Was passiert wenn ich instagram deinstalliere

Auf meinem iPhone 6s wird Instagram ständig nach ein paar Sekunden unerwartet beendet. Der iPhone-Speicher ist nicht überlastet, die Software auf dem neuesten Stand, Neustart des iPhones hilft auch nicht. Nun wollte ich die Instagram-App löschen und neu installieren, aber mein iPhone sagt, dass dann auch die zugehörigen Daten gelöscht werden (entgegen dem, was in diversen Foren behauptet wird), was ich natürlich nicht möchte. Stimmt das? Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?

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iPhone 6s, iOS 13

Gepostet am 06. Jan. 2020 09:56

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When one thinks of uninstalling an app like Instagram from our phone, it sends down a shiver down our spine. The dark thoughts of losing followers, posts, messages, etc. don’t let us uninstall the app. But is uninstalling the Instagram app that bad? Find out the answer in this post where we get to know what happens when you uninstall Instagram from Android or iPhone.

Uninstalling the Instagram app is one of the best ways for troubleshooting issues in it. But many Instagram users are apprehensive about uninstalling the app. We present this post to help you make the right decision about whether you should uninstall the app or not.

You will get to know the aftereffects of uninstalling Instagram from your phone. Let’s start.

Does Deleting the Instagram App Delete Your Account

No. Uninstalling or deleting the app will not permanently delete your account. It will merely remove the app from your phone.

Can People Still See Your Instagram Profile

Yes. Your profile is still available on Instagram. People can search for it and view it.

What Happens to Published Posts and Stories

Nothing. The posts will continue to stay on your profile. If you have a private account, only your followers will be able to see them. But, if you have a public account, anyone can see them. Similarly, if you recently published a story, it will stay for 24 hours and then vanish like a normal story.

What Happens to Drafts

Your drafts will be deleted when you uninstall the Instagram app. You should either publish them before uninstalling the app or save them on your phone.

Can People Still Follow or Unfollow You

Yes. Since your Instagram profile exists for everyone else, people can follow or unfollow you.

Pro Tip: Did you know you can remove someone from your followers list on Instagram? Find out how to do so and what happens by removing a follower.

Will You Lose Followers

Nope. Uninstalling the app doesn’t affect your followers list on Instagram. You will not lose any followers by uninstalling the app unless the followers decide to unfollow themselves.

What Happens to Archive and Highlights

Anything that you archive on Instagram is linked to your account. So, unless you delete your Instagram account, your archived posts and stories are safe. When you reinstall the app, you will be able to access your archived data. Similarly, uninstalling the Instagram app will not alter highlights. They will stay on your profile.

Will Saved Posts Get Deleted

The saved posts are the collections that we create for future use. What would be their benefit if you couldn’t access them on other devices? So, fortunately, the saved posts aren’t deleted by uninstalling the app. You can still keep a check on those beautiful dresses that you added to your saved posts once you reinstall the app.

What Happens to New and Old Messages

We are glad to say that nothing will happen to your messages. Your past messages will continue to remain in your Instagram’s Inbox. And, people can also message you, but you won’t be notified about it. Only when you install the app again or log in from a different device, you will see the messages.

If a message goes missing after your reinstall the app, it’s not the aftereffect of uninstalling the app. The person might have pulled it back using the Unsend feature on Instagram. Check out similar cool tips related to Instagram messages.

Pro Tip: Want to check the first message from someone? Find out how to see the first message on Instagram without scrolling.

Can People Tag You

Yes. Other Instagram users can still tag you in their stories and posts. Follow our guide if you ever decide to mass untag yourself from your Instagram photos.

No. The likes or comments that you have made on other profiles or the ones that were made on your profile will remain untouched when you uninstall the app. Besides, you can also see the Instagram posts you’ve liked so far when you log in from any other device.

As it is obvious, you will not receive notifications for any activity on your Instagram profile. You can say that one of the major aftereffects of uninstalling the app is not getting the notifications. If you reinstall the app, you will be shown all the missed notifications. In case you aren’t getting the notifications after reinstalling the app, find out how to fix the Instagram notification not working issue.

Will Your Friends Know When You Uninstall Instagram

Not really. If a person is close to you, they might notice that you aren’t active on Instagram. However, there isn’t a direct way to find out when someone uninstalls the app.

Should You Uninstall Instagram

If you want to uninstall Instagram so that you can avoid checking it, then it’s a good idea than deleting or deactivating your account. You can also restrict the usage of the Instagram app by adding it to the Digital Wellness on Android and Screen Time on iPhone.

If someone is bothering you, then uninstalling the app wouldn’t be a good idea. You can try other methods to avoid them, such as restricting or blocking.

Kann man Instagram löschen und neu installieren?

Gehe zu den Einstellungen deines Telefons oder Tablets und tippe auf Apps. Tippe auf Instagram. Tippe auf Deinstallieren. Gehe zum Google Play Store, installiere Instagram erneut und melde dich mit deinem Benutzernamen und Passwort an.

Wird der Account gelöscht Wenn man Instagram deinstalliert?

Ihr Profil ist damit nicht gelöscht und kann (anders als beim Deaktivieren) anderen Usern noch angezeigt werden. Wenn Sie zu Instagram zurückkehren möchten, laden Sie sich einfach die App wieder herunter und melden Sie sich mit Ihren Zugangsdaten an. Bei Android: Gehen Sie in die Android-Einstellungen.

Was passiert wenn man seinen Insta Account löscht?

Wenn ein Instagram-Konto gelöscht wird, gehen alle dort eingestellten Inhalte (Fotos, Videos, IGTVs), Kommentare, Gefällt mir-Angaben und Freundschaften (Follower) endgültig verloren.

Was passiert wenn man eine App löscht?

Wenn Sie Android-Apps löschen, dann bleiben Datenreste auf dem Handy zurück, die weiterhin Speicher belegen.


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