The virginia company introduced the system of land rights to entice settlers to virginia

In order to encourage immigration into the colony, the Virginia Company, meeting in a Quarter Court held on 18 November 1618, passed a body of laws called Orders and Constitutions which came to be considered "the Great Charter of privileges, orders and laws" of the colony. Among these laws was a provision that any person who settled in Virginia or paid for the transportation expenses of another person who settled in Virginia should be entitled to receive fifty acres of land for each immigrant. The right to receive fifty acres per person, or per head, was called a headright. The practice was continued under the royal government of Virginia after the dissolution of the Virginia Company, and the Privy Council ordered on 22 July 1634 that patents for headrights be issued.

Although seldom used during the eighteenth century, the procedure remained in effect until the passage of an act in the session begun in May 1779 which, in adjusting and settling titles to lands, gave a period of twelve months from the end of the legislative session for such rights to be claimed or be considered forfeited.

A person who was entitled to a headright usually obtained a certificate of entitlement from a county court and then took the certificate to the office of the secretary of the colony, who issued the headright, or right to patent fifty acre of land. The holder of the headright then had the county surveyor make a survey of the land and then took the survey and the headright back to the capital to obtain a patent for the tract of land. When the patent was issued, the names of the immigrants, or headrights, were often included in the text of the document.

As valuable properties, headrights could be bought and sold. The person who obtained a patent to a tract of land under a headright might not have been the person who immigrated or who paid for the immigration of another person. Headrights were not always claimed immediately after immigration, either; there are instances in which several years elapsed between a person's entry into Virginia and the acquisition of a headright and sometimes even longer between then and the patenting of a tract of land.

The headright system was subject to a wide variety of abuses from outright fraud to multiple claims by a merchant and a ship's captain to a headright for the same immigrant passenger. Some prominent merchants and colonial officials received headrights for themselves each time they returned to Virginia from abroad. As a result of the abuses and of the transferable nature of the headrights, the system, which may have been intended initially to promote settlement and ownership of small plots of land by numerous immigrants, resulted in the accumulation of large tracts of land by a small number of merchants, shippers, and early land speculators.

The presence of a name as a headright in a land patent, then, establishes that a person of a certain name had entered Virginia prior to the date of the patent; but it does not prove when the person immigrated or who was initially entitled to the headright.

For extended analyses of Virginia land policies, see Fairfax Harrison Virginia Land Grants (New York, 1925, Richmond, 1979); Robert A. Stewart's introduction in volume one of Nell M. Nugent'sCavaliers and Pioneers (Richmond, 1934); Daphne Gentry's introduction in volume four of Dennis Hudgins' Cavaliers and Pioneers (Richmond, 1995); and the introduction to the Virginia Land Office Inventory, first published by the Library of Virginia in 1973.

An online series on Research in Virginia Documents.
Prepared by Daphne Gentry, Publications and Education Services Division.
Copyright by The Library of Virginia; this note may be reproduced in full if proper credit is given and no changes are made.

England found itself territorially and financially falling behind its rival Spain in the early seventeenth century. The reason, they believed, was due to the Spanish conquest and colonization of Mexico and Central America in the New World. Spain was reaping the benefits of a seemingly unlimited supply of gold, silver, and other metals from these colonies. England began to charter explorations for permanent settlements in America in the 1580s, but its first permanent colony, Jamestown, was not established by the Virginia Company until 1607.

Nội dung chính Show

  • Summary of the Headright System
  • Purpose of the Headright System
  • Headright System History
  • Headright System Significance
  • The headright system's impact on Georgia
  • Headright system - Key Takeaways
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Headright System
  • Final Headright System Quiz
  • How did the headright system attract settlers to Virginia?
  • What was the purpose of the headright system?
  • What was the purpose of the headright system quizlet?
  • What did the Virginia Company do to attract settlers to its colony?

How would the Virginia Company attract more people to come to the New World? The headright system was their answer.

Summary of the Headright System

What exactly was the headright system? A headright was a land grant given to settlers, usually 50 acres, as an incentive to move to the colonies in America.

Those who could afford to pay for their passage- who were considered “Head of Household”- from Europe were granted a headright, as were those who were already settled into the colony and paid for the transport of those who couldn’t afford it. They could be granted two headrights for doing so. Any other men, such as family members, servants, or laborers, who the Head of Household could afford to charter with them, would grant them additional acreage per person they brought.

People whose passage was paid for by existing colonists usually migrated as indentured servants; in return for their passage, they would work for planters for periods ranging from four to seven years.

Purpose of the Headright System

The purpose of the system was to attract new settlers, particularly in Jamestown. It aimed to fill the region's labor needs, as its economy was built on tobacco farming, which required lots of land and labor.

Headright System History

The Virginia Company created the headright system in 1618. In 1624, the Virginia Company was dissolved, and the area was made into the royal colony of Virginia, but notably, the King maintained the use of the headright system.

The headright system became widely used across the other colonies, primarily in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maryland.

The following is an excerpt from the instructions from the Virginia Company to the incoming Governor of the Colony in 1618, detailing the use of the Headright System.

“And that for all such Planters as were brought thither at the Companies Charge to inhabit there before the coming away [...] after the time of their Service to the Company on the common Land agreed shall be expired there be set out One hundred Acres of Land for each of their person Adventurers to be held by them their heirs and Assigns forever paying for every fifty Acres the yearly free Rent of one Shilling to the said treasurer and Company [...] the share be of one hundred Acres the share upon the first division and of as many more upon A Second Division when the land of the first division shall be Sufficiently peopled And for Every person which they shall transport thither within seven years after Midsummer Day One thousand six hundred and Eighteen.”1

Headright System Significance

How did this system affect the colonies? The table below details the significant impacts of the headright system.




The headright system led to the rapid expansion of the population of the English colonies. It encouraged families to travel together to the New World, as each person was a “head” that could be granted land in the territory. It allowed men who would not have customarily owned land in England the opportunity to not only own land but to make a profit and live off of its cultivation.

Social division

The system allowed wealthier Englishmen the chance to pay for the passage of those who could not afford it, allowing them to accumulate headrights and large portions of land in Virginia. This created a clear division between the wealthy and less wealthy members of society.

Indentured servitude

This grew as a direct result of the headright system as many people could not afford to make the journey themselves, so instead pledged their labor to someone who was wealthy enough to pay for their passage.

Chattel Slavery

Wealthy farmers could be granted a headright for enslaved people they bought to work their land, ever-expanding their properties and creating large farms known as plantations. In the 1670s, around 400 slaves were used as headrights in Virginia. Slaves could be used for headrights in Virginia until 1699 when it was decided that only paying for the passage of free people warranted a headright.

Relations with Indigenous Peoples

The use of the headright system increased conflict with Indigenous tribes in proximity to many of the English colonies. As headrights were received, English claims began to creep and take over Indigenous lands. Clashes sometimes turned violent, such as the war between settlers in Jamestown/Virginia and the Powhatan Confederacy in 1622 and 1646.

Other nations

Other nations who were colonizing North America copied the headright system to encourage migration to the continent.

For example, the Dutch created the Patroonship to encourage wealthy Dutch people to move to New Netherland (present-day New York). This system offered land grants that patroons (individuals) could generally administer how they saw fit.

When the English took over the colony in 1664, the English upheld the land rights of the patroons under the headright system, even though the patroonship allowed women to inherit property.

The headright system's impact on Georgia

The use of the headright system ended in Virginia in 1779 but continued in other colonies.

England created the royal colony of Georgia in 1732 as a territorial buffer between the other English colonies and Spanish-controlled Florida. The headright system was introduced in Georgia in 1783 after the American Revolution and was used until 1804.

How did the Georgian headright system work?

  • 200 acres was given to soldiers who had fought in the Revolution and to heads of households.

  • 50 extra acres were given for every additional household member, counting slaves.

  • The goal was also to attract settlers and defend the colony. Landholders were expected to serve as militiamen against the Spanish.

  • Initially, women were prohibited from inheriting land owned by their husbands, but this was soon changed to attract more people.

  • Eventually, there was not enough land to continue the system, hence its end.

Headright system - Key Takeaways

  • The Virginia Company established the headright system in 1618 to encourage Englishmen to settle in Jamestown, mainly to tackle the labor shortage.

  • A headright was usually 50 acres and was given to those who could pay for their passage to the New World. Alternatively, existing settlers could pay for others’ passage and receive headrights. Those who traveled this way usually became indentured servants.

  • The system successfully expanded the population of Virginia and was used in other colonies to do the same.

  • The practice directly impacted the relationship between English settlers and Indigenous Peoples as it led to rapid population growth, and headrights soon encroached on Indigenous lands.

  • The Headright system also influenced the importation of enslaved Africans to the colonies, as farmers and plantation owners could count them as headrights and gain more land.

1. Susan Myra Kingsbury, ed., "The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 8. Virginia Records Manuscripts. 1606–1737." Records of the Virginia Company, 1606–1626, 3:98–109.

Frequently Asked Questions about Headright System

Farmers and plantation owners used slavery to increase territorial claims. They would claim enslaved people they purchased as headrights and be granted additional acreage for the number of enslaved people they owned. 

The headright system was very successful as most colonies that implemented the practice saw a rapid increase in settler population and territorial control. Though it led to conflicts with Indigenous Peoples, the headright system helped establish the English colonies permanently. 

The Headright System was the English system that offered land grants (“headrights”) to encourage migration from Europe to the colonies in North America. “Headrights” were given to settlers who paid for their own passage or to existing settlers who paid for the passage of others. 

The headright system was used in Georgia in 1783  to encourage men to move to the colony and to serve as militiamen to defend the English settlements against the Spanish if necessary, who held the neighboring colony of Florida. 

The Headright system's effect on Jamestown was that it significantly increased the colony's population. Before the Virginia Company introduced the headright system, the settlement was struggling to maintain a population of farmers and workers to keep it functioning. The headright system encouraged Englishmen to settle in and around Jamestown with the prospect of owning their own land.

Final Headright System Quiz


What year was the Headright system established?

Show answer


Who or What originally created the Headright system?

Show answer


The Virginia Company of London was a practice to incentivize Englishmen to come to the colony of Virginia.

Show question


Describe what is offered through the Headright system.

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50 Acres and Up to 100 Acres for Englishmen who could afford their own passage to the Virginia Colony, and additional acreage for other people they could afford to bring with them.

Show question


True or False: the Headright system was adopted in other Royal Colonies as a means of expanding the colony’s population and agricultural output. 

Show answer


How did the use of the Headright system lead to the creation of Plantations?

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The headright system allowed for wealthy Englishmen to afford to pay the passage of a number of laborers, each laborer qualifying for a headright

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What best describes the influence of the headright system on the use of slave labor in the English colonies?

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The headright system rapidly increased the number of English willing to migrate to the colonies, increasing the number of farms and cultivated lands, which created a large demand for labor.

Show question


Why did Georgia continue the Headright System after the American Revolution? 

Show answer


To entice soldiers to move to the state to serve a militia against any Spanish invasion from Florida

Show question


Why did the headright system end in Georgia? 

Show answer


Eventually, there was not enough land to continue the system 

Show question


What was the "Headright System" that was used by the Dutch in New New Netherlands? 

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What was the social impact of the Headright System on southern colonial society? 

Show answer


The system allowed wealthier Englishmen the chance to pay for the passage of those who could not afford it, allowing them to accumulate headrights and large portions of land in Virginia - this created a clear division between the wealthy and less wealthy members of society.

Show question

How did the headright system attract settlers to Virginia?

The headright system was originally created in 1618 in Jamestown, Virginia. It was used as a way to attract new settlers to the region and address the labor shortage. With the emergence of tobacco farming, a large supply of workers was needed. New settlers who paid their way to Virginia received 50 acres of land.

What was the purpose of the headright system?

The headright system was created to reward those who would pay to import much-needed laborers into the colony. A headright refers to both the grant of land itself as well as the actual person (“head”) through whom the land is claimed.

What was the purpose of the headright system quizlet?

Headrights were granted to anyone who would pay for the transportation costs of a laborer or indentured servant. These land grants consisted of 50 acres for someone newly moving to the area and 100 acres for people previously living in the area.

What did the Virginia Company do to attract settlers to its colony?

The Virginia Company attracted settlers to the Jamestown colony by advertisements that touted the easy life and abundant resources available. These promises appealed to potential colonists who thought they could become rich landowners.

Did the Virginia Company introduced the system of land rights to entice new settlers to Virginia?

The original settlers were owed their land and stock shares; initial investors at home were owed their dividends. The Company was forced to renege on its cash promises, instead distributing 50-acre lots in payment. The next year, the Company instituted the headright system, a way to bring more settlers to Virginia.

What did the Virginia Company do?

The Virginia Company of London was a joint-stock company chartered by King James I in 1606 to establish a colony in North America. Such a venture allowed the Crown to reap the benefits of colonization—natural resources, new markets for English goods, leverage against the Spanish—without bearing the costs.

What was the system that granted land in Virginia to entice new settlers?

He sought to reward investors and so distributed 100 acres of land to each adventurer. He also distributed 50 acres to each person who paid his or her own way and 50 acres more for each additional person they brought along. This was known as the Virginia headright system.

How did the Virginia Company entice people to move to Jamestown?

The Virginia Company offered substantial incentives to the women who signed up to leave England for Jamestown. They were provided a dowry of clothing, linens, and other furnishings, free transportation to the colony, and even a plot of land.


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