What term best describes the standards by which a culture judges what is good desirable or beautiful?

Robert is recently homeless, and in addition is suffering from mental illness. As a result, he feels increasingly socially isolated. While he used to be physically healthy, he is now sick quite often. What aspect of Robert's health is directly impacted by his lack of contact with others?

What needs do we look for in our interactions with others?

Kara views herself as a shy, introverted person, unlike her more outgoing friends. At social gatherings, Kara's friends often speak and answer questions on her behalf. Kara's shyness is based on beliefs she has about herself, but it impacts the why her friends treat her as well. Her social habits play an important role in establishing what aspect of Kara's sense of self?

When Laura calls the salon to schedule a haircut, she is using communicating to fill what type of need?

If you mail an annual family newsletter to update your loved ones and you don't expect a response, you are using which model of communication?

A. Action (one-way communication)

When you put your idea in the form of language or a feature that the receiver can understand, you are doing what to the message?

Fatigue and hunger are examples of what noise?

Which two additional elements does the interaction model enclose, as compared with the action model?

Which model of communication best describes complex face-to-face communication?

How would you categorize the context of a "tweet," which relies on text alone, without the benefit of the sender's voice or gestures?

What do we call it when we communicate about how we communicate?

Identify an example of following an explicit rule.

C. Not bringing a weapon onto a school campus

What is the most common form of communication we engage in?

How we use communication determines whether it will have positive or negative effects. This fact dispels what myth?

B. Communication is inherently good.

Someone with communication ........... is able to communicate in ways that are effective and appropriate in a given situation.

Which term describes a group of people who share common symbols, languages, values, and norms?

During the years of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many Muslim students have reported feeling excluded at the U.S. colleges and universities they attend. Their experience exemplifies how sometimes we mistreat people we perceive as part of ..........?

Jorge's mother, father, and aunt are from Nicaragua. He and his cousins are proud of their Nicaraguan ........ . wearing traditional clothing and preparing traditional dishes from their parent's country.

What term best describes the process of acquiring (förvärvande) a culture?

What do Bobby and Carrie share if they both avid fans of the same football team?

Which best describes the standards by which a culture judges what is good, desirable or beautiful?

Elena is used to kissing her friends on both cheeks as a form of greeting in her native country. She notices that there new friends in the U.S. get uncomfortable with his, thus showing her she is violating her friends'.

Research shows that the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia are the most highly, what?

D. Individualistic cultures

Chin believes her primary responsibility is to her family, community and employer. She considers the needs of her in-groups more important than her own needs. This example illustrates what type of culture?

Which term best describes a culture in which people are expected to be direct, to say what they mean, and to avoid "beating around the bush"?

In which instance is Mia most likely functioning in a low-power-distance culture?

C. Mia feels it is her right to question her professor in class if she does not agree

Sara decides to host a party for her new American friends. She tells them the party well be at 9 PM. She is shocked when most of her guests arrive at or near 9 PM, as in her culture a 9 PM start time means that guests will arrive no sooner than 10 PM, if not later. Sara hasn't even put food out for the party yet. Sara most likely comes from which type of culture?

What term is used to describe the extent to which people try to avoid situations that are unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable?

Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism?

A. Nadia thinks Americans are rude and too outspoken.

Jane, an American student, tells her Brazilian friend Lucia that it is "raining cats and dogs." Lucia is confused when she looks outside to see only rain falling from the sky. This is an example of a break down of which type of communication code?

Kyle, an Australian student, uses the Internet regularly to do research for projects. His Bolivian friend, Diego, instead goes to a local library to use books. Social scientists refer to this difference in access to communication technology as, what?

Arianna has an argument with her boyfriend and storms out of their house. He does not call or text her all morning and Arianna is pretty sure he is ignoring her. In this example, the fact that Arianna notices her boyfriend is not contacting her is what stage of the perceptual process?

The ................ stage of the perceptual process helps you make sense of information by allowing you to see its similarities to, and differences from other things you know about.

When your best friend does you an unexpected favor, you interpret it as a sincere sign of friendship, but if a coworker does you the same favor, you are more likely to wonder whether he/she has an ulterior (bakomliggande) motive. This is due to what influencing factor on interpretation?

C. Closeness of the relationship

A ............... is a generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive other people and their communicative behavior.

We have a tendency to remember information that supports our stereotypes while forgetting information that doesn't. Which of the following best describes this tendency?

A stand-up comedian's last joke is one of the most important jokes because of which principle?

Our first impressions of someone's communicative behaviors seem to stick in our minds more than second or third impressions because of what principle?

A ................ is a predisposition to perceive only what we want or expect to perceive.

You notice your cousin ignoring her fiancé. When you begin to wonder why she is behaving the ways she is, you are looking for what in relation to her behavior?

If your professor is late for class and you assign an external attribution ("She must have hit heavy traffic on the way to campus," you think), what are you examining in order to understand the behavior?

What term refers to our tendency to attribute our successes to stable, internal causes while attributing our failures to unstable, external causes?

Which term refers to the tendency to attribute other people's behaviors to internal rather than external causes?

A. Fundamental attribution error

While the ability to accurately (korrekt) perceive (uppfatta) others is an important part of communication, so is the ability to accurately to perceive ...... ?

If Rebecca chooses not to share her history of childhood abuse with friends, what area of Rebecca's Johari window would that information be located in?

Which area of the Johari window would most likely include characteristics such as name, sex, academic major and hobbies?

Lissa hates public speaking. She knows she will not do well in her speech class. As her first speech assignment approaches, Lissa doesn't really work on it, as she believes she won't do well on it anyway. When she receives a "D" on the speech, Lissa tells her father, "See? I told you I wasn't good at this!" Which phenomenon is Lissa experiencing?

A. Self-fulfilling prophecy

Ann has a date after work. She rushes how, changing out of her business suit into jeans and a nice shirt. She puts on heavier make-up and makes sure to put on perfume, something she never does for work. Ann is engaging in what communication behavior?

Rashid has been asked to be the best man at his brother's wedding. Unfortunately, the wedding is in another state, and in order to arrive on time, Rashid would need to miss his final exam for his algebra class. Rashid meets with the professor and explains the situation: he knows he mist appear dedicated to class while at the same time asking to be allowed to finish the course early. Rashid's narrative reflects the concept that ................... ?

D. image management is complex

When Stefan's mother hands him a rejected letter from the college he had been dreaming of going to for four years, Stefan shrugs and says that he didn't really want to go to that college anyway. He says he had already decided to go to his second-choice school, which had accepted him a week earlier. Stefan is most likely employing a defense mechanism, because he views the rejection letter as a ................. ?

Which term best describes the standards by which a culture judges what is good desirable or beautiful quizlet?

Values- The standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Expectations, or rules of behavior, that reflect and enforce values. A world within the larger world of the dominant culture.

What term best describes the process of acquiring a culture?

Enculturation is the process by which people learn the dynamics of their surrounding culture and acquire values and norms appropriate or necessary to that culture and its worldviews.

Are the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable?

Values are the standards by which people define good and bad, beautiful and ugly. Every group develops both values and expectations regarding the right way to reflect them. 2. Norms are the expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop out of a group's values.

Which term best describes a culture in which people are expected to be direct to say what they mean?

Individualistic. Which term best describes a culture in which people are expected to be direct, to say what they mean, and to avoid "beating around the bush"? low-context.


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