Two unbiased coins are tossed what is probability of getting at most one tail

Solution : What two coins are tossed simultaneously, all possible outcomes are HH, HT, TH, TT.
Their number is 4.
All favourable outcomes are TT,TH,HT. Their number is 3.
`:.` P(getting at most 1 head ) =`3/4`.

Solution : In tossing three coins, the sample space is given gy
And, therefore, n(S) = 8.
(i) Let `E_(1)` = event of getting all heads. Then,
`E_(1) = {HHH}` and, therefore, `n(E_(1)) = 1.`
`therefore` P (getting all heads) `= P(E_(1)) = (n(E_(1)))/(n(S)) = 1/8.`
(ii) Let `E_(2)` = event of getting 2 heads. Then,
`E_(2) = {HHT, HTH, THH}` and, therefore, `n(E_(2)) = 3.`
`therefore` P (getting 2 heads) `= P(E_(2)) = (n(E_(2)))/(n(S)) = 3/8.`
(iii) Let `E_(3)` = event of getting 1 head. Then,
`E_(3) = {"HTT, THT, TTH" }` and, therefore, `n(E_(3)) = 3.`
`therefore` P (getting 1 head) `= P(E_(3)) = (n(E_(3)))/(n(S)) = 3/8.`
(iv) Let `E_(4)` = event of getting at least 1 heads. Then,
`E_(4) = {"HTT, THT, TTH, HHT, HTH, THH, HHH"}` and, therefore, `n(E_(4)) = 7.`
`therefore` P (getting at least 1 head) `= P(E_(4)) = (n(E_(4)))/(n(S)) = 7/8.`
(v) Let `E_(5)` = event of getting at least 2 heads. Then,
`E_(5) = {"HHT, HTH, THH, HHH"}` and, therefore, `n(E_(1)) = 1.`
`therefore` P (getting all heads) `= P(E_(5)) = (n(E_(5)))/(n(S)) = 4/8 = 1/2.`

When two coins are tossed what is the probability of getting at most one tail?

The probability of getting at most one tail is 3/4.

Is the probability of getting at least one tail when two coins are tossed simultaneously?

When two coins are tossed simultaneously, the sample space is given by : S = {HH, HT, TH, TT} where, H is the appearance of Head and T is the appearance of the Tail on the coin. Hence, the probability of getting Head on one coin and Tail on the other coin is equal to 12.

What is the probability of getting a tail when an unbiased coin is tossed?

For an unbiased coin, the probability of getting tail is 1/2.

When two unbiased coins are tossed what is the probability of getting two tails?

Probability of getting 2 tails is 1/4.


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