Stadium access, facility aesthetics, seating comfort, and scoreboard quality all pertain to:

UNDERSTANDING SPECTATORS AS CONSUMERSObjectives:Understand similarities/differences between spectator and participantmarketsDescribe the eight basic fan motivation factorsExplain how game attractiveness, economic factors and competitive factorsrelate to game attendanceDescribe the demographic profile of spectatorsand explain the changing role ofwomen as spectatorsUnderstand the relationship between stadium factors and game attendanceDiscuss the components of the sportscape modelDescribe the multiple values of sport to the communityExplain sport involvement from a spectator’s perspectiveDiscuss the model of fan identificationSUMMARYResearch suggests that there are two distinct segments of consumers. For instance,participants tend to be male, better educated andyounger than spectators. There are a variety of factors that influence our decision to attend sporting events. Thesefactors include: fan motivation, game attractiveness, economic factors, competitivefactors, demographic factors, stadium factors, value of sport to the community,sports involvement, andfan identification.

Nascar  spectators/participants

Ferreria and Armstrong 8 distinct factors influencing attendence

1.popularity of sport
2. game attractiveness
3. free offerings and promotions
4. pregame and in game entertainment items
5. physical contact
6. convenience and accessibility
7. facility
8. cost

why spectators attend sporting events

9 different motives for fan motivation

1. vicarious achievement
2. acquisition of knowledge
3. aesthetics
4. social interaction
5. drama/excitement
7. family
8. physical attractiveness of participants
9. quality of physical skill

8 basic motives for watching sports

1. self-esteem enhancement
2. diversion from everyday life
3. entertainment value
4. eustress
5. economic value
6. aesthetic value
7. need for affiliation
8. family ties

affiliated with self esteem enhancement, fan feels accomplished when team is winning

associated with self esteem enhancement, stands for basking in reflected glory, maintaining self esteem through associating with winning team

Madrigal's reason why BIRGing occurs

1. expectancy disconfirmation
2. team identification
3. quality of the opponent

associated with self esteem enhancement, cutting off reflected failure, spectators who dissociate themselves from losing teams because that negatively affects self esteem

cutting off reflected success, rebelliousness, need for individuality, linked to the past

Diversion from everyday life

watching sports is seen as a means of getting away from it all

believed to be the most highly motivating of all factors

College football in order to keep fans engaged rule changes

1.clock will start on kickoffs when the ball is kicked
2. changes of possession clock starts when ref starts 25 sec play clock

sports are enjoyable because they stimulate fans and are exciting to the senses

WNBA has the game not fans

Donna orender, several rule changes that shortened shot clock and quickened the pace of games, sent scoring to an all time high

motivated by the potential economic gains associated with gambling on sporting events especially among college

1. 7 of 10 adults placed wager in the last year
2. 35% male college bet on sports
3. online generated $12 billion
4. online sports 5x bigger than las vegas, illegal 35 x bigger
5. biggest betting market value 3 bil
6. sportsbook employ over 2,000 during football

Feb 2000 senator sam brownback made betting on college and amateur illegal anywhere, 2006 house passed bill that made it illegal to use credit cards or checks for online gambling

pure art, compare bball with ballet

need for belonging is satisfied by being a fan

fosters family togetherness, women are more likely to attend for this, fathers greatest influence on fan of specific team

situational factor that varies from game to game and week to week, quality is based on skill level of participants, team records, and league standings

controllable economic factors

environment that can be altered such as ticket prices and perceived value of sports market

uncontrollable economic factors

average income, population, economic health

best commissioner in sport and nba history, the all star weekend

population, age, gender, education, occupation and ethnic background

refer to variables such as the newness of the stadium, stadium access, beauty, seat comfort, cleanliness

what fans value when attending sporting events

1.  parking less than $8 tickets under $25
2. easy parking
3. safe comfortable seat purchase a week prior
4. reasonably prices snacks
5. home team winning record
6. close score
7. hometown star top 10 best player
8. reasonably priced souvenirs
9. ends less than 3 hours
10. wide variety of snacks

the physical surroundings of the stadium that affect the spectators desire to stay at the stadium and ultimately return

1. stadium access
2. facility aesthetics
3. scoreboard quality
4. seating comfort
5. layout accessibility

affective response with sportscape

feeling pleasure or displeasure spectator has with stadium

behavioral responses linked to sportscape factors

desire to stay and return for future events

issues such as availability of parking, ease of entering and exiting the parking areas, and the location of the parking relative to the stadium

exterior and interior (specifically scoreboard quality) appearance of the stadium

number 1 stadium in college sports

seating comfort and layout accessibility, biggest negative influence

perceived comfort of the seating and the spacing of seats

whether spectators can move freely about the stadium, also must have proper signage and space allocation

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: Community Solidarity

sport enhances the image of the community, community harmony, sense of belonging, people feel proud

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: public behavior

sport encourages sportsmanship, positive morality

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: pastime ectasy

provides entertainment and brings excitement

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: excellence pursuit

encourages achievement and success, hard work

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: social equity

increases racial gender and class equality

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: health awareness

eliminates drugs, promotes exercise

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: individual quality

promotes character building and competitive traits

8 value dimensions to sport to the community: business opp

increases community commercial activities, attracts tourists, eco development

8 value dimensions to sport to the community

1. community solidarity
2. public behavior
3. pastime ectasy
4. excellence pursuit
5. social equity
6. health awareness
7. individual quality
8. business opportunity

personal commitment and emotional involvement customers have with sports organization

team characteristics, organizational characteristics, affiliation characteristics, activity characteristics that directly contribute to fan involvement

organizational characteristics

off the field success and failures

affiliation characteristics

sense of community that a fan builds as result of team

attending sporting events or being exposed to events through media

A comparative analysis of spectator involvement US UK

UK: less time watching, more read, less interested in local more likely to perceive sport as necessity

Fan identification: Low (social)

primarily for social interaction

fan identification: Medium (focused)

identify with team or player but only for short term

fan identification: High (vested)

recruit other fans, follow team loyalty, view team as vital part of community

Managerial benefits: decreased price sensitivity

referring to the notion that small increases in ticket prices may produce great fluctuations in demand for tickets

managerial benefits: decreased performance outcome sensitivity

fans that are vested will be more tolerant of poor seasons

Is the physical surrounding of the stadium that impact spectators desire to stay at the stadium?

The sportscape is the physical surroundings of a venue that impact spectators' desire to attend, stay at, and ultimately return to a venue and/or event.

Which of the following is a fan motivation factor?

Fan Motivation Scale The psychological motivating factors that Wann (1995) uncovered are entertainment, aesthetic pleasure, escape, eustress, family needs, group affiliation, self-esteem, and potential economic gain.


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