In spss, oblique rotation in factor analysis is called: oblimin oblimax varimax none of these


factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer Module¶

Factor analysis using MINRES or ML, with optional rotation using Varimax or Promax.

Jeremy Biggs (
Nitin Madnani (
Educational Testing Service
class factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer.FactorAnalyzer(n_factors=3, rotation='promax', method='minres', use_smc=True, is_corr_matrix=False, bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', svd_method='randomized', rotation_kwargs=None)[source]

Bases: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, sklearn.base.TransformerMixin

The main exploratory factor analysis class.

This class:
  1. Fits a factor analysis model using minres, maximum likelihood, or principal factor extraction and returns the loading matrix
  2. Optionally performs a rotation, with method including:
    1. varimax (orthogonal rotation)
    2. promax (oblique rotation)
    3. oblimin (oblique rotation)
    4. oblimax (orthogonal rotation)
    5. quartimin (oblique rotation)
    6. quartimax (orthogonal rotation)
    7. equamax (orthogonal rotation)
  • n_factors (int, optional) – The number of factors to select. Defaults to 3.
  • rotation (str, optional) –

    The type of rotation to perform after fitting the factor analysis model. If set to None, no rotation will be performed, nor will any associated Kaiser normalization.

    Possible values include:

    1. varimax (orthogonal rotation)
    2. promax (oblique rotation)
    3. oblimin (oblique rotation)
    4. oblimax (orthogonal rotation)
    5. quartimin (oblique rotation)
    6. quartimax (orthogonal rotation)
    7. equamax (orthogonal rotation)

    Defaults to ‘promax’.

  • method ({'minres', 'ml', 'principal'}, optional) – The fitting method to use, either MINRES or Maximum Likelihood. Defaults to ‘minres’.
  • use_smc (bool, optional) – Whether to use squared multiple correlation as starting guesses for factor analysis. Defaults to True.
  • bounds (tuple, optional) – The lower and upper bounds on the variables for “L-BFGS-B” optimization. Defaults to (0.005, 1).
  • impute ({'drop', 'mean', 'median'}, optional) – How to handle missing values, if any, in the data: (a) use list-wise deletion (‘drop’), or (b) impute the column median (‘median’), or impute the column mean (‘mean’). Defaults to ‘median’
  • is_corr_matrix (bool, optional) – Set to True if the ``data is the correlation matrix. Defaults to False.
  • svd_method ({‘lapack’, ‘randomized’}) – The SVD method to use when method is ‘principal’. If ‘lapack’, use standard SVD from scipy.linalg. If ‘randomized’, use faster randomized_svd function from scikit-learn. The latter should only be used if the number of columns is greater than or equal to the number of rows in in the dataset. Defaults to ‘randomized’
  • optional (rotation_kwargs,) – Dictionary containing keyword arguments for the rotation method.

The factor loadings matrix. None, if fit()` has not been called.


The original correlation matrix. None, if fit() has not been called.


The rotation matrix, if a rotation has been performed. None otherwise.


The structure loading matrix. This only exists if rotation is ‘promax’ and is None otherwise.

numpy.ndarray or None

The factor correlations matrix. This only exists if rotation is ‘oblique’ and is None otherwise.

numpy.ndarray or None


This code was partly derived from the excellent R package psych.


[1] //


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.loadings_ array([[-0.12991218, 0.16398154, 0.73823498], [ 0.03899558, 0.04658425, 0.01150343], [ 0.34874135, 0.61452341, -0.07255667], [ 0.45318006, 0.71926681, -0.07546472], [ 0.36688794, 0.44377343, -0.01737067], [ 0.74141382, -0.15008235, 0.29977512], [ 0.741675 , -0.16123009, -0.20744495], [ 0.82910167, -0.20519428, 0.04930817], [ 0.76041819, -0.23768727, -0.1206858 ], [ 0.81533404, -0.12494695, 0.17639683]]) >>> fa.get_communalities() array([0.588758 , 0.00382308, 0.50452402, 0.72841183, 0.33184336, 0.66208428, 0.61911036, 0.73194557, 0.64929612, 0.71149718])

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Fit factor analysis model using either MINRES, ML, or principal factor analysis.

By default, use SMC as starting guesses.

  • X (array-like) – The data to analyze.
  • y (ignored) –


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.loadings_ array([[-0.12991218, 0.16398154, 0.73823498], [ 0.03899558, 0.04658425, 0.01150343], [ 0.34874135, 0.61452341, -0.07255667], [ 0.45318006, 0.71926681, -0.07546472], [ 0.36688794, 0.44377343, -0.01737067], [ 0.74141382, -0.15008235, 0.29977512], [ 0.741675 , -0.16123009, -0.20744495], [ 0.82910167, -0.20519428, 0.04930817], [ 0.76041819, -0.23768727, -0.1206858 ], [ 0.81533404, -0.12494695, 0.17639683]])


Calculate the communalities, given the factor loading matrix.

Returns:Return type:
communalities – The communalities from the factor loading matrix.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.get_communalities() array([0.588758 , 0.00382308, 0.50452402, 0.72841183, 0.33184336, 0.66208428, 0.61911036, 0.73194557, 0.64929612, 0.71149718])


Calculate the eigenvalues, given the factor correlation matrix.

  • original_eigen_values (numpy.ndarray) – The original eigenvalues
  • common_factor_eigen_values (numpy.ndarray) – The common factor eigenvalues


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.get_eigenvalues() (array([ 3.51018854, 1.28371018, 0.73739507, 0.1334704 , 0.03445558, 0.0102918 , -0.00740013, -0.03694786, -0.05959139, -0.07428112]), array([ 3.51018905, 1.2837105 , 0.73739508, 0.13347082, 0.03445601, 0.01029184, -0.0074 , -0.03694834, -0.05959057, -0.07428059]))


Calculate factor variance information.

The factor variance information including the variance, proportional variance, and cumulative variance for each factor.

  • variance (numpy.ndarray) – The factor variances.
  • proportional_variance (numpy.ndarray) – The proportional factor variances.
  • cumulative_variances (numpy.ndarray) – The cumulative factor variances.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> # 1. Sum of squared loadings (variance) ... # 2. Proportional variance ... # 3. Cumulative variance >>> fa.get_factor_variance() (array([3.51018854, 1.28371018, 0.73739507]), array([0.35101885, 0.12837102, 0.07373951]), array([0.35101885, 0.47938987, 0.55312938]))


Calculate the uniquenesses, given the factor loading matrix.

Returns:Return type:
uniquenesses – The uniquenesses from the factor loading matrix.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.get_uniquenesses() array([0.411242 , 0.99617692, 0.49547598, 0.27158817, 0.66815664, 0.33791572, 0.38088964, 0.26805443, 0.35070388, 0.28850282])


Get factor scores for a new data set.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
X (array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)) – The data to score using the fitted factor model.
X_new – The latent variables of X.
numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_components)


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> FactorAnalyzer(bounds=(0.005, 1), impute='median', is_corr_matrix=False, method='minres', n_factors=3, rotation=None, rotation_kwargs={}, use_smc=True) >>> fa.transform(df_features) array([[-1.05141425, 0.57687826, 0.1658788 ], [-1.59940101, 0.89632125, 0.03824552], [-1.21768164, -1.16319406, 0.57135189], ..., [ 0.13601554, 0.03601086, 0.28813877], [ 1.86904519, -0.3532394 , -0.68170573], [ 0.86133386, 0.18280695, -0.79170903]])


Compute the Bartlett sphericity test.

H0: The matrix of population correlations is equal to I. H1: The matrix of population correlations is not equal to I.

The formula for Bartlett’s Sphericity test is:

\[-1 * (n - 1 - ((2p + 5) / 6)) * ln(det(R))\]

Where R det(R) is the determinant of the correlation matrix, and p is the number of variables.

x (array-like) – The array for which to calculate sphericity.
  • statistic (float) – The chi-square value.
  • p_value (float) – The associated p-value for the test.

Calculate the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin criterion for items and overall.

This statistic represents the degree to which each observed variable is predicted, without error, by the other variables in the dataset. In general, a KMO < 0.6 is considered inadequate.

x (array-like) – The array from which to calculate KMOs.
  • kmo_per_variable (numpy.ndarray) – The KMO score per item.
  • kmo_total (float) – The overall KMO score.

factor_analyzer.confirmatory_factor_analyzer Module¶

Confirmatory factor analysis using machine learning methods.

Jeremy Biggs (
Nitin Madnani (
Educational Testing Service
class factor_analyzer.confirmatory_factor_analyzer.ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(specification=None, n_obs=None, is_cov_matrix=False, bounds=None, max_iter=200, tol=None, impute='median', disp=True)[source]

Bases: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, sklearn.base.TransformerMixin

Fit a confirmatory factor analysis model using maximum likelihood.

  • specification (ModelSpecification or None, optional) – A model specification. This must be a ModelSpecification object or None. If None, a ModelSpecification object will be generated assuming that n_factors == n_variables, and that all variables load on all factors. Note that this could mean the factor model is not identified, and the optimization could fail. Defaults to None.
  • n_obs (int or None, optional) – The number of observations in the original data set. If this is not passed and is_cov_matrix is True, then an error will be raised. Defaults to None.
  • is_cov_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether the input X is a covariance matrix. If False, assume it is the full data set. Defaults to False.
  • bounds (list of tuples or None, optional) –

    A list of minimum and maximum boundaries for each element of the input array. This must equal x0, which is the input array from your parsed and combined model specification.

    The length is: ((n_factors * n_variables) + n_variables + n_factors + (((n_factors * n_factors) - n_factors) // 2)

    If None, nothing will be bounded. Defaults to None.

  • max_iter (int, optional) – The maximum number of iterations for the optimization routine. Defaults to 200.
  • tol (float or None, optional) – The tolerance for convergence. Defaults to None.
  • disp (bool, optional) – Whether to print the scipy optimization fmin message to standard output. Defaults to True.

ValueError – If is_cov_matrix is True, and n_obs is not provided.


The model specification object.


The factor loadings matrix. None, if fit()` has not been called.


The error variance matrix


The factor covariance matrix.


The log likelihood from the optimization routine.


The Akaike information criterion.


The Bayesian information criterion.



>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict) >>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False) >>> >>> cfa.loadings_ array([[0.99131285, 0. ], [0.46074919, 0. ], [0.3502267 , 0. ], [0.58331488, 0. ], [0. , 0.98621042], [0. , 0.73389239], [0. , 0.37602988], [0. , 0.50049507]]) >>> cfa.factor_varcovs_ array([[1. , 0.17385704], [0.17385704, 1. ]]) >>> cfa.get_standard_errors() (array([[0.06779949, 0. ], [0.04369956, 0. ], [0.04153113, 0. ], [0.04766645, 0. ], [0. , 0.06025341], [0. , 0.04913149], [0. , 0.0406604 ], [0. , 0.04351208]]), array([0.11929873, 0.05043616, 0.04645803, 0.05803088, 0.10176889, 0.06607524, 0.04742321, 0.05373646])) >>> cfa.transform(X.values) array([[-0.46852166, -1.08708035], [ 2.59025301, 1.20227783], [-0.47215977, 2.65697245], ..., [-1.5930886 , -0.91804114], [ 0.19430887, 0.88174818], [-0.27863554, -0.7695101 ]])

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Perform confirmatory factor analysis.

  • X (array-like) – The data to use for confirmatory factor analysis. If this is just a covariance matrix, make sure is_cov_matrix was set to True.
  • y (ignored) –
  • ValueError – If the specification is not None or a ModelSpecification object.
  • AssertionError – If is_cov_matrix was True and the matrix is not square.
  • AssertionError – If len(bounds) != len(x0)


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict) >>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False) >>> >>> cfa.loadings_ array([[0.99131285, 0. ], [0.46074919, 0. ], [0.3502267 , 0. ], [0.58331488, 0. ], [0. , 0.98621042], [0. , 0.73389239], [0. , 0.37602988], [0. , 0.50049507]])


Get the model-implied covariance matrix (sigma) for an estimated model.

Returns:Return type:
model_implied_cov – The model-implied covariance matrix.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict) >>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False) >>> >>> cfa.get_model_implied_cov() array([[2.07938612, 0.45674659, 0.34718423, 0.57824753, 0.16997013, 0.12648394, 0.06480751, 0.08625868], [0.45674659, 1.16703337, 0.16136667, 0.26876186, 0.07899988, 0.05878807, 0.03012168, 0.0400919 ], [0.34718423, 0.16136667, 1.07364855, 0.20429245, 0.06004974, 0.04468625, 0.02289622, 0.03047483], [0.57824753, 0.26876186, 0.20429245, 1.28809317, 0.10001495, 0.07442652, 0.03813447, 0.05075691], [0.16997013, 0.07899988, 0.06004974, 0.10001495, 2.0364391 , 0.72377232, 0.37084458, 0.49359346], [0.12648394, 0.05878807, 0.04468625, 0.07442652, 0.72377232, 1.48080077, 0.27596546, 0.36730952], [0.06480751, 0.03012168, 0.02289622, 0.03813447, 0.37084458, 0.27596546, 1.11761918, 0.1882011 ], [0.08625868, 0.0400919 , 0.03047483, 0.05075691, 0.49359346, 0.36730952, 0.1882011 , 1.28888233]])


Get standard errors from the implied covariance matrix and implied means.

  • loadings_se (numpy.ndarray) – The standard errors for the factor loadings.
  • error_vars_se (numpy.ndarray) – The standard errors for the error variances.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict) >>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False) >>> >>> cfa.get_standard_errors() (array([[0.06779949, 0. ], [0.04369956, 0. ], [0.04153113, 0. ], [0.04766645, 0. ], [0. , 0.06025341], [0. , 0.04913149], [0. , 0.0406604 ], [0. , 0.04351208]]), array([0.11929873, 0.05043616, 0.04645803, 0.05803088, 0.10176889, 0.06607524, 0.04742321, 0.05373646]))


Get the factor scores for a new data set.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
X (array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)) – The data to score using the fitted factor model.
scores – The latent variables of X.
numpy array, shape (n_samples, n_components)


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict) >>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False) >>> >>> cfa.transform(X.values) array([[-0.46852166, -1.08708035], [ 2.59025301, 1.20227783], [-0.47215977, 2.65697245], ..., [-1.5930886 , -0.91804114], [ 0.19430887, 0.88174818], [-0.27863554, -0.7695101 ]])



class factor_analyzer.confirmatory_factor_analyzer.ModelSpecification(loadings, n_factors, n_variables, factor_names=None, variable_names=None)[source]

Bases: object

Encapsulate the model specification for CFA.

This class contains a number of specification properties that are used in the CFA procedure.

  • loadings (array-like) – The factor loadings specification.
  • n_factors (int) – The number of factors.
  • n_variables (int) – The number of variables.
  • factor_names (list of str or None) – A list of factor names, if available. Defaults to None.
  • variable_names (list of str or None) – A list of variable names, if available. Defaults to None.

Return a copy of the model specification.


Get the error variance specification.


Get the indices of “free” error variance parameters.


Get the factor covariance specification.


Get the indices of “free” factor covariance parameters.


Get list of factor names, if available.


Get the model specification as a dictionary.

Returns:Return type:
model_specification – The model specification keys and values, as a dictionary.

Get the factor loadings specification.


Get the indices of “free” factor loading parameters.


Get the number of factors.


Get the lower diagonal of the factor covariance matrix.


Get the number of variables.


Get list of variable names, if available.

class factor_analyzer.confirmatory_factor_analyzer.ModelSpecificationParser[source]

Bases: object

Generate the model specification for CFA.

This class includes two static methods to generate a ModelSpecification object from either a dictionary or a numpy array.

static parse_model_specification_from_array(X, specification=None)[source]

Generate the model specification from a numpy array.

The columns should correspond to the factors, and the rows should correspond to the variables. If this method is used to create the ModelSpecification object, then no factor names and variable names will be added as properties to that object.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:Raises:
  • X (array-like) – The data set that will be used for CFA.
  • specification (array-like or None) – An array with the loading details. If None, the matrix will be created assuming all variables load on all factors. Defaults to None.

A model specification object.


ValueError – If specification is not in the expected format.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_array = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]]) >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_array(X, ... model_array)

static parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, specification=None)[source]

Generate the model specification from a dictionary.

The keys in the dictionary should be the factor names, and the values should be the feature names. If this method is used to create the ModelSpecification object, then factor names and variable names will be added as properties to that object.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:Raises:
  • X (array-like) – The data set that will be used for CFA.
  • specification (dict or None) – A dictionary with the loading details. If None, the matrix will be created assuming all variables load on all factors. Defaults to None.

A model specification object.


ValueError – If specification is not in the expected format.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ... ModelSpecificationParser) >>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv') >>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"], ... "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]} >>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict)

factor_analyzer.rotator Module¶

Class to perform various rotations of factor loading matrices.

Jeremy Biggs (
Nitin Madnani (
Educational Testing Service
class factor_analyzer.rotator.Rotator(method='varimax', normalize=True, power=4, kappa=0, gamma=0, delta=0.01, max_iter=500, tol=1e-05)[source]

Bases: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator

Perform rotations on an unrotated factor loading matrix.

The Rotator class takes an (unrotated) factor loading matrix and performs one of several rotations.

  • method (str, optional) – The factor rotation method. Options include:
    1. varimax (orthogonal rotation)
    2. promax (oblique rotation)
    3. oblimin (oblique rotation)
    4. oblimax (orthogonal rotation)
    5. quartimin (oblique rotation)
    6. quartimax (orthogonal rotation)
    7. equamax (orthogonal rotation)
    8. geomin_obl (oblique rotation)
    9. geomin_ort (orthogonal rotation)

    Defaults to ‘varimax’.

  • normalize (bool or None, optional) – Whether to perform Kaiser normalization and de-normalization prior to and following rotation. Used for ‘varimax’ and ‘promax’ rotations. If None, default for ‘promax’ is False, and default for ‘varimax’ is True. Defaults to None.
  • power (int, optional) – The exponent to which to raise the promax loadings (minus 1). Numbers should generally range from 2 to 4. Defaults to 4.
  • kappa (float, optional) – The kappa value for the ‘equamax’ objective. Ignored if the method is not ‘equamax’. Defaults to 0.
  • gamma (int, optional) – The gamma level for the ‘oblimin’ objective. Ignored if the method is not ‘oblimin’. Defaults to 0.
  • delta (float, optional) – The delta level for ‘geomin’ objectives. Ignored if the method is not ‘geomin_*’. Defaults to 0.01.
  • max_iter (int, optional) – The maximum number of iterations. Used for ‘varimax’ and ‘oblique’ rotations. Defaults to 1000.
  • tol (float, optional) – The convergence threshold. Used for ‘varimax’ and ‘oblique’ rotations. Defaults to 1e-5.

The loadings matrix.

numpy.ndarray, shape (n_features, n_factors)

The rotation matrix.

numpy.ndarray, shape (n_factors, n_factors)

The factor correlations matrix. This only exists if method is ‘oblique’.

numpy.ndarray or None


Most of the rotations in this class are ported from R’s GPARotation package.


[1] //


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>> rotator.fit_transform(fa.loadings_) array([[-0.07693215, 0.04499572, 0.76211208], [ 0.01842035, 0.05757874, 0.01297908], [ 0.06067925, 0.70692662, -0.03311798], [ 0.11314343, 0.84525117, -0.03407129], [ 0.15307233, 0.5553474 , -0.00121802], [ 0.77450832, 0.1474666 , 0.20118338], [ 0.7063001 , 0.17229555, -0.30093981], [ 0.83990851, 0.15058874, -0.06182469], [ 0.76620579, 0.1045194 , -0.22649615], [ 0.81372945, 0.20915845, 0.07479506]])

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Compute the factor rotation.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • X (array-like) – The factor loading matrix, shape (n_features, n_factors)
  • y (ignored) –



>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>>

fit_transform(X, y=None)[source]

Compute the factor rotation, and return the new loading matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:Raises:
  • X (array-like) – The factor loading matrix, shape (n_features, n_factors)
  • y (Ignored) –

loadings_ – The loadings matrix.

numpy,ndarray, shape (n_features, n_factors)

ValueError – If method is not in the list of acceptable methods.


>>> import pandas as pd >>> from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer, Rotator >>> df_features = pd.read_csv('test02.csv') >>> fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None) >>> >>> rotator = Rotator() >>> rotator.fit_transform(fa.loadings_) array([[-0.07693215, 0.04499572, 0.76211208], [ 0.01842035, 0.05757874, 0.01297908], [ 0.06067925, 0.70692662, -0.03311798], [ 0.11314343, 0.84525117, -0.03407129], [ 0.15307233, 0.5553474 , -0.00121802], [ 0.77450832, 0.1474666 , 0.20118338], [ 0.7063001 , 0.17229555, -0.30093981], [ 0.83990851, 0.15058874, -0.06182469], [ 0.76620579, 0.1045194 , -0.22649615], [ 0.81372945, 0.20915845, 0.07479506]])

factor_analyzer.utils Module¶

Utility functions, used primarily by the confirmatory factor analysis module.

Jeremy Biggs (
Nitin Madnani (
Educational Testing Service
factor_analyzer.utils.apply_impute_nan(x, how='mean')[source]

Apply a function to impute np.nan values with the mean or the median.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • x (array-like) – The 1-D array to impute.
  • how (str, optional) – Whether to impute the ‘mean’ or ‘median’. Defaults to ‘mean’.

x – The array, with the missing values imputed.


factor_analyzer.utils.commutation_matrix(p, q)[source]

Calculate the commutation matrix.

This matrix transforms the vectorized form of the matrix into the vectorized form of its transpose.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • p (int) – The number of rows.
  • q (int) – The number of columns.

commutation_matrix – The commutation matrix





Calculate the correlation matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
x (array-like) – A 1-D or 2-D array containing multiple variables and observations. Each column of x represents a variable, and each row a single observation of all those variables.
r – The correlation matrix of the variables.
numpy array
factor_analyzer.utils.cov(x, ddof=0)[source]

Calculate the covariance matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • x (array-like) – A 1-D or 2-D array containing multiple variables and observations. Each column of x represents a variable, and each row a single observation of all those variables.
  • ddof (int, optional) – Means Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. Defaults to 0.

r – The covariance matrix of the variables.

numpy array


Compute cross-correlations from the given covariance matrix.

This is a port of R cov2cor() function.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:Raises:
m (array-like) – The covariance matrix.
retval – The cross-correlation matrix.
ValueError – If the input matrix is not square.

Calculate the duplication matrix.

A function to create the duplication matrix (Dn), which is the unique n2 × n(n+1)/2 matrix which, for any n × n symmetric matrix A, transforms vech(A) into vec(A), as in Dn vech(A) = vec(A).

n (int, optional) – The dimension of the n x n symmetric matrix. Defaults to 1.
  • duplication_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – The duplication matrix.
  • Raises`
  • ——
  • ValueError – If n is not a positive integer greater than 1.




Transform given input symmetric matrix using pre-post duplication.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:Raises:
x (array-like) – The input matrix.
out – The transformed matrix.
AssertionError – If x is not symmetric.

Fill the lower diagonal of a square matrix, given a 1-D input array.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
x (array-like) – The flattened input matrix that will be used to fill the lower diagonal of the square matrix.
out – The output square matrix, with the lower diagonal filled by x.


[1] // factor_analyzer.utils.get_first_idxs_from_values(x, eq=1, use_columns=True)[source]

Get the indexes for a given value.

  • x (array-like) – The input matrix.
  • eq (str or int, optional) – The given value to find. Defaults to 1.
  • use_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to get the first indexes using the columns. If False, then use the rows instead. Defaults to True.
  • row_idx (list) – A list of row indexes.
  • col_idx (list) – A list of column indexes.
factor_analyzer.utils.get_free_parameter_idxs(x, eq=1)[source]

Get the free parameter indices from the flattened matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • x (array-like) – The input matrix.
  • eq (str or int, optional) – The value that free parameters should be equal to. np.nan fields will be populated with this value. Defaults to 1.

idx – The free parameter indexes.


factor_analyzer.utils.get_symmetric_lower_idxs(n=1, diag=True)[source]

Get the indices for the lower triangle of a symmetric matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • n (int, optional) – The dimension of the n x n symmetric matrix. Defaults to 1.
  • diag (bool, optional) – Whether to include the diagonal.

indices – The indices for the lower triangle.


factor_analyzer.utils.get_symmetric_upper_idxs(n=1, diag=True)[source]

Get the indices for the upper triangle of a symmetric matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • n (int, optional) – The dimension of the n x n symmetric matrix. Defaults to 1.
  • diag (bool, optional) – Whether to include the diagonal.

indices – The indices for the upper triangle.


factor_analyzer.utils.impute_values(x, how='mean')[source]

Impute np.nan values with the mean or median, or drop the containing rows.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • x (array-like) – An array to impute.
  • how (str, optional) – Whether to impute the ‘mean’ or ‘median’. Defaults to ‘mean’.

x – The array, with the missing values imputed or with rows dropped.


factor_analyzer.utils.inv_chol(x, logdet=False)[source]

Calculate matrix inverse using Cholesky decomposition.

Optionally, calculate the log determinant of the Cholesky.

  • x (array-like) – The matrix to invert.
  • logdet (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate the log determinant, instead of the inverse. Defaults to False.
  • chol_inv (array-like) – The inverted matrix.
  • chol_logdet (array-like or None) – The log determinant, if logdet was True, otherwise, None.
factor_analyzer.utils.merge_variance_covariance(variances, covariances=None)[source]

Merge variances and covariances into a single variance-covariance matrix.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • variances (array-like) – The variances that will be used to fill the diagonal of the square matrix.
  • covariances (array-like or None, optional) – The flattened input matrix that will be used to fill the lower and upper diagonal of the square matrix. If None, then only the variances will be used. Defaults to None.

variance_covariance – The variance-covariance matrix.



Compute partial correlations between variable pairs.

This is a python port of the pcor() function implemented in the ppcor R package, which computes partial correlations for each pair of variables in the given array, excluding all other variables.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
x (array-like) – An array containing the feature values.
pcor – An array containing the partial correlations of of each pair of variables in the given array, excluding all other variables.
factor_analyzer.utils.smc(corr_mtx, sort=False)[source]

Calculate the squared multiple correlations.

This is equivalent to regressing each variable on all others and calculating the r-squared values.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
  • corr_mtx (array-like) – The correlation matrix used to calculate SMC.
  • sort (bool, optional) – Whether to sort the values for SMC before returning. Defaults to False.

smc – The squared multiple correlations matrix.



Get first unique instance of every list element, while maintaining order.

Parameters:Returns:Return type:
seq (list-like) – The list of elements.
seq – The updated list of elements.

What is oblique rotation in SPSS?

An oblique rotation, which allows factors to be correlated. This rotation can be calculated more quickly than a direct oblimin rotation, so it is useful for large datasets. Results. For orthogonal rotations, the rotated pattern matrix and factor transformation matrix are displayed.

What is oblique rotation in factor analysis?

a transformational system used in factor analysis when two or more factors (i.e., latent variables) are correlated. Oblique rotation reorients the factors so that they fall closer to clusters of vectors representing manifest variables, thereby simplifying the mathematical description of the manifest variables.

What is varimax rotation SPSS?

Varimax rotation (also called Kaiser-Varimax rotation) maximizes the sum of the variance of the squared loadings, where 'loadings' means correlations between variables and factors. This usually results in high factor loadings for a smaller number of variables and low factor loadings for the rest.

Is Oblimin rotation oblique?

As an oblique rotation method, Oblimin permits correlations among the constructed sets, and in case of uncorrelated data, rotations produce similar results as orthogonal rotation. ...


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