Is the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour it must be true that?

If the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour, it must be true that : 

(a) the marginal product of labour is negative 

(b) the marginal product of labour is zero 

(c) the average product of labour is falling 

(d) the average product of labour is negative


a. (From Frank, Chapter 9) A wag once remarked that when a certain government official moved from New York to California, the average IQ level in both states went up. Interpret this remark in the context of average-marginal relationships.
    The politician's (the marginal) IQ was below the average for New York but above the average for California.
b. (From Frank, Chapter 9) True or false: If the marginal product is decreasing, then the average product must also be decreasing. Explain.
    False. AP increases when MP is above it, regardless of whether MP is rising or falling.


(From Frank, Chapter 9) The following table provides partial information on total output, average product, and marginal product for a production function. Use relationships between these properties to complete the table:

Labor Total product Average product Marginal product
0 0 0 ---
1 180 180 180
2 320 160 140
3 420 140 100
4 480 120 60



B) average product must be decreasing. C) marginal product must be decreasing. D) Both B and C

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If the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour, it must be true that _________________.
A)-the marginal product of labour is negative
B)-the marginal product of labour is zero
C)-the average product of labour is falling
D)-the average product of labour is negative.

Related If the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour. It must be true that:a)Marginal product of labour is negativeb)Marginal product of labour is zeroc)Average product of labour is fallingd)Average product of labour is negativeCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

If the marginal product of labor, , is greater than the average product of labor, , then each additional unit of labor is more productive than the average of the previous units. Therefore, by adding the last unit, the overall average increases. If is greater than , then is increasing.

Is marginal product of Labour is below the average product of labour it must be true that?

When the marginal product of labour curve is lower than the average product of labour curve, i.e., the MPL < APL, the average product of labour will tend to fall since the marginal product is decreasing with an increase of labour input.

When the marginal product of Labour is greater than average product of labour?

When the marginal product is greater than the average product of labor, the average product of labor increases. At this stage, the MP curve lies above the AP curve. 2. When the marginal product is equal to the average product of labor, the average product curve reaches its maximum point.

When marginal product is less than average product?

If marginal product is less than average product, then average product declines. If marginal product is greater than average product, then average product rises. If marginal product is equal to average product, then average product does not change.

Which of the following statement is true if the marginal product of labor diminishes?

The TRUE statement is (D.) When the average product of labor is decreasing, average product must be greater than marginal product. When the marginal product (MP) is lower than the average product (AP), the average product decreases.


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