What sum will become 13310 after 3 years at 10 p.a. when the interest is compounded annually

  • Q. A sum of money amounts to Rs. 12,100 in 2 years and Rs. 13,310 in 3 years, when compounded annually. Find the rate of interest.
  • 12%
  • 9%
  • 10%
  • 8%
    • Answer is : C


      Amount in 2 years = Rs.12100

      Amount in 3 years = Rs.13310 


      Let P = Principal, R = Rate of interest and N = time

      Amount = P(1 + R/100)n


      ⇒ 12100 = P(1 + R/100)2 ----(1)

      ⇒ 13310 = P(1 + R/100)3  ----(2)

      Dividing equation (2) by (1),

      ⇒ 1.1 = (1 + R/100)

      ⇒ 0.1 = R/100

      ⇒ R = 10

      ∴ Rate of interest is 10% per annum.

    Report Question

    Question: A sum of money amounts to Rs. 12,100 in 2 years and Rs. 13,310 in 3 years, when compounded annually. Find the rate of interest.

    Given Answer: C

    Suggestion for Correct Answer: A B C D


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        Sum = Rs. 2000

        Time = 1 year

        Rate = 10%

        Concept used:

        When the sum is compounded half-yearly, then the rate of interest becomes half and time becomes double.

        Formula used:

        A = P (1 + R/100)T

        C.I = A - P

        Where, A = Amount, P = Principal, T = Time, C.I = Compound interest and R = rate of interest


        According to the question,

        R = 10%/2 = 5%

        T = 2 × 1 = 2 years

        A = P (1 + R/100)T

        ⇒ 2000(1 + 5/100)2

        ⇒ 2000(1 + 1/20)2

        ⇒ 2000(21/20)2

        ⇒ 2000(441/400)

        ⇒ 5 × 441

        ⇒ 2205

        C.I = 2205 - 2000

        ⇒ 205

        ∴ The compound interest is Rs. 205.

        We'll use successive percentage method to solve this

        Total percentage change = [a + b + (ab)/100]%, where a and b are positive percentage change

        Here rate will be 10/2 = 5% (As compounded half yearly)

        Total interest for 1 year compounded half yearly = [5 + 5 + (5 × 5)/100] % 

        ⇒ Total interest = 10.25%

        Compound interest = 10.25% of 2000 = 205

        ∴ The compound interest is Rs. 205.

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          Cost of a car = Rs.16000 

          Value reduction percentage = 10% p.a. 

          Formula used:

          Value of car after 2 years of reduction = Cost Price × (100 - R)% × (100 - R)% 


          Value of car after 2 years = Rs.16000 × (100 - 10)/100 × (100 - 10)/100 

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            Let P = Principal, R = rate of interest and N = time

            Compound interest = P(1 + R/100)N - P


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            ⇒ 200 = 100(1 + R/100)8

            ⇒ 2 = (1 + R/100)8

            Squaring both sides,

            ⇒ 4 = (1 + R/100)16

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              Principal = Rs. 1000

              Time = 5 years

              Concept used:

              S.I = PTR/100


              Let the rate of interest be r

              440 = (1000 × 5 × r)/100

              ⇒ 440 = 50r

              ⇒ 44 = 5r

              ⇒ 44/5 = r

              ⇒ r = 8.8

              ∴ Rate of interest is 8.8%

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                Principal = Rs.4000

                Time = 2 years

                Rate = 10% per annum


                Simple interest = (principal × rate × time)/100


                We know that,

                S.I. = (prt)/100

                ⇒ (4000 × 2 × 10)/100

                ⇒ Rs.800

                Hence, the simple interest is Rs.800.

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              What principal will amount to rupees 13310 in 3 years at 10% per annum compound interest?

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              and it's answer will be 6550 .

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              Solution. Rate of interest R = 10% p.a. ∴ ₹ 1,00,000 will become ₹ 1,33,100 after 3 years.

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              CI = A – P Here, A represents the new principal sum or the total amount of money after compounding period. P represents the original amount or initial amount. r is the annual interest rate.


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