When Auscultating the abdomen for bowel sounds How long should you listen before concluding that bowel sounds are absent?

Chapter 5 – Gastrointestinal System


  • Activity: Check Your Understanding
  • Abnormal findings that may be present on Auscultation

Auscultation of the abdomen as it relates to the GI system is performed to assess for intestinal function, specifically bowel sounds. Bowel sounds are produced by the movement of fluid, gas, and contents through the intestines.

As a nurse, auscultating for bowel sounds with the stethoscope’s diaphragm is a common part of health assessment. The diaphragm is best for detecting high-pitched sounds such as bowel sounds. Bowel sounds are sometimes loud enough to hear without a stethoscope.

Auscultation of the abdomen follows inspection, so the abdomen is already exposed. When conducting auscultation, begin in the right lower quadrant and progress clockwise to the right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, and the left lower quadrant. Figure 5.4 presents the pattern of auscultation. Always begin in the right lower quadrant because this is the location of the ileocecal valve, which is a muscular sphincter that allows contents to move from the ileum of the small intestine to the cecum of the large intestine.

Figure 5.4: Pattern of auscultation.

Photo by Laura Tancredi from Pexels (image was cropped and illustrated upon for the purposes of this chapter)

Assess the presence, frequency, and quality of bowel sounds.

  • Presence. Normally, bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants. This means that peristalsis is occurring and contents are moving through the intestines. Only document the absence of bowel sounds after listening in each quadrant for five minutes. Absent bowel sounds are a cue that suggest there may be a problem with the movement of contents through the intestines: common causes include , a complete bowel obstruction, or perforation of the small or large intestine. However, keep in mind that movements of contents and contraction of the intestines do not always create sound.
  • Frequency. If you hear bowel sounds, describe the frequency (i.e., the rate of occurrence, how often do you hear them). You do not need to count the number of bowel sounds; instead, estimate whether they are considered normoactive, hypoactive, or hyperactive. 
    • Normoactive: 5–30 bowel sounds per minute (about 2 sounds every 5 seconds). Generally, you will only need to listen for a few seconds to estimate this frequency.
    • Hypoactive: less than 5 bowel sounds per minute. Because the frequency of hypoactive sounds is less frequent, you will need to listen a bit longer in order to assess them. These sounds indicate that intestinal activity has slowed, which is normal when a person is sleeping. Hypoactive bowel sounds should act as a cue in other situations, which should always be assessed further. For example, bowel sounds may become hypoactive post-surgery due to anesthetic use and with certain medications (e.g., narcotics). Constipation is also a common cause of hypoactive bowel sounds.
    • Hyperactive: more than 30 bowel sounds per minute. Again, you will only need to listen for a couple seconds in order to estimate this frequency. These sounds indicate that intestinal activity is quicker than normal. You will often hear hyperactive bowel sounds after a client has just eaten; these sounds may also be associated with diarrhea and early/partial intestinal obstruction.
  • QualityDescribe the quality of the bowel sounds (e.g., the description, how they sound). You might describe the quality as high-pitched with a series or mixture of sounds (e.g., gurgling, rumbling, bubbling, and even clicking). You might describe the quality of sounds as irregular (i.e., no specific/constant rhythm). The quality of bowel sounds is typically less important than the presence and frequency, but an extremely high-pitched bowel sound can be a cue suggestive of an early bowel obstruction.

Auscultating the abdomen for bowel sounds involves the following steps (see Video 5.2):

1. Cleanse the stethoscope.

2. With a complete seal and light touch, place the diaphragm of the stethoscope on the abdomen in the right lower quadrant and listen. Next, lift the diaphragm and place it in the next quadrant.

3. Identify the presence and location of bowel sounds.

  • Normally, bowel sounds should be present and heard in all four quadrants.

4. Identify the approximate frequency of bowel sounds. You do not need to count them.

5. Identify the quality of bowel sounds.

6. Note the findings.

  • Normal findings might be documented as: “Normoactive bowel sounds heard in all four quadrants. High-pitched, gurgling sounds.”
  • Abnormal findings might be documented as: “Hypoactive bowels sounds in all four quadrants.”

Video 5.2: Auscultating the abdomen

Any abnormal bowel sounds should be investigated. They should not be evaluated in isolation: an abnormal sound should always be considered in the context of other symptoms such as abdominal distention, flatus, pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. If a client has absent bowel sounds, consider whether this could be associated with a complete bowel obstruction, or a perforation of the small or large intestine. All of these issues require urgent intervention and are often associated with pain, abdominal distention, nausea, and vomiting. If you suspect one of these conditions, monitor the client closely while conducting a primary survey and complete set of vital signs. Ask a colleague to notify the physician/nurse practitioner.

Normal bowel sounds are usually the same throughout all four quadrants, but abnormal bowel sounds can vary from quadrant to quadrant. For example, hyperactive bowel sounds can be present prior to the location of a partial bowel obstruction, and hypoactive or absent after the location of a partial bowel obstruction. Trends in bowel sound are important to consider; for example, a sudden shift from hyperactive to absent may indicate a crisis situation such as a bowel perforation.

Activity: Check Your Understanding

refers to inflammation of the peritoneal cavity that can be caused by a variety of conditions.

This content is based upon The Correctional Nurse Educator class entitled Abdominal Assessment: Basic Assessment for the Correctional Nurse.

The physical examination of the patient begins with inspection.  Unique to the sequence of the abdomen, the abdomen is then auscultated, percussed and finally, palpated.  Auscultating before the percussion and palpation of the abdomen ensures that the examiner is listening to undisturbed bowel sounds.  In addition, if the patient is complaining of pain, leaving the palpation until last allows the examiner to gather other data before potentially causing the patient more discomfort.  When completing the physical examination, it is helpful to divide the abdomen into regions in order to consider which organs are involved.  A four-quadrant system – left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant, right upper quadrant and right lower quadrant provides a more general overview, and is acceptable in situations when there is no abdominal complaint.  The nine-region system provides more specific information if the patient is complaining of discomfort or problems in a certain area.  The nine regions include the following:  right hypochondriac (upper) region, right lumbar (middle) region, right iliac (lower) region, left hypochondriac (upper) region, left lumbar (middle) region, left iliac (lower) region, epigastric region, umbilical region, and hypogastric (suprapubic) region.   


Perform auscultation before percussion and palpation because manipulating the abdominal wall may increase bowel sounds or produce sounds that are not usually present. Make sure that your hands and the stethoscope are warm so that the abdominal muscles do not contract on contact. Auscultation should be performed systematically by quadrant. Using the diaphragm of the stethoscope will allow you to hear high-pitched sounds. Normal bowel sounds are not constant, and so it is important to listen for about a minute over each quadrant. In order to conclude that bowel sounds are absent, one must listen for three to five minutes (and hear nothing). Be sure to pick up the stethoscope as you move from quadrant to quadrant (do not drag it across the abdomen). Remember that the thickness of the abdominal wall may affect auscultation, and so the bowel sounds of an obese person may be more difficult to hear. Once all quadrants are auscultated with the diaphragm, use the bell to auscultate vascular sounds, bruits and friction rubs. To do this, listen over the aorta, and the iliac, femoral and renal arteries.

Expected sounds include peristaltic, high-pitched, gurgling noises about every five to fifteen seconds in an irregular pattern. They may be loud if the patient is hungry or has missed a meal.

Abnormal findings that may be present on Auscultation

Bruits – a swishing sound heard over the aortic, renal, iliac, and femoral arteries, indicating narrowing or aneurysm

Pops/tinkles – high-pitched sounds suggesting intestinal fluid and air under pressure, as in early obstruction

Rushes – rushes of high pitch sounds that coincide with cramping suggest intestinal obstruction

Borborygmi – increased, prolonged gurgles occur with gastroenteritis, early intestinal obstruction, and hunger

Rubs – grating sounds that vary with respiration. Indicate inflammation of the peritoneal surface of an organ from tumor, infection, or splenic infarct

Venus hum – A soft humming noise heard in hepatic cirrhosis that is caused by increased collateral circulation between portal and systemic venous systems

Decreased/absent sounds – Occurs with peritonitis or paralytic ileus

Be sure to return to the site next week, when we will add Percussion to our continuing series on Abdominal Assessment.

When auscultating the abdomen for bowel sounds How long should you listen before concluding that bowel sounds are absent quizlet?

When auscultating bowel sounds, how long must you listen before deciding that bowel sounds are completely absent? A perfectly silent abdomen is uncommon; you must listen 5 minutes by your watch before deciding bowel sounds are absent.

How long do you listen for bowel sounds?

Auscultate for 2 minutes if normal bowel sounds are present (normal bowel sounds occur approximately every 10 seconds) and for 3 minutes if bowel sounds are absent. Listen in one quadrant to screen for bowel sounds.

How long should the nurse listen before reporting absent bowel sounds?

Auscultation should begin in the right lower quadrant. If bowel sounds are not heard, in order to determine if bowel sounds are truly absent, listen for a total of five minutes (Jarvis, 2011). Bowel sounds echo the underlying movements of the intestines.

When are bowel sounds absent?

Decreased or absent bowel sounds often indicate constipation. Increased (hyperactive) bowel sounds can sometimes be heard even without a stethoscope. Hyperactive bowel sounds mean there is an increase in intestinal activity. This may happen with diarrhea or after eating.

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