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What is pedagogy in PE?

In its broadest context sport pedagogy includes physical activity, physical education, wellness and sport for all age groups. It is evidenced-based and practice-focused, built on a foundation of effective teaching and coaching, and aimed at promoting participants' learning.

What is defined as an organized body of knowledge collectively embraced in a formal course of learning?

An academic discipline is an organized body of. knowledge collectively embraced in a formal course. of learning. The acquisition of such knowledge is.

Is concerned with issues of right and wrong responsibility and standards of conduct?

Ethics are the standard of what is right and wrong, and they are based on our values. Being ethical requires making a moral judgment, and that's not always easy.

How can professionals and exercise physiologists contribute to the promotion of physical activity by older adults?

How can professionals and exercise physiologists contribute to the promotion of physical activity by older adults? They can determine the amount of physical activity necessary for health benefits for different population groups.


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