What term describes beliefs customs and general behavior patterns of a group of people?

Description, explanation, prediction and intervention are the 4 goals of

the goal of a developmental scientist who studies lifespan development is to help _______ behaviors

a/an ____ group consists of people united by a distinctive culture, ancestry, religion, or language

an event is a(n) ____ life event if it happens to a particular person or a typical event that happens at an unusual time or life

refers to the capacity for change

the principle that people can change abilities with training and practice is the principle of 

the following are aspects of the life-span perspective of development

1. It is multidirectional 2. it is lifelong it is multidimensional

the concept according to baltes that development includes the interactions between the biological, psychosocial, and social is that premise that "development is

Baltes et al (2006) hypothesize that mastery of life involves conflict and competition among the following goals of human development

1. Maintenance 2. Growth 3. Regulation of Loss

All development occurs within a setting or a cultural ______, which may include families, schools, and/or countries, etc.

thinking, reasoning and creativity are all part of our_____ development

Baltes includes the principles of ____ in his explanation of the life span

1. Development is life long 2. Development is multidimensional 3. Development is multi directional

The life-span perspective involves sociocultural and individual factors, but not biological factors

Dr. Smith is trying to determine if Billy is having trouble at school because his parents are getting a divorce, or if he has a learning problem or if it is a combination of these and more issues. This demonstrates Baltes concept that development is

normative age-graded influences, normative history-graded influences, and nonnormative life events are all part of the view that development is

a family consisting of a multigenerational kinship network is a(n) _______ family

the "nature" part of the nature vs. nurture controversy can be described as

a biological and genetic perspective

Susy is 10 yo and we expect her to be in school and living with her parents. This is an example of

normative age-graded influence

as adolescents develop romantic relationships, their time with friends may decrease. This is an example of the ______ of development

Adele and Bettina shared the experience of the Cuban missile crisis during their senior year in high school. This is an example of a 

normative history - graded influence

Dr. Brown is studying late adulthood. What areas might she be focused upon?

the principle that people can change abilities with training and practices is the principle of 

the following characterizes the middle adulthood period of development

it is a period of reaching and maintaining career satisfaction

culture, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are _____ components of life-span development

18mo Troy is now walking and beginning to talk. These are positive signs of Troy's physical and behavioral ______

the concept according to Baltes that development includes the interactions between the biological, psychosocial, and social is the premise that "development is ______

Marcia is 21 and getting her first job after college. She is in the _____ stage of development

The following correctly describe the life-span perspective of human development

1. It involves growth and change 2. It occurs throughout life

When we say that development is multidisciplinary, we mean that it takes a lot of discipline to study the topic.

culture includes a group of 

1. Language 2. Traditions 3. Values

The attack of Sep 11 is an example of a modern normative _____ graded influence

The most widely used system of periods of development divides the life-span into ______ periods

How does the rate of children living in poverty in the US compare with the rate of children living in poverty in Canada and Sweden?

In the US, the rate of children living in poverty is higher than in Sweden and Canada.

The study of lifespan development would include the area of 

1. cognitive growth 2. psychosocial changes 3. physical change

A central focus in developmental research is plasticity, which refers to:

a person's capacity for change

a term coined by Lorenz to describe the rapid, innate learning that involves attachment to the first moving object seen when a young goose hatches.

a ____ life event is unusual occurrence that has a major influence on a person's life

The unfolding of the natural sequence of physical and behavioral changes is called

_____ development is a lifelong process

American baby boomers shared the experience of the Cuban missile crisis in their youth. This is an example of a normative _______ graded influence

The term _____ comes from the Greek word for "nation"

a specific time when a given event has a specific impact on development

A family's socioeconomic status is based on their

1. Occupation 2. Income 3. Education

Human Development is a field that is characterized by

Alex is an average 3yo boy who has accomplished drawing lines and circles. Alex is demonstrating appropriate ________ development.

the following are characteristics or components of the late adulthood period of development.

1. It may involve new social roles and decreasing strength and health 2. It begins when people are aging into their 60s or 70s. 3. It lasts until death.

Dr. Roberto studies how adults change in interactions with siblings as they age. She is focused on the _______ domain of development

Dr. Riley is studying middle adulthood. What might be her topics for research?

1. Vision deterioration 2. Career peaks 3. Burnout in career

Human development is _____ or aimed at dealing with internal and external conditions of existence

Researchers study lifespan development to help them ____ behavior

1. Describe 2. Predict 3. Explain

Throughout life, some components of our lives shrink while others expand. To developmentalists, this means that life-span development is 

Alex has just realized he has won the state lottery. Alex is experience a ______ life event

____ through ____ is the developmental period from birth to 18 or 24 months

Your grandmother saves items and money better than you because she grew up in the Great Depression of the 1930's. Her behaviors are 

normative history-graded influences

Patrick's mother died when he was 7 yo. This major impact on his life is best described as a

Most children in the US start school when they are 5 or 6 yo. This occurrence would best be described as a 

normative age-graded influence

what areas might a person with a focus on early childhood be interested in

1. understanding egocentrism 2. development of vocabulary

the following are processes in the nature of development

1. Biological processes 2. Cognitive processes 3. Individual processes

a pregnant woman using drugs that are known to cause a possible birth defect if taken during the first trimester is an example of a ______ period

Juan lives with his mother, father, and grandparents. He lives in a/an _____type of family

a period of development is a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and, for many, selecting a mate

the "nurture" portion of the nature vs. nurture controversy can be described as

a psychological and environmental perspective on how people develop

_____ encompasses the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed from generation to generation and influence the behaviors of its members

what might a researcher who is studying infancy focus on

1. babbling 2. attachment

the following statement most accurately represents what developmentalists understand regarding the age ranges of developmental periods

one adolescent may enter early adulthood at the age of 19, whereas another adolescent may not enter early adulthood until the age of 21 

in colonial times, the children were expected to work as adults because they reflected the appearance of being

the scientific study of patterns of change and stability for people across the life span is called

the attempt to label or put persons into racial or ethnic categories often leads to overgeneralization or

In the life-span perspective, no age period dominates development. That highlights the view that development is considered to be

the ____ family consists of a 2 generational kinship unit

what stage of development focuses on attachment and acquiring motor skills

Jean is overweight and gets teased about her size. This has made her dislike being at school and she is not studying or doing her homework. This is an example of the interaction between ___ and ____ development

What term describes the beliefs customs and general behavior of a group of people?

Culture is the collective term to identify certain ideas, customs, and social behaviors. It represents a group of people or a society, combining their knowledge, beliefs, morals, and laws.

What encompasses the behavior patterns and beliefs that are passed from generation to generation?

Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation.

Which of the following are characteristics of the life

-The life-span perspective includes these basic conceptions: Development is lifelong, multi-dimensional, multidirectional, and plastic; its study is multidisciplinary; it is contextual; it involves growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss; and it is a co-construction of biological, cultural, and individual factors.

What is a research strategy that simultaneously compares people of different ages known as?

Cross-sectional research designs are used to examine behavior in participants of different ages who are tested at the same point in time.


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