If a process is in control then most products produced by this process meet customer expectations

Statistical process control (SPC) is defined as the monitoring and analysis of process conditions using statistical techniques to accurately determine process performance and prescribe preventive or corrective actions as required [440].

From: Modeling, Sensing and Control of Gas Metal Arc Welding, 2003

Statistical Process Control

Joseph Berk, Susan Berk, in Quality Management for the Technology Sector, 2000


Statistical process control is a tool that emerged in America and migrated to Japan. It was ignored in America for many years while it helped Japan become a world quality leader. America re-embraced statistical process control in the last decade to help in the quest for continuous improvement.

One of statistical process control's key advantages is that it places the responsibility for quality squarely in the hands of the operator. Another key advantage is that it allows operators to determine if a process is drifting out of control before defective hardware is made, and in so doing, allows the prevention (rather than detection) of defects. The bottom line is that statistical process control allows the people doing the work to know they are producing conforming product, and to take preventive actions as processes show signs of drifting out of control.

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Statistical process control (SPC)

Robin Kent, in Quality Management in Plastics Processing, 2016

Start now!

SPC and control charts are an excellent method to gain control of any plastics processing method. They allow the natural variation of the process (the control limits) to be clearly seen and accounted for, they also give early warning (via the alarms) of any special causes at an early stage. This early warning enables detection and rectification of any special causes before faulty products are produced.

All plastics processors should use control charting of some description to gain control of their process and improve the quality of their product.

SPC can be one of the most useful and vital tools in the drive to improve quality. Start using SPC now to gain essential insights into your plastics processing.

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Clean Room Wipers for Removal of Surface Contamination

Jay Postlewaite, ... Sandeep Kalelkar, in Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning: Contaminant Removal and Monitoring, 2013 Statistical Process Control

Statistical process control (SPC) is the application of statistical methods to the monitoring and control of a manufacturing process to ensure that it operates at its full potential to produce a conforming product. Wiper manufacturers should employ SPC programs to control the physical, chemical, and contamination characteristics for each wiper lot that is manufactured.

Typically SPC data are plotted by sample number (as shown in Fig. 3.13). However, if multiple lots or wipers are to be compared, determining the best quality wiper can quickly become confusing and uninformative (as shown in Fig. 3.14). The downside is that with these data sets determining which wiper has the highest quality is often difficult.

FIGURE 3.13. SPC chart resulting from the evaluation of one product multiple times. Note: The values along the y-axis represent a relative test result. If the test were measuring the particle contamination level of a wiper (IEST-RP-CC004.3, Section 6, biaxial shake, >0.5-µm LPC), the y-axis units would be in millions of particles per square meter.

FIGURE 3.14. SPC chart resulting from the evaluation of four products multiple times. Note: The values along the y-axis represent a relative test result. If the test were measuring the particle contamination level of a wiper (IEST-RP-CC004.3, Section 6, biaxial shake, >0.5-µm LPC), the y-axis units would be in millions of particles per square meter.

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Industrial control engineering

Peng Zhang, in Advanced Industrial Control Technology, 2010

(4) Statistical process controls

Statistical process control (SPC) is a control method for monitoring an industrial process through the use of a control chart. Much of its power lies in its ability to monitor both the process center and its variation about that center. By collecting data from samples at various temporal and spatial points within the process, variations in the process that may affect the quality of the end product or service can be detected and corrected, thus reducing waste and the likelihood that problems will be passed on to the customer. Process cycle-time reductions, coupled with improvements in yield, have made statistical process control a valuable tool from both a cost reduction and a customer satisfaction standpoint. With its emphasis on early detection and prevention of problems, statistical process control has a distinct advantage over quality methods, such as inspection, that apply resources to detecting and correcting problems in the end product or service. In addition to reducing waste, statistical process control can lead to a reduction in the time needed to produce the product or service from end to end. This is partly because the final product is less likely to need rework, but it also results from using statistical process control data to identify bottlenecks, wait times, and other sources of delays within the process.

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Selection of quality assurance methods

Peter Scallan, in Process Planning, 2003

8.5.3 Statistical process control

SPC is about the use of the control charts described in Section 8.5.2. The main objective of SPC is to prevent the special causes of variation occurring. If it achieves this objective, then the process remains statistically in control, that is, process variation is due to common causes only. The use of SPC should help determine two things. The first should be fairly obvious and that is when to adjust the process to get it back into control and to avoid manufacturing non-conforming products. Equally important is knowing when to leave the process alone. In fact, Oakland and Followell (1990) state that a major factor in the successful use of SPC is ‘the obligation to do nothing to a process unless and until there is clear evidence that change is required’. The fact that process adjustments are made when not required can actually lead to an increase in process variation. The reason this occurs is that process operators do not understand the nature of variation and, in particular, the difference between common and special causes of variation (Evans and Lindsay, 1993).

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Lean quality management

Rajesh Bheda, in Lean Tools in Apparel Manufacturing, 2021

10.4.2 Statistical process control implementation

The first reported large-scale implementation of SPC in the apparel industry was carried out by Liz Claiborne Inc. The implementation was started by Liz Claiborne in 1997 on a pilot basis with a Florida-based supplier, with factories in Columbia. The garment rejects rate at the factories plummeted from over 20% in the mid-1990s to 3% in 1997, below 2% in 1998 and to 0.4% in the first half of 1999 as a result of the SPC implementation. This factory was used as a global showcase for SPC implementation, and important vendors were invited from across the globe to witness SPC in action. Liz Claiborne’s failed shipment index dropped by 33% between 1996 and 1999s because of the subsequent rollout of SPC implementation in Liz supplier factories across the globe (Bheda, 2004).

The production and quality staff in the apparel industry mainly rely on their technical expertise and experience to solve quality-related defects or variations and are relatively less exposed to the statistical concepts. Due to this, SPC implementation is likely to face resistance within the organization. Thus it is necessary to completely convince the top management of its implementation so that they support and ensure its implementation.

SPC implementation can be carried out using the following stages:


SPC briefing and training: The quality manager, supervisors, and operators on the critical operations should be briefed about the basic principles of SPC as well as the methodology of SPC implementation.


Identification of production line for pilot implementation and preparatory meeting: This shall involve a meeting between Production Manager, Pattern Master/Technical Supervisors, and Quality Manager/Supervisor. The objective of this meeting is to identify the critical operations of a garment style to be produced. These operations, if not controlled, are likely to contribute to a high rate of defects. The meeting also caters to the ways to minimize/eliminate defects by process modification and to take the desicion on the type of control chart that can be installed on these critical operations.


Installation of control charts at the critical operations: This stage revolves around training the operators/inspectors at the critical operation and the method to construct control charts and how to interpret them.


Interpretation and corrective action: Installation of the control chart is not enough at it only tells you the status of the process. It is important to have procedures in place for initiating corrective action should the process go out of control. Cause-and-effect diagrams can be drawn here as they are quite useful for analyzing the root causes of defects and initiating corrective action.


Continuous monitoring of progress and reviewing the improvement: The process is likely to get stabilized, and the defect rate is likely to drop with the implementation of control charts. It is important to monitor the progress and ensure that the implementation efforts do not hit roadblocks.


Deciding on implementing SPC in other areas of production: Organizations can now decide on the future of the SPC implementation and rollout the same throughout manufacturing processes using the experience of the pilot phase.

In the past decades, quality management practices in the apparel industry have undergone a significant change in factories across the globe. There is also no doubt that the quality of apparel produced has improved significantly in recent times. However, still, there is a large group of factories that struggle to produce quality right the first time. This is mainly because their processes are not under control and variation is high and unpredictable. A prominent example of the implementation of SPC in the Apparel industry is cited below.

SPC methods are widely implemented across different factories. In one of the factories, SPC was implemented in Trouser sewing lines for process performance improvement. The project included theoretical and on-job training schemes for different quality team members to understand the SPC concept and its implementation procedure. Significant improvements in the sewing section were achieved post implementation. The four months analysis before the implementation of the SPC tools showed that the average alternation percentage was 9.14%.

After implementing the SPC tools, the average alternation percentage reduced from 9.14% to 6.4%, a 30% reduction in the alteration rates (Abtew, Kropi, Hong, & Pu, 2018). Critical success factors in statistical process control implementation

Certain critical success factors form an essential prerequisite to the successful implementation of any SPC initiative, which are


getting complete commitment from senior management,


comprehensive training of the middle managers and supervisors,


spreading awareness of the potential benefits of SPC,


putting robust processes into place to correctly measure the right “variance factors” with the correct technical know-how,


putting adequate measurement systems in place,


having a clear understanding and follow-through action in terms of which processes to prioritize, and


ability to read and interpret control charts accurately and take follow-through corrective action (Antony & Masaon, 1999).

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Electronic Packages: Quality and Reliability

C. Liu, ... J.A. Scalise, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001

2.2 Statistical Process Control

Statistical process control is a methodology to monitor and analyze process inputs parameters and outputs characteristics, take corrective actions if the process is out of control limits which is updated periodically based on the process data, so as to continually reduce variation in processes and products. The process control limits are tighter than process specification limits. The goal is to prevent defects from occurring in order to provide cost-effectively products that meet customer requirements.

Statistical process control involves conducting measurements on process parameters of the products. Normally control charts are plotted, and upper and lower process control limits are established. The control charts reveal when the process is drifting out of control, and steps are taken to bring the process within control limits before it drifts out to some unacceptable value. The control parameter can be either a variable or an attribute. Accordingly, there are two basic types of control charts: control charts for variables (X-bar charts, range charts) and control charts for attributes (p charts, c charts). The generic steps in statistical process control include evaluation of process behavior by means of control charts, determination of process variability, and corrective actions to ensure that the process is under control. This real time feedback can be used to stop a process before a defect occurs. Defects that can be introduced by means other than systematic drifts in process are not the target of statistical process control.

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Process Capability

D.R. Kiran, in Total Quality Management, 2017

18.1 Statistical Process Control

Statistical process control (SPC) is a statistical method of quality control for monitoring and controlling a process to ensure that it operates at its full potential. It determines the stability and predictability of a process. It can be applied to any process where the output of the product conforming to specifications can be measured. Control charts, continuous improvement, and the design of experiments are some of the key tools, which are further explained in Chapters 20, 22, and 31, respectively. Of these, control charts are most significant to SPC. The superiority of SPC over other TQM tools such as inspection, is that it emphasizes early detection and prevention of problems, rather than the correction of problems after they have occurred.

The Awarding Committee of Deming Application Prizes defined Statistical Quality Control (SQC) as “the integrated activity of designing, manufacturing and supplying the manufactured goods and services at a quality demanded by the customer at an economic cost.” The committee also added that “the customer-oriented principle is the basis, in addition to paying keen attention to public welfare. The company’s aim should be to succeed through the repetition of planning, execution, evaluation, and corrective action by applying the statistical concepts of activities of survey, research, design, procurement, manufacture, inspection, sales, etc., both inside and outside the company.”

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Basics of process control in textile manufacturing

Vedpal, V. Jain, in Process Control in Textile Manufacturing, 2013

1.4 Future trends

SPC has become one of the most commonly used tools for maintaining acceptable and stable levels of quality in modern manufacturing. The modern manufacturing environment is focused on computer integrated manufacturing and the challenges lie in developing advanced computer algorithms and process controls to implement the SPC tasks automatically.

Currently, the focus is on unit process-control methods such as run-2-run (R2R), unit process development and transfer and improvements in the methods to ensure component functionality and reliability. Considerable potential has been identified in the manufacturing of health-related systems and various health-monitoring systems have been developed or are in the development stages.

Much work is being done on the process of prediction and the improvement of product parameters and yield. New methods which help in process improvement, such as virtual metrology have been developed, incorporating control density improvement and the reduction of measurement operations. Models for data visualisation and analysis are in progress and still more effective models related to process improvement are to be developed.

The modern manufacturing world is demanding more precise and accurate methods for meeting industrial expectations. Advanced process control methods are always necessary across a variety of applications. More sophisticated methods of fault diagnosis are therefore being developed by researchers. Sensor implementation and integration with numerically controlled machines are developing rapidly. Investment in sensor technology that provides real time information for modern computer integrated manufacturing is increasing and more research is under way to meet the requirements of industries worldwide.

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Total Quality Management

Pratima Bajpai, in Biermann's Handbook of Pulp and Paper (Third Edition), 2018

22.2 Statistical Process (Quality) Control


SPC or SQC involves data collection and analysis, modeling of systems, problem solving, and design of experiments. SPC can be summarized as the application of elementary statistical analysis to control a process. It is the scientific method applied to manufacturing. Shewhart (1939) made the following comparison:

Mass ProductionScientific Method
Specification Hypothesis
Production Experiment
Inspection Test of hypothesis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis of the process is a key part of SPC because it is crucial to determine the random variation and nonrandom variation can be controlled. Anyone who wants to implement SPC must understand elementary statistics, experimental design, and sampling techniques.

There are many good books on statistical analysis, so there is little point including all this information here, but some basic statistical equations are included later. When using statistical analysis, the underlining assumption is that all of the variation is random. SPC tools must be developed when the process is in control and there are no trends in the data. (This does not mean all of the product will be satisfactory, only that the operator is doing the best that he/she can with the equipment.) This is not always easily done because an apparent trend in the short run could be due to statistical fluctuation. Steps can be taken to decrease the random variation so that “actual” changes can be observed more easily.

Most aspects of statistical analysis in common use assume that statistical deviation follows the normal distribution, which is symmetrical and has a bell-shaped curve as shown in Fig. 22.1. Many statistical equations are only applicable to this distribution. Most measurements have variations that follow the normal distribution. Some, however, such as the time between failures, follow other distributions. These other distributions can be predicted but require tools generally found in advanced simulation or statistical analysis textbooks.

Figure 22.1. The normal distribution and its integral for determining probabilities.

Example 1

What is the probability that a sample from a normal distribution will be 1 or more standard deviations less than the mean?


The integral in Fig. 22.1 shows that 16% of the values lie below 1 standard deviation.

Because the curve is symmetrical, 32% of the values lie outside ±1 standard deviation of the mean.

Example 2

What is the probability that a sample from a standard will be within 2 standard deviations of the mean?


Because 2.3% are below 2 standard deviations, 4.6 are outside ±2 standard deviations (a) of the mean. Stated conversely, 95.4% of the values lie within ±2a of the mean.

The invention of statistical analysis for process control can be credited to W. S. Gosset (1908). He published his work in 1908 under the pseudonym of Student because he knew the importance of statistics to control processes, and he did not want his competitors to know that he was using this tool. He discovered the t-distribution from a normally distributed population, which is defined as follows:

t= X¯−μs/n

This distribution is still called the Student's t. The test is used to make inferences about the mean values of populations based on the measurements of relatively small numbers of samples. The value of t is analogous to z of a normal distribution, but the actual standard deviation is unknown and is approximated as s based on a finite sample size. The distribution is dependent on the sample size and approaches z for large sample sizes. Important process variables should be monitored using the concepts of statistical analysis. Process variables are loosely meant to be qualities of the raw materials, important variables in the process itself, and qualities of the product. In kraft pulping the key process variables of the raw material (wood) are chip species, thickness, moisture content, bark content, etc. The key pulping variables are H-factor and liquor characteristics. The key product variables are kappa number and cellulose viscosity. This is the field of SQC or statistical process control (SPC). These techniques should be second nature to any scientist, but they have met with opposition in production facilities where they are treated as one more fad brought down by management. One aspect of this is to reduce product variation. This assumes that all of the important variables are measured in timely manners. It is interesting to speculate on companies that join the SPC bandwagon, indicating that SPC is the best thing they have ever heard; what were these companies doing before they heard of SPC?

The Cost Versus Benefit of SPC

The cost of quality assurance throughout the manufacturing process is an important consideration. With too little quality assurance, high costs will result because there will be a high rejection rate at the end. Too much quality control and the tail wags the dog. The amount of quality control practiced depends on the intended use of the product. Transistors for consumer radios will not be made with the same tight specifications as electronic components designed for space satellites, so the level of SPC is appropriately different in these two products.

Inventions and new processes change the quality control picture dramatically. The best quality control in the design of vacuum tubes will never compete with the transistor, which is inherently of higher quality for most purposes. Computers and computer networks now make many aspects of quality control essentially automatic to the production worker. Data are collected continuously by sensors, sent to computers, graphed, and presented to operators. Recent trends, warnings of process variables going out of a specified range, and other information are given continuously. This allows the operators to see a potential problem long before the quality of the product is seriously affected. These automatic systems also save money by not requiring much operator time. Much of the drudgery of SPC, such as plotting points by hand, should be gone. For other data that are not collected automatically and for teaching purposes, computers with graphic packages should be made available.

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What does it mean if a process is in control?

A process is said to be in control or stable, if it is in statistical control. A process is in statistical control when all special causes of variation have been removed and only common cause variation remains. Control charts are used to determine whether a process is in statistical control or not.

How do you determine if the process is in control?

A process is in statistical control if only common cause variation is present..
Most points are near the average..
A few points are near the control limits..
No points are beyond the control limits..

What types of variation does a process have if it is in control?

There are two types of process variation: Common cause variation is inherent to the system. This variation can be changed only by improving the equipment or changing the work procedures; the operator has little influence over it. Assignable cause variation comes from sources outside of the system.

What is CP and Cpk with example?

The Cp and Cpk indices are the primary capability indices. Cp shows whether the distribution can potentially fit inside the specification, while Cpk shows whether the overall average is centrally located. If the overall average is in the center of the specification, the Cp and Cpk values will be the same.


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