What information would the nurse include when teaching the parents of an infant about colic quizlet?

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Be sure to wash the infant's face, hands, and diaper area daily.

Except in very hot weather, an infant does not need a bath every day. If a parent is tired and would not enjoy bath time or if some days are just too rushed, a complete bath can be omitted, with only the infant's face, hands, and diaper area washed. Some infants do need their head and scalp washed frequently (every day or every other day) to prevent seborrhea, a scaly scalp condition often called cradle cap. If seborrhea lesions do develop, they adhere to the scalp in yellow, crusty patches. The skin beneath them may be slightly erythematous. The patches can be softened by oiling the scalp with mineral oil or petroleum jelly and leaving it on overnight. The crusts can then be removed by shampooing the hair the next morning. A soft toothbrush or fine-toothed comb can be used to help remove them.

Secondary circular reaction

By the third month of life, a child enters a cognitive stage identified by Piaget as primary circular reaction. During this time, the infant explores objects by grasping them with the hands or by mouthing them. Infants appear to be unaware of what actions they can cause or what actions occur independently, however. At about 6 months of age infants pass into a stage Piaget called secondary circular reaction. Now when infants reach for an object, hit it, and watch it move, they realize it was their hand that initiated the motion, and so they hit it again. By 10 months, infants discover object permanence. Infants are ready for peek-a-boo once they have gained this concept. They know their parent still exists even when hiding behind a hand or blanket and wait excitedly for the parent to reappear. Binocular vision, which is the ability to fuse two images into one, is demonstrated by 2-month-olds when the follow moving objects with their eyes, although not past the midline.

The nurse is evaluating if nutrition counseling for new mothers has been effective. Which comments by the mothers indicate the need for more instruction? Select all that apply.

"As long as I wait for at least 3 days to introduce new foods I should be able to determine if my child has any food allergies."

"It is much healthier if I puree my own baby food and add a very small amount of salt to make it taste better."

"I can start giving my baby small snack like cheerios around 8 months of age."

"My mother said that I shouldn't introduce rice cereal as the first solid food, but I'm confident that is best."

"No-spill sippy cups are a good way to limit the amount of juice that comes into contact with the baby's teeth."

Which measure would you suggest an infant's parents use to relieve teething discomfort?

Here are some ways to comfort your baby and ease his or her pain: Gently rub the gums with a cool, damp washcloth. Give your baby something safe to chew on, such as firm rubber teething rings. Avoid teething rings with fluid inside or any plastic objects that might break.

Which measure would you suggest an infants parents use to relieve teething discomfort quizlet?

Which measure would you suggest an infant's parents use to relieve teething discomfort? Give her a cold teething ring to chew. -Cold can be very soothing for the tender gumlines during teething. A 2-month-old body has inconsolable crying, is gassy, and constantly draws his legs up.

Can babies smell their mom?

The tiniest newborn babies can sniff out breast milk and even lactating women because breast milk has very specific fragrances that are extremely attractive to babies. Infants can also recognize their own mothers simply by smell.

Which activity will the nurse encourage new parents to complete in order to assist their infant?

Which activity will the nurse encourage new parents to complete in order to assist their infant in accomplishing Erikson's developmental task for the first year of life? Respond promptly when the infant cries. The nurse in a pediatric clinic is reviewing the chart of an infant who is 12 months old.


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