The specifically manufactured goods rule states that a contract for the sale of __________.

A contract is a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law provides a remedy or the performance of which the law, in some way, recognizes as a duty.

Goods are all things movable at the time they are identified as the items to be sold under the contract.

A merchant is one who generally deals in goods of the kind sold or who otherwise by his profession holds himself out as having special knowledge or skills as to the practices or goods involved. For Art. 2 provisions dealing with general business practices (Statute of Frauds, confirmatory memos, firm offers, modifications) almost anyone in business can be deemed a merchant. But with respect to provisions that require the party be a merchant with respect to goods of the kind involved in the subject transaction (implied warranty of merchantability) construe merchant much more narrowly.

Requirement of good faith performance under the UCC

Every contract within the UCC imposes an obligation of good faith performance. Good faith means honesty in fact and observance of reasonable commercial standards.

Common law implied duty of good faith and fair dealing

implied in every contract, breach of duty usually involves exercising discretion in a way that deprives the other party of the benefit of the bargain or fruits of the contact.

formed by language, oral or written

formed by the manifestations of assent other than oral or written language; formed by the parties' conduct

quasi-contract or implied in law contract

not contracts at all; constructed by courts to avoid unjust enrichment and permit Π to bring an action in restitution to recover the reasonable value of the benefit conferred on the Δ.

exchange of mutual promises; each party is both the promisor and the promisee

Unilateral contract (traditional view)

one in which the offeror requests performance rather than a promise. Usually, the offeror-promisor promises to pay upon the completion of the requested act by the promisee. Once the act is completed, a contract is formed.

unilateral contract (modern view)

unilateral contract can be formed only by full performance and occurs in only two situations: 1. when the offeror clearly and unambiguously indicates that completion of performance is the only manner of acceptance; and 2. where there is an offer to the public, such as a reward for finding a lost dog.

one that is totally w/o any legal effect from the beginning and cannot be enforced by either party. (e.g. a contract to commit a crime; a murder for hire).

one that one or both parties may elect to avoid by raising a defense that makes the contract voidable such as infancy or mental illness

an agreement that is otherwise valid but which may not be enforceable due to a defense extraneous to contract formation such as the statute of limitations of the SoF

requirements of contact formation

1. mutual assent
2. consideration or its substitute
3. no defenses to formation

objective test for mutual assent

did the words or conduct of the parties manifest a present intention to enter into a contract?

offer (promise, undertaking, or commitment with definite and certain terms communicated to the offeree) and acceptance before termination by revocation, rejection, or operation of law

creates a power of acceptance in the offeree and corresponding liability on the part of the offeror.

Requirements of valid offer

must create a reasonable expectation in the offeree that the offeror is willing to enter into a contract on the basis of the offered terms.

Factors considered in deciding whether a communication creates a valid offer:

1. Was there an expression of a promise, undertaking, or commitment to enter into a contract?

2. Were the essential terms definite and certain?

3. Was there communication of the offer to the offeree?

Promise, undertaking, or commitment

for a communication to be an offer there must be an intent to enter into a contract.

language indicating communication ≠ offer

I quote, I am asking for $30, I would consider selling for = invitations to deal rather than offers

factors considered in determining whether communication intended as an offer

1. language used (I offer / I promise not required)
2. surrounding circumstances (joke reasonably understood as such ≠ offer)
3. prior practice and relationship of the parties
4. method of communication (mass media more likely solicitation of an offer; ads containing price quotes are usually construed as invitations for offers)

Offer requirements: Definite and certain terms; basic determination

basic determination is whether enough of the essential terms have been provided so that a contract including them would be capable of being enforced

Offer requirements: Definite and certain terms; identification of offeree

statement must sufficiently identify offeree or a class to which she belongs to justify the inference that the offeror intended to create a power of acceptance

Offer requirements: Definite and certain terms; Definiteness of subject matter

subject matter of the deal must be certain b/c court can enforce promise only if it can tell with reasonably accuracy what the promise is.
*Requirements for Specific Types of Contracts*
Real estate--land and price terms
sale of goods--quantity term (requirements /output OK)
Employment-- duration (not specified = terminable at will)
Other services---the nature of the work to be performed

fact that one or more terms missing doesn't prevent K formation IF:
1. it appears the parties intended to make a contract AND
2. there is a reasonably certain basis for giving a remedy.

Court will supply reasonable terms for those that are missing

*Common law:* except in K for real property, failure to state price term doesn't prevent formation of a K if the parties intended to form a K without the price being settled.

*UCC:* a reasonable price at the time of delivery

if agreement doesn't specify time in which an act is to be performed, the law implies that it is to be performed within a reasonable time

presumption that parties intended to include reasonable terms goes to supplying *missing* terms; presumption can't be made if parties included a term that makes K too vague to be enforced. Vague terms can be cured by part performance or by acceptance of full performance. Offer that states material term to be agreed on at later date = too uncertain to enforce

Communication to the offeree

to have power of acceptance, offeree must have knowledge of the offer

Recap: requirements of valid offer

an offer is a communication that creates a power of acceptance in the offeree. To be valid, an offer must:
1. have language indicating offeror's intent to be bound;
2. contain a definite /clear statement of material terms (subject matter; UCC quantity, land description / price);
3. be communicated to the offeree

Termination of offer; methods of termination

An offer may be terminated by an act of either party or the operation of law.

*Acts of parties*
1. revocation by offeror
2. rejection by offeree

*Operation of law*
1. lapse of time
2. death or insanity of either party
3. destruction of the subject matter
4. supervening illegality

effect of termination of offer

an offer cannot be accepted after it has been terminated.

A revocation is the retraction of an offer by the offeror.

direct methods of revocation

offeror may revoke by communicating the revocation directly to the offeree. Offer made by publication can be revoked by comparable means (e.g. offer published in WSJ cannot be revoked by publication of revocation in Better Homes and Gardens).

indirect methods of revocation

an offer may be revoked indirectly if the offeree receives:
1. correct information
2. from a reliable source
3. of acts of the offeror that would indicate to a reasonable person
4. that the offeror no longer wishes to make the offer

e.g. after offer to sell car to offeree, the offeree is told by a reliable 3rd party that the offeror sold the car to someone else

time of effectiveness of revocation

generally effective upon receipt; revocation by publication effective when published

What constitutes receipt of revocation

delivery to a place of business to which the offer was made or another location authorized to receive this type of communication; doesn't matter whether recipient actually read the communication

Limitations on offeror's power to revoke:

an offer can be revoked at will by the offeror, even if she has promised not to revoke for a certain period, except in the following circumstances:
1. option contract supported by consideration
2. merchant's firm offer (sale of goods only)
3. detrimental reliance
4. beginning of performance in response to unilateral contract offer

an option is a distinct contract in which the offeree gives consideration for the offeror's promise not to revoke an outstanding offer.

1. if a merchant
2. offers to buy or sell goods
3. in a signed writing and
4. the writing gives assurances that the offer will be held open
5. the offer is irrevocable, even without consideration, during the time stated, or
6. if not time is stated, for a reasonable time
7. but in no event may such period exceed 90 days / 3 months

(if offer states time longer than 3 months, irrevocable only for 3 months; but three month limitation applies only to offers not supported by consideration. option supported by consideration = option K and can be held open for as long as the parties specify)

Limits on revocation; detrimental reliance

1. when offeror could reasonably expect that offeree would rely to her deteriment on the offer, AND
2. the offeree actually relies on the offer to her detriment
3. the offer will be irrevocable as an option contract for a reasonable length of time

limits on revocation; beginning of performance, offer for unilateral contract

an offer for a unilateral contract becomes irrevocable once performance has begun; offeree must be given a reasonable time to complete performance; offeree not bound to complete performance--may withdraw at any time prior to completion of performance; no acceptance until performance is complete; preparations to perform do not make offer irrevocable but may constitute detrimental reliance sufficient to make promise binding to extent of detrimental reliance

limits on revocation; beginning of performance, offer for bilateral contract

bilateral contract can be accepted by either promise or performance. Therefore, a bilateral K formed upon the start of performance. Once contract is formed, revocation is impossible; attempt to revoke = repudiation

1. Express rejection
2. Counteroffer
3. lapse of time

A counteroffer is an offer made by the offeree to the offeror that contains the same subject matter as the original offer but differs in its terms

both a rejection and a new offer; terminates the original offer and reverses the role of the parties

When is a rejection effective?

A rejection is effective when it is received by the offeror.

b/c an option is a K to keep an offer open, a rejection of or a counteroffer to an option does *not* constitute a termination of the offer. The offeree is free to accept the original offer within the option period unless the offeror has detrimentally relied on the rejection

Rejection vs. Mere Inquiry

a counteroffer constitute a rejection; a mere inquiry doesn't. Mere inquiry = a communication by offeree in response to an offer that indicates offeree is still considering the original offer. Test = would a reasonable person believe that the original offer had been rejected?

Rejection by lapse of time

an offer by be terminated by offeree's failure to accept w/in the time specified by the offeror or, if no deadline was specified, within a reasonable time.

Termination by operation of law

the following events will terminate an offer by operation of law:
1. *death or incapacity of either party*
- unless offer is of a kind the offeror could not
terminate, e.g. option supported by consideration
- death / insanity need not be communicated to other
2. *destruction of the subject matter*
- effective when occurs
3. *supervening illegality*
- effective when occurs

an acceptance is a manifestation of assent to the terms of the offer.

generally, only person to whom offer communicated has power of acceptance; usually power of acceptance cannot be assigned EXCEPT if offeree has paid consideration to keep option open then the right to accept is transferable

Acceptance; knowledge of offer required

the offeree must know of the offer in order to accept it regardless of whether bilateral or unilateral K. If A performance act requested by offer for unilateral K w/ no knowledge of offer, no K is formed upon completion of performance

Acceptance of offer for unilateral contract

1. *not accepted until performance completed*
- beginning of performance may create option such that
offer irrevocable but offeree not obligated to continue
2. *notice*
- generally offeree not required to give offeror notice
that she has begun the requested performance but it is
required to notify offeror w/in reasonable time after
- no notice required if:
- the offeror waived notice
- the offeree's performance would normally come to
the offeror's attention within a reasonable time

Acceptance of bilateral contract

unless an offer specifically provides otherwise, it will be construed as an offer to enter into bilateral K and may be accepted by either a promise or by the beginning of performance.

acceptance must be communicated unless offer provides that acceptance need not be communicated

if prior dealing or trade practices make it commercially reasonable for offeror to consider silence as acceptance, the court may so find. if recipient of services knows or should have known that the services were being rendered w/ expectation of payment and by word, could have prevented the mistake, recipient may be held to have accepted the offer if she fails to speak

Acceptance of offer to buy goods for current or prompt shipment

construed as inviting acceptance either by a promise to ship or by current or prompt shipment of conforming or nonconforming goods

common law insists on an absolute and unequivocal acceptance of each and every term of the offer. any different or additional term in the acceptance make the response a rejection and counteroffer

Acceptance under Article 2: Shipment of nonconforming goods

constitutes acceptance creating a bilateral contract as well as a simultaneous breach of K unless seller seasonably notifies buyer that the shipment is offered only as an accommodation. B is not required to accept accommodation goods. if rejected, S is not in breach and may reclaim the accommodation goods b/c tender ≠ acceptance of B's original offer

BUT if party accepts offer by promising to ship, then shipment of nonconforming goods = breach because accommodation is not possible

Battle of the forms provision in general

Article 2 abolished mirror image rule; additional / different terms in acceptance ≠ rejection; rather = effective acceptance UNLESS acceptance expressly conditional on assent to additional / different terms. Whether additional or different terms become part of the K depends on whether both parties are merchants

Battle of the Forms: Additional / different terms included in resulting contract

1. K involving a nonmerchant = terms of offer govern unless offeror expressly agrees
2. K's between merchants:
- additional terms usually included unless:
- materially alter the original terms of the offer
(e.g. change party's risk or remedies available)
- offer expressly limits acceptance to its terms; or
- offer objects within a reasonable time after
notice received

battle of the forms vs. no mutual assent

watch for different price, quantity, or quality terms b/c generally indicate no meeting of the minds

treated as rejection of the offer, essentially a counteroffer but counteroffer cannot be accepted by performance; if parties ship goods or accept goods after a conditional acceptance, a contract is formed by parties' conduct and the new terms aren't included

acceptance by mail or similar means creates a contract at the moment of dispatch, provided that the mail is properly addressed and stamped UNLESS:
1. the offer stipulates that acceptance ≠ effective until received;
2. option K (acceptance effective only upon receipt);
3. offeree sends rejection and then sends acceptance, whichever arrives 1st is effective
4. if offeree send acceptance and then rejection, the acceptance is effective (e.g. mailbox rule applies) unless the rejection arrives first and offeror detrimentally relies on it

offeree sends rejection and then sends acceptance

whichever arrives first is effective

offeree sends acceptance and then rejection

mailbox rule applies and the acceptance is effective unless the rejection arrives first and offeror detrimentally relies on it

elements of consideration

1. there must be a bargained for exchange between the parties; and
2. that which is bargained for must be considered of legal value or must constitute a benefit to the promisor or a detriment to the promisee

requires that the promise induce the detriment and the detriment induce the promise. there is no bargain (and no consideration) when one party gives a gift to another

act or forbearance by promisee must be of benefit to the promisor

the benefit need not be economic; gratification of influencing the mind sufficient

past or moral consideration

a promise given in exchange for something already done / obligated to be done ≠ valid consideration b/c doesn't satisfy bargain requirement

exceptions to past / moral consideration rule

1. a new promise is made in writing
2. new promise partially performed
3. past act benefitted promisor and was performed by promisee at the promisor's request or in response to an emergency, a subsequent promise to pay for that act is enforceable

Consideration; legal value element

in general, courts don't inquire into the adequacy of consideration. But something entirely devoid of value (token consideration) is insufficient. an insignificant sum recited in contract (sham consideration) also insufficient if not paid.

legal detriment results if the promisee does something she is not legally obligated to do or refrains from doing something she has a legal right to do.

forbearance or performance of an act that the promisor was not legally entitled to demand or expect

preexisting legal duty ≠ consideration

1. new or different consideration promised;
2. promise to ratify a voidable obligation;
3. preexisting duty owed to 3rd person rather than promisor;
4. there's an honest dispute as to the preexisting duty;
5. unforeseen circumstances sufficient to discharge party or modification is fair and equitable in view of changed circumstances not anticipated when the K was made

a good faith agreement modification needs no consideration to be binding

Consideration; mutuality requirement

illusory promises ≠ valid consideration. A promise to choose one of several alternative means of performance is illusory unless every alternative involves legal detriment to the promisor. the promise will not be found illusory if:
1. at least one alternative involves legal detriment and power to choose rests with the promisee or third party; or
2. a valuable alternative (e.g. one actually involving legal detriment) is selected

consideration is not necessary if the facts indicate the promisor should be estopped from not performing. A promise is enforceable if necessary to prevent injustice if:
1. the promisor should reasonable expect to induce action or forbearance; and
2. such action or forbearance is in fact induced

1. Mutual mistake
2. Unilateral mistake (in limited cases)
3. Misrepresentation
4. Absence of consideration
5. Illegality
6. Infancy
7. Incapacity
8. Duress
9. Undue influence
10. Statute of Frauds
11. Unconscionability

Under a modern trend, some courts will enforce a promise if:
1. it is based on a material benefit that was previously
conferred by the promisee on the promisor, and
2. the promisee did not intend to confer the benefit as
a gift.

includes situations in which the promisee performed an unrequested act during an emergency.

A contract entered into between an infant and an adult is __________.

voidable by the infant but binding on the adult

What is the Statute of Frauds?

A statute requiring that certain types of agreements must be evidenced by a writing signed by the party sought to be bound

In a contract for a sale of goods priced at $500 or more, if the goods are _________ or __________, the contract will be enforced even if there is no writing

Received and accepted; paid for

If goods are either received and accepted or paid for, the contract is enforceable without a writing. However, the contract is not enforceable beyond the quantity of goods accepted or paid for. Thus, if only some of the goods called for in the oral contract are accepted or paid for, the contract is only partially enforceable.

A contract for specially manufactured goods, i.e., goods that are to be specially manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable for sale to others by the seller in the ordinary course of his business, can sometimes be enforceable without a writing, but only under circumstances where the seller has reasonably indicated that the goods are for the buyer and made a substantial beginning in their manufacture or committed for their purchase before notice of a repudiation was received. There is no exception to the Statute of Frauds for unique goods.

When both parties entering into a contract are mistaken about an existing fact relating to the agreement, __________.

the contract is voidable if the mistake concerns a basic assumption upon which the contract was made

At common law, the Statute of Frauds requires _____________ signed by ____________.

a writing reflecting the material terms of the contract; the party to be held liable

In determining whether a service contract is subject to the SoF, one should look to the _______:

A seller who __________ can enforce an oral contract for the sale of real property.

conveys the property to the buyer

A writing is not required to enforce a contract that would otherwise be covered by the Statute of Frauds if:

The party against whom enforcement is sought admits to the contract in court

The Statute of Frauds requires that certain contracts be evidenced by a writing signed by the parties sought to be bound. However, if the party against whom enforcement is sought admits in pleadings, testimony, or otherwise in court that the contract was made, the contract is enforceable without a writing (but in such a case the contract is not enforced beyond the quantity of goods admitted).

UCC: Specially manufactured goods exception to SoF

A contract for specially manufactured goods, i.e., goods that are to be specially manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable for sale to others by the seller in the ordinary course of his business, can sometimes be enforceable without a writing, but only under circumstances where the seller has reasonably indicated that the goods are for the buyer and made a substantial beginning in their manufacture or committed for their purchase before notice of a repudiation was received.

What contract is considered void, rather than voidable?

a contract for illegal consideration

Mutual mistake can be a defense to the formation of a contract if:

The mistake concerns a basic assumption on which the contract is made

In a contract for a sale of goods priced at $500 or more, if the goods are _________ or __________, the contract will be enforced even if there is no writing.

Received and accepted; paid for

The confirmatory memo rule applies __________.

Only if both parties to the agreement are merchants

The Statute of Frauds requires that contracts for the sale of goods for a price of $500 or more be evidenced by a writing signed by the parties sought to be bound. The confirmatory memo rule is an exception, which allows a contract to be enforceable without a writing signed by the party to be bound, in this case the recipient of the confirmatory memo. Under the confirmatory memo rule, in contracts between merchants, if one party, within a reasonable time after an oral agreement has been made, sends to the other party a written confirmation of the understanding that is sufficient under the Statute of Frauds to bind the sender, it will also bind the recipient if he has reason to know of the confirmation's contents and does not object to it in writing within 10 days of receipt.

When two merchants enter into an oral contract for the sale of goods and one party sends to the other party a signed, written confirmation of the agreement, it:

Binds both the sender and recipient, provided the recipient had reason to know of its contents and did not object in writing within 10 days of receipt

what is the effect of a novation on the liability of the original obligor for performance under the contract?

the novation discharges the original obligor's liability

What do you mean by contract of sale?

(1) A contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a price. There may be a contract of sale between one part-owner and another. (2) A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.

When a contract provides for the sale of goods subject to the buyer's approval?

When a contract provides for the sale of goods subject to the buyer's approval, the transaction is a sale on return. Most goods sold by reputable merchants can be returned for a variety of reasons unless the sale is clearly identified as final or the circumstances of the return are unreasonable.

What can be the subject matter of the contract of sale?

—(1) The goods which form the subject of a contract of sale may be either existing goods, owned or possessed by the seller, or future goods. (2) There may be a contract for the sale of goods the acquisition of which by the seller depends upon a contingency which may or may not happen.

What are the required elements of the statute in other words for a contract for the sale of goods of $500 or more to be enforceable what is required?

At this point, you should be able to explain and apply the statute of frauds under § 2-201, in particular that: (i) it applies to contracts for the sale of goods of $500 or more; (ii) when applicable, it requires a writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought; and (iii) the writing is sufficient to ...


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