What does research tell us about the relationship between womens employment status and the quality of infant mother emotional attachment?


Recent investigations of the relation between maternal employment and the stability of infant attachments have implied that maternal employment introduces a stressful, unpredictable element into family life. To assess the effect of maternal employment per se, stable and changing maternal employment status were distinguished in this study. Classifications of the quality of infant-mother and of infant-father attachments were made for 59 children at 12 and 20 months of age using the Ainsworth strange situation paradigm. The stability of attachments from 12 to 20 months was examined in 4 groups defined by maternal employment status. 3 of these groups (nonemployed, part-time employed, full-time employed) were characterized by no change in maternal employment status from several months prior to the first assessment of attachment through the 20-month assessment; the fourth group was characterized by maternal employment status that changed between the 2 assessments of attachment. Among the stable conditions of maternal employment status there was no indication of differences in the stability of attachment to either parent whether the mother was employed or not, indicating that maternal employment can lend as much stability to family relationships as the condition of maternal nonemployment. No changes in the quality of attachment to mother and relatively frequent changes in attachment to father (46%) were present when mother changed employment status. The basis for this difference is discussed in terms of maternal versus paternal response to alterations in life-style initiated by mother's employment changes.

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As the flagship journal of the Society for Research in Child Development, Child Development has published articles, essays, reviews, and tutorials on various topics in the field of child development since 1930. Spanning many disciplines, the journal provides the latest research, not only for researchers and theoreticians, but also for child psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers, specialists in early childhood education, educational psychologists, special education teachers, and other researchers.

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Which of the following statements about interpersonal communication is NOT true?

a. Interpersonal communication is a process.
b. Interpersonal communication depends heavily on the sender's social identity.
c. Participants send as well as receive messages when they're interacting.
d. For communication to be considered interpersonal, at least two people must be involved.

When your friend calls you at home to make plans for the weekend, the ________ of communication is sound.

Select one: a. sender

b. channel

c. message d. stimulus

Bill's use of the word "broad" in conversation when referring to women offends Betty and makes it hard for her to follow his meaning. This type of miscommunication is called

Select one:

a. noise.

b. context. c. background. d. a display rule.

The context of interpersonal communication includes

Select one: a. mood. b. cultural background. c. physical place.

d. all of these

Face-to-face communication relies on _____, while technological communication relies on ____

Select one: a. nonverbal cues; verbal cues b. reviewing before your speak; writing about feelings c. chat rooms; cell phones d. the spoken word; the written word

Jerry wanted ______ with Ray because he wanted a richness of communication.

Select one: a. an Internet meeting b. a face-to-face meeting c. either face-to-face or electronically mediated, since there is no difference in communication. d. none of these.

When you and your friend make faces at each other during a class lecture, it is an example of

Select one: a. miscommunication. b. verbal communication. c. nonverbal communication. d. encoded communication.

Nonverbal communication is most informative when it is

a. multichanneled. b. typical of the majority culture. c. accompanied by verbal messages. d. occurring in a single channel only.

The anthropologist who described interpersonal distance zones was

Select one: a. Sidney Jourard.

b. Edward Hall.

c. Albert Mehrabian. d. Daryl Bem.

According to proxemics research, the personal-space zones of women appear to be __________ than those of men.

Select one: a. more fluid b. more social

c. smaller

d. larger

Basic emotions are designated as such because

a. they are present from birth in nearly all mammalian species. b. they are the emotions that people feel most readily in a variety of situations.

c. the facial expressions associated with them are recognized across world cultures.

d. Freud designated these emotions as generated by the id from birth.

Among the display rules for men in many world cultures is found

a. the use of the face to show anger. b. the pressure to smile at others even when uncomfortable or frustrated. c. the pressure to deceive others by use of eye contact. d. the pressure to inhibit facial displays of emotion.

In terms of postural cues, a forward lean is most likely to indicate which of the following?

Select one: a. Low status b. High status

c. Interest

d. Anxiety

Interpreting touch does NOT depend on

Select one: a. age. b. gender. c. setting.

d. attitude.

Anna is speaking rapidly to Steve as she asks him out to lunch. Her paralanguage most likely conveys _________ in this situation.

Select one: a. frustration b. anxiety c. uncertainty d. sadness

Martin speaks slowly as he gives his answers in an oral examination for a master's degree in psychology. His paralanguage most likely conveys ___________ in this situation.

Select one: a. anger b. sadness

c. uncertainty

d. frustration

Which of the following is NOT associated with lying?

Select one: a. Higher pitch b. Pupil dilation c. Relatively short responses

d. Excessive shifting of posture

Deception on the part of another person may be signaled by

Select one: a. pauses before speaking. b. slowness in speech patterns. c. shifts in body posture. d. giving short answers.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the polygraph machine?

Select one:

a. Emotion detector

b. Facial expression detector c. Lie detector d. Criminal behavior detector

Dwayne seemed more aware when friends were fearful and offered assistance more often than others. It is likely that Dwayne has _____ facial expressions.

Select one: a. a high sensitivity to encoding b. a high sensitivity to decoding c. a low sensitivity to encoding d. a low sensitivity to decoding

Which of the following types of opening lines is likely to be least effective in initiating a conversation with another-gender stranger?

Select one: a. Direct

b. Cute/flippant

c. Innocuous d. Complimentary

Rather than high self-disclosure, the critical factor that helps couples avoid stress may be

Select one:

a. equity in self-disclosure.

b. honesty in self-disclosure. c. the duration of self-disclosure. d. the disattribution of self-disclosure.

Self-disclosure can aid adjustment by

Select one: a. improving self-esteem. b. enhancing sexual attractiveness.

c. reducing stress.

d. controlling anxiety.

Which of the following types of self-disclosure is most likely to lead to feelings of intimacy between individuals?

Select one: a. Factual b. Conceptual

c. Emotional

d. Attributional

In the beginning stages of a relationship with a person of the opposite sex

Select one: a. women typically disclose more than men.

b. men often disclose more than women.

c. there is very little reciprocal self-disclosure. d. men tend to disclose more about negative emotions.

Which of the following is NOT likely to promote effective listening?

Select one: a. Paraphrasing the speaker's message b. Asking the other person for clarification c. Attending to the other person's nonverbal signals

d. Assuming a body posture with arms and legs crossed

Which of the following is NOT considered a possible response to communication apprehension?

Select one: a. Withdrawal b. Avoidance c. Disruption

d. Attribution

Researchers suggest that avoidance and withdrawal tactics are effective strategies for coping with communication apprehension, but only

Select one: a. in intimate relationships.

b. in the short term.

c. when used consistently. d. when used in same-gender relationships.

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the common barriers to effective communication?

Select one: a. Defensiveness b. Ambushing c. Cognitive restructuring d. Motivational distortion

Engaging in selective attention is an example of which of the following barriers to effective communication?

Select one: a. Collusion b. Game playing c. Defensiveness d. Motivational distortion

Eric listens intently to his girlfriend, Wanda, who has noticed that he also tends to attack many of her ideas, rarely accepting her opinion. Eric is likely to be

Select one: a. ambushing her. b. putting up a communication barrier. c. avoiding a discussion. d. all of these.

Individualistic cultures tend to _________________ as a conflict management strategy.

Select one: a. promote conflict avoidance

b. encourage direct confrontations

c. encourage indirect confrontations d. downplay the importance of conflicts

Which of the following styles of managing conflict is characterized by low concern for self and others?

Select one: a. Avoiding b. Competing c. Compromising d. Accommodating

Lauren hates it when Eric leaves the cap off the toothpaste, but she's never told him this, because she doesn't want to "make a scene." Besides, she hopes he'll get better on his own. Lauren's behavior exemplifies which of the following styles of managing conflict?

Select one: a. Competition b. Compromise

c. Avoidance

d. Collaboration

Carmen hates it when Manuel leaves the cap off the toothpaste. She confronted him with her feelings about it, but when he argued that it was a trivial matter, she gave in quickly, not wanting Manuel to be angry with her. Carmen's behavior exemplifies which of the following styles of managing conflict

Select one: a. Compromise b. Competition c. Avoidance d. Accommodation

Which of the following styles of managing conflict involves a sincere effort to maximize the satisfaction of both parties?

Select one: a. Accommodation b. Competition c. Compromise

d. Collaboration

The most effective approach to conflict management is

Select one:

a. collaborating.

b. competing. c. compromising. d. accommodating.

Principles to keep in mind in a conflict situation include

Select one: a. be clear in your status with the other person. b. assume the other person is probably just ignorant of the facts. c. tackle the conflict when it first arises. d. define the conflict as a mutual problem.

Which of the following is false regarding interpersonal communication?

a. Aggressive people tend to ignore the rights of others.

b. Assertive people sacrifice their own rights.

c. Assertiveness varies from situation to situation, that is, one may be assertive in one situation and timid in another. d. It is wise to use roleplaying to practice assertive behavior.0

Which of the following is an accurate statement reflecting cultural attitudes toward assertiveness?

a. Israelis distain assertiveness. b. Some Native American tribes have a confrontational interactional style whereby vigorous debate is expected. c. Collectivist societies place a higher value on interpersonal harmony than assertiveness. d. All of these are true.

A majority of college students identified which of the following as the person to whom they felt the closest?

Select one: a. Friend b. Co-worker c. Family member d. Romantic partner

Elena is very caring toward her friend Monique. She spends a lot of time texting with her, especially when Monique was going through a rough time in her marriage. When Monique forgave her husband for bad behavior, Elena felt despair and anger with Monique for giving in. These feelings exemplify

a. a bad friendship. b. an intradependent relationship.

c. the paradox of close relationships.

d. the end of a friendship.

Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing the nature of initial encounters between two people?

Select one: a. Proximity b. Familiarity

c. Resource exchange

d. Physical attractiveness

If your initial reaction to a person is negative,

a. mere exposure will help you to gradually overcome that impression. b. mere exposure will help you to rapidly overcome that impression.

c. mere exposure will most likely increase the intensity of that impression.

d. mere exposure will lead gradually to a tolerant indifference to that person.

Select one:

a. plays a major role in dating.

b. is only important to men. c. is only important in heterosexual relationships. d. is not important in friendships.

Evolutionary explanations for dating and mating habits include

Select one: a. familiarity. b. the matching hypothesis. c. parental investment theory. d. all of these.

According to evolutionary psychologists, women seeking a prospective mate are likely to display the most interest in characteristics that denote a man's

Select one: a. intelligence. b. financial prospects. c. reproductive capacity. d. capacity for resource acquisition.

Researchers have suggested that the ______ can be used to explain the notion of reciprocal liking.

Select one: a. matching hypothesis b. self-fulfilling prophecy c. fundamental attribution error d. theory of cognitive dissonance

Which of the following adages has the most empirical support?

Select one: a. "Opposites attract."

b. "Birds of a feather flock together."

c. "Similarity breeds contempt." d. All of these have equally high support.

The idea that interpersonal relationships are governed by perceptions of rewards and costs is a key premise in

Select one:

a. social exchange theory.

b. the matching hypothesis. c. social comparison theory. d. the theory of cognitive dissonance

Eight-year-old Cindy has to decide whether to be best friends with Jillian, who has lots of toys to play with, or with Kaitlin, whose family gets the Disney channel on their TV. According to social exchange theory, Cindy's choice will most likely be influenced by her consideration of which of the following?

Select one: a. Comparison level for alternatives b. Evaluation of the matching hypothesis c. Relative proximity of the two possible friends d. The socioeconomic status of the girls' families

Which of the following is NOT true?

a. We tend to overestimate the importance of friends. b. College students with friendship are more optimistic. c. People with strong friendships deal better with stress. d. Friendships can break down prejudice.

In general, women's friendships are more likely to focus on ______, whereas men's friendships tend to be based on ______.

Select one: a. shared interests; family events b. family events; emotional intimacy c. shared interests; financial matters d. emotional intimacy; shared interests

Friendships between which of the following pairs of individuals are most likely to include discussions about personal problems and people?

Select one: a. Two men

b. Two women

c. A man and a woman d. A man and his teenage daughter

In the United States, women's friendships are more often _____ based, whereas men's tend to be _____ based.

Select one: a. activity; emotionally b. emotionally; activity c. socially; self-sufficient d. self-sufficient; socially

Friendship repair rituals include all of the following except

Select one: a. reproach. b. remedy. c. reliability. d. acknowledgment.

Harry assumes that all individuals and relationships are heterosexual until he is told otherwise. His attitude reflects

Select one: a. his sexism. b. his heterosexism. c. the reciprocity principle. d. the fundamental attribution error.

One possible problem with generalizing the results of research on romantic love and relationships is that

a. researchers tend to assume that subjects are heterosexual.

b. homosexuals don't volunteer enough for laboratory studies. c. homosexuals tend to misrepresent their sexual orientation on surveys. d. funding is only available for research on heterosexual relationships.

Research findings suggest that ______ are more romantic, and ______ are more likely to display emotions

Select one: a. men; men

b. men; women

c. women; women d. women; men

_____ fall in love more easily, but _____ fall out of love more easily.

Select one: a. There are no gender differences.

b. Men; women

c. Women; men d. Gays; other gender couples

The disparity in men's and women's conceptions of love is

Select one: a. small. b. overwhelming. c. correctly understood through stereotypes. d. none of these.

Susan and Manny's relationship is characterized by warmth, closeness, and sharing. Their relationship would be considered high in which of the following?

Select one: a. Sharing b. Passion c. Intimacy d. Commitment

Romantic love as attachment is a relationship mode that is based on the work of

Select one: a. Freud. b. Sternberg. c. Berscheid & Hatfield. d. Bowlby & Ainsworth.

According to Hazan and Shaver, common elements in infant attachment and adult love include all but which of the following?

Select one: a. Distress at separation b. Efforts to stay close to the other c. Sexual passion d. Intense fascination with the other person

According to Hazan and Shaver, the largest proportion of adults falls into which of the following categories?

Select one: a. Secure b. Avoidant c. Inconsistent d. Anxious-ambivalent

Adults who are obsessed and preoccupied with their relationships would be considered as belonging to which of the following categories?

Select one: a. Secure b. Avoidant c. Inconsistent d. Anxious-ambivalent

Significant correlations have been found between attachment style and

Select one: a. friendship. b. gender roles. c. health habits. d. all of these.

Researchers have found that adult attachment styles are correlated with all but which of the following?

Select one: a. Intelligence b. Gender roles c. Religious beliefs d. Job satisfaction

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the major factors explaining why passion fades in romantic relationships?

Select one: a. Fantasy b. Novelty c. Age d. Arousal

Which of the following does NOT contribute to break-ups of unmarried couples?

Select one: a. Ineffective communication b. Premature commitment c. Boredom

d. Unavailability of more attractive partners

Barack and Joe decided to try one new activity together a month. This may help their relationship through

Select one: a. emphasizing positive qualities. b. getting to know one another before commitment. c. bringing novelty. d. developing conflict management skills.

Married couples make _____ comments to their spouses than to strangers.

Select one: a. more negative b. more positive c. equal number of positive and negative d. unknown; there is insufficient research on this topic.

The notion that love is a prerequisite for marriage

Select one: a. is a uniquely American tradition. b. is a universal cultural phenomenon. c. is a product of 18th century Western culture. d. can be traced to Asian cultures of over 3,000 years ago.

The great popularity of the Internet as an arena for socializing

a. has caused psychologists to reevaluate the importance of proximity and attractiveness in relationship development. b. is interpreted by psychologists as one more sign of social isolation and alienation. c. has caused researchers to suspect that self-disclosure is less important in relationship development than previously believed. d. has been predicted to decline as this decade progresses.

Ten-year-old Jimmy is very popular at school, excelling in academics as well as in sports; however, since his parent's divorce, he rarely sees his father, and his mother spends most of her time with her new boyfriend. It is likely that Jimmy will experience

Select one: a. social loneliness. b. emotional loneliness. c. intellectual loneliness. d. performance loneliness.

In younger college students, social loneliness is most influenced by the __________ of friendship.

Select one: a. quality

b. quantity

c. duration d. context

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the association between loneliness and age?

Select one: a. Loneliness increases with age. b. Loneliness decreases with age. c. Loneliness remains stable across the lifespan. d. Loneliness decreases with age until about age 45, at which time it begins to increase.

A key problem regarding chronic loneliness is that negative social behaviors in childhood lead to

Select one: a. aggression in peers. b. competition with adults. c. rejection by peers. d. overdependence on peers.

Which of the following do shy people NOT tend to be?

Select one: a. Timid about expressing themselves b. Lacking in physiological symptoms c. Embarrassed easily d. Overly self-conscious

Counselors can help chronically lonely people through

Select one: a. social skills training. b. cognitive therapy. c. both social skills and cognitive therapy. d. attributional adjustment therapy.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the commonly held stereotype of single people?

a. The previously negative stereotype is vanishing. b. The previously positive stereotype is vanishing. c. The stereotype is changing from positive to negative. d. The stereotype is changing from negative to positive.

The traditional model of marriage has been challenged by a number of social trends, including

Select one: a. changing gender roles. b. declining popularity of cohabitation. c. increased premium on permanence. d. decreased acceptability of singlehood.

Endogamy refers to the tendency

Select one: a. of people to marry within their social group. b. for women to marry "up" in socioeconomic status. c. for men to marry a woman who is much younger. d. to marry others who have similar personal characteristics.

John and Jenny are an interracial couple. When Jenny looked into statistics to see how unusual they were, she likely found

a. interracial marriages have slowly declined in the past two decades. b. people are finding the extra burden of interracial relationships too difficult. c. there is a significant difference between interracial and intra-racial couples in quality of the relationship. d. interracial couples tend to report higher relationship satisfaction.

In terms of what they look for in a marital partner, women place a higher value than men on which of the following?

Select one: a. Youthfulness b. Socioeconomic status c. Physical attractiveness d. Interest in raising a family

Which of the following characteristics of potential mates is NOT valued equally by both sexes?

Select one: a. Ambition b. Emotional stability c. Amiable disposition d. Dependability

Jerry is seeking a mate based on evolutionary theory. His most primary, underlying concern will be to look for a female who is

Select one: a. likely to be successful at having children. b. likely to provide him love. c. likely to be intelligent. d. likely to be stronger than average.

The main problem with research on marital success is that

Select one: a. few researchers are interested in the topic. b. marital quality is hard to measure c. most people don't like to reveal such information to researchers. d. all of these.

Which of the following is associated with a higher probability of marital success?

Select one: a. Younger age b. Shorter courtship c. Having happily married parents d. All of these

Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to higher divorce rates?

Select one: a. Marrying later in life b. Divorce is unrelated to age at the time of marriage c. Marrying younger in life d. Disruptions associated with mid-20s and older

Bonita's mother pointed out that Bonita and Ahmad tended to be negative and slightly sarcastic to each other and that this was going to cause problems in the future if they got married. Bonita, an attentive psychology student, said,

Select one: a. "research shows that commutation tends to improve after marriage." b. "research shows that commutation is not that important." c. "research does not support her mother's statement." d. "research supports her mother's statement."

Monique (28 years old) and Ramon (30 years old) are planning their wedding. They wonder how their situation compares to current trends. They are most likely to find

a. people will think it is unusual they are not already married. b. higher education needs do not affect marrying ages. c. they are older than most.

d. the number of marriages in their age range have increased dramatically.

If you asked newly married couples why they want to have children, they will most likely cite

Select one: a. pressure from their parents. b. the joy of watching children grow up. c. needing someone to care for them in old age. d. all of these.

In which stage of the family life cycle is marital satisfaction likely to be the lowest?

Select one: a. Beginning families b. Families with young children c. Families in the middle years d. Aging families

n the postparental period, marital satisfaction tends to

Select one: a. decrease. b. increase. c. level off. d. decrease sharply, then gradually increase.

While Fatima is very busy as a mother, wife, and employee, research has shown an advantage of these multiple roles is that

a. she and her husband are more satisfied with the wife's role. b. her husband can still be the primary breadwinner. c. time away from children is a good stress relief. d. she receives extra social support and success.

What does research tell us about the relationship between women's employment status and the quality of infant-mother emotional attachment?

a. Full-time mothers are more likely to have securely attached children. b. Part-time working mothers have more securely attached children than full-time mothers or women employed full-time. c. Mothers who work full-time can have securely attached children, but only if the husband shares childrearing responsibilities. d. There appears to be no relationship

How do happily married couples and those who get divorced differ in their handling of money?

a. Happy couples engage in more joint decision-making on finances. b. Eventually-divorced couples have more arguments about how much money each partner earns. c. Among couples who get divorced, one spouse provides a regular allowance for the other. d. Among happy couples, typically there is agreement about who is primarily responsible for financial matters.

a. conflict and anger in marital interaction are not normal. b. jealousy is by far the greatest of all threats to marital stability. c. the style of communication is the key issue in predicting marital dissolution. d. there are eight communication patterns that are predictive of marital dissolution.

Which of the following is NOT one of the communication styles identified by Gottman as a risk factor for divorce?

Select one: a. Contempt b. Criticism c. Complaining d. Belligerence

At their peak, divorce rates were about ______%; the risk of divorce today is about ______%.

Select one: a. 60; 50 b. 60; 40 c. 50; 60 d. 50; 40

Fred and Wilma are in an unhappy marriage. Compared to divorced couples, research indicates they are likely to have

Select one: a. more life satisfaction. b. higher levels of happiness. c. poorer physical health. d. higher self-esteem.

Which of the following statements regarding adjustment to divorce is NOT true?

Select one: a. People are less happy after a divorce. b. People who forgive the ex-spouse will be less likely to be depressed. c. Less happy people are more likely to get a divorce d. All of these are true.

Which of the following has been found in adults whose parents divorced when they were children?

Select one: a. Marital instability b. Maladjustment c. Reduced occupational attainments d. All of these

About ______ of divorced people eventually remarry.

Select one: a. one-fourth b. one-half c. one-third d. three-fourths

Bill is a gay male. His likelihood of being in a stable, long-term relationship is about

Select one: a. 20%. b. 50%. c. 70%. d. 80%.

The banning of gay marriages in many states has

Select one: a. denied couples the economic benefit of joint tax returns. b. blocked partner's health insurance. c. become a major political issue. d. all of these.

People involved in gay relationships and those involved in marital relationships report similar levels of

Select one: a. sexual satisfaction. b. overall satisfaction with their relationships. c. love and commitment in their relationships. d. all of these.

Research on homosexual couples suggests that

Select one: a. there are rarely long-term relationships. b. relationships are more prone to breakups than heterosexual marriages. c. gays of both genders face more barriers to dissolution. d. all of these.

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, _____% of female same-gender couples and _____% of male same-gender couples are rearing children.

Select one: a. 10; 5 b. 33; 22 c. 44; 33 d. 50; 15

There has been an increase in the number of homosexuals opting to have children in the context of their gay relationships. Preliminary evidence suggests that

a. their children tend to become homosexuals. b. their children show signs of being maladjusted. c. gay parents are similar to their heterosexual counterparts. d. lesbian mothers exhibit less maternal behavior than heterosexual mothers.

Which of the following has caused much of the increase in the proportion of single adults?

Select one: a. Loss of faith in the institution of marriage b. People marrying at a higher median age c. Society's positive view toward cohabitation d. Fewer young people willing to assume the financial burdens associated with marriage

The strength of the relationship between mental and physical health and marriage is ______ for males than females.

Select one: a. less important b. equally important c. more important d. Gender is unrelated to marriage and health.

Research on satisfaction with one's life among single people indicates that single

Select one: a. men are more satisfied than single women. b. women are more satisfied than single men. c. people are happier than married people. d. people are more satisfied with their sex lives.

Which of the following is NOT true? Cohabitation

Select one: a. is legal in all states. b. rates have increased. c. rates are higher in the less-educated, lower-income population. d. leads to increased likelihood of divorce.

Which of the following statements about cohabiting couples is NOT true?

a. Most cohabitants expect to marry their current partner. b. Cohabiting relationships tend to be more stable than marital relationships. c. Cohabiting couples are more likely to stay together if they have a child together. d. Cohabitants report that they are less satisfied with their relationships than married couples.

Which of the following is generally NOT considered a common characteristic of batterers?

Select one: a. Possessive b. Unemployed c. Drinking and drug problems d. All of these are common characteristics of batterers.

The fear that trying to leave an abusive relationship might lead to brutal violence or murder is

Select one: a. based on a myth. b. realistic. c. part of the abused person's mental disorder. d. all of these.

Date rapes typically result in all of these except

Select one: a. anger. b. self-blame. c. depression. d. fear of strangers.

Which of the following will NOT help reduce the likelihood of date rape?

a. Avoid excessive alcohol b. Stay in public places when getting to know someone new c. Be cautious about people who display an acceptance of interpersonal violence d. Avoid talking about sexual expectations.

According to your text, which of the following terms refers to the state of being male or female?

Select one: a. Sex b. Gender c. Gender identity d. Sexual orientation

An __________ orientation is an orientation toward emotion and relationships.

Select one: a. instructive b. expressive c. intrinsic d. instrumental

Which of the following is generally NOT considered an element of the traditional gender stereotype associated with masculinity?

Select one: a. Ambitious b. Persistent c. Emotional d. Self-confident

An important point about gender stereotypes is that since the 1980s, they

Select one: a. have become more pronounced. b. seem to have become less rigid. c. have nearly reversed themselves. d. have become more universal across cultures.

The fact that gender stereotypes view male behavior as normal reflects an ______ bias.

Select one: a. egocentric b. ethnocentric c. androcentric d. androgynous

The gender similarities hypothesis is associated with all of the following except

a. overinflated claims of gender differences do not affect relationships. b. overinflated claims of gender differences cause problems in the workplace. c. most gender psychological differences are quite small. d. critics think Hyde left out important variables in her meta-analysis.

Jerry and Jane are 10-year-old twins. They have performed about the same in all school subjects up to the present time. It would be reasonably safe to predict that

a. Jerry has a higher IQ than Jane and will shortly begin to outperform Jane in all middle and high school subjects. b. starting in high school, Jane will begin to outperform Jerry in all subjects that require intensive memorization. c. Jane will fail miserably at any task involving spatial skills, starting in 10th grade. d. Jerry will outperform Jane slightly in mathematical problem-solving starting in high school.

A meta-analysis showed that males clearly outperform females in one type of spatial ability:

Select one: a. mental rotation. b. body orientation. c. spatial analogies. d. cognitive mapping.

A young girl is more likely than a young boy to engage in which of the following behaviors?

Select one: a. Hitting another child b. Pushing another child c. Threatening another child d. Spreading rumors about another child

According to Peplau, both gays and straights hold sexual attitudes that include all of the following except

a. men have more interest in sex than women. b. the connection between sex and intimacy is more important for women. c. aggression is more often linked to sexuality for men than women. d. men's sexuality is more easily shaped by situational factors than for women.

Research indicates that experienced emotions are

Select one: a. stronger in men. b. stronger in women. c. the same for men and women. d. based on the rules parents teach their sons and daughters.

Research indicates that more ______ attempt suicide, but more ______ complete it.

Select one: a. adults; children b. There are no demographic predictors of suicide. c. men; women d. women; men

Females have a higher rate of ______ than males.

Select one: a. mood disorders b. alcoholism c. antisocial behavior d. all of these

"Gender differences are in the eye of the beholder" is a statement of the explanation for these differences put forth by

Select one: a. social role theorists. b. social constructionists. c. social learning theorists. d. visual gender determinists.

According to ___________, the tendency to look for gender differences, as well as our specific beliefs about gender, is rooted in the "gendered" messages and conditioning that are common in our socialization experiences.

Select one: a. evolutionary psychology b. social learning theory c. social constructionism d. the theory of cognitive dissonance

To support their assertions, evolutionary psychologists look for gender differences

Select one: a. in spatial ability only. b. that are consistent across cultures. c. that are specific to particular cultures. d. in behaviors that are consistent with gender stereotypes.

It appears that the left hemisphere is more actively involved in ______ and mathematical processing, while the right hemisphere is specialized to handle ______ processing.

Select one: a. nonverbal; verbal b. verbal; visual-spatial c. visual-spatial; verbal d. nonverbal; visual-spatial

Which of the following has not been found in studies on hemispheric specialization?

a. Females tend to have a larger corpus callosum. b. Males exhibit more cerebral specialization than females. c. The cerebral cortex is more convoluted in males than in females. d. The right and left hemispheres are specialized to handle different cognitive tasks.

Research on females exposed prenatally to high levels of androgens suggests that

a. androgen is basically a "female hormone." b. prenatal hormones may contribute to gender differences. c. the female embryo is highly resistant to the effects of such hormones. d. none of the these.

Claudia has been diagnosed with low testosterone; she is likely to

Select one: a. experience high sexual desire. b. experience low sexual desire. c. show traits of "super-femininity." d. be relatively unaffected.

Gender bias in school is most likely to show up in which of the following?

Select one: a. Teachers' behaviors b. The books that are used c. Academic and career counseling d. All of the these

Which of the following statements best reflects the effect that television has on gender role socialization?

a. It contributes to traditional stereotypes. b. It tends to combat traditional stereotypes. c. It reinforces traditional stereotypes for girls more than for boys. d. Regular programming has no effect, but commercials reinforce stereotypes.

Which of these is NOT part of the "modern male role"?

Select one: a. Organizational power b. Emotional self-expression toward women c. Emotional sensitivity toward women d. Economic inexpressiveness

Which of the following is NOT considered a key element of the traditional male role?

Select one: a. Autonomy b. Emotional sensitivity with women c. Aggression d. Stoicism

The traditional female role consists of three major mandates: the ______ mandate, the ______ mandate, and to work outside the home.

Select one: a. success; marriage b. success; motherhood c. marriage; nurturance d. marriage; motherhood

With the rise of women in the labor force over the past 30 years, the husband's career

Select one: a. continues to take priority over the wife's. b. is equal in priority to the wife's. c. is less important than the wife's. d. takes priority in families only in lower socioeconomic groups.

The marriage and motherhood mandates fuel women's intense focus on ______, that is, learning how to attract and interest males as prospective mates.

Select one: a. sexual orientation b. heterosexual success c. reproductive fitness d. the self-reliant mandate

In general, higher intelligence and grades are associated with higher career aspirations, but this is less likely to hold true for girls than for boys. This finding illustrates which of the following concepts?

Select one: a. Reproductive fitness b. Heterosexual success c. Economic discrimination d. The ability-achievement gap

Today, about ______ of women work outside the home.

Select one: a. 25% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80%

Which of the following is generally NOT considered a form of aggression toward girls and women?

Select one: a. Rape b. Sexual harassment c. Violent pornography d. All of these are considered aggression toward females.

What does research tell us about the relationship between women's employment status and the quality of infant mother emotional attachment quizlet?

What does research tell us about the relationship between women's employment status and the quality of infant-mother emotional attachment? There appears to be no relationship. How do happily married couples and those who get divorced differ in their handling of money?

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the association between loneliness and age?

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the association between loneliness and age? Loneliness decreases with age.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding gender and e mail communications?

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding gender and e-mail communications? The gender differences associated with other forms of communication also appear in research on e-mail communication patterns.

Which statement most accurately reflects the current state of marriage in modern Western society?

Which statement most accurately reflects the current state of marriage in modern Western society? It remains popular but appears to be under assault from changes in society.


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