Is the brains ability to modify itself in response to damage or experience quizlet?

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Refers to changes occurring in the brain's neural structure to enable adjustment to experience, to compensate for lost function and to maximise remaining functions in the event of brain damage. Although adaptive plasticity can take place at any time throughout the lifespan, it is typically quicker, more substantial and extensive in the earlier years of infancy or early childhood.

1. Through adaptive plasticity, functions that were assigned to certain areas of the brain can sometimes be reassigned to other undamaged parts of the brain to compensate fro changing input from environment. Generally, adaptive plasticity enables the brain to compensate for damage by reorganising its structure.

Similarly, studies of monkeys whose somatosensory cortex have been destroyed show that the destroyed areas gradually shift to adjacent undamaged areas of the parietal lone restoring the ability to experience bodily sensations

In other words, the brain's adaptive plasticity enable it to take over or shift functions from damaged to undamaged areas. However, in order to be reconnected or form new connections, they need to be stimulated through activity, such as physiotherapy, speech therapy.

Relevant types of experience during recovery from brain damage are therefore important influences of the speed recovery. For example, brain trauma or stroke patient often need to relearn tasks they previously performed routinely such as walking, speaking (Broca's Aphasia) or reading. The younger the individual the greater the success rate to relearn these tasks

2. May also occur as a result of experience, for example, MRI scan indicate that musicians who play string instruments, the right primary motor cortex that represents the fingers of the left hand is larger than the area the represents the right hand. As the left requires greater motor learning for fine finger control. Thus, the brain is able to modify and adapt itself to reflect this experience.

Another example, is the London taxi drivers, who are required to go through a comprehensive training course in order to find the shortest route between two locations without any material. In other words, they must find new routes daily. When compared to bus drivers who follow a limited number of set routes daily,the rear part of the hippocampus involved in spatial navigation and memory is significantly larger

For example, if that finger is lost, the areas of the somatosensory cortex that represents that finger will initially be unresponsive because there is no loner any sensory input received from the location of the missing finger. Over time, that area will begin to receive input from adjacent fingers and become more responsive to stimulation of these finger, as a result of neurons assuming control of unused areas of the cortex.

At a neural level this is facilitated by rerouting and sprouting. Both enable the formation of entirely new neural connections at the synapse to compensate for loss of function due to brain damage

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Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology

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Is the brain's ability to modify itself in response to damage or experience quizlet?

The brain's ability to change its structure and function in response to experience or damage is commonly called: neuroplasticity.

Which refers to the brain's ability to change with experience quizlet?

1) Brain plasticity refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. This ability to change plays an important role in brain development and behaviour.

What refers to the ability of the brain to adapt and repair itself?

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. It is an umbrella term referring to the brain's ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks. This can involve functional changes due to brain damage or structural changes due to learning.

What is brain plasticity quizlet?

What is meant by brain plasticity? It refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt modifying its own structure and function as a result of experience. Research has shown... that the brain continues to create new neuronal pathways and alter existing ones to adapt to new experiences as a result of learning.


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