What were the environmental conditions along the northwest Pacific coast that allowed


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The American Indians of the Northwest Coast traditionally lived on a narrow belt of Pacific coastland and offshore islands. The Northwest Coast culture area stretches from what is now the southern border of Alaska to northwestern California. The Pacific Ocean is the western boundary. To the east are the mountains of the Coast Range and the Cascades. In many places the coastal hills or mountains fall steeply to a beach or riverbank. Abundant rains support dense, towering forests that are rich in animal life. This environment provided a wealth of resources for the Indians.

Traditional Culture

Peoples and Languages

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The Northwest Coast was densely populated when Europeans first made landfall in the 1700s. It was home to peoples speaking Athabaskan, Tshimshianic, Salishan, and other languages. Well-known tribes included the Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Kwakiutl, Bella Coola, Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka), Coast Salish, and Chinook.


Northwest Coast tribes had no pressing food problems. They could get plenty of fish, shellfish, and even whales, seals, and porpoises from the sea and local rivers. The men built weirs (underwater enclosures) and traps to catch huge hauls of salmon and candlefish as they swam upstream to spawn. The women preserved a year’s supply of salmon by drying the fish over a smoky fire and pressed the oil from candlefish. The Indians used large amounts of this oil, dipping dried foods into it at meals. Other important fish were herring, smelt, cod, and halibut. People also dug clams along the beach and smoked them just as they did salmon.

Northwest Coast peoples varied their fish-based diet through hunting and gathering. Families traveled to the mountains, where the men hunted deer, elk, mountain goat, and bear. The women collected bulbs, roots, berries, and seeds.

Settlements and Housing

Most groups built villages near waterways or the coast. Usually home sites and settlements were limited to narrow beaches or terraces because the land fell so steeply to the shore or riverbank.

Like other hunting and gathering peoples, Northwest Coast Indians had seasonal settlements. Summer was the time for catching and gathering food and processing it for winter storage. In this season a house usually had several bases of operation. The members divided themselves into small groups that moved between good fishing and berry-picking sites. In the winter most people lived in their kin group’s main building, which was usually in a village on the coast. Most villages had several such buildings, each one the home base of a large extended family group. There was also at least one very large structure in which the highest-ranking group lived and where the village could hold a large potlatch, or celebration.

Northwest Coast Indians made their houses with wood from the forests, usually red cedar. The buildings were rectangular and up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) long. The Indians built a framework of cedar posts and attached planks to form the walls and roof. The planks could be taken down, loaded onto canoes, and moved from one site to another. Most homes had a central fire pit.

In northwestern California, at the southernmost limit of the culture area, people built smaller houses for single-family use. These peoples also built a combined clubhouse and sweat lodge, which was the focus of male activity. These structures were common in the California culture area to the south.


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Dress was fairly simple among Northwest Coast peoples. Although ceremonial garments and some hats could be highly decorated, most clothing was worn for protection from the environment rather than for show. Throughout the region women wore skirts or gowns of buckskin, soft leather, or woven wool or plant fibers. Men’s dress varied from tribe to tribe but was in general quite minimal—most men wore nothing but ornaments on warm days. For protection from the rain, they had cedar-bark raincoats and a brimmed hat. Winter garb included a robe or a blanket. People of high status wore robes made of or edged with strips of sea otter fur and yarn made of the wool of mountain goats. Salish groups near the Georgia Strait wove robes of mountain goat wool and also of wool from a special breed of shaggy dog. The blankets were made of cedar-bark fiber, mountain-goat wool, dogs’ hair, and feathers.

Both women and men customarily wore some combination of necklaces, earrings, nose rings, bracelets, and anklets. These were made of various materials, mostly shells, copper, wood, and fur. Some people rubbed grease and ochre (an earthy iron ore) onto their skin to produce a red color, often accented with black. Tattooing was also practiced.

Technology and Arts

Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum

Woodworking was the outstanding skill of the Northwest Coast. Traditional carving tools included adzes, mauls, wedges, chisels, drills, and curved knives, all made of stone. Sharkskin was used for sanding or polishing wooden items. Boatbuilders hollowed logs with fire to make the canoes they paddled in the streams as well as big seagoing whaling canoes. Other woodworkers steamed and bent planks to make boxes, tying the edges together with spruce roots. Some of these boxes were built to hold the huge winter stores of dried food. Others were used for cooking, which was done by adding hot rocks to the food in the boxes. Other everyday items made of wood included spoons and ladles, canoe bailers, trinket boxes, chamber pots, fishhooks, and even the triggers of animal traps.

Many items made by the woodworkers were artistic as well as functional. Dishes, for example, were sometimes in the form of animals or monsters. Faces of animals, birds, and people were carved on boxes, house fronts, house posts, boats, and grave posts. Woodworkers made wooden helmets and masks for ceremonial dances and dramatic performances. Most spectacular of the artworks was the totem or memorial pole.

Northwest craftsmen also had some native copper to work with. They made some of their arrowheads from it, as well as copper knives for weapons of war. They engraved designs on a plaque, called a “copper,” that served in the place of a valuable bank note. One famous copper was valued at 7,500 blankets.

Another great skill of the Northwest Indians was weaving. The women wove long, ribbonlike strands of inner cedar bark into mats and beautiful baskets. Storage containers, receptacles for valuables large and small, and rain hats were also woven.


Edward S. Curtis Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-51435)

The social organization of the Northwest Coast Indians was unusual among hunting and gathering cultures. Most such peoples formed only small bands in which everyone was considered to be social equals. This arrangement helped them to meet the food needs of the group as a whole. On the Northwest Coast, however, food was plentiful. Less work was required to meet the needs of the population, and there were food surpluses. These circumstances were similar to those of some farming societies, such as those of the Southeast culture area. As in the Southeast, the Northwest Coast peoples developed a system of ranked social classes. Their class system of ruling elites, commoners, and slaves was unique among nonagricultural societies.

Tribes often organized themselves into groups called “houses.” These were made up of a few dozen to 100 or more people who considered themselves to be related, though sometimes only distantly. They lived together for at least part of the year and shared the rights to particular resources, such as sites for fishing, berry picking, and hunting. House groups also held a variety of other privileges, including the exclusive use of particular names, songs, dances, and, especially in the north, totemic representations or crests.

Within a house group, each member had a social rank that was determined according to the individual’s degree of relatedness to a founding ancestor. The highest in rank held a special title that in each language was translated into English as “chief.” Usually a man or the widow of a past chief, this leader determined many of the patterns of daily life—when to move to the salmon-fishing site, when to build weirs and traps, when to make the first catch, which other groups should be invited to feasts, and so on.

In theory, people of high rank had vast powers. However, because a house group’s property was held in common, all adults other than slaves could voice their opinions on group affairs. Most leaders avoided abusing other members of the house and community—not only were they kin, but the chief also needed their cooperation to accomplish even the most basic tasks. For example, many strong arms and sturdy backs were needed to acquire, assemble, and position the heavy materials required to build or repair a house.

Slaves, however, had few or no rights of participation in house group decisions. They usually had been captured in childhood and taken or traded so far from their original homes that they had little hope of finding their way back. They were property and could be traded away, married, killed, or freed at their owner’s whim. A typical house group owned at least one slave but rarely more than a dozen.

The social status of each member of a house group was hereditary but was not automatically assumed at birth. Such things had to be formally and publicly announced at a potlatch, an event sponsored by each group north of the Columbia River. The term comes from the trade jargon used throughout the region and means “to give.” A potlatch always involved the invitation of another house (or houses), whose members were received with great formality as guests and witnesses of the event. Potlatches were used to mark a wide variety of occasions, including marriages, the building of a house, and the funerals of chiefs.

Having witnessed the proceedings, the guests were given gifts and served a feast. The social statuses of the hosts and guests were affirmed through the potlatch. Such events were very expensive to sponsor, which reflected the rank of the hosts. Gifts were distributed according to the status of each guest, with the more splendid gifts given to the guests of highest status. Whether hosting or acting as guests at a potlatch, all members of a house usually participated in the proceedings. This served to strengthen everyone’s identification with his or her group.

An interesting aspect of Northwest Coast culture was the emphasis on teaching children etiquette, moral standards, and other social traditions. Every society has processes by which children are taught the behavior proper to their future roles, but often such teaching is not a formal process. On the Northwest Coast, however, children were instructed formally. This instruction began at an age when children were still in their cradles or toddling, and all elder relatives, particularly grandparents, participated in it. Children born to high status were given formal instruction throughout childhood and adolescence. They had to learn not only routine etiquette but also the lengthy traditions that went along with their rank, including special rituals, songs, and prayers.


The religions of the Northwest Coast had several concepts in common. One was that salmon were supernatural beings who voluntarily took the form of fish each year in order to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of humankind. On being caught, these spirit-beings returned to their home beneath the sea. There they were reincarnated if their bones or innards were returned to the water. If offended, however, they would refuse to return to the river. Thus the Indians prohibited acts that were believed to offend the spirit-beings and held a number of ceremonies to gain their goodwill. Chief among them was the first-salmon ceremony. This rite involved honoring the first salmon of the fishing season by sprinkling them with eagle down, red ochre, or some other sacred substance and welcoming them in a formal speech. Then the Indians cooked the salmon and distributed their flesh, or morsels of it, to all the members of the group and any guests.

Another religious concept on the Northwest Coast was the achievement of personal power by seeking contact with a spirit-being. Such contact usually came through a supernatural experience called a vision quest, which typically involved isolation and fasting. Among Coast Salish all success in life—whether in hunting, woodworking, accumulating wealth, military ventures, or magic—was granted by spirit-beings encountered in the vision quest. From these spirits each person acquired special symbols, songs, and dances. Taken together, the dances constituted the major ceremonies of the Northwest Coast peoples. Known as the spirit dances, they were performed during the winter months.

Shamans used supernatural power to heal the sick and to recover souls that strayed from their bodies. It was commonly believed that some shamans had the power to cause illnesses as well as to cure them. Witchcraft was used to kill others or to make them ill and was believed to be carried out by malicious persons with knowledge of secret rituals.

European Contact and Cultural Change

The Tlingit were the first Northwest Coast Indians to encounter Europeans, when Russian traders arrived in Tlingit territory in 1741. The Russians did not establish a post in the region until 1799 and then only after heated resistance. Spain sent parties to the Haida in 1774, Britain to the Nuu-chah-nulth in 1778, and the United States to various groups in about 1800.

The colonizers sought sea otter pelts, which were particularly dense and highly prized in China. Although the Russians forced Aleut men to hunt sea otters for them, they traded with Northwest Coast peoples for furs and food. In exchange they brought manufactured goods, such as steel blades, to the tribes. Some native peoples profited greatly from this trade. The Tlingit sold huge quantities of fish, game, and potatoes to the trading posts. The Tsimshian and others gained control of major trade routes, demanding fees for passage and vessel rental. Still other groups hired out their slaves as prostitutes or laborers.

Beginning in the 1840s the Northwest Coast tribes faced a flood of settlers from the eastern United States and Canada. In the United States this occupation was accompanied by the removal of the tribes to small reservations in what are now Washington and Oregon. Missionaries taught the Indians not only Christianity but also etiquette, punctuality, and other aspects of the dominant culture. Traditional ceremonies, such as the potlatch and spirit dancing, were banned in Canada for decades. In addition, the formal schooling of native children was in the hands of missionaries on much of the coast for many decades.

From the late 1700s through the 1800s the most disruptive events for Northwest Coast peoples were epidemics of diseases such as smallpox and measles. Having no immunity to these illnesses, the Indians suffered very high death rates. It is estimated that between 1780 and 1900 the native population in the region declined by as much as 80 percent.

In the late 1800s the fur trade collapsed, and Northwest Coast peoples struggled economically. Having lost most of their lands and increasingly dependent upon manufactured goods, they needed to develop new sources of income. Some people began working for wages, something that most other Native American peoples refused to do. At first jobs were mostly limited to guiding prospectors, backpacking cargo over mountain passes, cutting wood for coastal steamers, and working as farm and domestic labor. Yet when the canned salmon industry developed, wage labor boomed. With their extensive knowledge of the region’s salmon, native men and women had a clear advantage in the fishing industry. Some Indians, often of high social status, established their own businesses; they typically employed, fed, or otherwise aided the lower-status members of their house group. Fishing continues to be a mainstay of the region’s economy.

Having retained a high level of economic independence compared to other Native American groups, Northwest Coast peoples were able to organize relatively effectively against government interference. Beginning in 1912 the Tlingit, Haida, and other tribes in southeastern Alaska created political groups called Native Brotherhoods and, later, Native Sisterhoods to act on behalf of the people in legal and other proceedings. Similar groups were subsequently formed in coastal British Columbia. These organizations pursued a variety of legal strategies to ensure equal treatment under the law. An early success was the 1915 passage of an act granting territorial citizenship to Native Alaskans who met certain requirements.

Later in the 20th century these groups filed a number of successful antidiscrimination lawsuits and land claims. In the United States the land claims led to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. This act turned over some 44 million acres (17.8 million hectares) of land and almost 1 billion dollars to Native Alaskans. The Canadian organizations brought about the repeal, in 1951, of laws prohibiting potlatches and the filing of land claims. After many years of discussion, the provincial government of British Columbia agreed in 1990 to negotiate tribal land claims through a body known as the British Columbia Treaty Commission. However, the negotiation process was painstaking, and progress was slow.

What were the environmental conditions along the Northwest Pacific coast that allowed Pacific Northwest people to develop large and densely populated societies?

The Pacific Northwest Coast at one time had the most densely populated areas of indigenous people. The mild climate and abundant natural resources, such as cedar and salmon, made possible the rise of a complex aboriginal culture.

Why was the first Russian expedition to the Pacific coast considered a failure?

This enterprise operated from 1785 to 1795. Though considered a failure because the expenditures outweighed the results, it nevertheless had a substantial record of achievement. Accurate maps were made of the Chukchi Peninsula of Eastern Siberia, the west coast of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands.

What developments enabled the Age of Exploration in the Old World?

The rise of global trade worked as an incentive for Portuguese sailors to explore new navigation routes and started the Age of Exploration.

Where was agriculture most developed in the new world?

Agriculture flourished in the fertile river valleys between the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean, an area known as the Eastern Woodlands. There, three crops in particular—corn, beans, and squash, known as the Three Sisters—provided nutritional needs necessary to sustain cities and civilizations.


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