Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinal movements occur?

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The option G b and e won't walk at the heaps if superior jim ellis contracts it. option G B and E are correct. The answer to your question will be option G B and E, which is internal rotation.

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25. Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinalmovements occur?A. DescentB. FlexionC. ExtensionD. External rotation

26. Before birth, which of the following structures connects the right and leftauricles of the heart?

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27. Which of the following when present in the urine may cause a reddishstain on the diaper of a newborn?

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C. BilirubinD. Excess iron

28. When assessing the newborn’s heart rate, which of the following rangeswould be considered normal if the newborn were sleeping?A. 80 beats per minute

B. 100 beats per minuteC. 120 beats per minuteD. 140 beats per minute

29. Which of the following is true regarding the fontanels of the newborn?

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B. The posterior closes at 18 months; the anterior closes at 8 to 12 weeks.C. The anterior is large in size when compared to the posterior fontanel.D. The anterior is bulging; the posterior appears sunken.

30. Which of the following groups of newborn reflexes below are present atbirth and remain unchanged through adulthood?A. Blink, cough, rooting, and gagB. Blink, cough, sneeze, gagC. Rooting, sneeze, swallowing, and coughD. Stepping, blink, cough, and sneeze

31. Which of the following describes the Babinski reflex?

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32. Which of the following statements best describes hyperemesisgravidarum?

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B. Severe nausea and vomiting leading to electrolyte, metabolic, andnutritional imbalances in the absence of other medical problems.C. Loss of appetite and continuous vomiting that commonly results indehydration and ultimately decreasing maternal nutrientsD. Severe nausea and diarrhea that can cause gastrointestinal irritation andpossibly internal bleeding

1.Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinal movements can occur? A. DescentB.FlexionC.ExtensionD.External rotationANSWER: ________RATIO: External rotation brings the shoulder into an AP position best for entering the outlet with the faceturned facing one of the mother’s thighs.

2.After the baby’s head extends, which of these actions should be carried out first?

3.The cardinal movements of labor in proper sequence are:

RATIO: Sequence of proper cardinal movement, engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension.External rotation, and expulsion.4.Which of the following mechanisms of labor occurs when the widest diameter of the presenting part haspassed the pelvic inlet and usually corresponds to a 0 station?

5.What is the physiologic advantage derived by flexion of the fetal head during labor?A.Head presents the smallest diameter for deliveryB.Head is able to exert greater pressure against the cervixC.Perineal pressure is less likely to be obstructed by secretionsD.Fetal nose and mouth are less likely to be obstructed by secretionsANSWER: ________RATIO: The head presents the smallest diameter for delivery.

Which of the following cardinal movements immediately occur before expulsion?

External rotation of the head/internal rotation of the shoulder: The head externally rotates to face the right or medial-thigh of the mother (Hence option 4 is correct).

What are cardinal movements of labor?

The fetus negotiates the birth canal and rotational movements are necessary for descent. Anglo-American literature lists 7 cardinal movements, namely engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, and expulsion.

When uterine rupture occurs Which of the following would be priority?

When uterine rupture occurs, which of the following would be the priority? Question 1 Explanation: With uterine rupture, the client is at risk for hypovolemic shock. Therefore, the priority is to prevent and limit hypovolemic shock.

Which of the following factors is the underlying cause of dystocia?

Dystocia of fetal origin is generally caused by fetomaternal disproportion (large fetus), fetal abnormalities, or abnormal presentation, position, or posture.


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