Must englisch bedeutung

If you say that you must do something, you mean that you strongly intend to do something in the future:

I must phone my sister.

We must get someone to fix that wheel.

UK I mustn't bite my nails.

used for emphasis:

I must say, you look absolutely great.

I must admit, I wasn't looking forward to it.


If you tell someone else that they must do something pleasant, you are emphasizing that you think it is a good idea to do that:

You must come and stay with us one weekend.

We must meet for lunch soon.

Mehr Beispiele
  • I must do some ironing tonight.
  • Food must be heated to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
  • You must give the bank a written notification if you wish to close your account.
  • Soldiers must obey orders.
  • Candidates must answer two questions from each paper.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

Essential or necessary

  • basically
  • basis
  • be a question of doing something idiom
  • box ticking
  • business-critical
  • dependence
  • elemental
  • if need be idiom
  • if/when push comes to shove idiom
  • incumbent
  • indispensable
  • inhere in something
  • necessitate
  • necessity
  • need
  • needed
  • needful
  • owe
  • symbiotic
  • symbiotically
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Planning, expecting and arranging

Linguistics: very & extreme

Encouraging and urging on


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must modal verb (PROBABLY)


used to show that something is very likely, probable, or certain to be true:

Harry's been driving all day - he must be tired.

There's no food left - we must have eaten it all.

When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.

"You must know Frank." "No, I don't."

Mehr Beispiele
  • There must be a phone directory in the office somewhere.
  • There's water on the floor - we must have a leak.
  • Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man 10,000 years ago.
  • The letter must have gone astray in the post.
  • Why am I under arrest? There must be some mistake.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

Concluding and deducing

  • analysis
  • deduce
  • deducible
  • deductive
  • diagnosis
  • draw
  • drawn
  • impute something to someone
  • in the last/final analysis idiom
  • inconclusively
  • induction
  • inductive
  • inductively
  • non-deductive
  • put
  • put something down to something
  • put two and two together and make five idiom
  • put two and two together idiom
  • reason
  • syllogism
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Must comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):

Must: forms

Must comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):

Must: uses

When we think carefully about facts, we often use must to express deductions and conclusions from these:

Must and have (got) to?

We usually use must to talk about obligations which come from the speaker and we generally use have (got) to when we refer to obligations that come from outside the speaker.

Must: typical errors

We don’t use must to express obligation and necessity in the past. We use had to instead:


noun [ C ]


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strong /mʌst/
weak /məst/ weak /məs/ us

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strong /mʌst/
weak /məst/ weak /məs/

something that is necessary:

If you live in the country a car is a must.

Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples


  • necessaryDo you have the necessary skills for the job?
  • needDoes she have the skills needed for work of that sort?
  • requireWill you require a wake-up call in the morning?
  • mustThe meat must be cooked thoroughly.
  • essentialClean water is essential for a society's health.
  • fundamentalSome understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.
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SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

Important and essential things

  • -based
  • amenity
  • bare
  • be-all
  • big league
  • focal point
  • foreground
  • fulcrum
  • fundament
  • grandaddy
  • heavyweight
  • hot button
  • imperative
  • name
  • need
  • nexus
  • nub
  • the grandaddy of something idiom
  • the name of the game idiom
  • you can't make bricks without straw idiom
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 a must-do, must-have, must-see, etc.

something that is so good, you must do it, have it, or see it:

The cashmere scarf is this season's must-have.

It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

Causing pleasure

  • agreeable
  • agreeableness
  • agreeably
  • all things to all people idiom
  • attractive
  • deliciously
  • delight
  • delightful
  • delightfully
  • distraction
  • homely
  • homey
  • indulgent
  • indulgently
  • jovial
  • sensual
  • sensuous
  • sensuously
  • serendipitous
  • sweeten
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(Definition von must aus dem Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

must | Amerikanisches Wörterbuch


modal verb


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/mʌst, məst/

must modal verb (BE NECESSARY)

used to show that it is necessary or important that something happen in the present or future:

Seeing what others have and she lacks, she believes that she must have more.

We must not surprise them (= it is wrong, dangerous, or forbidden).

If you say that you must do something, you can mean that you have a firm intention to do something in the future:

I must call my sister later.

Must is sometimes used for emphasis:

I must admit I enjoy these movies.

must modal verb (PROBABLY)

used to show that something is likely, probable, or certain to be true:

Death must be better than this.

"It must have been fun." "No, it wasn’t."


noun [ C ]


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something that is necessary:

If you live in the suburbs a car is a must.

(Definition von must aus dem Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Beispiele von must


You mustn't confuse the problem with the way in which the problem will be resolved.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

The top of the cooker mustn't look dirty, whatever happens.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

I mustn't prejudice my relationship with my minister beyond refusing to accept a ban on internal discussions within the department.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

We mustn't endorse technology for its own sake, nor simply for its economic potential, but ask what its ends are.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

In fact, one mustn't do it, not like that; one couldn't go on.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

You mustn't allow enough time for the mind to think of an alternative.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

Just because there are dark fogs which our sun hasn't yet penetrated we mustn't let the sun lose its glare.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

What you mustn't do is waver, say in the same breath that he both can and can't, and then claim that this contradiction proves that time travel is impossible.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

You mustn't reinforce the role with 'gimmicks'.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

One mustn't think it's a miracle.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

The stretching of these variables is restricted, however, by the condition that both terms in the equation of continuitymust remain of the same order of magnitude.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

There must be an increased availability and access to drug treatment that is sensitive to pregnant and post-partum women in an urban society.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

Many of our participants clearly felt that they ' mustn't complain ', which may be an adaptive psychological strategy for coping with the vicissitudes of advancing age.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

If they have not got any amusements up in their backwoods, we mustn't have none.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

Now, we have to ensure that each safe partial tiling appears exactly once in the tree, so two distinct tilings mustn't give the same result by adding dominoes.

From the Cambridge English Corpus

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Wann benutzt man Must im Englischen?

Must und have to drücken beide eine Verpflichtung oder eine Notwendigkeit aus. Must drückt die Gefühle des Sprechers aus, während have to eher unpersönlich gemeint ist: You must come. Du musst kommen.

Was bedeutet auf Englisch must?

Must drückt also eine Pflicht aus, etwas das erledigt werden muss. Man tut es dann in der Regel nicht freiwillig. Bei der Verneinung von must musst du allerdings aufpassen. Denn im Deutschen heißt nicht müssen, dass man etwas nicht zu tun braucht.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen have to und Must?

Sowohl "must" als auch "have to" drücken eine Verpflichtung oder Pflicht aus. Aber "must" ist eine Verpflichtung, die einem vom Sprecher auferlegt wird, während "have to" eher eine externe Verpflichtung darstellt, also z.B. eine Behörde.

Welche Zeit ist must?

Das Modalverb must kann nur im Simple Present verwendent werden, in anderen Zeitformen benutzt man die Ersatzform have to.


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