How does the Nevada Constitution mirror the Constitution of the United States?

Powers not granted to the Federal government are reserved for States and the people, which are divided between State and local governments.

Most Americans have more frequent contact with their State and local governments than with the Federal Government. Police departments, libraries, and schools—not to mention driver’s licenses and parking tickets—usually fall under the oversight of State and local governments. Each state has its own written constitution, and these documents are often far more elaborate than their Federal counterpart. The Alabama Constitution, for example, contains 310,296 words—more than 40 times as many as the U.S. Constitution.

All State governments are modeled after the Federal Government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The U.S. Constitution mandates that all States uphold a “republican form” of government, although the three-branch structure is not required.

Executive Branch

In every state, the Executive Branch is headed by a governor who is directly elected by the people. In most states, other leaders in the executive branch are also directly elected, including the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, and auditors and commissioners. States reserve the right to organize in any way, so they often vary greatly with regard to executive structure. 

Legislative Branch

All 50 States have legislatures made up of elected representatives, who consider matters brought forth by the governor or introduced by its members to create legislation that becomes law. The legislature also approves a State’s budget and initiates tax legislation and articles of impeachment. The latter is part of a system of checks and balances among the three branches of government that mirrors the Federal system and prevents any branch from abusing its power.

Except for one State, Nebraska, all States have a bicameral legislature made up of two chambers: a smaller upper house and a larger lower house. Together the two chambers make State laws and fulfill other governing responsibilities. (Nebraska is the lone state that has just one chamber in its legislature.) The smaller upper chamber is always called the Senate, and its members generally serve longer terms, usually four years. The larger lower chamber is most often called the House of Representatives, but some states call it the Assembly or the House of Delegates. Its members usually serve shorter terms, often two years.

Judicial Branch

State judicial branches are usually led by the State supreme court, which hears appeals from lower-level State courts. Court structures and judicial appointments/elections are determined either by legislation or the State constitution. The supreme court focuses on correcting errors made in lower courts and therefore holds no trials. Rulings made in State supreme courts are normally binding; however, when questions are raised regarding consistency with the U.S. Constitution, matters may be appealed directly to the United States Supreme Court.

Local Government

Local governments generally include two tiers: counties, also known as boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. In some States, counties are divided into townships. Municipalities can be structured in many ways, as defined by State constitutions, and are called, variously, townships, villages, boroughs, cities, or towns. Various kinds of districts also provide functions in local government outside county or municipal boundaries, such as school districts or fire protection districts.

Municipal governments—those defined as cities, towns, boroughs (except in Alaska), villages, and townships—are generally organized around a population center and in most cases correspond to the geographical designations used by the United States Census Bureau for reporting of housing and population statistics. Municipalities vary greatly in size, from the millions of residents of New York City and Los Angeles to the few hundred people who live in Jenkins, Minnesota.

Municipalities generally take responsibility for parks and recreation services, police and fire departments, housing services, emergency medical services, municipal courts, transportation services (including public transportation), and public works (streets, sewers, snow removal, signage, and so forth).

Whereas the Federal Government and State governments share power in countless ways, a local government must be granted power by the State. In general, mayors, city councils, and other governing bodies are directly elected by the people.

The following provisions of the Constitution of the State of Nevada impact rights of suffrage, the conduct of state elections, legislative apportionment, and the terms and qualifications of state officeholders. For the full text of Nevada’s constitution, go here. 


ARTICLE.1. – Declaration of Rights. 

Section.1.Inalienable rights.All men are by Nature free and equal and have certain inalienable rights among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; Acquiring, Possessing and Protecting property and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness[.] 

Sec:2.Purpose of government; paramount allegiance to United States.All political power is inherent in the people[.] Government is instituted for the protection, security and benefit of the people; and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require it. But the Paramount Allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government in the exercise of all its Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be defined by the Supreme Court of the United States; and no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection therewith or perform any act tending to impair[,] subvert, or resist the Supreme Authority of the government of the United States. The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existance [existence], and whensoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority. 

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Sec:4.Liberty of conscience.The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall forever be allowed in this State, and no person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his opinions on matters of his religious belief, but the liberty of consciene [conscience] hereby secured, shall not be so construed, as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace, or safety of this State. 

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Sec:9.Liberty of speech and the press.Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all criminal prosecutions and civil actions for libels, the truth may be given in evidence to the Jury; and if it shall appear to the Jury that the matter charged as libelous is true and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted or exonerated. 

Sec:10.Right to assemble and to petition.The people shall have the right freely to assemble together to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the Legislature for redress of Grievances. 

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Sec:13.Representation apportioned according to population.Representation shall be apportioned according to population. 

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ARTICLE.2. – Right of Suffrage. 

Section1.Right to vote; qualifications of elector; qualifications of nonelector to vote for President and Vice President of United States.All citizens of the United States (not laboring under the disabilities named in this constitution) of the age of eighteen years and upwards, who shall have actually, and not constructively, resided in the state six months, and in the district or county thirty days next preceding any election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now or hereafter may be elected by the people, and upon all questions submitted to the electors at such election; provided, that no person who has been or may be convicted of treason or felony in any state or territory of the United States, unless restored to civil rights, and no person who has been adjudicated mentally incompetent, unless restored to legal capacity, shall be entitled to the privilege of an elector. There shall be no denial of the elective franchise at any election on account of sex. The legislature may provide by law the conditions under which a citizen of the United States who does not have the status of an elector in another state and who does not meet the residence requirements of this section may vote in this state for President and Vice President of the United States. 

      [Amended in 1880, 1886, 1914, 1970, 1971 and 2004. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1877 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1879 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1880 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1877, p. 213; Statutes of Nevada 1879, p. 149. The second amendment was approved and ratified by the people at the 1886 General Election, but no entry of the proposed amendment had been made upon the journal of either house of the Legislature, and such omission was fatal to the adoption of the amendment. See: State ex rel. Stevenson v. Tufly, 19 Nev. 391 (1887). The third amendment was proposed and passed by the 1911 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1913 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1914 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 457; Statutes of Nevada 1913, p. 581. The fourth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1967 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1969 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1970 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The fifth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1969 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at a special election held on June 8, 1971. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The sixth amendment was proposed and passed by the 2001 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 2003 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 2004 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.1A.Rights of voters. [Effective November 24, 2020, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 3 (2017) are agreed to and passed by the 2019 Legislature and approved and ratified by the voters at the 2020 General Election.]Each voter who is a qualified elector under this Constitution and is registered to vote in accordance with Section 6 of this Article and the laws enacted by the Legislature pursuant thereto has the right: 

      1.To receive and cast a ballot that: 

      (a)Is written in a format that allows the clear identification of candidates; and 

      (b)Accurately records the voter’s preference in the selection of candidates. 

      2.To have questions concerning voting procedures answered and to have an explanation of the procedures for voting posted in a conspicuous place at the polling place. 

      3.To vote without being intimidated, threatened or coerced. 

      4.To vote during any period for early voting or on election day if the voter is waiting in line at a polling place at which, by law, the voter is entitled to vote at the time that the polls close and the voter has not already cast a vote in that election. 

      5.To return a spoiled ballot and receive another ballot in its place. 

      6.To request assistance in voting, if necessary. 

      7.To a sample ballot which is accurate, informative and delivered in a timely manner as provided by law. 

      8.To receive instruction in the use of the equipment for voting during any period for early voting or on election day. 

      9.To equal access to the elections system without discrimination, including, without limitation, discrimination on the basis of race, age, disability, military service, employment or overseas residence. 

      10.To a uniform, statewide standard for counting and recounting all votes accurately as provided by law. 

      11.To have complaints about elections and election contests resolved fairly, accurately and efficiently as provided by law. 

      (Proposed new section passed by the 2017 Legislature; effective November 24, 2020, if agreed to and passed by the 2019 Legislature and approved and ratified by the voters at the 2020 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada .) 

Sec.2.When residence not gained or lost.For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence solely by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the United States or of the high seas; nor while a student of any institution of learning; nor while kept at any charitable institution or medical facility at public expense; nor while confined in any public prison. 

      [Amended in 1972. Proposed and passed by the 1969 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 legislature; approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Section3.Armed Forces personnel.[Repealed in 1972.] 

      [Amended in 1956. Proposed and passed by the 1953 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1955 legislature; approved and ratified by the people at the 1956 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . Repealed in 1972. Repealer proposed and passed by the 1969 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 legislature; approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The section as amended in 1956 and repealed in 1972 read: “The right of suffrage shall be enjoyed by all persons, otherwise entitled to the same, who may be in the military or naval service of the United States; provided, the votes so cast shall be made to apply to the county and township of which said voters were bona fide residents at the time of their entry into such service; and provided further, that the payment of a poll tax shall not be required as a condition to the right of voting. Provision shall be made by law, regulating the manner of voting, holding elections, and making returns of such elections, wherein other provisions are not contained in this constitution.”] 

Sec:4.Privilege of qualified electors on general election day.During the day on which any General Election shall be held in this State no qualified elector shall be arrested by virtue of any civil process. 

Sec:5.Voting by ballot; voting in elections by legislature.All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the Legislature, or by either branch thereof shall be “Viva-Voce”. 

Sec:6.Registration of electors; test of electoral qualifications.Provision shall be made by law for the registration of the names of the Electors within the counties of which they may be residents and for the ascertainment by proper proofs of the persons who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage, as hereby established, to preserve the purity of elections, and to regulate the manner of holding and making returns of the same; and the Legislature shall have power to prescribe by law any other or further rules or oaths, as may be deemed necessary, as a test of electoral qualification. 

      Section7.Poll tax: Levy and purpose.[Repealed in 1966.] 

      [Amended in 1910. Proposed and passed by the 1907 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1909 legislature; approved and ratified by the people at the 1910 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1907, p. 450; Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 344. Repealed in 1966. Repealer proposed and passed by the 1963 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1965 legislature; approved and ratified by the people at the 1966 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The section as amended in 1910 and repealed in 1966 read: “The Legislature shall provide by law for the payment of an annual poll tax of not less than two, nor exceeding four, dollars from each male resident in the State between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years (uncivilized American Indians excepted) to be expended for the maintenance and betterment of the public roads.”] 

Sec:8.Qualifications of voters on adoption or rejection of constitution.All persons qualified by law to vote for representatives to the General Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, on the twenty first day of March A.D. Eighteen hundred and sixty four and all other persons who may be lawful voters in said Territory on the first Wednesday of September next following, shall be entitled to vote directly upon the question of adopting or rejecting this Constitution. 

      Sec.9.Recall of public officers: Procedure and limitations.Every public officer in the State of Nevada is subject, as herein provided, to recall from office by the registered voters of the state, or of the county, district, or municipality which he represents. For this purpose, not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the number who actually voted in the state or in the county, district, or municipality which he represents, at the election in which he was elected, shall file their petition, in the manner herein provided, demanding his recall by the people. They shall set forth in said petition, in not exceeding two hundred (200) words, the reasons why said recall is demanded. If he shall offer his resignation, it shall be accepted and take effect on the day it is offered, and the vacancy thereby caused shall be filled in the manner provided by law. If he shall not resign within five (5) days after the petition is filed, a special election shall be ordered to be held within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the call therefor, in the state, or county, district, or municipality electing said officer, to determine whether the people will recall said officer. On the ballot at said election shall be printed verbatim as set forth in the recall petition, the reasons for demanding the recall of said officer, and in not more than two hundred (200) words, the officer’s justification of his course in office. He shall continue to perform the duties of his office until the result of said election shall be finally declared. Other candidates for the office may be nominated to be voted for at said special election. The candidate who shall receive highest number of votes at said special election shall be deemed elected for the remainder of the term, whether it be the person against whom the recall petition was filed, or another. The recall petition shall be filed with the officer with whom the petition for nomination to such office shall be filed, and the same officer shall order the special election when it is required. No such petition shall be circulated or filed against any officer until he has actually held his office six (6) months, save and except that it may be filed against a senator or assemblyman in the legislature at any time after ten (10) days from the beginning of the first session after his election. After one such petition and special election, no further recall petition shall be filed against the same officer during the term for which he was elected, unless such further petitioners shall pay into the public treasury from which the expenses of said special election have been paid, the whole amount paid out of said public treasury as expenses for the preceding special election. Such additional legislation as may aid the operation of this section shall be provided by law. 

      [Added in 1912, amended in 1970 and 1996. The addition was proposed and passed by the 1909 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1911 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1912 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 345; Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 448. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1967 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1969 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1970 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1993 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1995 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1996 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.10.Limitation on contributions to campaign. 

      1.As used in this Section, “contribution” includes the value of services provided in kind for which money would otherwise be paid, such as paid polling and resulting data, paid direct mail, paid solicitation by telephone, any paid campaign paraphernalia printed or otherwise produced, and the use of paid personnel to assist in a campaign. 

      2.The Legislature shall provide by law for the limitation of the total contribution by any natural or artificial person to the campaign of any person for election to any office, except a federal office, to $5,000 for the primary and $5,000 for the general election, and to the approval or rejection of any question by the registered voters to $5,000, whether the office sought or the question submitted is local or for the State as a whole. The Legislature shall further provide for the punishment of the contributor, the candidate, and any other knowing party to a violation of the limit, as a felony. 

      [Added in 1996. Proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1994 and 1996 General Elections.] 

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ARTICLE.4. – Legislative Department 

Section.1.Legislative power vested in senate and assembly.The Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a Senate and Assembly which shall be designated “The Legislature of the State of Nevada” and the sessions of such Legislature shall be held at the seat of government of the State. 

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      Sec.3.Members of assembly: Election and term of office; eligibility for office. 

      1.The members of the Assembly shall be chosen biennially by the qualified electors of their respective districts, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November and their term of Office shall be two years from the day next after their election. 

      2.No person may be elected or appointed as a member of the Assembly who has served in that Office, or at the expiration of his current term if he is so serving will have served, 12 years or more, from any district of this State. 

      [Amended in 1996. Proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1994 and 1996 General Elections.] 

      Sec.4.Senators: Election and term of office; eligibility for office. 

      1.Senators shall be chosen at the same time and places as members of the Assembly by the qualified electors of their respective districts, and their term of Office shall be four years from the day next after their election. 

      2.No person may be elected or appointed as a Senator who has served in that Office, or at the expiration of his current term if he is so serving will have served, 12 years or more, from any district of this State. 

      [Amended in 1996. Proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1994 and 1996 General Elections.] 

Sec.5.Number of Senators and members of Assembly; apportionment.Senators and members of the Assembly shall be duly qualified electors in the respective counties and districts which they represent, and the number of Senators shall not be less than one-third nor more than one-half of that of the members of the Assembly. 

      It shall be the mandatory duty of the Legislature at its first session after the taking of the decennial census of the United States in the year 1950, and after each subsequent decennial census, to fix by law the number of Senators and Assemblymen, and apportion them among the several counties of the State, or among legislative districts which may be established by law, according to the number of inhabitants in them, respectively. 

      [Amended in 1950 and 1970. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1947 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1949 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1950 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1967 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1969 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1970 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

Sec:6.Power of houses to judge qualifications, elections and returns of members; selection of officers; rules of proceedings; punishment of members.Each House shall judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its own members, choose its own officers (except the President of the Senate), determine the rules of its proceedings and may punish its members for disorderly conduct, and with the concurrence of two thirds of all the members elected, expel a member. 

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Sec:8.Senators and members of Assembly ineligible for certain offices.No Senator or member of Assembly shall, during the term for which he shall have been elected, nor for one year thereafter be appointed to any civil office of profit under this State which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been increased during such term, except such office as may be filled by elections by the people. 

Sec:9.Federal officers ineligible for state office; exceptions.No person holding any lucrative office under the Government of the United States or any other power, shall be eligible to any civil office of Profit under this State; Provided, that Post-Masters whose compensation does not exceed Five Hundred dollars per annum, or commissioners of deeds, shall not be deemed as holding a lucrative office. 

Sec:10.Embezzler of public money ineligible for office; disqualification for bribery.Any person who shall be convicted of the embezzlement, or defalcation of the public funds of this State or who may be convicted of having given or offered a bribe to procure his election or appointment to office, or received a bribe to aid in the procurement of office for any other person, shall be disqualified from holding any office of profit or trust in this State; and the Legislature shall, as soon as practicable, provide by law for the punishment of such defalcation, bribery, or embezzlement as a felony. 

Sec:11.Privilege of members: Freedom from arrest on civil process.Members of the Legislature shall be privileged from arrest on civil process during the session of the Legislature, and for fifteen days next before the commencement of each session. 

Sec.12.Vacancy.In case of the death or resignation of any member of the legislature, either senator or assemblyman, the county commissioners of the county from which such member was elected shall appoint a person of the same political party as the party which elected such senator or assemblyman to fill such vacancy; provided, that this section shall apply only in cases where no biennial election or any regular election at which county officers are to [be] elected takes place between the time of such death or resignation and the next succeeding session of the legislature. 

      [Amended in 1922 and 1944. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1919 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1921 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1922 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1919, p. 478; Statutes of Nevada 1921, p. 412. The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1941 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1943 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1944 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1941, p. 563; Statutes of Nevada 1943, p. 311.] 

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Sec:26.Boards of county commissioners: Election and duties.The Legislature shall provide by law, for the election of a Board of County Commissioners in each County, and such County Commissioners shall jointly and individually perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. 

Sec:27.Disqualification of jurors; elections.Laws shall be made to exclude from serving on juries, all persons not qualified electors of this State, and all persons who shall have been convicted of bribery, perjury, foregery [forgery,] larceny or other high crimes, unless restored to civil rights; and laws shall be passed regulating elections, and prohibiting under adequate penalties, all undue influence thereon from power, bribery, tumult, or other improper practice. 

Sec:28.Compensation of legislative officers and employees; increase or decrease of compensation.No money shall be drawn from the State Treasury as salary or compensation to any officer or employee of the Legislature, or either branch thereof, except in cases where such salary or compensation has been fixed by a law in force prior to the election or appointment of such officer or employee; and the salary or compensation so fixed, shall neither be increased nor diminished so as to apply to any officer or employee of the Legislature, or either branch thereof at such Session; Provided, that this restriction shall not apply to the first session of the Legislature. 

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Sec.32.County officers: Power of legislature; election, duties and compensation; duties of county clerks.The Legislature shall have power to increase, diminish, consolidate or abolish the following county officers: County Clerks, County Recorders, Auditors, Sheriffs, District Attorneys and Public Administrators. The Legislature shall provide for their election by the people, and fix by law their duties and compensation. County Clerks shall be ex-officio Clerks of the Courts of Record and of the Boards of County Commissioners in and for their respective counties. 

      [Amended in 1889 and 1972. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1887 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1889 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at a special election held February 11, 1889. See: Statutes of Nevada 1887, p. 161; Statutes of Nevada 1889, p. 151. The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1969 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

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Sec:34.Election of United States Senators. [Repealed in 2004.] 

      [Sec. 34 of the original constitution was repealed by vote of the people at the 2004 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The original section read: “In all elections for United States Senators, such elections shall be held in joint convention of both Houses of the Legislature. It shall be the duty of the Legislature which convenes next preceding the expiration of the term of such Senator, to elect his successor. If a vacancy in such Senatorial representation from any cause occur, it shall be the duty of the Legislature then in Session or at the succeeding Session thereof, to supply such vacancy[.] If the Legislature shall at any time as herein provided, fail to unite in a joint convention within twenty days after the commencement of the Session of the Legislature for the election [of] such Senator it shall be the duty of the Governor, by proclamation to convene the two Houses of the Legislature in joint convention, within not less than five days nor exceeding ten days from the publication of his proclamation, and the joint convention when so assembled shall proceed to elect the Senator as herein provided.”] 

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      [Sec.36.]Abolishment of county; approval of voters in county.The legislature shall not abolish any county unless the qualified voters of the county affected shall at a general or special election first approve such proposed abolishment by a majority of all the voters voting at such election. The legislature shall provide by law the method of initiating and conducting such election. 

      [Added in 1940. Proposed and passed by the 1937 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1939 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1940 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1937, p. 564; Statutes of Nevada 1939, p. 360.] 

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ARTICLE.5. – Executive Department. 

Section.1.Supreme executive power vested in governor.The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate who shall be Governor of the State of Nevada. 

Sec:2.Election and term of governor.The Governor shall be elected by the qualified electors at the time and places of voting for members of the Legislature, and shall hold his office for Four Years from the time of his installation, and until his successor shall be qualified. 

      Sec.3.Eligibility; qualifications; number of terms.No person shall be eligible to the Office of Governor, who is not a qualified elector, and who, at the time of such election, has not attained the age of twenty five years; and who shall not have been a citizen resident of this State for two years next preceding the election; nor shall any person be elected to the Office of Governor more than twice; and no person who has held the Office of Governor, or acted as Governor for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected Governor shall be elected to the Office of Governor more than once. 

      [Amended in 1970. Proposed and passed by the 1967 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1969 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1970 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Section4.Returns of general election transmitted to secretary of state; canvass by supreme court; declaration of election.The returns of every election for United States senator and member of Congress, district and state officers, and for and against any questions submitted to the electors of the State of Nevada, voted for at the general election, shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government, directed to the secretary of state, and the chief justice of the supreme court, and the associate justices, or a majority thereof, shall meet at the office of the secretary of state, on a day to be fixed by law, and open and canvass the election returns for United States senator and member of Congress, district and state officers, and for and against any questions submitted to the electors of the State of Nevada, and forthwith declare the result and publish the names of the persons elected and the results of the vote cast upon any question submitted to the electors of the State of Nevada. The persons having the highest number of votes for the respective offices shall be declared elected, but in case any two or more have an equal and the highest number of votes for the same office, the legislature shall, by joint vote of both houses, elect one of said persons to fill said office. 

      [Amended in 1940. Proposed and passed by the 1937 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1939 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1940 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1937, p. 553; Statutes of Nevada 1939, p. 361.] 

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Sec:8.Vacancies filled by governor.When any Office shall, from any cause become vacant and no mode is provided by the Constitution and laws for filling such vacancy, the Governor shall have the power to fill such vacancy by granting a commission which shall expire at the next election and qualification of the person elected to such Office. 

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Sec:12.Person holding federal office ineligible for office of governor.No person shall, while holding any office under the United States Government hold the office of Governor, except as herein expressly provided. 

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Sec:17.Election, term, qualifications and duties of Lieutenant Governor; President of Senate; President Pro-tempore of Senate to act as Governor in certain circumstances.A Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the same time and places and in the same manner as the Governor and his term of Office, and his eligibility, shall also be the same. He shall be President of the Senate, but shall only have a casting vote therein. If during a Vacancy of the office of Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall be impeached, displaced, resign, die, or become incapable of performing the duties of the office, or be absent from the State, the President pro-tempore of the Senate shall act as Governor until the vacancy be filled or the disability cease. 

Sec:18.Vacancy in office of governor; duties to devolve upon lieutenant governor.In case of the impeachment of the Governor, or his removal from Office, death, inability to discharge the duties of the said Office, resignation or absence from the State, the powers and duties of the Office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cease. But when the Governor shall with the consent of the Legislature be out of the State, in time of War, and at the head of any military force thereof, he shall continue Commander in Chief of the military forces of the State. 

      Sec.19.Other state officers: Election and term of office; eligibility for office. 

      1.A Secretary of State, a Treasurer, a Controller, and an Attorney General, shall be elected at the same time and places, and in the same manner as the Governor. The term of office of each shall be the same as is prescribed for the Governor. 

      2.Any elector shall be eligible to any of these offices, but no person may be elected to any of them more than twice, or more than once if he has previously held the office by election or appointment. 

      [Amended in 1954 and 1996. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1951 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1953 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1954 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1994 and 1996 General Elections.] 

Sec:20.Secretary of State: Duties.The Secretary of State shall keep a true record of the Official Acts of the Legislative and Executive Departments of the Government, and shall when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto, before either branch of the Legislature. 

Sec:21.Board of state prison commissioners; board of examiners; examination of claims.The Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General shall constitute a Board of State Prison Commissioners, which Board shall have such supervision of all matters connected with the State Prison as may be provided by law. They shall also constitute a Board of Examiners, with power to examine all claims against the State (except salaries or compensation of Officers fixed by law) and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, and no claim against the State (except salaries or compensation of Officers fixed by law) shall be passed upon by the Legislature without having been considered and acted upon by said “Board of Examiners.” 

      Section22.Duties of certain state officers.The Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law. 

      [Amended in 1954. Proposed and passed by the 1951 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1953 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1954 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

ARTICLE.6. – Judicial Department. 

      Section1.Judicial power vested in court system.The judicial power of this State is vested in a court system, comprising a Supreme Court, a court of appeals, district courts and justices of the peace. The Legislature may also establish, as part of the system, courts for municipal purposes only in incorporated cities and towns. 

      [Amended in 1976 and 2014. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1973 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1975 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1976 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 2011 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 2013 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 2014 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

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Sec:3.Justices of Supreme Court: Election; terms; Chief Justice.The justices of the Supreme Court, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State at the general election, and shall hold office for the term of six years from and including the first Monday of January next succeeding their election; provided, that there shall be elected, at the first election under this Constitution, three justices of the Supreme Court who shall hold office from and including the first Monday of December A.D., eighteen hundred and sixty four, and continue in office thereafter, two, four and six years respectively, from and including the first Monday of January next suceeding [succeeding] their election. They shall meet as soon as practicable after their election and qualification, and at their first meeting shall determine by lot, the term of office each shall fill, and the justice drawing the shortest term shall be Chief Justice, and after the expiration of his term, the one having the next shortest term shall be Chief Justice, after which the senior justice in commission shall be Chief Justice; and in case the commission of any two or more of said justices shall bear the same date, they shall determine by lot, who shall be Chief Justice. 

      Sec.3A.Court of appeals: Composition; panel of judges; appointment, election and terms of judges; chief judge; service of judges as supplemental district judges. 

      1.The court of appeals consists of three judges or such greater number as the Legislature may provide by law. If the number of judges is so increased, the Supreme Court must provide by rule for the assignment of each appeal to a panel of three judges for decision. 

      2.After the initial terms, each judge of the court of appeals must be elected by the qualified electors of this State at the general election for a term of 6 years beginning on the first Monday of January next after the election. The initial three judges of the court of appeals must be appointed by the Governor from among three nominees selected for each individual seat by the permanent Commission on Judicial Selection described in subsection 3 of section 20 of this Article. After the expiration of 30 days from the date on which the permanent Commission on Judicial Selection has delivered to the Governor its list of nominees for the initial judges, if the Governor has not made the appointments required by this Section, the Governor shall make no other appointment to any public office until the Governor has appointed a judge from the list submitted. The term of the initial judges is 2 years beginning on the first Monday of January next after the effective date of this Section, and an initial judge may succeed himself. If there is an increase in the number of judges, each additional judge must be elected by the qualified electors of this State at the first general election following the increase for a term of 6 years beginning on the first Monday of January next after the election. 

      3.The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint one of the judges of the court of appeals to be chief judge. The chief judge serves a term of 4 years, except that the term of the initial chief judge is 2 years. The chief judge may succeed himself. The chief judge may resign the position of chief judge without resigning from the court of appeals. 

      4.The Supreme Court shall provide by rule for the assignment of one or more judges of the court of appeals to devote a part of their time to serve as supplemental district judges, where needed. 

      [Added in 2014. Proposed and passed by the 2011 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 2013 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 2014 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

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      Sec.5.Judicial districts; election and terms of district judges.The State is hereby divided into nine judicial districts of which the County of Storey shall constitute the First; The County of Ormsby the Second; the County of Lyon the Third; The County of Washoe the Fourth; The Counties of Nye and Churchill the Fifth; The County of Humboldt the Sixth; The County of Lander the Seventh; The County of Douglas the Eighth; and the County of Esmeralda the Ninth. The County of Roop shall be attached to the County of Washoe for judicial purposes until otherwise provided by law. The Legislature may, however, provide by law for an alteration in the boundaries or divisions of the districts herein prescribed, and also for increasing or diminishing the number of the judicial districts and judges therein. But no such change shall take effect, except in case of a vacancy, or the expiration of the term of an incumbent of the office. At the first general election under this Constitution there shall be elected in each of the respective districts (except as in this Section hereafter otherwise provided) one district judge, who shall hold office from and including the first Monday of December A.D., eighteen hundred and sixty four and until the first Monday of January in the year eighteen hundred and sixty seven. After the said first election, there shall be elected at the general election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term of his predecessor, one district judge in each of the respective judicial districts (except in the First District as in this Section hereinafter provided.) The district judges shall be elected by the qualified electors of their respective districts, and shall hold office for the term of 6 years (excepting those elected at said first election) from and including the first Monday of January, next succeeding their election and qualification; provided, that the First Judicial District shall be entitled to, and shall have three district judges, who shall possess co-extensive and concurrent jurisdiction, and who shall be elected at the same times, in the same manner, and shall hold office for the like terms as herein prescribed, in relation to the judges in other judicial districts, any one of said judges may preside on the empanneling [empaneling] of grand juries and the presentment and trial on indictments, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law. 

      [Amended in 1976. Proposed and passed by the 1973 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1975 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1976 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

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      Sec.11.Justices and judges ineligible for other offices.The justices of the Supreme Court, the judges of the court of appeals and the district judges are ineligible to any office, other than a judicial office, during the term for which they have been elected or appointed. All elections or appointments of any such judges by the people, Legislature or otherwise during said period to any office other than judicial are void. 

      [Amended in 1950 and 2014. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1947 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1949 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1950 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 2011 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 2013 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 2014 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

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ARTICLE.15. – Miscellaneous Provisions.  

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      Sec.3.Eligibility for public office. 

      1.No person shall be eligible to any office who is not a qualified elector under this Constitution. 

      2.No person may be elected to any state office or local governing body who has served in that office, or at the expiration of his current term if he is so serving will have served, 12 years or more, unless the permissible number of terms or duration of service is otherwise specified in this Constitution. 

      [Amended in 1889, 1912, 1978 and 1996. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1887 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1889 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at a Special Election held February 11, 1889. See: Statutes of Nevada 1887, p. 162; Statutes of Nevada 1889, p. 151. The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1909 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1911 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1912 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 349; Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 454. The third amendment was proposed and passed by the 1975 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1977 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1978 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The fourth amendment was proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1994 and 1996 General Elections.] 

. . . 

Sec:5.Time of general election.The general election shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November. 

Sec:6.Number of members of legislature limited.The aggregate number of members of both branches of the Legislature shall never exceed Seventy five. 

Sec:7.County offices at county seats.All county Officers shall hold their Offices at the County seat of their respective Counties. 

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Sec:10.Election or appointment of officers.All officers whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for, shall be chosen or appointed as may be prescribed by law. 

      Sec.11.Term of office when not fixed by Constitution; limitation; municipal officers and employees.The tenure of any office not herein provided for may be declared by law, or, when not so declared, such office shall be held during the pleasure of the authority making the appointment, but the Legislature shall not create any office the tenure of which shall be longer than four (4) years, except as herein otherwise provided in this Constitution. In the case of any officer or employee of any municipality governed under a legally adopted charter, the provisions of such charter with reference to the tenure of office or the dismissal from office of any such officer or employee shall control. 

      [Amended in 1946. Proposed and passed by the 1943 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1945 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1946 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1943, p. 325; Statutes of Nevada .] 

Sec:12.Certain state officers to keep offices at Carson City.The Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, and Clerk of the Supreme Court, shall keep their respective offices at the seat of Government. 

Sec:13.Census by legislature and Congress: Basis of representation in houses of legislature.The enumeration of the inhabitants of this State shall be taken under the direction of the Legislature if deemed necessary in AD Eighteen hundred and Sixty five, AD Eighteen hundred and Sixty seven, AD Eighteen hundred and Seventy five, and every ten years thereafter; and these enumerations, together with the census that may be taken under the direction of the Congress of the United States in A.D. Eighteen hundred and Seventy, and every subsequent ten years shall serve as the basis of representation in both houses of the Legislature. 

Sec:14.Election by plurality.A plurality of votes given at an election by the people, shall constitute a choice, where not otherwise provided by this Constitution[.] 

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ARTICLE.16. – Amendments. 

      Section1.Constitutional amendments: Procedure; concurrent and consecutive amendments. 

      1.Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or Assembly; and if the same shall be agreed to by a Majority of all the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their respective journals, with the Yeas and Nays taken thereon, and referred to the Legislature then next to be chosen, and shall be published for three months next preceding the time of making such choice. And if in the Legislature next chosen as aforesaid, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner and at such time as the Legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the Legislature voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall, unless precluded by subsection 2 or section 2 of article 19 of this constitution, become a part of the Constitution. 

      2.If, two or more amendments which affect the same section of the constitution are ratified by the people pursuant to this section at the same election: 

      (a)If all can be given effect without contradiction in substance, each shall become a part of the constitution. 

      (b)If one or more contradict in substance the other or others, that amendment which received the largest favorable vote, and any other ratified amendment or amendments compatible with it, shall become a part of the constitution. 

      3.If, after the proposal of an amendment, another amendment is ratified pursuant to this section which affects the same section of the constitution but is compatible with the proposed amendment, the next legislature if it agrees to the proposed amendment shall submit such proposal to the people as a further amendment to the amended section. If, after the proposal of an amendment, another amendment is ratified pursuant to this section which contradicts in substance the proposed amendment, such proposed amendment shall not be submitted to the people. 

      [Amended in 1972 and 1998. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1969 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1995 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1997 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1998 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . A previous amendment to this section was approved and ratified by the people at the 1886 general election, but no entry of the proposed amendment had been made upon the journal of either house of the legislature, and such omission was fatal to the adoption of the amendment. See: State ex rel. Stevenson v. Tufly, 19 Nev. 391 (1887).] 

Sec:2.Convention for revision of constitution: Procedure.If at any time the Legislature by a vote of two thirds of the Members elected to each house, shall determine that it is necessary to cause a revision of this entire Constitution they shall recommend to the electors at the next election for Members of the Legislature, to vote for or against a convention, and if it shall appear that a majority of the electors voting at such election, shall have voted in favor of calling a Convention, the Legislature shall, at its next session provide by law for calling a Convention to be holden within six months after the passage of such law, and such Convention shall consist of a number of Members not less than that of both branches of the Legislature. In determining what is a majority of the electors voting at such election, reference shall be had to the highest number of votes cast at such election for the candidates for any office or on any question. 

      [An amendment to this section was approved and ratified by the people at the 1886 general election, but no entry of the proposed amendment had been made upon the journal of either house of the legislature, and such omission was fatal to the adoption of the amendment. See: State ex rel. Stevenson v. Tufly, 19 Nev. 391 (1887).] 

ARTICLE.17. – Schedule. 

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Sec:5.Salaries of state officers for first term of office.For the first term of office succeeding the formation of a State Government, the Salary of the Governor shall be Four Thousand Dollars per annum; The salary of the Secretary of State shall be Three Thousand, Six hundred Dollars per annum; The salary of the State Controller shall be Three Thousand, Six hundred Dollars per annum; The salary of the State Treasurer shall be Three Thousand Six hundred Dollars per Annum; The salary of the Surveyor General shall be One Thousand Dollars per annum; The salary of the Attorney General shall be Two Thousand Five hundred Dollars per annum; The salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be Two Thousand Dollars per annum; The salary of each judge of the Supreme Court shall be Seven Thousand Dollars per annum; The salaries of the foregoing officers, shall be paid quarterly, out of the State Treasury. The pay of State Senators and Members of Assembly shall be Eight Dollars per day, for each day of actual service, and forty cents per mile for mileage going to, and returning from, the place of meeting. No officer mentioned in this Section, shall receive any fee or perquisites, to his own use for the performance of any duty connected with his office, or for the performance of any additional duty imposed upon him by law. 

Sec:6.Apportionment of Senators and members of Assembly.Until otherwise provided by Law the apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen in the different counties shall be as follows, to Wit: Storey County four Senators and Twelve Assemblymen, Douglas County One Senator and Two Assemblymen; Esmeralda County, Two Senators and Four Assemblymen; Humboldt County, Two Senators and Three Assemblymen; Lander County Two Senators and Four Assemblymen; Lyon County, One Senator and Three Assemblymen; Lyon and Churchill Counties, One Senator jointly; Churchill County One Assemblyman; Nye County One Senator and one Assemblyman; Ormsby County Two Senators and Three Assemblymen; Washoe and Roop Counties, Two Senators and Three Assemblymen. 

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Sec:8.Terms of elected state officers.The term of State Officers, except Judicial, elected at the first election under this Constitution shall continue until the Tuesday after the first Monday of January AD. Eighteen hundred and sixty seven, and until the election and qualification of their successors. 

Sec:9.Terms of senators.The Senators to be elected at the first election under this Constitution shall draw lots, so that, the term of one half of the number as nearly as may be, shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Six; and the term of the other half shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A.D. Eighteen hundred and sixty eight, Provided, that in drawing lots for all Senatorial terms, the Senatorial representation shall be allotted, so that in the Counties having two or more Senators, the terms thereof shall be divided as nearly as may be between the long and short terms. 

Sec:10.Terms of Senators and members of Assembly after 1866.At the general election in A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Six; and thereafter, the term of Senators shall be for Four Years from the day succeeding such general election, and members of Assembly for Two Years from the day succeeding such general election, and the terms of Senators shall be allotted by the Legislature in long and short terms as hereinbefore provided; so that one half the number as nearly as may be, shall be elected every Two Years. 

Sec:11.Terms of members of Assembly elected at first general election or in 1865.The term of the members of the Assembly elected at the first general election under this Constitution shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in AD. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Five; and the terms of those elected at the general election in AD. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Five, shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty six. 

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Sec:15.Terms of supreme court and district courts.The terms of the Supreme Court shall, until provision be made by law, be held at such times as the Judges of the said Court or a majority of them may appoint. The first terms of the several District Courts (except as hereinafter mentioned) shall commence on the first Monday of December A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Four. The first term of the District Court in the Fifth Judicial District, shall commence on the first Monday of December A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Four in the County of Nye; and shall commence on the first Monday of January A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Five in the County of Churchill. The terms of the Fourth Judicial District Court shall until otherwise provided by law be held at the County Seat of Washoe County, and the first term thereof commence on the first Monday of December, AD. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Four. 

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Sec:18.Qualification and terms of certain elective state officers.The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, Attorney General, Surveyor General, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Superintendent of Public Instruction, to be elected at the first election under this Constitution shall each qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the first Monday of December succeeding their election and shall continue in office until the first Tuesday after the first Monday of January AD. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Seven, and until the election and qualification of their successors respectively. 

Sec:19.When justices of supreme court and district judges enter upon duties.The Judges of the Supreme Court and District Judges to be elected at the first election under this Constitution shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the first Monday of December succeeding their election. 

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      Sec.22.Vacancies in certain state offices: How filled.In case the office of any State officer, except a judicial officer, shall become vacant before the expiration of the regular term for which he was elected, the vacancy may be filled by appointment by the Governor until it shall be supplied at the next general election, when it shall be filled by election for the residue of the unexpired term. 

      [Amended in 1976. Proposed and passed by the 1973 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1975 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1976 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

ARTICLEXVIII – [Right of Suffrage] 

      Rights of suffrage and officeholding.[Repealed in 1992.] 

      Section1.Referendum for approval or disapproval of statute or resolution enacted by legislature. 

      1.A person who intends to circulate a petition that a statute or resolution or part thereof enacted by the legislature be submitted to a vote of the people, before circulating the petition for signatures, shall file a copy thereof with the secretary of state. He shall file the copy not earlier than August 1 of the year before the year in which the election will be held. 

      2.Whenever a number of registered voters of this state equal to 10 percent or more of the number of voters who voted at the last preceding general election shall express their wish by filing with the secretary of state, not less than 120 days before the next general election, a petition in the form provided for in Section 3 of this Article that any statute or resolution or any part thereof enacted by the legislature be submitted to a vote of the people, the officers charged with the duties of announcing and proclaiming elections and of certifying nominations or questions to be voted upon shall submit the question of approval or disapproval of such statute or resolution or any part thereof to a vote of the voters at the next succeeding election at which such question may be voted upon by the registered voters of the entire State. The circulation of the petition shall cease on the day the petition is filed with the secretary of state or such other date as may be prescribed for the verification of the number of signatures affixed to the petition, whichever is earliest. 

      3.If a majority of the voters voting upon the proposal submitted at such election votes approval of such statute or resolution or any part thereof, such statute or resolution or any part thereof shall stand as the law of the state and shall not be amended, annulled, repealed, set aside, suspended or in any way made inoperative except by the direct vote of the people. If a majority of such voters votes disapproval of such statute or resolution or any part thereof, such statute or resolution or any part thereof shall be void and of no effect. 

      [Added in 1904, amended in 1962 and 1988. The addition was proposed and passed by the 1901 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1903 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1904 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1901, p. 139; Journal of the Senate, 21st Session, p. 88 and Journal of the Assembly, 21st Session, p. 191. The first amendment was proposed and passed by the 1960 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1961 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1962 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1985 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1987 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1988 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.2.Initiative petition for enactment or amendment of statute or amendment of Constitution; concurrent and consecutive amendments. 

      1.Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 of Article 4 of this Constitution, but subject to the limitations of Section 6 of this Article, the people reserve to themselves the power to propose, by initiative petition, statutes and amendments to statutes and amendments to this Constitution, and to enact or reject them at the polls. 

      2.An initiative petition shall be in the form required by Section 3 of this Article and shall be proposed by a number of registered voters equal to 10 percent or more of the number of voters who voted at the last preceding general election in not less than 75 percent of the counties in the State, but the total number of registered voters signing the initiative petition shall be equal to 10 percent or more of the voters who voted in the entire State at the last preceding general election. 

      3.If the initiative petition proposes a statute or an amendment to a statute, the person who intends to circulate it shall file a copy with the Secretary of State before beginning circulation and not earlier than January 1 of the year preceding the year in which a regular session of the Legislature is held. After its circulation, it shall be filed with the Secretary of State not less than 30 days prior to any regular session of the Legislature. The circulation of the petition shall cease on the day the petition is filed with the Secretary of State or such other date as may be prescribed for the verification of the number of signatures affixed to the petition, whichever is earliest. The Secretary of State shall transmit such petition to the Legislature as soon as the Legislature convenes and organizes. The petition shall take precedence over all other measures except appropriation bills, and the statute or amendment to a statute proposed thereby shall be enacted or rejected by the Legislature without change or amendment within 40 days. If the proposed statute or amendment to a statute is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor in the same manner as other statutes are enacted, such statute or amendment to a statute shall become law, but shall be subject to referendum petition as provided in Section 1 of this Article. If the statute or amendment to a statute is rejected by the Legislature, or if no action is taken thereon within 40 days, the Secretary of State shall submit the question of approval or disapproval of such statute or amendment to a statute to a vote of the voters at the next succeeding general election. If a majority of the voters voting on such question at such election votes approval of such statute or amendment to a statute, it shall become law and take effect upon completion of the canvass of votes by the Supreme Court. An initiative measure so approved by the voters shall not be amended, annulled, repealed, set aside or suspended by the Legislature within 3 years from the date it takes effect. If a majority of such voters votes disapproval of such statute or amendment to a statute, no further action shall be taken on such petition. If the Legislature rejects such proposed statute or amendment, the Governor may recommend to the Legislature and the Legislature may propose a different measure on the same subject, in which event, after such different measure has been approved by the Governor, the question of approval or disapproval of each measure shall be submitted by the Secretary of State to a vote of the voters at the next succeeding general election. If the conflicting provisions submitted to the voters are both approved by a majority of the voters voting on such measures, the measure which receives the largest number of affirmative votes shall thereupon become law. If at the session of the Legislature to which an initiative petition proposing an amendment to a statute is presented which the Legislature rejects or upon which it takes no action, the Legislature amends the statute which the petition proposes to amend in a respect which does not conflict in substance with the proposed amendment, the Secretary of State in submitting the statute to the voters for approval or disapproval of the proposed amendment shall include the amendment made by the Legislature. 

      4.If the initiative petition proposes an amendment to the Constitution, the person who intends to circulate it shall file a copy with the Secretary of State before beginning circulation and not earlier than September 1 of the year before the year in which the election is to be held. After its circulation it shall be filed with the Secretary of State not less than 90 days before any regular general election at which the question of approval or disapproval of such amendment may be voted upon by the voters of the entire State. The circulation of the petition shall cease on the day the petition is filed with the Secretary of State or such other date as may be prescribed for the verification of the number of signatures affixed to the petition, whichever is earliest. The Secretary of State shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, on three separate occasions, in each county in the State, together with any explanatory matter which shall be placed upon the ballot, the entire text of the proposed amendment. If a majority of the voters voting on such question at such election votes disapproval of such amendment, no further action shall be taken on the petition. If a majority of such voters votes approval of such amendment, the Secretary of State shall publish and resubmit the question of approval or disapproval to a vote of the voters at the next succeeding general election in the same manner as such question was originally submitted. If a majority of such voters votes disapproval of such amendment, no further action shall be taken on such petition. If a majority of such voters votes approval of such amendment, it shall, unless precluded by subsection 5 or 6, become a part of this Constitution upon completion of the canvass of votes by the Supreme Court. 

      5.If two or more measures which affect the same section of a statute or of the Constitution are finally approved pursuant to this Section, or an amendment to the Constitution is finally so approved and an amendment proposed by the Legislature is ratified which affect the same section, by the voters at the same election: 

      (a)If all can be given effect without contradiction in substance, each shall be given effect. 

      (b)If one or more contradict in substance the other or others, the measure which received the largest favorable vote, and any other approved measure compatible with it, shall be given effect. If the one or more measures that contradict in substance the other or others receive the same number of favorable votes, none of the measures that contradict another shall be given effect. 

      6.If, at the same election as the first approval of a constitutional amendment pursuant to this Section, another amendment is finally approved pursuant to this Section, or an amendment proposed by the Legislature is ratified, which affects the same section of the Constitution but is compatible with the amendment given first approval, the Secretary of State shall publish and resubmit at the next general election the amendment given first approval as a further amendment to the section as amended by the amendment given final approval or ratified. If the amendment finally approved or ratified contradicts in substance the amendment given first approval, the Secretary of State shall not submit the amendment given first approval to the voters again. 

      [Added in 1912, amended in 1958, 1962, twice in 1972 and in 1988 and 1998. The addition was proposed and passed by the 1909 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1911 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1912 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 347; Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 446. The first amendment was proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the general election of 1958. The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1960 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1961 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1962 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The third and fourth amendments were proposed and passed by the 1969 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada , ; Statutes of Nevada , . The fifth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1985 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1987 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1988 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The sixth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1995 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1997 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1998 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.3.Referendum and initiative petitions: Contents and form; signatures; enacting clause; manner of verification of signatures. 

      1.Each referendum petition and initiative petition shall include the full text of the measure proposed. Each signer shall affix thereto his or her signature, residence address and the name of the county in which he or she is a registered voter. The petition may consist of more than one document, but each document shall have affixed thereto an affidavit made by one of the signers of such document to the effect that all of the signatures are genuine and that each individual who signed such document was at the time of signing a registered voter in the county of his or her residence. The affidavit shall be executed before a person authorized by law to administer oaths in the State of Nevada. The enacting clause of all statutes or amendments proposed by initiative petition shall be: “The People of the State of Nevada do enact as follows:”. 

      2.The Legislature may authorize the Secretary of State and the other public officers to use generally accepted statistical procedures in conducting a preliminary verification of the number of signatures submitted in connection with a referendum petition or an initiative petition, and for this purpose to require petitions to be filed no more than 65 days earlier than is otherwise required by this Article. 

      [Added in 1912, amended in 1958, 1962, and 1988. The addition was proposed and passed by the 1909 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1911 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1912 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 347; Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 446. The first amendment was proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the general election of 1958. The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1960 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1961 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1962 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada . The third amendment was proposed and passed by the 1985 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1987 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1988 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.4.Powers of initiative and referendum of registered voters of counties and municipalities.The initiative and referendum powers provided for in this article are further reserved to the registered voters of each county and each municipality as to all local, special and municipal legislation of every kind in or for such county or municipality. In counties and municipalities initiative petitions may be instituted by a number of registered voters equal to 15 percent or more of the voters who voted at the last preceding general county or municipal election. Referendum petitions may be instituted by 10 percent or more of such voters. 

      [Added in 1962. Proposed and passed by the 1960 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1961 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1962 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.5.Provisions of article self-executing; legislative procedures.The provisions of this article are self-executing but the legislature may provide by law for procedures to facilitate the operation thereof. 

      [Added in 1962. Proposed and passed by the 1960 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1961 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1962 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 

      Sec.6.Limitation on initiative making appropriation or requiring expenditure of money.This Article does not permit the proposal of any statute or statutory amendment which makes an appropriation or otherwise requires the expenditure of money, unless such statute or amendment also imposes a sufficient tax, not prohibited by the Constitution, or otherwise constitutionally provides for raising the necessary revenue. 

      [Added in 1972. Proposed and passed by the 1969 Legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1971 Legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1972 General Election. See: Statutes of Nevada ; Statutes of Nevada .] 


[Added in 1998. Proposed by initiative petition and approved and ratified by the people at the 1996 and 1998 general elections.] 




      The People of the State of Nevada want to amend the United States Constitution to establish Term Limits on Congress that will ensure representation in Congress by true citizen lawmakers. The President of the United States is limited by the XXII Amendment to two terms in office. Governors in forty (40) states are limited to two terms or less. Voters have established term limits for over 2,000 state legislators as well as over 17,000 local officials across the country. Nevada voters have supported such limits. 

      Nevertheless Congress has ignored our desire for Term Limits not only by proposing excessively long terms for its own members but also by utterly refusing to pass an amendment for genuine Congressional term limits. Congress has a clear conflict of interest in proposing a term limits amendment to the United States Constitution. A majority of both Republicans and Democrats in the 104th Congress voted against a constitutional amendment containing the term limits passed by a wide margin of Nevada voters. 

      The People, not Congress, should set Term Limits. We hereby establish as the official position of the Citizens and State of Nevada that our elected officials should enact by Constitutional Amendment congressional Term Limits of three (3) terms in the United States House of Representatives, and of two (2) terms in the United States Senate. 

      The career politicians dominating Congress have a conflict of interest that prevents Congress from being what the Founders intended, the branch of government closest to the people. The politicians have refused to heed the will of the people for term limits; they have voted to dramatically raise their own pay; they have provided lavish million dollar pensions for themselves; and they have granted themselves numerous other privileges at the expense of the people. Most importantly, members of Congress have enriched themselves while running up huge deficits to support their spending. They have put the government nearly $5,000,000,000,000.00 (five trillion dollars) in debt, gravely threatening the future of our children and grandchildren. 

      The corruption and appearance of corruption brought about by political careerism is destructive to the proper functioning of the first branch of our representative government. Congress has grown increasingly distant from the People of the States. The People have the sovereign right and a compelling interest in creating a citizen Congress that will more effective protect our freedom and prosperity. This interest and right may not effectively be served in any way other than that proposed by this initiative. 

      We hereby state our intentions on behalf of the People of Nevada, that this Amendment lead to the adoption of the following Constitutional Amendment: 


      Section1.No person shall serve in the office of the United States Representative for more than three terms, but upon ratification of this amendment no person who has held the office of United States Representative or who then holds the office shall serve for more than two additional terms. 

      Section2.No person shall serve in the office of United States Senator for more than two terms, but upon ratification of this amendment no person who has held the office of United States Senator or who then holds the office shall serve for more than one additional term. 

      Section3.This article shall have no time limit within which it must be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States. 

      Therefore, We, the People of the State of Nevada, have chosen to amend the state constitution to inform voters regarding incumbent and non-incumbent federal and state legislative candidates’ support for the above proposed CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT. 


      1.We, the Voters of Nevada, hereby instruct each member of our congressional delegation to use all of his or her delegated powers to pass the Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above. 

      2.All primary and general election ballots shall have printed the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” adjacent to the name of any United States Senator or Representative who: 

  1. fails to vote in favor of the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above when brought to a vote or; 
  1. fails to second the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above if it lacks for a second before any proceeding of the legislative body or; 
  1. fails to propose or otherwise bring to a vote of the full legislative body the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above if it otherwise lacks a legislator who so proposes or brings to a vote of the full legislative body the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above or; 
  1. fails to vote in favor of all votes bringing the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above before any committee or subcommittee of the respective house upon which he or she serves or; 
  1. fails to reject any attempt to delay, table or otherwise prevent a vote by the full legislative body of the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above or; 
  1. fails to vote against any proposed constitutional amendment that would establish longer term limits than those in the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above regardless of any other actions in support of the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above or; 
  1. sponsors or cosponsors any proposed constitutional amendment or law that would establish longer term limits than those in the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above, or; 
  1. fails to ensure that all votes on Congressional Term Limits are recorded and made available to the public. 

      3.The information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” shall not appear adjacent to the name of any incumbent candidates for Congress if the Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above is before the states for ratification or has become part of the United States Constitution. 


      1.Non-incumbent candidates for United States Senator and Representative, and the Nevada Legislature shall be given an opportunity to take a “Term Limits” pledge regarding term Limits each time he or she files to run for such office. Any such candidate who declines to take the “Term Limits” pledge shall have the information “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS” printed adjacent to his or her name on every primary and general election ballot. 

      2.The “Term Limits” pledge shall be offered to non-incumbent candidates for United States Senator and Representative, and the Nevada Legislature until a Constitutional Amendment which limits the number of terms of United States Senators to no more than two and United States Representatives to no more than three shall have become part of our United States Constitution. 

      3.The “Term Limits” pledge that each non-incumbent candidate, set forth above, shall be offered is as follows: 

I support term limits and pledge to use all my legislative powers to enact the proposed Constitutional Amendment set forth in the Term Limits Act of 1996. If elected, I pledge to vote in such a way that the designation “DISREGARDED VOTER INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” will not appear adjacent to my name. 


Signature of Candidate 


      1.We, the Voters of Nevada, hereby instruct each member of the Nevada Legislature to use all of his or her delegated powers to pass the Article 5 application to Congress set forth herein, and to ratify, if proposed, the Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above. 


      We, the People and Legislature of the State of Nevada, due to our desire to establish term limits on Congress, hereby make application to Congress, pursuant to our power under Article 5, to call a convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution. 

      3.All primary and general election ballots shall have the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” printed adjacent to the name of any respective member of the Nevada Legislature who: 

  1. fails to vote in favor of the application set forth above when brought to a vote or; 
  1. fails to second the application set forth above if it lacks for a second or; 
  1. fails to vote in favor of all votes bringing the application set forth above before any committee or subcommittee upon which he or she serves; 
  1. fails to propose or otherwise bring to a vote of the full legislative body the application set forth above if it otherwise lacks a legislator who so proposes or brings to a vote of the full legislative body the application set forth above or; 
  1. fails to vote against any attempt to delay, table or otherwise prevent a vote by the full legislative body of the application set forth above or; 
  1. fails in any way to ensure that all votes on the application set forth above are recorded and made available to the public or; 
  1. fails to vote against any change, addition or modification to the application set forth above or; 
  1. fails to vote in favor of the amendment set forth above if it is sent to the states for ratification or; 
  1. fails to vote against any term limits amendment, with longer terms if such an amendment is sent to the states for ratification. 

      4.The information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” shall not appear adjacent to the names of candidates for the Nevada Legislature as required by any of subsections 3 (a) through 3 (g) if the State of Nevada has made an application to Congress for a convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution pursuant to this act and such application has not been withdrawn or, the Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth in this act has been submitted to the states for ratification. 

      5.The information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” shall not appear adjacent to the names of candidates for the Nevada Legislature as required by any of subsections 3 (h) through 3 (i) if the State of Nevada has ratified the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth in this act. 

      6.The information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” shall not appear adjacent to the names of candidates for the Nevada Legislature as required by any of subsections 3 (a) through 3 (i) if the proposed Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above has become part of the United States Constitution. 


      1.The Secretary of State shall be responsible to make an accurate determination as to whether a candidate for the federal or state legislature shall have placed adjacent to his or her name on the election ballot the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” OR “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS.” 

      2.The Secretary of State shall consider timely submitted public comments prior to making the determination required in subsection (1) of this section and may rely on such comments and any information submitted by the candidates in making the determination required in subsection (1). 

      3.The Secretary of State, in accordance with subsection (1) of this section shall determine and declare what information, if any, shall appear adjacent to the names of each incumbent federal legislator if he or she was to be a candidate in the next election. In the case of United States Representatives and United States Senators, this determination and declaration shall be made in a fashion necessary to ensure the orderly printing of primary and general election ballots with allowance made for all legal action provided in section (5) and (6) below, and shall be based upon each member of Congress’s action during their current term of office and any action taken in any concluded term, if such action was taken after the determination and declaration was made by the Secretary of State in a previous election. In the case of incumbent state legislators, this determination and declaration shall be made not later than (30) days after the end of the regular session following each general election, and shall be based upon legislative action in the previous regular session and any action taken in any concluded term, if such action was taken after the determination and declaration was made by the Secretary of State in a previous election. 

      4.The Secretary of State shall determine and declare what information, if any, will appear adjacent to the names of non-incumbent candidates for the state and federal legislatures, not later than five (5) business days after the deadline for filing for the office. 

      5.If the Secretary of State makes the determination that the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” or “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS” shall not be placed on the ballot adjacent to the name of a candidate for the federal or state legislature, any elector may appeal such decision within five (5) business days to the Nevada Supreme Court as an original action or shall waive any right to appeal such decision; in which case the burden of proof shall be upon the Secretary of State to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the candidate has met the requirements set forth in this Act and therefore should not have the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” or “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS” printed on the ballot adjacent to the candidate’s name. 

      6.If the Secretary of State determines that the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” or “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS” shall be placed on the ballot adjacent to a candidate’s name, the candidate may appeal such decision within (5) business days to the Nevada Supreme Court as an original action or shall waive any right to appeal such decision; in which case the burden of proof shall be upon the candidate to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that he or she should not have the information “DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS” or “DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS” printed on the ballot adjacent to the candidate’s name. 

      7.The Supreme Court shall hear the appeal provided for in subsection (5) and issue a decision within 60 days. The Supreme Court shall hear the appeal provided for in subsection (6) and issue a decision not later than 61 days before the date of the election. 


At such time as the Congressional Term Limits Amendment set forth above has become part of the U.S. Constitution, sections A through Section I of this Article automatically shall be repealed. 


Any legal challenge to this amendment shall be filed as an original action before the Supreme Court of this state. 


If any portion, clause, or phrase of this initiative is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions, clauses, and phrases shall not be affected, but shall remain in full force and effect. 



      The enabling act passed by Congress and approved March Twenty first A.D. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty four, requires that the convention charged with the duty of framing a Constitution for a State Government “shall provide by ordinance for submitting said Constitution to the People of the Territory of Nevada, for their ratification or rejection” on a certain day prescribed therein; therefore this Convention organized in pursuance of said enabling act, do establish the following: 


Section1.Proclamation by territorial governor; general election.The Governor of the Territory of Nevada is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation for the submission of this Constitution to the people of said Territory for their approval or rejection on the day provided for such submission, by Act of Congress; and this Constitution shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said Territory, in the several counties thereof, for their approval or rejection, at the time provided by such Act of Congress; and further, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty four, there shall be a general election in the several counties of said Territory for the election of State Officers, Supreme and District Judges, members of the Legislature, Representative in Congress and three Presidential Electors. 

Sec:2.Qualified electors may vote for adoption or rejection of constitution.All persons qualified by the laws of said Territory to vote for Representatives to the General Assembly on the said Twenty first day of March, including those in the Army of the United States, both within and beyond the boundaries of said Territory, and also all persons who may by the aforesaid laws, be qualified to vote on the first Wednesday of September AD. Eighteen hundred and Sixty four, including those in the aforesaid Army of the United States, within and without the boundaries of said Territory may vote for the adoption or rejection of said Constitution, on the day last above named. In voting upon this Constitution, each elector shall deposite [deposit] in the ballot box a ticket whereon shall be clearly written, or printed “Constitution Yes” or “Constitution No,” or other such words that shall clearly indicate the intention of the Elector. 

Sec:3.Qualified electors for first general election.All persons qualified by the laws of said Territory to vote on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November AD. Eighteen hundred and Sixty four, including those in the Army of the United States, within and beyond the boundaries of said Territory, may vote on the day last above named, for State Officers, Supreme and District Judges, Members of the Legislature, Representative in Congress, and three Presidential electors, to the electoral college. 

Sec:4.Elections: Places, judges, inspectors and procedure.The elections provided in this Ordinance shall be holden at such places as shall be designated by the Boards of Commissioners of the several counties in said Territory. The Judges, and inspectors of said elections, shall be appointed by said Commissioners, and the said elections shall be conducted in conformity with the existing laws of said Territory in relation to holding the General election. 

Sec:5.Election returns.The Judges and Inspectors of said elections shall carefully count each ballot immediately after said elections, and forthwith make duplicate returns thereof to the clerks of the said County Commissioners of their respective Counties, and said Clerks, within fifteen days after said elections shall transmit an abstract of the votes including the soldiers vote, as herein provided, given for State Officers, Supreme and District Judges, Representative in Congress and three Presidential Electors, enclosed in an envelope, by the most safe and expeditious conveyance to the Governor of said Territory marked “Election Returns”[.] 

Sec:6.Canvass of votes; proclamation; issuance of certificates of election.Upon the receipt of said returns, including those of the soldiers vote, or within Twenty days after the election, if said returns be not sooner received, it shall be the duty of the Board of Canvassers, to consist of the Governor, United States District Attorney and Chief Justice of said Territory or any two of them to canvass the returns in the presence of all who may wish to be present, and if a majority of all the votes given upon this Constitution, shall be in its favor, the said Governor shall immediately publish an abstract of the same, and make proclamation of the fact in some newspaper in said Territory and certify the same to the President of the United States, together with a copy of the Constitution and Ordinance. The said Board of Canvassers, after canvassing the votes of the said November elections shall issue certificates of election, to such persons as were elected State Officers, Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, Representative in Congress and three Presidential Electors. When the President of the United States shall issue his proclamation, declaring this State admitted into the Union, on an equal footing, with the original states; This Constitution shall thenceforth be ordained and established as the Constitution of the State of Nevada. 

Sec:7.List of electors in Army of the United States.For the purpose of taking the vote of the Electors of said Territory who may be in the Army of the United States: the Adjutant General of said Territory, shall on or before the fifth day of August next following, make out a list in alphabetical order and deliver the same to the Governor, of the names of all the electors, residents of said Territory, who shall be in the Army of the United States, stating the number of the Regiment, Battalion, Squadron, or Battery, to which he belongs, and also the County or Township, of his residence in said Territory. 

Sec:8.Transmission of lists of electors in Army of the United States.The Governor shall classify and arrange the aforesaid returned list, and shall make therefrom separate lists of the electors belonging to each Reigment [Regiment], Battalion, Squadron and Battery from said Territory in the Service of the United States, and shall, on or before the Fifteenth day of August following, transmit by mail or otherwise, to the Commanding Officer of each Regiment, Battalion[,] Squadron and Battery, a list of electors belonging thereto, which said list shall specify the name[,] residence and rank of each elector, and the company to which he belongs, if to any, and also the County and Township to which he belongs, and in which he is entitled to vote. 

Sec:9.Voting by soldiers: Qualifications.Between the hours of Nine O’Clock A.M. and Three O’Clock P.M. on each of the election days hereinbefore named, a ballot box or suitable receptacle for votes shall be opened under the immediate charge and direction of three of the highest Officers in command, for the reception of Votes from the electors whose names are upon said list, at each place where a Regiment, Battalion[,] Squadron or Battery of Soldiers from said Territory in the Army of the United States may be on that day; at which time and place, said Electors shall be entitled to vote for all Officers for which by reason of their residence in the several counties in said Territory they are authorized to vote, as fully as they would be entitled to vote in the several Counties or Townships in which they reside, and the votes so given by such electors at such time and place, shall be considered, taken and held to have been given by them in the respective Counties and Townships in which they are resident. 

Sec:10.Voting by soldiers: Procedure; count of votes.Each ballot deposited for the adoption or rejection of this Constitution, in the Army of the United States shall have, distinctly written or printed thereon “Constitution Yes”, or “Constitution No”; or words of a similar import, and further, for the election of State Officers, Supreme and District Judges, Members of the Legislature, Representative in Congress and three Presidential Electors, the name and Office of the person voted for shall be plainly written or printed on one piece of paper. The name of each elector voting as aforesaid shall be checked upon the said list, at the time of voting by one of the said Officers, having charge of the ballot box. The said Officers having charge of the election shall count the votes and compare them with the checked list, immediately after the closing of the ballot box[.] 

Sec:11.Voting by soldiers: Transmission of results.All the ballots cast, together with the said voting list, checked as aforesaid, shall be immediately sealed up, and sent forthwith to the Governor of said Territory at Carson City by mail or otherwise, by the Commanding Officer, who shall make out and certify duplicate returns of Votes given, according to the forms hereinafter prescribed, seal up and immediately transmit the same to the said Governor at Carson City by mail or otherwise, the day following the transmission of the ballots and the voting list herein named, the said Commanding Officer shall also immediately transmit to the several County Clerks in said Territory an abstract of the votes given at the general election in November, for County Officers marked “Election Returns”[.] 

Sec:12.Voting by soldiers: Form of return.The form of returns of votes to be made by the Commanding Officer to the Governor and County Clerks of said Territory shall be in substance as follows, Viz: 

“Returns of Soldiers, votes in the (here insert the regiment, detachment, battalion, squadron or battery)”–(For first election on the Constitution.) ………………………… I ………………………… hereby certify, that, on the first Wednesday of September A.D. Eighteen hundred and sixty four the Electors belonging to the (here insert the name of the regiment, detachment, battalion[,] squadron or battery.) cast the following number of votes for and against the Constitution for the State of Nevada, Viz: For “Constitution” (number of votes written in full and in figures.) Against “Constitution” (number of votes written in full and in figures) ………………………… (Second election for State and other Officers) ………………………… I ………………………… hereby certify that on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty four, the Electors belonging to the (here insert as above) cast the following number of votes for the several officers and persons hereinafter named Viz: ………………………… For Governor ………………………… names of persons voted for, number of votes for each person voted for written in full and also in figures, against the name of each person. ………………………… 

For Lieutenant Governor ………………………… name of Candidates, number of votes cast for each, written out and in figures as above. ………………………… 

Continue as above till the list is completed. ………………………… 

…………………………. Attest     ………………….. 



I, A.B ………………………………………………. 

Commanding Officer of the (here Insert regiment[,] detachment, battalion, squadron, or battery as the case may be). 

Sec:13.Voting by soldiers: Territorial governor to furnish form of return.The Governor of this Territory is requested to furnish each Commanding Officer within and beyond the boundaries of said Territory, proper and sufficient blanks for said returns. 

Sec:14.Applicability to future votes of soldiers.The provisions of this Ordinance in regard to the Soldiers vote shall apply to future elections under this Constitution, and be in full force until the Legislature shall provide by law for taking the votes of citizens of said Territory in the Army of the United States[.] 

                            Done in Convention, at Carson City the Twenty Eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Four and of the Independence of the United States the Eighty- ninth, and signed by the Delegates. 

                                                                            [Then follow the names of delegates who signed the constitution.]

What is the difference between the U.S. Constitution and the Nevada Constitution?

In contrast to the U.S. Constitution, the Nevada Constitution is very long and detailed and has many more amendments. For example, the Nevada Constitution contains about 130 amendments just about five times as many as the U.S. Constitution.

What is the purpose of the Nevada Constitution?

The Constitution of the State of Nevada is the organic law of the state of Nevada, and the basis for Nevada's statehood as one of the United States.

How does the Nevada Constitution organize its state government?

The government of Nevada comprises three branches of government: the executive branch consisting of the governor of Nevada and the governor's cabinet along with the other elected constitutional officers; the legislative branch consisting of the Nevada Legislature which includes the Assembly and the Senate; and the ...

Why are state constitutions and the U.S. Constitution so similar quizlet?

Why are the state constitutions and the U.S. Constitution so similar? The principles of state constitutions and the U.S. Constitution were all rooted in the same historical context.


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