This is the another version of ENIAC that is commercially available for business and government

Software is a program that consists of step-by-step instructions that tells the computer how to do its work. True

Information Technology involves the development, maintenance and use of computer systems, software and networks for the processing and distribution of data. True

Information is the result of processing a raw data. True

It is used by the first IBM personal computer as the Operating System 1981

Build the first computer that does simultaneous solving of equations 1937

Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge and digital products. TRUE

Designs the Punch Card System 1890

Procedure is the guidelines for people to follow when using the software, hardware and data. True

Grace Hopper develops the first computer language


PS Application Software

Information Technology is just a part of an Information System and Information Technology is much more focus in the use of the said computer technology. True

Raw Data are the unprocessed facts including text, numbers, images and sounds. True

One of the developer of the ENIAC

1944 quiz2 90%

START OF PRELIM! Information is the result of processing a raw data. True

Hardware are the equipment used to process the data and create useful information. true

Software is a program that consists of step-by-step instructions that tells the computer how to do its work. True

Build the first computer that does simultaneous solving of equations 1937

It is used by the first IBM personal computer as the Operating System 1981

Information Technology involves the development, maintenance and use of computer systems, software and networks for the processing and distribution of data. True

English Mathematician and Father of Computing 1800

System Software

Application Software

Shugart leads the creation of this external storage 1971

Software and Hardware manufacturer provides procedure manuals for their products and it can be in printed or electronic copy. True

It is the first DRAM chip of the Intel Company 1970

Software is a program that consists of step-by-step instructions that tells the computer how to do its work. True

English Mathematician and Father of Computing 1800

System Software

This is the another version of ENIAC that is commercially available for business and government 1946

Information is the result of processing a raw data. True

People are the commonly overlook part of the information system. And the reason why systems are created is to make end-user (people) more productive.


The First commercially available portable computer by IBM 1975 Information Technology is just a part of an Information System and Information Technology is much more focus in the use of the said computer technology. True

Application Software

Grace Hopper develops the first computer language 1953

Information Technology involves the development, maintenance and use of computer systems, software and networks for the processing and distribution of data. True

System Software

Procedure is the guidelines for people to follow when using the software, hardware and data. True

It is used by the first IBM personal computer as the Operating System 1981

Designs the Punch Card System 1890

Build the first computer that does simultaneous solving of equations 1937 Hardware are the equipment used to process the data and create useful information. True

Application Software

System Software

One of the developer of the ENIAC 1944

Application Software 100% prelim

Published 24.12.2019 09:28 on the subject Computer Science by kuanjunjunkuan

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Which was the first commercial computer?

UNIVAC, the first commercially produced digital computer, is dedicated. On June 14, 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau dedicates UNIVAC, the first commercially produced electronic digital computer in the United States.

What generation is ENIAC?

1st Generation Computer : The first generation laptop was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). It had been the primary all-purpose electronic computer that is intended by William Mauchly and John Eckert in 1942. However, the machine was completed in 1945.

What was ENIAC used for?

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the world's first general-purpose computer. ENIAC was designed and built for the United States Army to calculate artillery firing tables. However, it was ENIAC's power and general-purpose programmability that excited the public's imagination.

When did Shugart leads the creation of this external storage?

research laboratory in San Jose, Calif., in 1955, Mr. Shugart helped develop the first disk drive, named the Ramac, for random access method of accounting and control, which was able to store five million characters of data.


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