How many users can access a shared folder simultaneously from a Windows 7 machine?

Windows XP Home permits a maximum of 5 simultaneous inbound connections. XP Pro permits 10. The following note is from KB Article 314882: Note For Windows XP Professional, the maximum number of other computers that are permitted to simultaneously connect over the network is ten.

How many users can access a shared folders?

The limit is indeed 20 concurrent connections. Remember though that one device may make more than one connection. In any case you would be far better off at that sort of level with a Server OS anyway.

Can Windows 10 share files with Windows XP?

If the two computers are connected together you can just drag and drop any files that you want from the XP machine to the Windows 10 machine. If they are not connected then you can simply use a USB stick to move the files.

Can’t access Windows XP shared folder from Windows 10?

The only way to see XP shares from Windows 10 is to manually re-enable SMB 1.0 . Or you can use Turn windows Features on and Off window: Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog, type “optionalfeatures”, check all of boxes about SMB 1.0, apply & reboot Windows 10.

How many concurrent connections can Windows 10 handle?

20 concurrent connections
Modern versions of Windows (7, 8, & 10) and macOS allow up to 20 concurrent connections.

How many users can access a shared folder simultaneously from a Windows 7 machine?

However, with the shared folder being on a windows 7 machine, there is a hardcoded limit to concurrent connections to the computer, which in windows 7 is 20… So if you want more than 20 people accessing this folder concurrently, you will need to migrate the share to a licensed Windows Server 2008 / 2012 or 2016…

How do I increase the number of users on a shared folder?

In the details pane, right-click the shared folder, and then click Properties. On the General tab, under User limit, specify the limit you want: To set the limit at the maximum number, click Maximum allowed.

What is the maximum number of simultaneous users that a Windows 10 share can support?


How do I share files on Windows XP?

Double click on My Computer or use Windows Explorer to browse your file. Highlight the folder that you want to share out. Choose the Sharing tab. Choose Just enable file sharing and click OK.

How do I enable file sharing on Windows XP?

To enable File and Printer Sharing on a Windows XP system, follow these steps:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Settings→Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Network Connections icon.
  3. Right-click Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
  4. Make sure the File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks option is checked.
  5. Click OK.

How do I view a shared folder in Windows XP?

Managing Access to Shared Folders

  1. Open a window in either My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. Click Tools|Folder Options from the menu.
  3. Click the View tab.
  4. Clear the Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended) checkbox under the Advanced Settings section.
  5. Click OK.

How many users can share a folder in Windows XP Professional?

Windows XP Professional permits a maximum of 10 concurrent network connections per share. Specify the Allow This Number Of Users option only if you need to limit the number of concurrent users for this share to fewer than 10. Click OK to create the shared folder.

How do I share a folder with multiple users?

User limit – Maximum allowed should be selected (20 users). Click Permissions to give those if you did that with the first share. Click OK. Click Apply then click OK. You will end up with two shares that connect to the same folder. If a user is denied access to one, said user can connect with the other.

How do I create a shared folder in Windows XP?

Create and control shared folders in Windows XP. Right-click on the Shares node and click the New File Share command. In the Create Shared Folder dialog box, shown in Figure I, type the information for Folder To Share, Share Name, and Share Description. Click Next.

Can Windows XP See its own shares in Windows 10?

If Windows 10 still isn’t seeing anything, let’s see if Windows XP can see its own shares. Open a Windows Explorer window (not Internet Explorer) and type the computer’s name after a couple backslashes in the address bar and hit Enter. For example: \\\\SIXMACHINE

On this page:

  • Verify that the sharing component is installed
  • Share a folder, drive, or printer
  • Access a shared folder or printer

Verify that the sharing component is installed

To verify that File and Printer Sharing is on your computer (typically installed by default):

  1. Navigate to the Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Click .
  3. Right-click the local connection icon and select .
  4. In the area below "This connection uses the following items:", look for .
    • If this component is not available:
      1. Click . Select , and then click .
      2. Select , and then click .
      3. Click . If a dialog window appears telling you to restart your computer, do so.
    • If the component is available, make sure it is checked.

Once File and Printer Sharing is installed, to share a folder or drive:

  1. Right-click the folder or drive you want to share.
  2. Click . From the tab, click .
  3. Click .
  4. In the appropriate fields, type the name of the share (as it appears to other computers), the maximum number of simultaneous users, and any comments that should appear beside it.
  5. If you would like to grant access to particular groups or individuals, click to add the appropriate groups or usernames.
  6. If you are using NTFS, check the permissions in the tab to ensure that they are properly set to allow access to the share. Because Security settings override Share permissions, it is possible for people on the Permissions list to be denied access to the share because they either are not specified or are denied specifically in the Security list.


    FAT32 does not provide the same level of security as NTFS; if you're using FAT32, you will not see the tab.

  7. Click .

To share a printer:

  1. From the Control Panel, open .
  2. Right-click the printer you want to share. Click , and then select the tab.
  3. Check . Under , select a shared name to identify the printer. Click .

Access a shared folder or printer

To find and access a shared folder or printer:

  1. Search for Network, and click to open it.
  2. Select at the top of the window; you may need to first select the tab on the upper left.
  3. From the drop-down menu next to "Find:", select either or .
  4. You can now enter search terms in the appropriate fields to modify the search; to start the search, click . To search for shared printers and folders that match any criteria, click without entering any search terms.
  5. You will see a list of shared printers and folders that are available on the network. Double-click the item to which you want to connect.

If you know the exact name of the computer and the share, or the exact name of the printer, you can enter it directly:

  1. Navigate to a search field. Enter two backslashes, the name of the computer, another backslash, and then the name of the share or printer. For example, if the name of the computer is and the name of the share is r2d2, type: \\\r2d2
  2. Click .

If you need to repeatedly access a shared folder or network drive, you can map to it. Mapping creates a persistent link to the share, allowing you to double-click its icon in My Computer whenever you want access.

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This is document ahrs in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-12-02 16:30:12.

Can I limit the number of users to access the share folder simultaneously?

Set the value in Computer Management > System Tools > Shared Folders > Shares, right-click the share, select Properties and set User limit. Press OK to finish.

How many users can access a shared folder simultaneously from Windows XP?

Windows XP Home permits a maximum of 5 simultaneous inbound connections. XP Pro permits 10.

How many computers can connect to the file share at any one time?

You are setting up a Windows 10 workstation as a file server for a small office. How many computers can connect to the file share at any one time? Up to 20 computers. What is the significance of a $ symbol at the end of a share name?

What is the maximum number of simultaneous users that a Windows 10 share can support?

1 Answer. Hello there, SQL Server allows a maximum 32767 concurrent connections concurrent connections, but Windows 10 OS has a limit on concurrent connections for file & printer and the limit appears to be 20.


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