What happened to the civil rights movement after the civil rights Act Quizlet

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In the spring of 1963, Birmingham became the focus of SCLC and MLKJ because it was said to be the most segregated city in the country. On April 3, sit-ins and street demonstrations began. People were arrested, but everyone continued fighting, believing it was necessary. A few days later, MLKJ and other protesters were arrested. Many whites started to say that this movement should focus on negotiation, not protest to integrate, showing that people supported the movement, just not the tactics used. MLKJ responded to this in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail saying that their civil disobedience and direct action was necessary to integrate. On May 2, over 1000 youth marched and were arrested, which created controversy because people didn't like the idea of kids being in the movement, but his event was necessary and created sympathy. The next day more students arrived, and this time the police were violent. They used attack dogs and high-pressure hoses to prevent the march. This event was broadcasted on TV and caused more sympathy for the movement. On May 10, the city gave in and the facilities were desegregated. The KKK help rallies and bombed places to protest this and JFK sent in troops to threat the KKK. A few months later on September 15, a bomb exploded at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, killing 4 African American girls, who became known as martyrs. These events were a success for the movement, but at a high cost.

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What happened to the civil rights movement after the Civil Rights Act?

Legacy of the Civil Rights Act It also paved the way for two major follow-up laws: the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibited literacy tests and other discriminatory voting practices, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which banned discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of property.

What happened to the civil rights movement after 1965?

The Civil Rights Movement began to change after 1965. Some African Americans began to reject the calls for non-violent protests. These people wanted changes to occur much more quickly. They demanded action now, rather than the slower changes that usually came from peaceful demonstrations.

What happened after the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

In response to a new wave of protest, the U.S. Congress soon followed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The act focused on redressing the legacy of discrimination against African Americans' access to the ballot.

What was the result of the civil rights movement quizlet?

Effects- It convinced America that there were thousands of people who wanted fair treatment towards blacks and integration. This led to the Civil Rights Bill being passed and the Equal Rights Commission being set up.


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