What is the structure that causes a statement or a set of statements to execute repeatedly quizlet?

In this exercise, use the following variables : i,lo, hi, and result. Assume that lo and hi each are associated with an int and that result refers to 0.

Write a while loop that adds the integers from lo up through hi (inclusive), and associates the sum with result.

Your code should not change the values associated with lo and hi. Also, just use these variables : i,lo, hi, and result.

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The following selections were taken from the letters-to-the-editor section of a newspaper. Each can be interpreted as expressing one or more arguments. Begin by identifying the conclusion of each. Then disengage the covert assumptions, value claims, and other cognitive assertions from the emotive language and translate them into emotively neutral premises. Use the two examples in the text as models. Finally, evaluate the restructured arguments. Some may turn out to be good ones. Thousands of years of organized religion have done nothing to solve any problems and have almost always exacerbated them by promoting fear, superstition, and irrational mythologies. Kneeling in prayer to some supernatural entity seeking “divine guidance” or, even more implausibly, “divine intervention,” is not only a waste of time, it is counterproductive because it lulls the supplicant into inactivity. We must stand up, open our eyes, and face life’s challenges head-on in a problem-solving approach that is reality-based, empirical, and above all, rational.

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Seas Beginning sells clothing by mail order. An important question is: When should the company strike a customer from its mailing list? At present, the company does so if a customer fails to order from six consecutive catalogs. Management wants to know if striking a customer after failure to order from four consecutive catalogs will result in a higher profit per customer. The following data are available: Six percent of all customers who receive a catalog for the first lime place an order. If a customer placed an order from the last-received catalog, then there is a 20% chance he or she will order from the next catalog. If a customer last placed an order one catalog ago, there is a 16% chance he or she will order from the next catalog received. If a customer last placed an order two catalogs ago, there is a 12% chance he or she will place an order from the next catalog received. If a customer last placed an order three catalogs ago, there is an 8% chance he or she will place an order from the next catalog received. If a customer last placed an order four catalogs ago, there is a 4% chance he or she will place an order from the next catalog received. If a customer last placed an order five catalogs ago, there is a 2% chance he or she will place an order from the next catalog received. It costs $1 to send a catalog, and the average profit per order is$15. To maximize expected profit per customer, should Seas Beginning cancel customers after six nonorders or four nonorders? Hint: Model each customer’s evolution as a Markov chain with possible states New, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Canceled. A customer’s state represents the number of catalogs received since the customer last placed an order. “New” means the customer received a catalog for the first time. “Canceled” means that the customer has failed to order from six consecutive catalogs. For example, suppose a customer placed the following sequence of orders (O) and nonorders (NO): NO NO O NO NO O O NO NO O NO NO NO NO NO NO Canceled Here we are assuming a customer is stricken from the mailing list after six consecutive nonorders. For this sequence of orders and nonorders, the states are (ith listed state occurs right before ith catalog is received) New 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Canceled You should be able to figure (for each cancellation policy) the expected number of orders a customer will place before cancellation and the expected number of catalogs a customer will receive before cancellation. This will enable you to compute expected profit per customer.

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