In contemporary psychology, much attention is focused on the biological and bases of behavior.

The study of mental processes,such as occur when we perceive, learn, remember, think, communicate and solve problems

The inter disciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory and language)

The science of behavior and mental processes

The long-standing controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors.Today’s science sees traits and behaviors arising from the interaction of nature and nurture

The principle that inherited traits that better enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment will (in completion with other trait variations) most likely be passed on to succeeding generations

The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes,values and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next

The scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive.

The differing complementary views.
From biological to psychosocial to social cultural, for analyzing any given phenomenon.

An integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological and social cultural levels of analysis.

Pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base

A scientific study that aims to solve practice problems

A branch of psychology that assists people with problems with living (often related to school, work, or marriage )
And in achieving greater wellbeing

A branch in psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

A branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders, practiced by physicians who sometimes provide medical treatments as well as psychological therapy

A branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments
And how social institutions affect individuals and groups

How has contemporary psychology focused on cognition, on biology and experience, on culture and gender and on human flourishing ?

🔸The cognitive revolution in the 1960s led psychology back to its early interest in the mind, and to its current definition as the science of behavior and mental processes<br/>🔸the field of cognitive neuroscience now examines the brain activity underlying mental activity
🔸our growing understanding of biology and experience has fed psychology’s most enduring debate
🔸The nature-nurture issue centers on the relative contributions of genes and experience, and their interaction in specific environments
🔸Charles Darwin’s view that natural selection shapes behaviors as well as bodies led to evolutionary psychology’s study of our similarities because of our common biology and evolutionary history
🔸and behavior genetics’ focus on the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior.
🔸cross-cultural and gender studies have diversified psychology’s assumptions while also reminding us of our similarities.
🔸attitudes and behaviors may vary somewhat by gender or across cultures , but because of our shared human kinship, the underlying processes and principles are more similar than different
🔸psychology’s traditional focus on understanding and treating troubles has expanded with positive psychology’s call for more research on human flourishing and its attempt to discover and promote traits that help people to thrive.

How did the cognitive revolution affect the field of psychology?

It recaptured the field’s early interest in mental processes and made them legitimate topics for scientific study

What is natural selection

This is the process by which nature selects from chance variations the traits that best enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

What is contemporary psychology’s position in the nature-nurture issue

Psychological events often stem from the interaction of nature and nurture, rather than either of them acting alone

What are psychology’s levels of analysis and related perspectives?<br/>

🔸the biopsychosocial approach integrates information from three differing but contemporary levels of analysis<br/>🔸biological, psychological and social cultural
🔸this approach offers a more complete understanding than could usually be reached by relying on only one of psychology’s current theoretical perspectives
(Neuroscience, evolutionary, behavior genetics, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and social-cultural)

What advantages do we gain by using the biopsychosocial approach in studying psychological events?

By incorporating three different levels of analysis, the biopsychosocial approach can provide a more complete view than any one perspective could offer

The____ -____ perspective in psychology focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and from culture to culture,
While the _____ perspective emphasizes observation of how we respond to and learn in different situations

Social cultural


What are psychology’s main sub fields

🔸within the science of psychology, researchers may conduct basic research to increase the field’s knowledge base<br/>🔸(often in biological, developmental, cognitive, personality, and social psychology)
🔸or applied research to solve practical problems
🔸(in industrial-organizational psychology and other areas )
🔸those who engage in psychology as a helping profession may assist people as counseling psychologists, helping people with challenges and crisis (including academic, vocational, and relationship issues) and to improve their personal and social functioning
🔸or as clinical psychologists, assessing and treating people with mental, emotional, and behavior disorders
(Psychiatrists also assess and treat people with disorders, but as medical doctors, they may prescribe drugs in addition to psychotherapy)
🔸community psychologists work to create healthy social and physical environments
(Eg:In schools)

What is contemporary psychology defined as?

Contemporary psychology is a term used to denote areas of research and practice that are active and utilizing modern techniques. For example, early psychologists often relied on an experimental technique called introspection to categorize and measure human perception.

What does it mean to say that contemporary psychology is part of a cognitive revolution?

Cognitive Revolution. The cognitive revolution began in the "1960s" and focus returned to interest in mental processes. Cognitive psychology continues to scientifically explore ways in which information is perceived, processed and remembered, and to study the cognitive roots of psychological disorders.

What are examples about contemporary psychology?

Examples include memory, mate choice, relationships between kin, friendship and cooperation, parenting, social organization, and status (Confer et al., 2010). Evolutionary psychologists have had success in finding experimental correspondence between observations and expectations.

Which branch of contemporary psychology focuses on the immediate causes of human behavior due to physiology?

While biopsychology typically focuses on the immediate causes of behavior based in the physiology of a human or other animal, evolutionary psychology seeks to study the ultimate biological causes of behavior.


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