It is a collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions


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Chapter 8 - Survey Research

Survey Research Involves the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their response to questions
Survey Research Research in which information is obtained from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions about themselves
Writing Survey Questions - ____________ are the centerpiece of survey questions Questions
Writing questions for a particular survey might begin with a _____________ session or a review of previous surveys Brainstorm
Avoid Confusing Phrasing - What are some ways to avoid such confusing phrasing Minimize confusion phrasing; use shorter words/sentences
Double Negative A question or statement that contains two negatives, which can muddy the meaning of the question
"Do you disagree that there should not be a tax increase?" - What type of example is this? Double Negative
What are some negative words that needs to be avoided? "Don't" and "not" in questions
Double-barreled Questions Also guaranteed to produce uninterpretable results because they actually ask 2 questions but allow only one answer
Filter Questions A survey question used to identify a subset of respondents who then are asked other questions
Skip Pattern Filter questions create skip patterns; The unique combination of questions created in a survey by filter questions and contingent questions
Contingent Question A question that is asked of only a subset of survey respondents; but respondents who answer yes go on
Specific words in survey questions should not trigger ______ Biases
Bipolar Scale Positive to negative categories
Push Polling A technique that has been used in some political campaigns
Pollsters For a candidate call potential voters and ask them a series of questions that convey negative information about the opposing candidate
People often tend to "agree" with a statement just to _____ seeming disagreeable avoid
What are some ways to reduce the likelihood of agreement bias? present both sides of attitude scales in the question itself; avoid using true/false and yes/no response choices should be avoided
Fence-Sitters People who see themselves as being neutral, may skew the results if you force them to choose between opposites
How is Fence-Sitters beneficial? It is a generally a good idea; it identifies "fence-sitters" and tends to increase measurement reliability
Floaters When respondents don't really have an answer; Survey respondents who provide an opinion on a topic in response to a closed-ended question that does not include a "Don't know" option, but who will choose "Don't know" if it is available
Forced-Choice Questions Closed-ended survey questions that do not include "Don't know" as an explicit response choice
As a result, survey experts now recommend that questions not include "_____ ____" or "__ _______" options "Don't Know" or "No Opinion" options
Adding an ____-_____ question in which respondents are asked to discuss their opinions can help identify respondents who are floaters. Open-ended question
Researchers who use __-______ or _________ ___________ may get around a dilemma somewhat by reading the response choices without a middle or "Don't know" alternative but recording a noncommittal response if it is offered. In-person, Telephone interviews
Maximize the Utility of Response Categories - Questions with fixed response choices must provide one and only one possible response for everyone who is asked the question - that is, the response choices must be ____________ and ________ ________ Exhaustive & Mutually Exclusive
______ questions may tell some respondents to skip over a question (the response choices do not have to be exhaustive) Filter
Respondents may be asked to "_____ all that _____" (the response choices are not mutually exclusive) Check all that apply
Respondents should not have "_________ _________," or they may lose interest in answering carefully all the applicable questions Skipping Around
____________ in the response choices is also to be avoided. Vagueness
Questions and thoughts will be more __________ if they refer specific times or events Reliable
How many response categories are desirable? 5 categories work well for unipolar ratings, while 7 will capture most variations on bipolar ratings
Single questions are prone to error due to _____________ _____________, which occurs when individuals' responses vary because of their reactions to particular words or ideas in the question Idiosyncratic Variation
Idiosyncratic Variation - Differences in respondents' backgrounds, knowledge, and beliefs almost _________ that some will understand the same question differently Guarantee
Variation in responses to questions that is caused by individuals' reactions to particular words or ideas in the question instead of by variation in the concept that the question is intended to measure Indiosyncratic Variation
The idea is the idiosyncratic variation in response to particular questions will _______ ___, so that the main influence on the combined measure will be the concept that all the questions focus on. Average out
The index can be considered a more complete measure of the ________ than can any one of the component questions Component
Responses to the different questions should display some ____________. Consistency
The responses to the different questions should be ________________ Correlated
If there is an overlap indicates that questions are measuring a ____________ ___________. Common Concept
Special statistics called _______________ _____________ help researchers decide whether responses are consistent Reliable Measures

What is the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions?

Survey research is defined as "the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions" (Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160). This type of research allows for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various methods of instrumentation.

What is an important tool used to gather information from sample respondents?

A questionnaire is a research tool featuring a series of questions used to collect useful information from respondents.

What is the part of research that present the information gathered through the research?

The results section of the research paper is where you report the findings of your study based upon the information gathered as a result of the methodology [or methodologies] you applied.

What are the steps in gathering information through survey?

Step 1: Define the population and sample. ... .
Step 2: Decide on the type of survey. ... .
Step 3: Design the survey questions. ... .
Step 4: Distribute the survey and collect responses. ... .
Step 5: Analyze the survey results. ... .
Step 6: Write up the survey results..


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