What characteristic does a researcher possess if he she is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results?

5.Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. 6.Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures. 7.Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results. What are the qualities of a good researcher? 1.Intellectual Curiosity. Researcher undertakes deep thinking and inquiry of the things, problems, and situations around him. 2.Prudence. Researcher is careful to conduct his study at the right time and at the right place wisely, efficiently, and economically. 3.Healthy Criticism. Researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results. 4.Intellectual Honesty. Researcher collects or gathers the data or facts objectively in order to arrive at truthful and honest results. 5.Intellectual Creativity. A resourceful investigator always creates new methods of research and enjoys inventing unique, novel and original researches, and considers research as his hobby. The Research Process Research is expected to be organized and systematic. A definite set of procedures and steps are to be followed in conducting researchResearch processes are the activities undertaken to carry out the research. Components of the Research Process 1. Selection of General Problem or Topic A crucial stage in the research process The best research begins with a careful, detailed process of developing a valid, researchable question that you need to answer Be open to developing and assessing your research topic as you acquire more information in the succeeding stages 2. Reviewing the Literature A literature review essentially consists of critically reading, evaluating and organizing existing literature on the topic to assess the state of knowledge in the area. During this stage you should aim to become an ‘expert’ in your field of research.

1. An analytical mind

“As a market researcher you are constantly analysing a variety of factors. Why does the client ultimately want to do this research? What is the appropriate methodology? When should this research take place? What are the appropriate questions to ask and how? Why did the respondent say that? What are the findings telling us? Why are they telling us that? How do I best communicate the findings? etc. On a daily basis researchers must be able to take a step back and analyse the situation presented to them. The obvious answer is not necessarily the right one” (Gareth Hodgson)

“You have to be able to see the bigger picture as well as the detail. People often find it easier to do one or the other- it is a skilled researcher that can do both simultaneously” (Richard Walker)

2. A people person

“This is important for clients –buyers of research would rather work with professional AND friendly consultants. Also for respondents – to get the best out of interview / focus group participants” (Richard Walker)

3. The ability to stay calm

“It can be really stressful as a researcher sometimes, especially when you have pressing deadlines or are experiencing problems with a data set, for example. When these situations occur, you just have to keep focused and think logically – there will always be an end point, even if it doesn’t feel like it!” (Bethan Turner)

4. Intelligence

“Research requires critical analysis but most of all common sense” (Liz Brierley)

5. Curiosity

“You may have the necessary intelligence but if you are not curious enough then you won’t be passionate about delving deeper to unearth more insight” (Anthony Shephard)

“At the end of the day, the role of a market researcher is to find out about other people’s business and tell it to other people. To be a market researcher you have to have an inherent interest in what other people think (potentially about absolutely anything!), and the nosier you are, the greater depth of information you can extract” (Gareth Hodgson)

6. Quick thinker

“Things don’t always go to plan so you need to be able to think fast” (Anthony Shephard)

7. Commitment

“It’s a tough job – the hours can be long, the deadlines short” (Richard Walker)

8. Excellent written and verbal communication skills

“So different audiences can clearly understand the findings of the research and what it means for them” (Jo Iaconianni)

“You have to have excellent written communications and be fluent in the language of business” (Richard Walker)

9. Sympathetic

“Having a sympathetic ear when listening to some respondents’ moans and groans is always a good skill to have!” (Liz Brierley)

10. Systematic

“Check, check and check again. It sounds simple but I’ve definitely learnt that building in a proper amount of time for checking your work always pays dividends. This can be applied to all parts of the research process” (Bethan Turner)

“Attention to detail – the ability to ensure that data is accurately presented and reported” (Anthony Shephard)

Please post comments in the boxes below!

Which characteristic of a researcher wherein man is always doubtful as to accuracy of the results?

Healthy Criticism – the researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results. 4. Intellectual Honesty – researcher is honest to collect or gather the data or facts in order to arrive at honest results.

What characteristic of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the results * 1 point?

3. Healthy Criticism. The researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results. 4.

What is the most important characteristic that a researcher should possess?

A good researcher is curious, talented, knowledgeable, determined, and knows how to conduct and complete research projects. Research quality is evaluated by the profession through Publications in high quality journals, Citations, TRI, and the h-index. Be open to criticism of your work, it is about your work not you.

What are the characteristics of a researcher?

Characteristics of a Researcher.
Organisational Skills..
Open Mindedness..
Determination & Persistence..
Acting Logically..
Trustworthiness – acting with integrity..


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