c. socialism
d humanism

which of the following ethical issues is associated with product?
a. exclusive territories
b. false and deceptive advertising
c. fair packaging and labeling
d. bait-and-switch advertising

c. fair packaging and labeling

internet penetration is the:
a. bandwidth usage in comparison to other forms of digital technology
b. depth of information covered for each subject available on the internet
c. percentage of usage rate per individual in a given financial year
d. percentage of region's population who use the internet

d. percentage of region's population who use the internet

The strategic process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and services to a target market through both computer and non-computer technologies is called:
a. electronic marketing
b. online marketing
c. electronic commerce
d. office business

When e-business buyers and sellers communicate online and negotiate prices, they are engaged in:
a. personalization
b. interactive marketing
c. global research
d. right-time marketing

E-marketing empowers a business with all of the following capabilities except:
a. global research
b. right-time marketing
c. integrated marketing promotions
d. a monopoly position

The advantages of using Internet technology for B2B transactions are all of the following except:
a. fail-proof and secure payment methods
b. accessibility from anywhere in the world
c. round the clock availability of information and access
d. elimination of administrative jobs

a. fail-proof and secure payment methods

B2B e-business has been shown to:
a. create price increases in he distribution component of the marketing mix
b. make it possible for marketers to find new markets and customers
c. hinder success by trying to reach the next target market too quickly
d. complicate the direct exchange of information between vendor and customer

b. make it possible for marketers to find new markets and customers

All of the following statements are correct concerning B2B e-business except:
a. a web presence can be used to build brand awareness
b. multiple payment options are unavailable for online customers
c. the Internet allows for personalization of products
d. online shopping is often more convenient

b. multiple payment options are unavailable for online customers

Phishing is defined as:
a. looking through options found in an internet search inquiry
b. pop-ups that direct users to other web sites
c. an acronym for providing heightened internet security by heeding internet navigation guidelines
d. trolling for personal data by posing as a legitimate web site familiar to the user

d. trolling for personal data by posing as a legitimate web site familiar to the user, YOU TROLL

Poor web design leads to loss of revenue when:
a. companies pay search engines for priority position in inquiries
b. it cannot attract advertising companies from other merchants
c. the customer abandons the shopping cart
d. there is only product information and no opportunity to buy the product

c. the customer abandons the shopping cart

Online communities include the following except:
a. electronic bulletin boards
b. newsgroups
c. intranets
d. blogs

Consumer behavior refers to:
a. organizational and consumer purchase design-making behavior
b. customer spending patterns
c. post-purchase decision-making behavior
d. the consumer decision-making process

d. the consumer decision making process

The broadest environmental determinant of consumer behavior is:
a. Folklore
b. tradition
c. culture
d. status

Education, individualism, freedom, health, and humanitarianism are some of the:
a. considerations involved in the formation of family groups
b. objectives reached by most people
c. buying activities related to and based internationally
d. core values in U.S. nature

d. core values in U.S. nature

a newly married couple is looking to rent an apartment. The decision is likely to be:
a. syncretic
b. made by the individual with the best credit history
c. made by the individual with the highest income
d. autonomic

The personal determinants of consumer behavior include the:
a. culture in which a person is raised
b. individual's needs and motives
c. family to which one belongs
d. society from which one comes

b. individuals needs and motives

A person who is satisfying the most basic level of needs is operating at which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
a. self-actualization
b. esteem
c. physiological
d. belongingness

The number of alternatives a consumer actually considers in making a purchase decision is referred to as:
a. the evoked set
b. customer options
c. evaluative criteria
d. cognitive choices

Cognitive dissonance:
a. is defined a pre-purchase anxiety and doubt
b. is more likely to occur as the cost and complexity of the purchase increases
c. is more likely to occur when there is a balance between attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge
d. decreases if the product does not have the desired features

b. is more likely to occur as the cost and complexity of the purchase increases

cognitive dissonance: imbalance among knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that occurs after an action or decision, such as a purchase

The introduction of a new brand into an array of familiar brands for which a consumer has previously set evaluative criteria may create the need for:
a. limited problem solving
b. extended problem solving
c. comparison shopping
d. brand evaluation

a. limited problem solving

When a product is unique or difficult or categorize, the thought process involved in a purchase decision is known as:
a. research analysis
b. extensive analysis buying
c. limited problem solving
d. extended problem solving

The largest segment of the business market that consists of individuals and firms that acquire goods and services to be used, directly or indirectly, in producing other goods and services is called:
a. wholesaling and retailing
b. the commercial market
c. government
d. an institution

Which of the following is not found in e-commerce serving the business market?
a. private portals that allow customers access to products and vendors
b. service pages accessed sing passwords provided by B2B marketers
c. online auctions where business goods may be purchased
d. chat rooms dedicated to opinions of new products

d. chat rooms dedicated to opinions of new products

Customer relationship management systems are most useful in which type of segmentation?
a. end-use
b. demographic
c. customer type
d. purchase category

The demand for automated teller machines (ATMs) is based on the customer demand for banking convenience. This is an example of
a. joint demand
b. derived demand
c. volatile demand
d. demand variability

turning to outsiders to provide goods and services that were formally produced or handled internally is known as:
a. outsourcing
b. nearshoring
c. supply chain management
d. external buying

unions generally view outsourcing as a(n):
a. good idea to stay competitive and preserve jobs
b. bargaining tool for higher wages
c. threat to union jobs
d. means of saving money and putting the saving into wages and benefits

When a business purchaser accepts the terms of sale of an item that has performed satisfactory in the past and requires no new onformation to decide to purchase it again, this buying situation is a(n)
a. straight rebuy
b. service purchase
c. contract purchase
d. modified rebuy

a unique purchase situation in the business market that requires considerable effort on the decision makers part is called:
a. a straight rebuy
b. a modified rebuy
c. new-task buying
d. selective rebuy

In a business buying center situation, the people who sometimes initially request the product , use the purchased product, and may assist in developing the product specifications are called:
a. users
b. consumers
c. influencers
d. gatekeepers

Institutional markets are characterized by:
a. similar buying practices
b. multiple-buying influences, even with the same institution
c. few group purchasing arrangements
d. little negotiation to secure volume discounts

b. multiple-buying influences, even with the same institution

Approximately, half of the U.S. national GDP generated by services comes from:
a. retailing
b. banking
c. tourism
d. entertainment

Before entering a country, marketers need to determine if the country has required ______ to support their marketing efforts
a. moral code
b. legal system
c. infrastructure
d. trade bodies

All of the following are considered parts of a nations infrastructure except:
a. wholesale networks
b. transportation networks
c. communication systems
d. energy facilities

A complete ban on the import of a product is known as a(n)
a. import quota
b. embargo
c. revenue tariff
d. protective tariff

Which organization was established as a result of GATT?
b. EU
c. WTO

d. World Trade Organization (WTO)

The United States would eventually like NAFTA to become:
a. the FTAA
b. part of the EU
c. a global free-trade area
d. focused on energy-producing industires

a. the Free Trade Area of the America (FTAA)

The contractual agreement by which a domestic firm grants foreign marketers the right to distribute a firm's merchandise or use of it's trademark, patent, or process in a specified geographical area is called
a. subcontracting
b. franchising
c. reciprocal partnership
d. licensing

A standard marketing strategy that is modified only minimally for use in each of the firms foreign markets is a _________ marketing strategy
a. lateral entry
b. unipolar
c. global
d. multidomestic

Developing a completely new product to take advantage of a unique foreign opportunity is called product:
a. development
b. commercialization
c. invention
d. origination

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a marketing organization:
a. with a pricing strategy of controlling world prices through collective action
b. regulated by NAFTA and EU
c. which uses countertrade to obtain valuable foreign investments
d. formed to adress the growing competition from Venezuela and North Sea crude exploration

a. with a pricing strategy of controlling world prices through collective action

One of the steps in the marketing research process is:
a. identifying theories
b. defining the problem
c. determining whether data are primary or secondary
d. interviewing the marketing research staff to assess skill levels

A statement regarding the relationship among the variables that carries clear implications for testing the relationship is called a:
a. survey mission
b. census criterion
c. scanning protocol
d. hypothesis

Which of the following federal agencies is the most important source of secondary data for marketing research studies?
a. federal reserve
b. treasury department
c. census bureau
d. bureau of labor statistics

Search engines such as Google and Yahoo!
a. are targeted towards consumers, not businesses, and therefore cannot be located in detailed business statistics
b. can locate specific Websites with both detailed and general information
c. require high-speed computers and extensive working memory in order to search for data
d. charge businesses a fee to search and access expensive databases

b. can locate specific Websites with both detailed and general information

A probability sample constructed so that randomly selected subsamples of different groups are represented in the total sample is a ______ sample
a. stratified
b. convenience
c. quota
d. cluster

The survey method of data collection for marketing research may include:
a. personal observation of subjects as they shop
b. review of sales data on customer purchase rates
c. analysis of historical census data
d. personal interviews of members of a sample

d. personal interviews of members of a sample

The primary data collection methods used by marketing researchers in the U.S.
a. can be used without alteration
b. may need adjustment outside the U.S. as some methods do not get easily get transferred
c. are totally unusable else where because they are based on the English language
d. have become outdated and need significant improvement.

b. may need adjustment outside the U.S. as some methods do not get easily get transferred

Customer information data is stored in a huge database called a
a. data warehouse
b. marketing decision data cube
c. statistical database
d. data storage base

The sales forecasting technique that typically works from the bottom up is called:
a. the sales force composite
b. marketing testing
c. trend analysis
d. exponential smoothing

a. the sales force composite

A quantitative forecasting method is
a. sales force composites
b. survey of the buyer inventions
c. the Delphi technique
d. trend analysis

Business products may be identified as
a. goods and services purchased for use either directly or indirectly in the production of other goods and services for resale
b. products of any kind bought for use in the home but sold later as used items
c. products, such as legal services, that can be bought by businesses or individuals but do not enter into the production of finished goods
d. products sold in a finished state for use in the home or the business office

a. goods and services purchased for use either directly or indirectly in the production of other goods and services for resale

Concerning market segmentation, all of the following statements are true except:
a. only for-profit organizations practice market segmentation
b. firms that practice market segmentation don't necessarily change their products to meet the needs of every market
c. there are too many variables to attract all customers using the same marketing mix
d. marketing segmentation attempts to divide the total market into smaller groups

a. only for-profit organizations practice market segmentation

In recent years, which area of the United States has experienced the fasted population growth
a. south
b. midwest
c. west
d. northeast

A _______ is an example of a product which has target markets differentiated by age groups
a. headache remedy
b. breakfast cereal
c. light bulb
d. detergent

The type of segmentation that divides a population into smaller groups with similar psychological characteristics, values, and lifestyles is:
a. demographic
b. polymorphic
c. psychographic
d. parallelgraphic

The best choice of a product to market using undifferentiated marketing strategy would be:
a. luxury automobiles
b. snack foods
c. table salt
d. imported wine

The strategy sometimes referred to as mass marketing is also known as:
a. concentrated marketing
b. macromarketing
c. undifferentiated marketing
d. differentiated marketing

c. undifferentiated marketing

A firm that chooses to target potential customers by zip code, specific occupation, or even lifestyle can be said to be practicing:
a. megamrketing
b. hypermarketing
c. micromarketing
d. concentrated marketing

Micrcomarketing techniques are used:
a. to target very specific groups or individuals
b. only by mass marketers
c. only by vendors of industrial goods
d. primarily to sell services or other intangibles

a. to target very specific groups or individuals

A positioning map:
a. is used primarily by companies utilizing undifferentiated marketing strategies
b. will remain constant through the entire product life cycle
c. shows how consumers view a product relative to competitive markets
d. outlines how to introduce a new product to the marketplace

c. shows how consumers view a product relative to competitive markets

Which type of retailing is direct selling and telemarketing considered to be?

Direct marketing is a type of nonstore retailing, the selling of goods or services outside the confines of a retail facility. Forms of direct marketing include catalog marketing, direct-response marketing, telemarketing, television home shopping, and online retailing.

Which of the following is an example of a category killer?

An example of a category killer superstore is Home Depot, which has significantly more square footage and inventory than a local hardware store and offers more choice in product variety. Charlie Lazarus, the founder of Toys R Us, is generally credited with inventing the concept of a category killer.

What differentiates vending machines from non

Answer and Explanation: A non-store retailing refers to retailing in the market taking place outside a retail facility. A vending machine is a non-retail because it is placed outside the store enabling customers to buy different items without going inside the store.

What is the correct definition of retailers?

A retailer is a person or business that you purchase goods from. Retailers typically don't manufacture their own items. They purchase goods from a manufacturer or a wholesaler and sell these goods to consumers in small quantities.


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