To select the most popular student Which measure of central tendency should be used

I can choose the best measure of central tendency and explain reasoning for that choice.

Choosing the Best Measure of Central Tendency

Learning Target:

I can find the mean, median, and mode of a data set and I can choose the best measure of central tendency!

Vocabulary Recap~ We got this.

  • Mean: The average. Add up all the numbers in your data set and divide by how many #’s are present.
  • Median: the middle number in a set of data (or not in☺); to find the median, list all the numbers in your data set from least to greatest and find the middle #...if 2 in middle, find the average.
  • Mode: the number that occurs the most in a set of data (there can be NO mode, 1 mode, or multiple modes!)

Choosing the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

  • We will first go over how to make this choice and the information that we need.
  • It is then, up to YOU to talk it over with your seminar “mates” to decide with PROOF.

Choosing the Best Measure of Central Tendency


When is the MODE the best?


When choosing the best measure of central tendency, you first check to see if your data is numerical. What does numerical mean???

If it is not numerical (like gathering data on favorite movie, color, food, political candidate ect.), the best measure would be mode for it represents the data that occurs the most

- the mode would give you the decisions from your general population- you may have a tie (more than one mode) or no mode (each set occurs only once).

When is the MEDIAN the best?


If you are dealing with numerical data that has outliers(what are these again????- numbers way beyond the rest of the data that SKEW the mean in one direction or another), then you choose the median as your most accurate measure of central tendency.

This gives you a closer approximate than if using the mean for the mean-Why is this?

The mean includes the outliers which drastically affect the mean in either raising it or lowering by a vast amount- it “skews” your data.

When is the MEAN the best?


If you are dealing with numerical data that has NO outliersuse the MEAN- for it is the most accurate (again, ONLY if no outliers are in your data set)

This gives you a closer approximate than if using the median or mode- why is this?

The mean is the average of all data which is the exact middle.

Choose the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

Q: The past 4 of your test scores were 93%, 92%, 38%, and 89%.

A: Median is the best due to numerical data with an outlier of 38%.

Choose the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

Q: What is the average age of a 6th grader (as of today)?

A: Mean is the best due to numerical data with no outlier (way beyond in either direction)

Choose the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

Q: What time to ISD 112 students get up in the morning?

A: Median is the best because there are outliers (due to living situations, age, travel time ect.)

Choose the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

Q: How do you get to school?

A: Mode would be the best for there is no numerical data.

Choose the Best Measure of Central Tendency





~with proof of why~

Q: How many times does an average middle school student exercise in a month?

A: Median would be the best for there are bound to be outliers (people who do not exercise and those whom exercise multiple times a day)


Let’s Talk About Them!

What are the measures of central tendency?

Exit Question:

mean, median, and mode!


Which measure of central tendency must be used to determine the most popular student?

Mean is generally considered the best measure of central tendency and the most frequently used one.

What is the most popular central tendency?

The mean is the most frequently used measure of central tendency because it uses all values in the data set to give you an average.

Which measure of central tendency is used to determine the most popular student in the compass?

The mode is the value that occurs the most frequently in your data set, making it a different type of measure of central tendency than the mean or median.

Which measure of central tendency best represents the data of the most popular student after a debate?

The mode is the most frequent observation in a data. So, the measure of central tendency best represents the data of most popular politician after a debate.


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