What is the most likely disadvantage of adding new channels in a multichannel distribution system?

1) The sets of firms that supply companies with the raw materials, components, parts, information, finances, and expertise needed to create products or services are known as ________.
A) retailers
B) upstream partners
C) distributors
D) downstream partners
E) distribution channels

2) Which of the following terms refers to the wholesalers and retailers that form a vital link between the firm and its customers?

A) factory-supply networks

B) downstream partners

C) resource banks

D) upstream partners

E) supply channels

3) The term supply chain is considered limited because it ________.

A) ignores the make-and-sell aspect of the market

B) suggests that planning begins with raw materials and factory capacity C) takes a step-by-step, linear view of purchase-production-consumption activities D) takes a sense-and-respond view of the market E) suggests that planning starts with identifying the needs of target customers

4) The term demand chain is considered limited because it ________.

A) advocates a make-and-sell view of the market that relies on a responsive supply network B) suggests that planning starts with raw materials, productive inputs, and factory capacity C) takes a step-by-step, linear view of purchase-production-consumption activities

5) A ________ is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and customers who partner to improve the performance of the entire system.

A) value delivery network

B) horizontal channel

C) consumer base

D) product delivery network

E) product line

6) A ________ is a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user.

A) product line

B) product delivery network

C) marketing channel

D) consumer base

E) resource bank

activities necessary to transfer the ownership of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. It is the way products and services get to the end-user, the consumer; and is also known as a distribution channel.

7) Which of the following is most likely true of marketing channel decisions?

A) They often involve long-term commitments to other firms. B) They have minimal influence on the prices of products offered to customers. C) They increase the amount of time a company spends connecting with customers. D) They increase the amount of effort a company puts in to distribute goods.

8) ________ play an important role in matching supply and demand by providing consumers with a broad assortment of products in small quantities.

A) Virtual banks

B) Intermediaries

C) Price consultants

D) Uniform-delivery networks

E) Upstream partners

9) From the economic system's point of view, the role of ________ is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers.

A) upstream partners

B) marketing intermediaries

C) third-party logistics

D) price consultants

E) factory supervisors

10) A ________ is a layer of intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer.

A) product platform

B) channel level

C) resource bank

D) contact center

E) customer franchise

11) In a(n) ________ channel, the same member both produces and distributes a product or service to consumers.

A) tiered

B) direct

C) platform

D) vertical

E) exclusive

12) Which of the following companies uses a direct marketing channel?

B) Germfight, a factory that manufactures dental products that it distributes only to select department stores

D) Holly Wreaths, a store that sells Christmas ornaments to customers via its online click-to-order catalogs

13) Lifebelt Insurance sells insurance only through its door-to-door salespeople. What type of marketing channel does Lifebelt use?

A) inclusive

B) multitiered

C) indirect

D) direct

E) selective

14) At its most basic form, a marketing channel consists of the producer and the ________.

A) retailer

B) sales agent

C) competitor

D) processor

E) consumer

15) A marketing channel that consists of one or more intermediaries is known as a(n) ________ marketing channel.

A) cyclic

B) upstream

C) looped

D) direct

E) indirect

16) Plasticine Palace supplies its products exclusively to Arts & Crafts, a chain of stationery stores across the country. The chain then makes the plasticine available to end consumers. This is an example of ________.

A) a direct marketing channel B) intensive distribution C) an indirect marketing channel D) disintermediation E) extensive distribution

17) Which of the following is an example of an indirect marketing channel?

C) Wine & Dine, which sells its picnic baskets to select novelty stores across the country

D) Lifebelt Insurance, which sells life insurance through its door-to-door salespeople

E) Rhonda's Rental, which rents cars to people for the day

18) The greater the number of channel levels in a marketing channel, the ________.

A) less distance between producer and end-consumer

B) greater the channel complexity

C) less time it takes for products to reach end-consumers D) greater the control producers have over the distribution of their products E) greater the control producers have over the demand of their products

19) Which of the following is a conventional consumer marketing channel?

A) producer to business distributor to end consumer

B) producer to wholesaler to retailer to end consumer

C) producer to end consumer to business customer

D) producer to retailer

E) producer to business distributor to business customer

20) Which of the following is an indirect business marketing channel?

A) producer to retailer to business distributor

B) producer to wholesaler to retailer to end consumer

C) producer to end-consumer to business distributor

D) producer to retailer

E) producer to business distributor to business customer

21) Which of the following is a type of flow that connects all institutions in a marketing channel?

A) payment flow

B) ownership flow

C) physical flow

D) promotion flow

E) information flow

34) ________ are complex behavioral systems in which people and companies interact to accomplish individual, company, and channel goals.

A) Customer relationship management systems

B) Distribution channels

C) Partner relationship systems

D) Consumer bases

E) Buying centers

35) Which of the following is true of channel members?

A) They act independent of each other. B) They play specialized roles in the channel. C) They are not accountable to other channel members. D) They play generalized and interchangeable roles in the distribution process. E) Their competence and cooperation don't affect the company's image or profits.

36) Conflict that occurs among firms at the same level of the marketing channel is known as ________ conflict.

A) multitiered

B) horizontal

C) vertical

D) prolonged

E) financial

37) Conflict that occurs between different levels of the same marketing channel is known as ________ conflict.

A) horizontal

B) vertical

C) multitiered

D) equilateral

E) communal

38) Managers at the Imperial Hotel-Chicago complained that the chain's overall image was hurt because Imperial Hotel-Dallas was overcharging guests and providing poor service. The Imperial Hotel was experiencing ________ conflict.

A) equilateral B) vertical C) multitiered D) communal E) horizontal

39) The management of two Panizza restaurants has an ongoing disagreement over the discount rate given to students from the local high school. This is an example of ________ conflict.

A) intensive

B) selective

C) exclusive

D) horizontal

E) vertical

40) When KFC came into conflict with its franchisees over the brand's Unthink KFC repositioning, which emphasized grilled chicken over its traditional Kentucky fried chicken, KFC experienced ________ conflict.

A) equilateral B) vertical C) multitiered D) communal E) horizontal

41) Stylize, Inc. opened an online store that triggered disagreements between headquarters and the firm's exclusive dealers. This type of a disagreement is known as a(n) ________ conflict.

A) vertical

B) indirect

C) horizontal

D) selective

E) multitiered

42) A(n) ________ consists of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, and retailers, each seeking to maximize its own profits, sometimes even at the expense of the system as a whole.

A) multitiered supply chain

B) conventional distribution channel

C) intrinsic market matrix

D) resource bank

E) product platform

43) Which of the following is true of conventional distribution channels?

A) Channel members have complete control over each other.B) Channel members seek to maximize their own profits. C) Channel conflict is governed by formal mechanisms. D) Channel members are assigned roles according to a clearly defined framework. E) Channel members work exclusively for the good of the organization.

44) A(n) ________ marketing system consists of producers, wholesalers, and retailers acting as a unified system.

A) horizontal

B) vertical

C) multitiered

D) communal

E) equilateral

45) Which of the following is true of vertical marketing systems?

A) Producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. B) Channel members have no control over each other. C) Channel conflict is governed by informal mechanisms. D) The system is dominated by the consumer. E) Channel members work independently with no cooperation from other members.

46) Which of the following is a major type of vertical marketing system?

A) corporate

B) conventional

C) multilevel

D) intrinsic

E) extrinsic

47) A ________ VMS integrates successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership.

A) contractual

B) corporate

C) contingency

D) conventional

E) communal

48) A ________ VMS consists of independent firms at different levels of production and distribution who join together through formal agreements to obtain more economies or sales impact than each could achieve alone.

A) corporateB) contingency C) contractual D) communal E) conventional

49) The ________ organization is the most common type of contractual relationship.

A) franchise

B) horizontal

C) conventional

D) multi-national

E) entrepreneurial

50) Ford and its network of independent franchised dealers is an example of a ________.

A) manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system

B) manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise system

C) service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise system

D) service-firm-sponsored equity strategic alliance

E) manufacturer-and-service-sponsored joint venture

51) Fire Up makes fireproof clothing material and it licenses select stores around the world to use its material to make finished products with the Fire Up logo. Which of the following type of franchising is evident here? A) manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system B) manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise systemD) service-firm-sponsored equity strategic alliance E) manufacturer-and-service-sponsored joint venture

52) In a(n) ________, leadership is assumed not through common ownership or contractual ties but through the size and power of one or a few dominant channel members.

A) horizontal marketing system

B) administered VMS

C) corporate VMS

D) contractual VMS

E) conventional VMS

53) ________ VMS is a vertical marketing system that coordinates successive stages of production and distribution through the size and power of one of the parties.

A) Contingent

B) Administered

C) Corporate

D) Contractual

E) Aligned

Administered VMS: vertical management system

coordination between production and distribution firms is achieved by the size and influence of the dominant firm, without a formal agreement or ownership.

independent production and distribution firms formally agree to integrate their resources. Franchising is an example of this type

production firm owns a retail chain (forward integration) or a retail chain owns a production firm (backward integration).

54) In a(n) ________, two or more companies at one level join together to follow a new marketing opportunity.

A) administered vertical marketing system

B) horizontal marketing system

C) corporate vertical marketing system

D) hybrid distribution system

E) conventional marketing system

55) Which of the following is most likely a manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system?

A) international fast food chains like McDonald's and Pizza Hut B) Starbucks outlets operating within Target stores C) Toyota and its network of independent franchised dealers D) licensed bottlers that bottle and sell soft drinks to retailers E) hotel chains like the Ritz Carlton and Shangri-La

56) When McDonald's offers its products inside of a Walmart store, it is using a(n) ________.

A) conventional marketing system

B) corporate VMS

C) contractual VMS

D) administered VMS

E) horizontal marketing system

57) A(n) ________ system involves a single firm setting up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.

A) conventional distribution

B) corporate vertical marketing

C) horizontal marketing

D) administered vertical marketing

E) multichannel distribution

58) Atlas Imports and Exports sells products directly to consumers via the Atlas Web site, and through local retailers as well. Which of the following is evident here?

A) corporate vertical marketing system

B) horizontal marketing system

C) multichannel distribution system

D) administered vertical marketing system

E) conventional distribution channel

59) Movie Giants offers DVD rentals through its Web site. It also offers DVD rentals via Star City stores. This is an example of a(n)________ distribution system.

A) conventional

B) inclusive

C) intensive

D) extensive

E) multichannel

60) Which of the following is an advantage of adding new channels in a multichannel distribution system?

A) limiting market complexity

B) reducing control over the system

C) expanding sales and market coverage

D) decreasing marketing needs and costs

E) minimizing mass customization of products

61) Which of the following is a disadvantage of adding new channels in a multichannel distribution system?

A) decreasing complexity of markets

B) decreasing control over the system

C) reducing opportunities for franchising

D) lowering sales and market coverage

E) minimizing publicity needs

62) ________ occurs when product or service producers cut out intermediaries and go directly to final buyers or when radically new types of channel intermediaries displace traditional ones.

A) Extensive distribution

B) Multichannelization

C) Disintermediation

D) Inclusive distribution

E) Cross merchandising

63) The Bookworm began delivering books directly to customers through mail instead of selling through brick-and-mortar companies. This is an example of ________.

A) indirect marketing

B) disintermediation

C) franchising

D) exclusive distribution

E) intensive distribution

64) Which of the following is true of changes in the organization of distribution channels?

B) To remain competitive, product and service producers must use fewer marketing channels.

C) The growth of the Internet threatens many brick-and-mortar companies with disintermediation.

E) Advances in technology have decreased the number of channels available to entrepreneurial firms.

82) Which of the following should be a manufacturer's first step when designing an effective marketing channel?

A) set channel objectives

B) analyze consumer needs

C) identify channel alternatives

D) evaluate channel alternatives

E) establish strategic alliances

83) Which of the following is an environmental factor that affects channel objectives and design?

A) economic conditions

B) factory staffing

C) organizational objectives

D) interpersonal influences

E) individual motives

84) ________ distribution is a strategy in which producers of convenience products and raw materials stock their products in as many outlets as possible.

A) Direct

B) Intensive

C) Inclusive

D) Exclusive

E) Selective

85) For which of the following products would the intensive distribution strategy most likely be used?

A) high-end cameras

B) luxury cars

C) lawn mowers

D) soft drinks

E) furniture

86) Whitelight sells its toothpastes in many convenience stores across the country. This is an example of ________ distribution.

A) exclusive

B) selective

C) hybrid

D) intensive

E) normal

87) With which of the following strategies would a company give only a limited number of dealers the right to distribute its products in their territories?

A) exclusive distribution

B) extensive distribution

C) moderate distribution

D) primary distribution

E) intensive distribution

88) For which product would a company use an exclusive distribution strategy?

A) luxury cars

B) newspapers

C) chewing gum

D) dairy products

E) soft drinks

89) Ocean Spray sells its air fresheners only through Ray's Drugs. This is an example of ________ distribution.

A) exclusive

B) selective

C) intensive

D) indirect

E) corporate

90) ________ distribution involves the use of more than one but fewer than all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a company's products.

A) Exclusive

B) Selective

C) Intensive

D) Indirect

E) Corporate

91) Which of the following is true of the exclusive distribution strategy?

A) It makes products available to everybody, everywhere.

B) It is used primarily for convenience items.

C) It helps promote a brand's luxury image.

D) It gives producers no control over their products.

E) It enlists all of the intermediaries willing to carry a company's products.

92) When the seller allows only certain outlets to carry its products, this strategy is called ________.

A) exclusive distribution

B) subjective dealing

C) selective distribution

D) exclusive pricing

E) disintermediation

93) When a seller requires its dealers to abstain from handling competitors' products, it is called ________.

A) subjective distribution

B) exclusive dealing

C) selective distribution

D) exclusive pricing

E) disintermediation

94) Why do firms have difficulty accessing potential market areas in developing countries, such as China and India?

A) inadequate distribution systems

B) anti-globalization efforts

C) highly centralized rural markets

D) limited manpower

E) high operating costs

103) ________ management calls for selecting, managing, and motivating individual channel members and evaluating their performance over time.

A) Inventory

B) Marketing channel

C) Brand image

D) Customer experience

E) Brand content

104) To help recruit, train, organize, manage, motivate, and evaluate relationships with channel partners, companies are now installing integrated high-tech ________ systems.

A) advertiser funded programming

B) customer segmentation network

C) brand content management

D) partnership relationship management

E) closed loop marketing

105) A strategy of exclusive dealing is most likely considered legal if ________.

A) the industry is newly developed

B) both parties have large territories

C) competition is not substantially lessened

D) the dealer agrees to promote the competitor's products

E) the dealer receives a steady source of supply and support

106) Which of the following involves the producer agreeing not to sell to other dealers in a given area, or the buyer agreeing to sell only in its own region?

A) closed loop marketing

B) uniform-delivery pricing

C) exclusive territorial agreement

D) cross merchandising

E) nationalized marketing

107) Producers of strong brands sometimes sell to dealers only on the condition that dealers take some or all of the rest of a product line. This practice is known as ________.

A) product line franchising

B) selective dealing

C) cross merchandising

D) full-line forcing

E) disintermediation

114) Smart Shoppers, an online store that delivers its products to homes in and around California, recently switched its entire fleet to biodiesel trucks that run on used cooking oil rather than gas. Smart Shoppers has most likely developed a(n) ________.

A) vertical marketing channel B) green supply chain C) multitiered marketing channel D) intermodal transportation system E) hybrid distribution system

115) ________ involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit.

A) Advertising B) Product positioning C) Mass customization D) Marketing logistics E) Branding

116) ________ logistics starts with the marketplace and works backward to the factory or even to sources of supply.

A) Outbound

B) Customer-centered

C) Upstream

D) Reverse

E) Inbound

117) ________ logistics involves moving products from the factory to resellers and ultimately to customers.

A) Customer-centered

B) Outbound

C) Upstream

D) Reverse

E) Inbound

118) ________ logistics refers to moving products and materials from the suppliers to the factory.

A) Outbound

B) Diverse

C) Inbound

D) Reverse

E) Customer-centered

119) Reusing, recycling, refurbishing, or disposing of broken, unwanted, or excess products returned by consumers or resellers is known as ________.

A) cross merchandising

B) reverse logistics

C) disintermediation

D) diverse logistics

E) inbound logistics

120) ________ management refers to the management of upstream and downstream value-added flows of materials, final goods, and related information among suppliers, the company, resellers, and final consumers.

A) Cross B) Supply chain C) Price D) Product cycle E) Customer

121) Which of the following is NOT a major logistics function?

A) inventory management

B) product designing

C) warehousing

D) transportation

E) packaging

122) ________ are large and highly automated warehouses designed to receive goods from various plants and suppliers, take orders, fill them efficiently, and deliver goods to customers as quickly as possible.

A) Loading docks

B) Open warehouses

C) Distribution centers

D) Shipping platforms

E) Product platforms

123) ________ or smart tag technology helps companies locate a product's exact position within its supply chain.





E) 3PL

124) Which of the following is true of using trucks as a transportation mode?

.B) Trucks are a specialized means of shipping petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals from sources to markets. D) Trucks are highly flexible in their routing and time schedules. E) Trucks are the slowest mode of transportation and most affected by the weather.

125) Which of the following is true of transporting goods via railroads?

C) Railroads are a cost-effective way to ship large amounts of bulk products over long distances.

D) Railroads are the most flexible mode of transportation in their routing and time schedules.

E) Railroads are the slowest mode of transportation and are the most affected by the weather.

126) Which of the following is true of shipping goods via water transportation?

B) Water carriers are highly flexible in their routing and time schedules.

C) Water transportation provides in-transit services, such as the processing of goods en route.

E) Water transportation is the slowest mode of transportation and the most affected by the weather.

127) ________ are a specialized means of shipping petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals from sources to markets.

A) Air tunnels

B) Rail flatcars

C) Steam ships

D) Pipelines

E) Airlines

128) Which of the following is true about using air carriers as a transportation mode when shipping products?

A) Air carriers are the most cost-effective way to ship non-perishable goods over short distances.

B) Air carriers are the slowest and least reliable modes of transport. D) Air carriers are ideal when time is short and speed is needed.

129) In intermodal transportation, which of the following describes the use of both rail and trucks for transportation?

A) fishyback

B) drawbar

C) trainship

D) piggyback

E) airtruck

130) In intermodal transportation, which of the following describes the use of both water and trucks for transportation?

A) fishyback

B) drawbar

C) trainship

D) piggyback

E) airtruck

131) Which of the following is the most effective way for a company to ship bulky, non-perishable products if its key requirement is low price?

A) pipelines

B) air transport

C) trucks

D) water carriers

E) piggyback

132) Which of the following is the most effective way for a company to ship perishable goods over long distances, if its key requirement is speed?

A) pipelines

B) air transport

C) trucks

D) water transport

E) trainships

133) Heart of Midnight sells blue orchids to major florists around the world. Their key requirement is speed. Which of the following modes of transport will help them?

A) rail transport

B) air carriers

C) trucks

D) piggybacks

E) water transport

134) Using ________, retailers can share real-time data on sales and current inventory levels with suppliers.

A) automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS)

B) vendor-managed inventory (VMI) systems

C) transportation management systems (TMS)

D) warehouse management systems (WMS)

E) distribution center management systems (DCMS)

135) ________ management is the logistics concept that emphasizes teamwork—both inside the company and among all the marketing channel organizations—to maximize the performance of the entire distribution system.

A) Logistics inventory B) Integrated logistics C) Logistics information D) Independent logistics E) Group logistics

What are the disadvantages of using a multichannel distribution system?

Distributing your products across various selling platforms could spread your business's resources too thin. Employees could also get overwhelmed and start making costly mistakes. Cannibalization of sales: Opening an online store could eat into your in-store sales.

What is most likely disadvantage of adding new channels in a multi channel distribution system?

For small businesses, one of the disadvantages of keeping multiple channels open is a potential lack of resources or manpower to keep everything going at a high level. This includes customer service, which may start lacking or requires different skill sets from one channel to the other.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a multichannel distribution system?

Overview: advantages and disadvantages of multichannel marketing.

What is the disadvantage of channel distribution?

Disadvantage: Reduces Distribution Channel Options One of the problems of selling direct is that you lose the other distribution channels offered by intermediaries. The more places you can sell, the more convenient it is for your customers.


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