The typical information flows in a purchasing process might include all of the following except:

Business Processes and Information Flow

David Loshin, in Business Intelligence (Second Edition), 2013

The Information Flow Model

While business process models are intended to capture the details of the tasks and interactions with a process, it is useful to augment the business process model with the corresponding information flow. This will expose how both information and control are shared and propagated through the business application. It is useful to have a method for describing the way data propagates through a system, and this section describes some aspects of a high-level information flow model.

An information flow model distinguishes the discrete processing stages within the process, describes how information flows through that system, characterizes the kinds of data items that flow through the process, and captures the type or method of data access. This model is valuable because it provides a basis for distinguishing between data dependencies, control dependencies, and artificially imposed implementation dependencies, which in turn can lead toward flow optimization, identification of bottlenecks, finding locations for insertion of data validation monitors, inserting data collection points for later analysis, and opportunities for increased business analysis points.

Information Flow: Processing Stages

In an information flow model, we distinguish discrete processing stages. Although the following list is by no means complete, we can characterize each information flow stage as one of these classes.

Supply, representing external data suppliers provide

Acquisition, representing the point at which existing data instances are acquired

Transformation, representing the point where a data instance is modified to conform to another processing stage’s expected representative format

Creation, the point at which new data instances are created

Process, representing points at which system state is modified as a result of input data

Store, in which a data instance is stored in a persistent system

Packaging, in which data is collated, aggregated, and/or summarized

Switch/route, where a set of rules is used to determine where and how to route data instances

Decision point, which is a point at which a data consumer (real or automated) is solicited for a decision

Deliver, the delivery point for data that is meant to be consumed

Consume, the presentation point for information presented by the system

Information Flow: Directed Channels

Data moves between stages through directed information channels. A directed information channel is a pipeline indicating the flow of information from one processing stage to another, indicating the direction in which data flows. Our model is represented by the combination of the processing stages connected by directed information channels. Once we have constructed the flow model, we assign names to each of the stages and the channels.

Data Payload Characteristics

The last aspect of an information flow model is the description of the data items that are propagated between any pair of processing stages. The characteristics include the description of the information structure (i.e., columnar attribution), the size of the data instances, and the cardinality of the data set (i.e., the number of records communicated). More sophisticated models may be attributed with business rules governing aspects such as directional flow, validation, and enhancement as well as processing directives.

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Data Requirements Analysis

David Loshin, in The Practitioner's Guide to Data Quality Improvement, 2011

9.4.3 Synthesize Requirements

This next phase synthesizes the results of the documentation scan and the interviews to collect metadata and data expectations as part of the business process flows. The analysts will review the downstream applications' use of business information (as well as questions to be answered) to identify named data concepts and types of aggregates, and associated data element characteristics.

Figure 9.4 shows the sequence of these steps:

Figure 9.4. Synthesizing the results.


Document information workflow: Create an information flow model that depicts the sequence, hierarchy, and timing of process activities. The goal is to use this workflow to identify locations within the business processes where data quality controls can be introduced for continuous monitoring and measurement.


Identify required data elements: Reviewing the business questions will help segregate the required (or commonly used) data concepts (party, product, agreement, etc.) from the characterizations or aggregation categories (e.g., grouped by geographic region). This drives the determination of required reference data and potential master data items.


Specify required facts: These facts represent specific pieces of business information that are tracked, managed, used, shared, or forwarded to a reporting and analytics facility in which they are counted or measured (such as quantity or volume). In addition, the data quality analyst must document any qualifying characteristics of the data that represent conditions or dimensions that are used to filter or organize your facts (such as time or location). The metadata for these data concepts and facts will be captured within a metadata repository for further analysis and resolution.


Harmonize data element semantics: A metadata glossary captures all the business terms associated with the business workflows, and classifies the hierarchical composition of any aggregated or analyzed data concepts. Most glossaries may contain a core set of terms across similar projects along with additional project specific terms. When possible, use existing metadata repositories to capture the approved organization definition.

The use of common terms becomes a challenge in data requirements analysis, particularly when common use precludes the existence of agreed-to definitions. These issues become acute when aggregations are applied to counts of objects that may share the same name but don't really share the same meaning. This situation will lead to inconsistencies in reporting, analyses, and operational activities, which in turn will lead to loss of trust in data. Harmonization and metadata resolution are discussed in greater detail in chapter 10.

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Data Requirements Analysis

David Loshin, in Business Intelligence (Second Edition), 2013

Synthesize Requirements

The notes from the interviews coupled with the collected documents provides the pallet from which the results can be synthesized to shed light on the necessary metadata concepts and data expectations in relation to existing business process flows. The analysts will review the expected use of business information (largely in the context of the business questions to be answered) to identify named data concepts and types of aggregates, and associated data element characteristics.

Synthesizing requirements, shown in Figure 7.3, is a sequence of steps:

Figure 7.3. Synthesizing requirements.


Document information workflow. Create an information flow model that depicts the sequence, hierarchy, and timing of process activities. The goal is to use this workflow to review data touch points and corresponding structures and semantics to ensure that the data items are consistent for consolidation, aggregation, and subsequent reporting.


Identify required data elements. Reviewing the business questions will help segregate the required (or commonly used) data concepts (“party,” “product,” “agreement,” etc.) from the characterizations or aggregation categories (“grouped by geographic region”). This drives the determination of required reference data and potential master data items.


Specify required facts. As described earlier in this chapter, the facts represent specific pieces of business information that are to be tracked, managed, used, shared, or forwarded to a reporting and analytics facility in which they are subjected to measurement and aggregation as part of performance metrics. In addition, we must document data characteristics that represent qualifiers or dimensions that are used to filter or organize your facts (such as time or location). The metadata for these data concepts and facts will be captured within a metadata repository for further analysis and resolution.


Harmonize data element semantics. Use a metadata glossary to capture the business terms associated with the business work flows. Reference metadata can be organized and classified hierarchically to support the composition of any aggregated or analyzed data concepts. Glossaries may be used to consolidate and harmonize the core set of terms across the enterprise. When possible, use existing metadata repositories to capture the approved organization definition.

Some issues can be avoided as part of the harmonization process by formulating agreed-to definitions for commonly used terms. This is particularly true when aggregations are applied to counts of objects that may share the same name, but don’t really share the same meaning. Harmonization will help eliminate inconsistencies in reporting, analyses, and operational activities, and increase the level of trust in resulting reports and analyses.

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The Reach of Abduction Insight and Trial

Dav M. Gabbay, John Woods, in A Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems, 2005

9.8 Semantic Space Interpretation of Texts

It is well-known among AI researchers that there are no easy ways in which to automatically unpack the propositional content of texts. This is a problem for the mechanization of textual interpretation, but it is also an indication of how small a part of the problem is encompassed by enythemematic interpretation. In the present section, we bring to bear on the general issue of interpretative abduction some recent developments in research on semantic spaces. It represents yet another attempt at what might pass for a logic of down below. We here follow results reported in [Bruza et al., 2004].

The problem that motivates the semantic space approach is that when AI researchers build systems that are able to reason over substantial texts, the deployment of techniques of propositional representation of the knowledge embedded in the text fails to achieve the objective in a satisfactory way. Even so, on the assumption that texts embed knowledge of some sort, and on the further assumption that textual interpretation and inference somehow “gets at” that knowledge, it is reasonable to postulate a knowledge representation capability of some kind. In the approach of Bruza and his colleagues, highly dimensional semantic spaces are put into play. Semantic spaces have a good record in the cognitive interpretation of human information processing, and they offer attractive promise as a kind of computational wherewithall that simulates abductive behaviour in humans. Another attraction of semantic spaces is the size of their representational capacities. Bruza and his colleagues point out impressive degrees of knowledge representation success in relation to quite large texts. In one example, a substantial body of Usenet news (160 million words) responded well to the system’s knowledge representation function [Lund and Burgess, 1996; Burgess et al., 1998].

Abduction introduces something new. Any mechanical system adaptable for abduction must take this fact into account. To this end, two mechanisms are required. One uncovers implicit associations. The other computes them. A test case for this technology is the replication by automatic means of an abduction by Donald Swanson that fish oil is effective in the treatment of Raynaud’s disease.

HAL (the Hyperspace Analogue to Language) constructs lexical representations in a high dimensional space that score well against humanly generated representations [Lund and Burgess, 1996; Burgess et al., 1998]. HAL’s space is an n × m matrix, relative to an n-word vocabulary. The matrix trains a window of length l on a text, at a rate of one word at a time. (Intuitively, windows function as contexts). Punctuation, and sentence and paragraph boundaries are ignored. All words in the window are assumed to be co-occurrent in degrees that vary proportionally to their distance from one another. In a HAL matrix, row and column vectors are combined to produce a unitary vector representation for the word in question. Table 1 displays part of the unified HAL vector for the word in question. Table 1 displays part of the unified HAL vector for the word “Raynaud”. It is computed by directing HAL’s attention to a set of medical texts got from the MEDLINE collection. In this representation, a word is a weighted vector with lexical alternatives serving as its dimensions. In this case, weights give the degree (or strength) of association between “Raynaud” and other lexical items caught by the moving window. The higher the value of the weight, the greater the degree of co-occurrence with “Raynaud”, assuming contextual invariance (see table 9.1).

Table 9.1. Example HAL representation

nifedipine 0.44
scleroderma 0.36
ketanserin 0.22
synthetase 0.22
sclerosis 0.22
thromboxane 0.22
prostaglandin 0.22
dazoxobin 0.21
E1 0.15
calcium 0.15
vasolidation 0.15
platelet 0.15
platelets 0.07
blood 0.07
viscosity 0.07
vascular 0.07

HAL is a type of computational model known as semantic space systems [Lowe, 2001,p. 200] and [Patel et al., 1997; Sahlgren, 2002; Lowe, 2000]. Semantic spaces operate geometrically rather than propositionally. They are simplified adaptations of the notion of a conceptual space originated by Gärdenfors [2000], In conceptual spaces knowledge is represented dimensionally. Colours for example, have a three-dimensional representation: hue, chromaticity and brightness. On this approach a colour is a three-dimensionally convex region of a geometric space. Red is one such region. Blue is another. In Gärdenfor’s account there is a principled link between ontological items such as colour-properties and mental items such as colour-concepts. Integral to this mapping is the concept of domain. A domain is a class of integral dimensions, which means that a value in one dimension either fixes or affects the values in other dimensions. The colour dimensions are integral in the sense that colour-brightness affects both chromaticity (or saturation) and hue.

The geometric orientation also figures prominently in theories of information flow in the manner of Barwise and others. [Barwise and Seligman, 1997]. In such accounts, inferential information content is defined for real-valued spaces. Brightness is represented as a real number between 0 (white) and 1 (black). Integral dimensions are construed as observation functions that specify how a value in a given dimension affects a value in another dimension. Here the represented items are points, whereas in Gardenfor’s approach they are regions.

We can now see that a HAL-representation approximates to a Barwise and Seligman state space in which dimensions are words. For example, a noun phrase is such a point. The point represents the state of the context of the passage that is under examination from which, in turn, the HAL space is computed. If the lexical sample changes, the state of that noun phrase may also be altered, which is something of a setback (but see below). Even so, HAL has a good track record for what Lowe and his colleagues call “cognitive compatability”. Another virtue is that HAL spaces are algorithmic. “Yes,” one might say, “but can HAL do abduction?”

In Gardenfor’s approach, inference need not be considered in exclusively symbolic terms. Symbolically represented inference is for the most part a linear process and, in most of the standard treatments, a deductive one. In a conceptual space model, inference is a matter of associations based on semantic similarity, where similarity is given a geometrical rendering within a n-dimensional space. Thus the conceptual approach to reasoning has an explicitly geometrical character. This is a promising candidate for what we have been calling reasoning “down below”, typified by irrelevancy-evasion in general and cut-to-the-chase abduction in particular. The promise lies in prospects of a computationally tractable logic of hypothesis-generation. Bruza and his colleagues conjecture that hypotheses are generated computationally on implied associations in semantic spaces. The factor of implicity is thought of as counterpart of Peirce’s notion of the “originary” aspect of abductive reasoning. New hypotheses are realized by way of computations of information flow in semantic space. In an example from [Song and Bruza, 2001; Song and Bruza, 2000; Song and Bruza, 2003], penguin, books ⊢ publisher expresses that the concept publisher is transmitted informationally by the conceptual composition of penguin and books. The concept of publisher thus flows informationally from those of penguin and books. These and other kinds of information flow are fixed by an undergirding state space produced by HAL, Information flow comes in degrees which are functionally related to the degree of the inclusion between the requisite information states (i.e., over the HAL vectors). When inclusions are total, information flow is maximal.

We now define information flow somewhat more formally. Let i1,…,in be concepts. Then ci is the HAL representation of concept i, and δ is a threshold value. ⊕ci is the composite of ci,…,ck; it is therefore a combined mode of representing a composite concept. Inclusion is denoted by ⊂ .

Definition 9.23 Information flow in HAL

ij,…,ik⊢jiffdegree ⊕ci⊂cj>δ

In our discussion here, information is computed from just one term. So ⊕ c1 = c1.11

The degree of inclusion is got by normalizing the score which is computed of ratios of intersecting ci and cj to the number of properties in ci. Accordingly,

Definition 9.24 Degrees of inclusion


Intuitively, the more an inclusion relation includes, the more it is an inclusion relation. Definition 9.24 takes note of this by requiring that most of the properties represented by ci (the “source” concept) also crop up among the properties represented by cj. The properties covered by the source concept are defined the threshold δ. So, for example, in texts in which query expansion terms are derived automatically by way of information flow determinations, best results were achieved by setting δ to the average dimension weight in ci [Bruza and Song, 2002],

Consider a case in which j has zero weight in ci. What this means intuitively is that i and j have no co-occurrence in any window in the construction of the semantic space. But this does not preclude information flow from ci to cj. In such a case, the flow of information from ci to cj is called implicit information inference, and is of obvious interest to abduction theorists.

Information flow models have had a good record in automating query expansion for document retrieval. Effective query expansion is a matter of inferring expansion terms relevant to the topic of the query. Bruza et al. [2004] suggests that query expansion can be understood abductively. The task is to abduce terms relevant to the topic of the query.

Terms which exhibit high information flow from the given query can be considered collectively, as furnishing explanatory hypotheses with regard to the given query, modulo the underlying semantic space [Bruza et al., 2004, p. 104].

9.8.1 The Raynaud-Fish Oil Abduction

In the 1980s a librarian named Don Swanson made a chance discovery by linking together two different on-line medical sites, one having to do with Raynaud’s disease and the other dealing with fish oil. As Swanson subsequently observed, “the two literatures are mutually isolated in that authors and readers of one literature are not acquainted with the other, and vice versa” [Swanson and Smalheiser, 1997, p. 184]. Swanson’s discovery turned on what we might call intermediate terms or B-terms. If we take A to represent “fish oil” and C to represent “Raynaud”, then the implicit link between them was indicated by groups of explicit links A-B and B-C [Weeber et al., 2001]. The B-terms used were “blood viscosity”, “platelet aggression” and “vascular reactivity”. (See again Table 9.1.) While A-B and B-C links were reported in the two disparate literatures, there is in neither any explicit link A → C. A → C Swanson characterizes as “undiscovered public knowledge” [Swanson, 1986].

Swanson downloaded 111,603 MEDLINE journal articles published between 1980 and 1985. He confined his attention to the titles of the papers collected. Swanson constructed a HAL semantic space from a vocabulary containing all words in these titles, save for those excluded by a stop but in the ARROSMITH system. The resulting vocabulary contained 28,834, which is the dimensionality of the semantic space.

Swanson’s experiments manipulated the size l of the window and the threshold δ, which fixes the properties comprehended by the source concept which would be involved in the information flow computations. The importance of window size lay in the likelihood that the bigger the window (i.e., the larger the context), the greater the number of B-terms spotted. The importance of heavily weighting the threshold parameter lay in the likelihood that the Raynaud representations would have desirable degrees of relevance if heavily weighted.

Using the Raynaud representation as the source concept in Definition 8.26, the 1500 most heavily weighted terms were computed. Although 1500 is arbitrary, it reflects the fact that computational costs vary proportionally with vocabulary size. Implicit information inferences were ranked according to information flows — the greater the flow the higher the ranking. Swanson wanted to compare his information flow computations with other kinds of outcome computed on the Raynaud representation. One such is cosine, which, when used in semantic spaces, measures the angle between representations, where the strength of the association varies inversely with the size of the angle. In HAL’s space, the cosine can be got by multiplying respective representations and ranking them in descending order of cosine. This is possible since in the HAL space representations are given a remit length normalization.

Using the Minkowski distance metric; it is possible to measure the distance between concepts x and y in the n-dimensional HAL space. Accordingly

Table 9.2. Implicit information inference and semantic association strengths based on the Raynaud representation

Information flow (l = 50, δ = μ) 0.12(484) 0.34(54) 0.12(472) 0.04
Cosine (l = 50) 0.13(152) 0.04 0.04 0.06
Euclidean distance (l = 50) 1.32(152) 1.38 1.38 1.37(1088)

Definition 9.25


where d(x, y) is the distance between representations of x and y.

When x corresponds to a Raynaud representation, both Euclidean distance (r = 2) and city-block distance (r = 1) can be computed, and the y-terms are rankable on increasing order of distance, where terms closer to x are taken as having higher levels of semantic connection. In Swanson’s experiment the top 1500 y-terms were singled out for consideration.

Cosine and Minkowski distance metrics measure the semantic strength of the association of x and y in the HAL space. Information flow computation is different. It measures the level of information overlap in the target term relative to the source term.

For ease of exposition, we report only the results achieved in the best runs. Degree of information flow and strength of semantic association are represented by the numbers in the table’s cells, with the requisite ranking in parentheses. Bolded values indicate terms occurring in the top 1500. City-block metrics produced unsatisfactory runs, and don’t appear in the table.

What stands out is that, for three of the four tested terms, information flow through a semantic space managed to register their implicit association with “Raynaud”. Also of significance is the comparative lowness of these rankings. It bears on this that the best results were achieved when above average weightings were given to the Raynaud representation. Even so, in that situation only one B-term had an above average weighting (“platelet”: 0.15), and the other B-terms occurring in the representation had below average weightings. This means that they failed to part of the information flow. It is also interesting that relevant information flow was restricted to the same one B-term, “platelet”. However, when the weights of the B-terms were increased manually and the Raynaud vector was set at unity, the runs are more encouraging. All four target terms receive information flow, and three of the four now place quite in the ranking.

Regardless, semantic space calculations provide an account of how implicit connections can be computed from a semantic space and interpreted from an abductive perspective. In an automatic setting, information flow computation through a high dimensional space is able to suggest the majority of terms needed to simulate Swanson’s Raynaud-fish oil discovery, though the strength of suggestion is relatively small.

It is interesting to note that in HAL-based semantic space models there is no express capacity for seeking out or responding to considerations of relevance and plausibility. Likewise, there is no express role here for analogy. In the HAL model, semantic weight is dominantly a matter of the physical distance between and among co-occurring terms. Not only is this a not especially notion of semanticity, intuitively speaking, but the HAL runs also show that comparatively light semantic weightedness is all that is required for comparatively successful hypothesis-generations, in the manner of Swanson.

This is a highly admonitory turn of events. It suggests confirms what we have repeatedly claimed, namely, that hypothesis selection does not require the abducer to make judgements about what is relevant, plausible and analogous. But it also suggests that hypotheses that are selected need not satisfy conditions on relevance, plausibility or analogousness. In particular, it calls into question our claim that a wining hypothesis will always turn out to have a determinate place in a filtration-structure. But if that claim should fail, it may be that the best to be said for our intuitions about the relevant, the plausible and the analogous is that they issue forth in judgements made (albeit tacitly, for the most part) after the fact of hypothesis-selection. Part of the importance of research in mechanized abduction is the further light that it might throw on these suggestions. We also see in this a considerable rehabilitation of what we (not HAL) call topical relevance.

In the Swanson case, the implicit links between Raynaud’s disease and fish oil, were carried by connecting terms of the form A – B and B – C, where A terms are from the Raynaud lexicon and C terms are from the fish oil lexicon. Implicit inferential flow thus passes between A– and C– terms by way of intermediate B– terms. The basic structure of this flow resembles consequence relations that admit of an Interpolation Theorem. It also reflects the presence of the Anderson-Belnap conception of topical relevance, viz., term overlap. All this is food for thought. A semantic space approach to computerized abduction employs a weak notion of semanticity. The implicit inferential flows that drive the task of hypotheses-generation and hypothesis-engagement are semantically modest. The theory’s tacit responsiveness to relevance constraints is one that involves the crudest conception of topical relevance to be found in the entire relevance canon. Yet HAL produced the right answer for Swanson’s abduction problem. The semantic essence of the HAL model is given jointly by a pair of factors which our intuitions would lead us to think of as syntactic. Semantic insight is lexical co-occurrence under a distance relation. Inferential flow is driven by term-sharing. We see in this an approach to semantics that philosophically-trained readers might well associate with Paul Ziff’s Semantic Analysis of over forty years ago [Ziff, I960].

HAL’s computational abduction successes were transacted in semantically austere computational environments.12 It is clear that such semantic austerities possess economic advantages. In what we have so far said about the logic of down below, we have postulated structures with capacities to economize with complexity. In our discussions of Peirce, we have remarked upon the emphasis he gives to the human instinct for guessing right. The two points come together in a suggestion that is highly conjectural, but far from unattractive. It is that in real-life cases, especially in cut-to-the-chase abductions, beings like us might well be running something like the abductive logic of HAL-semantic spaces. It is a suggestion that we pass on to the ongoing research programme in cognitive science, with a special nod to neurocomputation and neurobiology.

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An insight of Internet of Things applications in pharmaceutical domain

Sushruta Mishra, ... Brojo Kishore Mishra, in Emergence of Pharmaceutical Industry Growth with Industrial IoT Approach, 2020

9.7 Literature review of Internet of Things in pharmacy

Various IoT-related technologies such as RFID and WSN are the main technologies used to monitor real-time environmental conditions in the pharmaceutical domain. These technologies can be successfully adapted in the medical sector at an affordable cost. Angels in [1] discussed the significance of RFID technology in the SCM mainly in logistics management. It provided various data based on the introduction to RFID, various case samples, and other implementation guidelines based on published articles. Kelepouris et al. [2] analyzed the crucial traceability requirements and demonstrated the use of such technology in the pharmaceutical industry. It discussed the general information flow and architectural model of supply chain control system. A new RFID-based application architecture for the pharmacy industry was introduced by Yue et al. in [3]. It provided a guideline to various organizations that adopted RFID and enhance the speed at which RFID application can be used in the pharmaceutical supply chain. A software-defined architectural framework for item-level traceability and coordination of the entire pharmaceutical domain was proposed by Barchetti et al. [4]. Here, three distinct levels of RFID were described in detail. The benefit of electronic product code (EPC)-level technologies was discussed, and its significance in the pharmacy sector was highlighted. An RFID-based wireless technique has been developed by Moreno et al. [5] to trace pharmaceutical medicines. The model does container-level coordination and tracking of different routes to the repository to detect any anomalies in route optimization and create a response immediately if any issue occurs. RFID technology along with its correlation to IoT has been explained by Jia et al. [6]. It explains the significance of data processing tools such as RFID, GPRS, and WSN while analyzing the challenging issue of RFID technology. Chuan-Heng et al. [7] highlighted an anticounterfeit code for marine items categorization for monitoring and traceability in other countries. A temperature coordination model for chilled marine products has been developed by Xiao et al. [8], which is based on wireless constrained network combined with compressed transmission to enhance the effectiveness of the medium. In [9], the authors presented a WSN model to provide tracking of patients, localization and coordination services of patients, and medical staffs of various nearby clinical organizations. Passive IoT-integrated sensor technology has been developed in [10] to facilitate localization of equipments in medical centers. As RFID tags can work under the reader coverage sector, the application of RFID technology is restricted to patient and devices management and tracking in less geographic environments. In [11] a wireless localization model network tracks the geographic position of patients in various indoor surroundings and also to track their physical status is presented. Location-aware wireless constrained network to monitor patients using a ranging technique based on dynamic, and mobility adaptive filter is presented. A smart mobile communication technique using 6LoWPAN standard was introduced in [12] to coordinate and track the health status of patients and provide efficient medical service to them. A smart pillbox called MedTracker was developed in [13] to continuously monitor the medication of patients. It tracks various aspects of patients such as medical errors and anomalies and nonadherence issues. In [14] the authors presented a smart IT-based pillbox attached with a camera that is based on the medicine bag model. Medicine bags are attached with matrix barcode that is used to interact and manage the pillbox with patients that perform confirm as well as remind functionalities. An IPB (intelligent pill box) [15] is designed in correlation with a MBS (Medicine Bag System). The IPB is responsible to send the appropriate medicine bag out of the MBS in the required time. Suppose, the medicine bag is not collected by the patient then the IPB will send a notification to the caregivers through Skype.

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Security analysis of computer networks

Gürkan Gür, ... Fatih Alagöz, in Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems, 2015

6 Security analyses of computer networks

6.1 Formal security analyses

The formal modeling and verification approach is one of the most effective tools for network security analysis with maximal precision [43]. It serves the common goals of network security analysis, which are to improve the quality of the system specification and to check for the existence of security deficiencies. Moreover, it may enable a more systematic understanding of security issues and facilitate systematic testing of network-related implementations.

A security model is a formal description of security related aspects and mechanisms of a system using formal methodology. A model is formal if it is specified using a formal language, which is defined as a language with well-defined syntax and semantics such as finite state automata (FSM) and predicate logic [43]. That model includes a base system component and a security component related with a satisfaction requirement as shown in Figure 30.9. The former defines what the system does while the security component is an abstraction of security requirements. The satisfaction relation ensures that these security requirements are met and typically verified via formal methods. Therefore, security analysis is carried out based on correspondence between system description and security properties adopted in the formal modeling.

Figure 30.9. The structure of a formal security model [44].

According to [43], there are four classes of practically relevant formal security models:


Automata Models: A model checking specification consists of two parts [45]. One part is the model: a state machine defined in terms of variables, initial values for the variables, and a description of the conditions under which variables may change value. The second part is temporal logic constraints defined over states and execution paths. Conceptually, a model checker visits all reachable states and verifies that the temporal logic properties are satisfied over each possible path, that is, the model checker determines if the state machine is a model for the temporal logic formula via exploration of the state space temporal logic constraints over states and execution paths. For the analysis to be performed, the constituent elements of the model such as vulnerability description, connectivity and required function need to be developed. In [46], Mao et al. describe a new approach, namely logical exploitation graphs, to represent and analyze network vulnerability. Their logical exploitation graph generation tool illustrates logical dependencies among exploitation goals and network configuration. Their approach reasons all exploitation paths using bottom-up and top-down evaluation algorithms in the Prolog logic programming engine.


Access Control Models: Classical access control models, like the traditional Bell-LaPadula model [43], relying on access control rules with security labels on objects and clearances for users, lack the modeling capabilities for current practical systems. Role-based access control (RBAC) models mapping subjects to roles in a hierarchical structure and then relating roles to access rights to subjects are proposed to address this shortcoming. In [47], a formal model of the computer network is constructed using graph-theoretic tools with packet filter functions classifying the message flow thus constraining the reachability of the entities on the network. Access control lists and routing policies are reflected into the model by means of packet filtering functions that are associated with edges of the graph.


Information Flow Models: These models describe how information may flow between which domains in a very abstract way such that they can capture also indirect and partial flow of information [48,49]. An example is the confidentiality of data output from a system. The critical issue is not whether any output contains confidential data but rather depends on it [44]. The concept of noninterference is a fundamental information flow property in that regard. Basically, if there is no information flow from one group of processes to another, the first group is said to be noninterfering with the other. This means that the processes in the first group cannot reveal any secret information such as passwords or encryption keys to the entities in the second group. In return, the processes in the second group cannot be corrupted by the ones in the first group. This expressive capability provides the basis for modeling confidentiality and integrity requirements between processes.


Cryptoprotocol models: Probably the most successful class of security models are cryptoprotocol models describing the message traffic of security protocols. The formal and mathematical design of cryptographic schemes is suitable for formal verification. Virtually all formal methods have been employed for cryptoprotocol verification [50] extending to industrial size protocols. Mostly secrecy and authentication goals can be specified and then verified automatically using model-checkers tailored for this application.

Formal methods can only address certain aspects of security, those related to computer networks and system design. Some aspects of security do not lend themselves to formal methods (e.g., computer hacking, tampering, and social engineering) [51]. Since current ICT systems are very complex, it is also nontrivial to have methods scaling with network size and security flaws and vulnerabilities are hard to find using formal analysis. In Figure 30.10, a cost-benefit analysis for formal methods is shown. The benefit is a function of number of users and their importance level, i.e., as the number of users and their relative importance increase, the investment on formal analysis is more reasonable. On the difficulty aspect, the cost increases with increasing system and property complexity. The operation domain of the system renders formal analysis feasible or infeasible due to complexity. Event it is feasible, it may unreasonable due to small return-on-investment for the analysis efforts. Therefore, security analysis based on formal methods typically focuses on specific aspects of system in operation. However, these analyses are precise and can be automated.

Figure 30.10. The cost-benefit analysis for formal methods [52].

6.2 Automated security analyses

For general network monitoring and analysis, there are various tools utilizing Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), such as HP OpenView, NetXMS, and OpenNMS. Although they support network discovery and monitoring tasks in a remote and automated setting, they are not designed and purpose-built for security analysis or evaluations.

For automated security analysis, network security tools are crucial since they allow offline and online analysis of computer networks in an automated and scalable manner. These tools are generally grouped into two classes [3] as shown in Figure 30.11.

Figure 30.11. Taxonomy of network security tools [3].

6.2.1 Defense tools


Information gathering which is directly linked to the information support requirement for security analysis. These tools are required to construct an extensive and reliable knowledge base containing semantically rich and exhaustive information about a protected network [53]. Such tools typically provide network scanning/mapping and sniffing/traffic analysis functionalities. For instance, Vigna et al. present NetMap, a security tool for network modeling, discovery, and analysis in [53]. It relies on a comprehensive network model that integrates network information into a cross-layer structure. The NetMap model entails information regarding network topology, infrastructure, and deployed services. For network traffic analysis, Wireshark is a network sniffer and packet analyzer used extensively for network monitoring and root cause analysis. Metasploit Framework is a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine.

Actually, information gathering tools are used by both defenders and attackers. Before launching an attack, intruders need to know properties of the network, such as ideal nodes to launch attacks. Therefore, intruders first collect information about networks, such as IP addresses and operating systems, to find vulnerable systems in such networks using different information-gathering tools. After gathering sufficient amount of information, intruders apply their attacks to the networks.

Similar to intruders, defenders need to know vulnerabilities of their networks to be able to protect them. Therefore, information-gathering tools are used by defenders and most of the time they are classified as defender tools.

Information-gathering tools are further classified as sniffing and mapping tools. Sniffing tools are used to capture, visualize, and analyze network traffics. Tcpdump, Ethereal, Snoop, and Ngrep are some of these sniffing tools. On the other hand, mapping tools are used to identify active hosts on a network. They provide a complete status report about network hosts, ports, etc. Nmap, Vmap, and Unicornscan are instances for network mapping tools.


Network monitoring: These tools provide for visualization and analysis support for security experts. This is a very important issue since the burgeoning security related data have become much harder to interpret with emerging systems, services, and threats.

With proliferation of various malware, a diverse number of attack attempts on computer networks and systems have become an inevitable fact. Therefore, monitoring computer networks and systems has been an essential activity for defenders. To accomplish an effective monitoring, visualization tools are used for monitoring and analysis purposes. These tools assist defenders to mitigate attacks or effects of attacks. For instance, the Network Traffic Monitor tool is used to present and scan detailed traffic scenarios to analyze network traffic. Some other network monitoring tools are Rumint, EtherApe, NetViewer, etc. Briefly, there are various network monitoring tools; however, from a defender point of view, the best monitoring tool needs to perform monitoring in real time to be able to detect abnormal activities in computer networks and systems.

6.2.2 Attack tools

Both intruders and defenders use attack tools. Intruders use them to take over computer networks and systems. On the other hand, defenders use attack tools to analyze their systems. Therefore, there are various tools for attacking computer networks and systems. For instance, Nessus is a comprehensive vulnerability scanner. SAINT (System Administrator’s Integrated Network Tool) is computer software used for scanning computer networks for security vulnerabilities, and exploiting found vulnerabilities. OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System), initially GNessUs, is a framework of several services and tools offering a vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution.

Attack tools may use various vulnerabilities to accomplish their attacks. Moreover, malware helps intruders to perform their attacks with high success. For this reason, there are many attack tools that perform attacks according to specific vulnerability and malware. On the other hand, new malware has increased considerably as exemplified by McAfee Labs findings in [32]. Their data show that new malware has almost quadrupled from 2011 to 2013. Increasing numbers of new malware shows potential different attack tools that may use new malware. For instance, those tools can realize application layer attacks (browser and server attacks), malware, DoS/DDoS, packet forging/malforming, and user attacks. The application layer attacks form a large set of different attacks such as SQL (Structured Query Language) injection, buffer overflow, cross-site scripting and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) misinterpretation. A classification of attack tools is presented in [3]. Recently, attack tools are available in the Internet for free so it is easier also for a novice to perform an attack to computer networks and systems. If the systems have insufficient security protection, the novice performs successful attacks. Thus, it is important to be aware of potential attacks that may be performed by attack tools.

6.3 Soft security analysis

Traditionally, formal methods and on the shelf automated tools have been used to analyze security of computer networks and systems. With the increasing proliferation and complexity of computer networks and systems, uncertainty has become an unavoidable fact for these systems; that situation has changed the game regarding security analysis. Specifically, formal methods have been inappropriate to analyze all security properties of computer networks and systems. Moreover, automated tools have provided limited analysis options for such systems. Recently, soft security modeling and analysis methods have been widely used to complement formal analysis methods and traditional security analysis tools.

Soft security analyses and modeling methods aim to mitigate uncertainty and subjectivity. Most of the time, trust, risk, and reputation methods are used to cope with uncertainty and subjectivity so they are considered as soft security analyses and modeling methods in literature. In contemporary computer networks and systems, soft security analyses methods are used with traditional security analyses methods to have more precise analyses results. Since trust, risk, and reputation deal with uncertainty, they are interdependent as shown in Figure 30.12. Detailed explanations of soft security analysis methods are as follows:

Figure 30.12. Soft security analyses methods and their relations.

Trust. Trust is an interdisciplinary subject studied in many fields of science. It has different meanings and many properties. For instance, trust is highly context dependent and subjective. Therefore, the definition of trust is significant to construct an analysis method of security for computer networks and systems. Moreover, some properties of trust may contradict properties of security [54].

Trust-based security analyses of computer networks and systems have two steps. First, a trust model of a security system is constructed. Following the construction, the model is analyzed with both context specific analysis approaches and conventional analysis approaches. For instance, trust information may be extracted from the security system of a service for security analysis purposes, where the service may be a network service [55].

Trust based modeling and analysis approaches have been widely used in computer networks and systems. These trust approaches may be designed for different contexts and purposes, but they may be applied to analyze security of computer networks and systems. For instance, the Eigen-Trust algorithm is used to decrease the number of downloads of inauthentic files in a peer-to-peer file-sharing network [56]. PeerTrust is another research related to peer-to-peer networks [57]. Actually, there are many other trust models related to trust modeling and analyses for computer networks and systems [58,59]. These models can be applied for security analysis of computer networks and systems with conventional analysis models to have better accuracy of analyses.

Risk. Risk is probably the best known and most commonly used soft security analysis method of computer networks and systems. Moreover, risk is used to construct trust and reputation models for analyzing security of systems [60].

The goal of risk-based analyses is to provide information necessary for security management to make reasonable decisions related to resources of computer networks and systems. Actually, there are many security risk methods defined in various standards, such as ISO/IEC 31010:2009 [61], and different risk classification methods. In this chapter, we follow the classification of risk approaches in [16] for analysis purposes of computer networks and systems as follows:

Baseline: Implement a basic level of security control to analyze and control security of systems, such as industry best practice.

Informal: Conduct semiformal risk analysis, such as individuals performing quick analyses of computer networks and systems.

Detailed: Use formal structures to analyze systems and it provides the greatest degree of assurance.

Combined: Combine baseline, informal, and detailed approaches to provide reasonable levels of protection and analysis as quickly as possible.

In the literature, there are many risk models and analysis approaches. For instance, trust and risk analysis is formalized for security architecture of systems to ensure that the systems are protected according to their stated requirements and identified risk threshold [62]. In another research work, trust and risk are used in role-based access control policies [63]. Trust mechanisms based on risk are used for evaluation of peer-to-peer networks [64]. Some other researches related to trust and risk for computer networks and systems are included in [65–69].

Reputation. Most of the time reputation is used to analyze security computer networks and systems. Reputation is defined according to the context it is applied to, and perceptions of people. Since perceptions of people vary, there are different definitions of reputation related to computer networks and systems. For example, a reputation definition for online systems is “Reputation is what is generally said or believed about a person’s or thing’s character or standing.” [70]. There are also many similar definitions for network systems in literature [71]. Although reputation has many different definitions in literature, it is about general belief of entities in computer networks and systems.

Reputation systems make some types of abstractions to decrease the amount of data to make analyses easier, which has some advantages. For instance, it decreases the need for space to store data. However, abstract representations cause loss of information. Therefore, it is impossible to verify properties of past behavior given only the reputation information [72]. Specifically, these analysis methods generally aggregate ratings via computer networks to have information about social networks [73]. Google’s Page Rank algorithm uses a reputation mechanism to analyze web page popularity on the Internet [74].

Soft analysis methods are complementary solutions to formal analysis methods and automated security analysis tools. Recently, these solutions have become primary analysis methods for computer networks and systems. With the proliferation of complex and dynamic computer networks and systems, it seems that soft analysis methods are essential to properly analyze security of computer networks and systems.

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