The average degree of rotation required to demonstrate the l3-4 zygapophyseal joints is:


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L-Spine, Sacrum, and Coccyx

Which projection will best demonstrate spondylolisthesis? Lateral position
Where is the Xiphoid Process? T9 and T10
Where is the Costal Margin? L2 and L3
Where is the Iliac Crest? L4 and L5
Where is the ASIS? S1 and S2
Which projections are used after a spinal fusion surgery? R/L bending. (Hypertension/Hyperflexion)
Who is the Sacrum angled more posteriorly on? Female
How do you tell if a patient is over/under rotated on an oblique L-Spine? Over- If the Pedicle is located posteriorly. Under- If the Pedicle is located anteriorly.
What is the body rotation, CR angle, and placement for oblique SI joints? Body rotated- 25 to 30 degrees. CR angle- No angle. Placement- Direct CR 1in medially to upside ASIS.
Which side is built up (With a block of wood) on the second position for the Ferguson? The side with a convex curve
Which position for SI joints will best demonstrate the left joint? RPO
How do you correct for superimposition of the coccyx on the symphasis pubis? Increase Cauded CR angle from 10 to 15 degrees
What is the CR angle, placement, and centering for AP coccyx? Angle 10 degrees cauded. Direct CR 2 in above pubis.
What is the CR angle, placement, and centering for AP Sacrum? CR is 15 degree cephalad. Direct CR 2 in above pubis.
If a patient has Scoliosis which side should be down? The convex side of the spine.
How do you demonstrate the lower portion of the SI joints on an oblique position? Angle 15 to 20 degrees cephalad
What are the CR angles for AP Axial L5-S1 position? Males- 30 degrees cephalad Females- 35 degrees cephalad
Can AEC sensors be used on a lateral L5-S1 position? Yes
Where does the CR need to be parallel to on a lateral L5-S1 position? Parallel to the Interiliac Plane
How much bone loss needs to happen in order for conventional radiography to detect it? 30%
What term is interchangeable with the term zygapophyseal joint? Facet
What is the largest vertebral body? Lumbar vertebral body
What is the lamina between the superior and inferior articular processes? Pars Interarticularis
What two structures of the Sacrum form the Zygapophyseal joints? The two superior articular processes
What is the first sacral opening that contains certain sacral nerves? Sacral canal
How many coccygeal segments are fused on an adult coccyx? 3-5 (Average of four)
Is the CR Sacrum angle, angled more cephalad for women or men? Women
What angle is used to demonstrate the intervertebral foramina for a lateral L spine? 90 degrees
What angle is used for Oblique Zygapophyseal joints? 45 degrees
Zygapophyseal joints (Posterior obliques)downside- RPO-Right joints LPO-Left joints
Zygapophyseal joints (Anterior obliques)Upside- RAO-Left joints LAO-Right joints
What joint classification of L-spines are Zygapophyseal joints? Synovial, Diarthrodial, and plane or gliding
What joint classification of L-spines are Intervertebral joints? Cartilaginous, Amphiarthrodial (Slightly movable)
For an AP projection of the L-spine, should the knees be flexed? Yes
Computed Tomography (CT) The presence and extent of fractures, disk disease, and neoplastic disease.
Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) Soft tissue structures of the lumbar spine
Nuclear Medicine Detection of skeletal pathologic process
Bone Densitometry Hyperparathyroidism estrogen deficiency, advancing age, and lifestyle factors
Myelography Requires injection of contrast medium to visualize the soft tissue structures of the spinal canal.
Ankylosing Spondylitis Begins in the sacroiliac joints and progresses up the vertebral column
Compression Fractures The superior and inferior surfaces of the vertebral body are driven together producing a wedged shaped vertebrae
Chance Fractures Result from a Hyperflexion force that causes fracture through the vertebral body and posterior elements
Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) also commonly known as a Herniated Lumbar Disk (Slipped Disk) is usually due to trauma or improper lifting
Lordosis Describes the normal concave curvature of the lumbar spine and an abnormal or exaggerated concave lumbar curvature
Scoliosis Lateral curvature of the vertebral column
Spina Bifida a congenital condition in which the posterior aspects of the vertebrae fail to develop, thus exposing part of the spinal cord
Spondylolisthesis involves the forward movement of one vertebrae in relation to another
Spondylolysis the dislocation of a vertebrae.
What angle Is used to visualize a L1-L2 vertebrae? 50 degrees
What angle is used to visualize the L3-L4 vertebrae? 45 degrees
What angle is used to visualize the L5-S1 vertebrae? 30 degrees

What is the average degree of rotation required to demonstrate the L3 l4 Zygapophyseal?

The average degree of rotation required to demonstrate the L3-4 zygapophyseal joints is: a. 50°.

What type of joint movement occurs with the Zygapophyseal joints?

The zygapophyseal joint is structurally classified as a plane synovial joint. Functionally, it behaves as a uniplanar diarthosis, allowing nonaxial movements in one plane (translation).

What CR angulation should be used for an AP axial projection of the L5 S1 joint space on a male patient?

Lumbar spine, Sacrum, and Coccyx.

Which position of the lumbar spine best demonstrates the Zygapophyseal joints?

Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Joints and Foramina Positioning.


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