Where does a topic sentence usually appear in a paragraph within a business communication?

  • Name : Leila Febriani
    Student Number : C1L012038

    Question number 8 :
    When is the indirect pattern appropriate, and what are the benefits
    of using it?

    Answer :
    Indirect measurement is a technique that uses proportions to find a measurement when direct measurement is not possible. The indirect pattern places the main idea after explanations. This pattern is useful for audiences that will be unwilling, displeased, or hostile. It respects the feelings of the audience, encourages
    a fair hearing, and minimizes negative reactions


  • Name: Restu Amanda Nur Illahi
    Student Number: C1L012034

    Question Number 4
    4. What is the difference between a list and an outline?

    One method for organizing data in simple messages is to list the main topics to be discussed and organizing more complex messages usually requires an outline.

    There is a differences between a list and an outline:

    -list of the topics used for wish to cover. Writers often jot this scratch list in the margin of the letter or memo to which they are responding (the majority of business messages are written in response to other documents).

    -preparing an outline is that it gives you a chance to organize your thinking before you get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure.


  • Name : Enggar Wardhana
    Student Number : C1L012014

    Question number 14
    Describe three paragraph plans. Identify the uses for each.

    1. Direct paragraphs (topic sentence followed by supporting sentences) are useful to define, classify, illustrate, and describe.
    2. Pivoting paragraphs (limiting sentence followed by topic sentence and supporting sentences) are useful to compare and contrast.
    3. Indirect paragraphs (supporting sentences followed by topic sentence) build a rationale and foundation of ideas before presenting the main idea.


  • This comment has been removed by the author.


  • Aji Bagus Panuntun

    Question number 15
    15. What is coherence, and how is it achieved? (Obj. 5)

    Paragraphs are coherent when ideas cohere—that is, when the ideas stick together and when one idea logically leads to the next. Well-written paragraphs take the reader through a number of steps. When the author skips from Step 1 to Step 3 and forgets Step 2, the reader is lost. You can use several techniques to keep the reader in step with your ideas.
    ● Sustaining the key idea. Repeating a key expression or using a similar one throughout a paragraph helps sustain a key idea. In the following example, notice that the repetition of guest and VIP connects ideas. Our philosophy holds that every customer is really a guest . All new employees to our theme
    parks are trained to treat guests as VIPs . We take great pride in respecting our guests. As VIPs, they are never told what they can or cannot do.
    ● Dovetailing sentences. Sentences are “dovetailed” when an idea at the end of one connects with an idea at the beginning of the next. Dovetailing sentences is especially helpful with dense, difficult topics. It is also helpful with ordinary paragraphs, such as the following. New hosts and hostesses learn about the theme park and its facilities . These facilities include telephones, food services, bathrooms, and attractions, as well as the location of
    offices . Knowledge of offices and the internal workings of the company is required of all staffers.
    ● Using pronouns. Familiar pronouns, such as w e, they, he, she, and i t, help build continuity, as do demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that, these, and those . These words confirm that something under discussion is still being discussed. However, be careful with such pronouns. They often need a noun with them to make their meaning absolutely clear. In the following example, notice how confusing this would be if the word training were omitted. All new park employees receive a two-week orientation. They learn that every staffer has a vital role in preparing for the show. This training includes how to maintain enthusiasm.
    ● Including transitional expressions. Transitional expressions are another excellent
    device for showing connections and achieving paragraph coherence. These
    words, some of which are shown in Figure 5.8 on page 156 act as verbal road signs
    to readers and listeners. Transitional expressions enable the receiver to anticipate
    what’s coming, reduce uncertainty, and speed comprehension. They signal that
    a train of thought is moving forward, being developed, possibly detouring, or ending.

    Thank You


  • Name: Khamida Lastun Nisa’a
    Student Number: C1L012019

    Question number 4
    4. What is the difference between a list and an outline?

    List : For developing simple message, some writers make a quick scratch list of the topics they wish to cover. Writers often jot this scratch list in the margin of the letter or memo to which they are responding (the majority of business messages are written in response to other documents).These writers then compose a message at their computers directly from the scratch list.

    Outline : Most writers, though, need to organize their ideas—especially if the project is complex, into a hierarchy, such as an outline. The beauty of preparing an outline is that it gives you a chance to organize your thinking before you get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure.


  • Name : Bella Chilwana Sharofah
    Student Number : C1L012050

    Question Number 5
    What are the major components in a letter or memo?

    Answer :
    The major components in a letter or memo :
    I. Opening
    II. Body
    III. Closing


  • Name : Fatima Zakiya Razani
    Student Number : C1L012045

    Question Number 15 :

    What is coherence, and how is it achieved?

    Answer :

    Paragraphs are coherent when the ideas stick together and when one idea logically leads to the next. Below are several techniques to keep the reader in step with our ideas so the paragraphs will coherent.

    1. Sustaining the key idea.
    Repeating a key expression or using a similar one throughout a paragraph helps sustain a key idea.

    2. Dovetailing sentences.
    Sentences are “dovetailed” when an idea at the end of one connects with an idea at the beginning of the next. Dovetailing sentences is especially helpful with dense, difficult topics. It is also helpful with ordinary paragraphs.

    3. Using pronouns.
    Familiar pronouns, such as we, they, he, she, and it, help build continuity, as do demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that, these, and those. These words confirm that something under discussion is still being discussed. However, be careful with such pronouns. They often need a noun with them to make their meaning absolutely clear.

    4. Including transitional expressions.
    Transitional expressions are another excellent device for showing connections and achieving paragraph coherence. These words, act as verbal road signs to readers and listeners. Transitional expressions enable the receiver to anticipate what’s coming, reduce uncertainty, and speed comprehension. They signal that
    a train of thought is moving forward, being developed, possibly detouring, or ending. Transitions can add or strengthen a thought, show time or order, clarify ideas, show cause and effect, contradict thoughts, and contrast ideas. Remember that coherence in communication rarely happens spontaneously; it requires effort and skill.

    Thank You.


  • Name : Uki Agustina
    Student number : C1L012024

    Question number : 9
    What is the primary difference between the direct and indirect pat- terns of organization?

    Answer :
    The primary difference between the two patterns is where the main idea is placed. In the direct pattern, the main idea comes first, followed by details, explanation, or evidence. In the indirect pattern, the main idea follows the details, explanation, and evidence.


  • Name : Finandita Putri Alifa
    Student Number : C1L012025

    Question number 10
    List four techniques for emphasizing important ideas in sentences

    1. Use vivid words. Vivid words are emphatic because the reader can picture ideas clearly and label the main idea
    2. Place the important idea first or last in the sentence. Ideas have less competition from surrounding words when they appear first or last in a sentence. Observe how the date of the meeting can be emphasized.
    3. Place the important idea in a simple sentence or in an independent clause. Don’t dilute the effect of the idea by making it share the spotlight with other words and clauses.
    4. Make sure the important idea is the sentence subject. You will learn more about active and passive voice shortly, but at this point just focus on making the important idea the subject.


  • Name : Yanti Oktavia Tampubolon
    Student Number : C1L012011
    Question Number 11
    When should business writers use active-voice sentences? When should they use passive-voice sentences? Give an original example of each.
    Answer :
    - Use active voice for directness, vigor, and clarity.
    • Direct and Clear in Active Voice
    o The manager completed performance reviews for all employees.
    o Evelyn initiated a customer service blog last year.
    o IBM will accept applications after January 1.
    o Coca-Cola created a Sprite page in Facebook to advertise its beverage.
    • Indirect and Less Clear in Passive Voice
    Example :
    o Performance reviews were completed for all employees by the manager.
    o A customer service blog was initiated last year.
    o Applications will be accepted after January 1 by IBM.
    o A Sprite page was created in Facebook by Coca-Cola to advertise its beverage.
    - Use passive voice to be tactful or to emphasize the action rather than the doer.
    • Less Tactful or Effective in Active Voice
    o We cannot grant you credit.
    o The CEO made a huge error in projecting profits.
    o I launched a successful fitness program for our company last year.
    o We are studying the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on our accounting procedures.
    • More Tactful or Effective in Passive Voice
    o Credit cannot be granted.
    o A huge error was made in projecting profits.
    o A successful fitness program was launched for our company last year.
    o The effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on our accounting procedures are being studied.


  • Name: Katherine Hnadayani Ubwarin
    Number of student: C1L012033

    Question number 3:
    Name seven specific techniques for a productive group brainstorming


    1. Define the problem and create an agenda that outlines the topics to be covered.
    2. Establish time limits, remembering that short sessions are best.
    3. Set a quota, such as a minimum of 100 ideas. The goal is quantity, not quality.
    4. Require every participant to contribute ideas, accept the ideas of others, or improve on ideas.
    5. Encourage wild, out-of-the-box thinking. Allow no one to criticize or evaluate ideas.
    6. Write ideas on flipcharts or on sheets of paper hung around the room.
    7. Organize and classify the ideas, retaining the best. Consider using cluster diagrams,discussed shortly.


  • Name: Arina Nurjanah
    Student Number: C1L012022

    Question Number 7
    7. Why do many readers prefer the direct method for organizing messages?

    Because the direct method has advantages:
    ● It saves the reader’s time. Many of today’s businesspeople can devote only a few moments to each message. Messages that take too long to get to the point may lose their readers along the way.
    ● Sets the proper frame of mind. Learning the purpose up front helps the reader put the subsequent details and explanations in perspective. Without a clear opening, the reader may be thinking, “Why am I being told this?”
    ● Reduces reader frustration. Readers forced to struggle through excessive verbiage before reaching the main idea become frustrated. They resent the writer. Poorly organized messages create a negative impression of the writer.

    All task messages that follow the pattern of a typical business starts with one element in common: none have a subject that will upset sensitive readers. It should be noted, however, that some business communicators prefer to use direct pattern for almost all messages.




    Name seven specific techniques for a productive group brainstorming

    ANSWER :

    1.define the problem and create an agenda and outlines the topics to be covered
    2.establish times limit remembering that short sessions are best
    3.set a quota such as a minimum of 100 items , quality quantity
    4.requaire every participant to contributs idea
    5.encorages wild-out of the box thingking
    6.write idea on flip chart or on sheet of paper hung around the room
    7. organize and classify the ideas the retaining the best


  • Name: Lusiana Aprilianti
    Student Number: C1L012002

    Question number 2:
    For routine writing tasks, what are some techniques for collecting
    informal data and generating ideas?

    1. Look in the file. If you're doing an investigation, you will find the answer to that question by examining the file or ask the company to fellow consultants.
    2. Talk with your supervisor. Get information from the person making the post. But it could be with the understanding of the text or can be the source suggested.
    3. Interview the target audience. Try talking with sources of writing questions to ask. They will provide guidance about what they want and they can help you in giving suggestions or comments.
    4. Conduct an informal survey. Gathering information through questionnaires or anything like that.


  • Name : Ganjar Pambudi Taruno
    Student Number : C1L012026

    Question Number 11:
    When should business writers use active-voice sentences? When should they use passive-voice sentences? Give an original example of each!

    Answer :
    Use active voice for directness, vigor, and clarity (active-voices sentences)
    Use passive voice to be tactful or to emphasize the action rather than the doer (passive-voice sentences)

    -example of active- voice sentence that useful than passive voice sentence :
    The manager completed performance reviews for all employees (active voice) is more understandable than, Performance reviews were completed for all employees by the
    manager (passive voice)

    -example of passive- voice sentence that useful than active voice sentence :
    We cannot grant you credit (active voice) is less tactful than,Credit cannot be granted (passive voice) is more tactful and more effective.



  • Name : Sarah Nur Ramadhani
    NIM : C1L012016

    Question number 1 : Compare the first phase of the writing process with the second phase (Obj. 1)


    a.) First Phase of Writing Process (Prewriting) consist of :

    - Analyze: Decide on the purpose of your message. What do you want the receiver to do or believe? What communication channel is best?
    - Anticipate: Profile the audience. What does the receiver already know? Will the
    receiver’s response be neutral, positive, or negative?
    - Adapt: What writing techniques and strategies can you use to adapt your message to
    its audience? How can you shape the message to achieve your purpose

    b.) Second Phase of Writing Process (Writing) consist of :

    - Research : Gather background data to provide facts. Search company files, previous correspondence, and the Internet.
    - Organize : Group similar information together. Decide whether to organize your information directly or indirectly. Outline your plan and make notes
    - Compose : Prepare a first draft, usually writing quickly. Remember that you will be revising it to improve its readability and impact.


  • Name : Melita Sari
    NIM : C1L012043
    Question Number 13
    13. What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found? (Obj. 5)
    The topic sentence is a prescriptive grammatical term to describe the sentence in an expository paragraph which summarizes the main idea of that paragraph. The topic sentence acts as a kind of summary, and offers the reader an insightful view of the writer’s main ideas for the following paragraph. It is more than just being a mere summary but also a topic sentence often provides a claim or an insight directly or indirectly related to the thesis. It adds cohesion to a paper and helps organize ideas both within the paragraph and the whole body of work at large.
    there can be at the beginning, middle or end of the paragraph.. The primary idea in a topic sentence that usually, but not always appears first. Paragraphs may be composed of three kinds of sentences:
    1. Topic Sentence : is expresses the primary idea of the paragraph.
    2. Supporting Sentences : to illustrates, explains, or strengthens the primary idea.
    3. Limiting sentence : to opposes the primary idea by suggesting a negative or contrasting thought; may precede or follow the topic sentence.


  • Name: Rizki Gigih Apriati
    Student Number: C1L012013
    Question number 13
    13. What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found?
    The topic sentence is a prescriptive grammatical term to describe the sentence in an expository paragraph which summarizes the main idea of that paragraph.It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. The topic sentence acts as a kind ofsummary, and offers the reader an insightful view of the writer’s main ideas for the following paragraph.More than just being a mere summary, however, a topic sentence often provides a claim or an insight directly or indirectly related to the thesis. It adds cohesion to a paper and helps organize ideas both within the paragraph and the whole body of work at large.


  • Name : Nur Dina Safitri
    NIM : C1L012046

    Question number 1
    Compare the first phase of the writing process with the second phase.

    a.) First Phase of Writing Process (Prewriting) consist of :

    -Analyze: Decide on the purpose of your message. What do you want the receiver
    to do or believe? What communication channel is best?
    -Anticipate: Profile the audience. What does the receiver already know? Will the
    receiver’s response be neutral, positive,
    or negative?
    -Adapt: What writing techniques and strategies can you use to adapt your message to its audience? How can you shape the message to achieve your purpose?

    b.) Second Phase of Writing Process (Writing) consist of :

    -Research: Gather background data to provide facts. Search company files, previous correspondence, and the Internet. What do you need to know to write this message?
    -Organize: Group similar information together. Decide whether to organize your
    information directly or indirectly. Outline your plan and make notes.
    -Compose: Prepare a first draft, usually writing quickly. Remember that you will be revising it to improve its readability and impact.


  • Name : Herdian Probo Jatmiko
    NIM : C1L012028

    Question Number 13
    13. What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found? (Obj. 5)

    Topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the idea of ​​principal / principal about the topic that will be developed in the paragraph. Topic sentence has a major role in the formation of the paragraph. Introduces readers to the topic in a paragraph, stating the main idea in a paragraph, and paragraphs focus.
    3 possible location of the topic sentence in a paragraph:
    - At the beginning of paragraph
    - At the End of Paragraph
    - Beginning and End of Paragraph
    three kinds of sentences:
    1. Topic Sentence: is the main idea in a paragraph that became
    2. Supports Sentence: to clarify and reinforce the main idea.
    3. Limiting sentence: to oppose the main idea by providing thoughts / ideas


  • Name Muhammad Reza Taufiq
    Student number : C1l012061

    Question 1. Compare the first phase of the writing process with the second

    - Prewritting : To plan any message, first analyze the situation by defining
    your purpose and developing a profile of your audience. With that in mind, you
    can gather information that will meet your audience’s needs. Next, select the right
    medium (oral, written, or electronic) to deliver your message.With those three factors
    in place, you’re ready to organize the information by defining your main idea, limiting your scope, selecting an approach, and outlining your content.

    - Writing : Once you’ve planned your message in prewritting, adapt to your
    audience with sensitivity, relationship skills, and style. Then you’re ready to compose
    your message by choosing strong words, creating effective sentences, and developing coherent paragraphs


  • Name: Wildan Mujadid Zuhdi
    Student Number: C1L009028

    Question Number 13

    What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found?


    A topic sentence is a sentence that captures the meaning of the entire paragraph or group of sentences. It tells what the passage is mainly about.
    It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.


  • Name : Reny Faustina R
    Student Number : C1L012039

    Question Number 9 :
    What is the primary difference between the direct and indirect patterns of organization?

    Answer :
    The primarry difference between the direct and indirect patterns of organization is The direct pattern announces the bad news first and is used when firmness is necessary, when the news is not perturbing, or when the reader only looks at the message briefly.
    Conversely, the indirect pattern is recommended when the news might affect the reader. This consists of a buffer, an indirect opening, followed by the reasons, leading to the bad news and finishing with a gracious closing. It is good to use this pattern because it shows thoughtfulness to the reader by giving reasons and explanations first.


  • Name: Hanan Arn Hilda
    Student Number: C1L012042

    Question Number 12
    What’s wrong with this sentence? After reading it carefully, the pro-posal doesn’t interest us.

    The essence of this phrase may pro-posal which are not easily understood by the reader, the sentence which the sentence is too heavy to be understood by the reader, perhaps the phrase in question is "after reading the proposal that we do not understand" and perhaps because the proposal is often our 've heard that we take for granted.


  • Name: Aryni Freginia Rahmadhani
    Student Number: C1L012059
    Question number 14: Describe three paragraph plans. Identify the uses for each.

    1. Direct Paragraph Plan (Define, Classify, Illustrate, or Describe)
    The paragraphs arranged in the direct plan which is start with the topic sentence and followed by the supporting sentence. Most business messages use this to explain the subject immediately.
    2. Pivoting Paragraph (Compare and Contrast)
    The paragraphs using pivoting plan start with a limiting sentence that offers the contrasting idea before delivering the topic sentence and then followed by the supporting sentence.
    3. Indirect Paragraph (Explain and Persuade)
    The paragraphs using the indirect plan start with the supporting sentences and conclude with the topic sentence. This is useful to build a rationale, a foundation of reasons, before hitting the audience with a big idea.



  • C1L009032

    Question 2
    For routine writing tasks, what are some techniques for collecting informal data and generating ideas?

    in collecting informal data it’s more simply and flexible, we can use interview technique and discuss it to generate the idea


  • Name: Shoffan Ma'ruf
    Student Number : C1L012057

    Question 12
    What’s wrong with this sentence? After reading it carefully, the proposal
    doesn’t interest us.

    The first clause is a bit confusing (the "it" in the first clause) and ineffective (unnecessarily too long), the sentence might give the reader ambiguous information. The sentence should be more like this "We are currently not interested in your proposal", it is shorter, blunt and direct.


  • Name : Sasta Anindia Dwi Puspita Sari
    Student Number : C1L012010

    Question number 10:
    List four techniques for emphasizing important ideas in sentences.

    1. Use vivid words. Vivid words are emphatic because the reader can picture ideas clearly. Example: Lamborghini company uses hand-made technique.

    2. Label the main idea. If an idea is significant, tell the reader as shown here. Example: Explore the possibility of leasing a site; but, most important , hire a consultant

    3. Place the important idea first or last in the sentence. Ideas have less competition from surrounding words when they appear first or last in a sentence. Observe how the date of the meeting can be emphasized. Example: On October 28 all staffs will meet to learn about salary incentives.

    4. Place the important idea in a simple sentence or in an independent clause. Don’t dilute the effect of the idea by making it share the spotlight with other words and clauses. Example: You are the first employee that we have hired for this program.


  • Name : Dimas Mohammad Irfan
    Student Number : C1L012007

    Question Chapter 5 number 7:
    Why do many readers prefer the direct method for organizing messages?

    Many readers prefer the direct method because had a three advantages...
    1. Saves the reader’s time.
    Many of today’s businesspeople can devote only a few moments to each message. Messages that take too long to get to the point may lose their readers along the way.

    2. Sets a proper frame of mind.
    Learning the purpose up front helps the reader put the subsequent details and explanations in perspective. Without a clear opening, the reader may be thinking, “Why am I being told this?”

    3. Reduces frustration.
    Readers forced to struggle through excessive verbiage before reaching the main idea become frustrated. They resent the writer. Poorly organized messages create a negative impression of the writer.



  • Name: Fina Nugraheni
    Student Number : C1L012012

    What’s wrong with this sentence? After reading it carefully, the proposal
    doesn’t interest us.

    The clause "after we reading it carefully" seems to be not needed in these sentences. And the usage of passive voice verb sometimes would misinterpret the meaning, So, the sentence needs to be reworked simply into "We are not interested in your proposal".


  • Name : Untung Juan Pambudi
    NIM : C1L012031
    Question number 1 : Compare the first phase of the writing process with the second

    Answer :
    The first phase of the writing process (prewriting) can be called "think" because in this process refers to how we determine what we write, like Decide on a topic to write about, Consider who will read or listen to your written work , List places where you can research information, and Do your research.

    while the second of the writing process (writing) is the process by which we move the data from the first phase, in this step we Put the information you researched into your own words, Write sentences and paragraphs even if they are not perfect, and then Read what you have written and judge if it says what you mean, and finally show it to others and ask for suggestions.


  • Name : Medika Danang Indanto
    Student Number : C1L012041

    Question number 11 :
    when should business writers use active-voice sentences? when should they use passive-active sentences? give an example of each.

    *Use active-voice sentences for directness, vigor, clarity, and conciseness.
    example :
    - The manager completed performance reviews for all employee.
    - The supervisor has made a decision.
    (the sentences are more direct, vigor, clear and concise than using passive-active sentences "Performance reviews were completed for all employee by the manager" and "A decision has been made by the supervisor")

    *Use passive-voice sentences to be more tactful, diplomatic, and to emphasize the objectivity.
    - Your credit card has been suspended. (this sentence is more tactful and more diplomatic than using active-voice sentence "We have suspended your credit card.")
    - Your application has been approved. (this sentence emphasize the object that is 'your application' than the person who approved the application).

    Thank you...


  • Name : Septian Purnomo Putra
    Student Number : C1L012036

    Quetsion Number 6 :
    What are the major components in an analytical report?

    1. Introduction/problem : This section should suggest the significance of the problem addressed in the next section as well as identify who requested the analysis and why.

    2. Facts/findings : Describe and findings possible threats to the validity of data garnered by certain methods such as questionnaires, interviews or focus groups.

    3. Conclusions : It may be helpful, when writing this section, to interpret the data gathered by thinking about the implications of it.

    4. Recommendations (if requested) : in recommendations section, we must recommendations by placing each under its own subheading or by itemizing them if your recommendations are concise action.



  • Wakhid Bagas P

    Question Number 8 :
    When is the indirect pattern appropriate, and what are the benefits
    of using it?

    Answer :
    Indirect measurement that is a reasoning process that combines two different proposition to draw a conclusion or a way to use the comparison to find a measurement when direct measurement is not possible. Pattern is not directly put the main idea after explanation. This pattern is useful for people who are not willing, do not feel happy, or in hostile conditions. Help everyone who studies logic to think rationally, critically, straight, fixed, orderly, methodical and coherent. This respect the feelings of the audience, encouraging a fair trial, and minimize negative reactions.


  • Name: Reny Sarah Ayuningtias
    Student Number: C1L012017

    Question Number: 2
    For routine writing tasks, what are some techniques for collecting informal data and generating ideas?

    Techniques for collecting informal data: Look in the files, talk with your boss, interview the target audience, and conduct an informal survey.
    Technique for generating ideas: Brainstorming.


  • Name : Anisa Intan Riandini
    Student Number : C1L012040
    Question number 10:
    List four techniques for emphasizing important ideas in sentences.

    Answer :
    1. Use vivid words. Vivid words are emphatic because the reader can picture ideas clearly.
    2. Label the main idea . If an idea is significant, tell the reader as shown here.
    3. Place the important idea first or last in the sentence. Ideas have less competition from surrounding words when they appear first or last in a sentence. Observe how the date of the meeting can be emphasized.
    4. Place the important idea in a simple sentence or in an independent clause. Don’t dilute the effect of the idea by making it share the spotlight with other words and clauses.


  • Name : Friska Tri Wulandari
    Student Number : C1L012004

    Question :
    4. What is the difference between a list and an outline?

    Answer :

    List : In developing simple messages, some writers make a quick scratch list of the topics they wish to cover. Writers often jot this scratch list in the margin of the letter or memo to which they are responding (the majority of business messages are written in response to other documents). These writers then compose a message at their computers directly from the scratch list.
    Outline : Most writers, though, need to organize their ideas—especially if the project is complex— into a hierarchy, such as an outline. The beauty of preparing an outline is that it gives you a chance to organize your thinking before you get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure.


  • Name : Theresia Yulinda Pertiwi
    Student Number : C1L012053

    Quetsion Number 8 :
    Indirect measurement is a technique that uses proportions to find a measurement when direct measurement is not possible. The indirect pattern places the main idea after explanations. Help everyone who studies logic to think rationally, critically, straight, fixed, orderly, methodical and coherent.This pattern is useful for people who are not willing, do not feel happy, or in hostile conditions. This respect the feelings of the audience, encouraging a fair trial, and minimize negative reactions.


  • Name : Istnadylla A.F
    NIM : C1L012052

    Question number 7:
    7.Why do many readers prefer the direct method for organizing messages?

    Answer :
    Because of the direct method has three advantages, namely:
    1. Save the reader time.
    Many employers now can devote only a few moments for each message.
    2. Establish the right frame of mind.
    Learning objectives at the front to help the reader put the details and the subsequent explanation in perspective.
    3. Reduce frustration.
    Readers are forced to fight through excessive verbiage before reaching the main idea being frustrated.


  • Name : Sekar Ardyningrum
    Student Number : C1L012008

    Question number 8 :
    When is the indirect pattern appropriate, and what are the benefits of using it? (Obj. 3)

    Answer :
    Indirect pattern receptive to hearing . If you expect the audience not interested, do not want, do not happy, or perhaps even hostile, more appropriate patterns indirectly. In this pattern you express the main idea only after you have offered explanations and evidence.
    The benefits of this approach are :
    a. Respect the feelings of the audience. With a feeling of respect for the audience, even though the words were painful, but at least slightly reduced trauma
    b. Facilitate a hearing. Readers may be upset if the core of the message was read is pending.
    c. Minimize a reaction. Reaction negative messages can be received well if recited gently.


  • Name : Widari Faras Wisuda
    Student Number : C1L012048

    Question Number 3 :
    Name seven specific techniques for a productive group brainstorming session.

    Answer :
    1. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
    2. Group Passing Technique
    3. Tim Idea Mapping Method
    4. Electronic Brainstorming
    5. Directed Brainstorming
    6. Individual Brainstorming
    7. Question brainstorming

    Thank you.


  • Name: Bayu Aji Kuncoro
    Student Number : C1L012029

    Question number 14 : Describe three paragraph plans. Identify the uses for each. ?

    Answer :
    1. Direct Paragraph (Define and Describe)
    Direct paragraph (topic sentence followed by supporting sentences) that serve to define, classify, describe, and explain the subject. And usually begins with the phrase cap and followed by supporting sentences.

    2. Pivoting Paragraph (Compare and Contrast)
    Use Paragraphs rotating initial plan to limit the penalty that offer contrasting ideas before giving the topic sentence followed by supporting sentences.

    3. Indirect Paragraph (Explain and persuade)
    Paragraphs using the indirect plan starts with supporting sentences, and ending with a topic sentence. This is useful for building ideas, the basic reason, and ending with the main idea.


  • Name: Guntur Hanif Adi Putra
    NIM: C1L012001

    Question number 1:
    Compare the first phase of the writing process with the second

    Answer :
    The first phase is the "prewriting" stage , in this process, you are required to think as well determine what you want to write , such as theme , who's going to read as well as a place where you do the research .

    the second phase is the process of "writing" where you can move your data from the first stage , the data you write using your own words , and read your article and show it to others and ask for advice .


  • Name: Rizki Amalia
    NIM : C1L012020

    Question Number 5
    What are the major components in a letter or memo?

    Answer :

    1. Introduction
    • states the general problem or main idea
    2. Statement of facts
    • states the facts or discusses the problem or issue
    3. Argument
    • explains importance or relevance of facts
    4. Conclusion
    • summarizes the main idea, suggests or requests action
    • if memos, it doesn't have a complimentary close or signature line
    • if memos, it ends with a call to action


  • Nama : Fiska Aprily C
    Nim : C1L012060

    Question Number 15 :

    What is coherence, and how is it achieved?

    Answer :

    Paragraphs are coherent when the ideas stick together and when one idea logically leads to the next. Below are several techniques to keep the reader in step with our ideas so the paragraphs will coherent.

    1. Sustaining the key idea.
    Repeating a key expression or using a similar one throughout a paragraph helps sustain a key idea.

    2. Dovetailing sentences.
    Sentences are “dovetailed” when an idea at the end of one connects with an idea at the beginning of the next. Dovetailing sentences is especially helpful with dense, difficult topics. It is also helpful with ordinary paragraphs.

    3. Using pronouns.
    Familiar pronouns, such as we, they, he, she, and it, help build continuity, as do demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that, these, and those. These words confirm that something under discussion is still being discussed. However, be careful with such pronouns. They often need a noun with them to make their meaning absolutely clear.

    4. Including transitional expressions.
    Transitional expressions are another excellent device for showing connections and achieving paragraph coherence. These words, act as verbal road signs to readers and listeners. Transitional expressions enable the receiver to anticipate what’s coming, reduce uncertainty, and speed comprehension. They signal that
    a train of thought is moving forward, being developed, possibly detouring, or ending. Transitions can add or strengthen a thought, show time or order, clarify ideas, show cause and effect, contradict thoughts, and contrast ideas. Remember that coherence in communication rarely happens spontaneously; it requires effort and skill.

    Thank You.


  • Name : Fiqri Wibysono
    Student Number : C1L012005

    Question Number 5
    What are the major components in a letter or memo?

    Answer :
    The major components in a letter or memo :
    I. Opening
    II. Body
    III. Closing


  • Which part of the paragraph contains the topic sentence?

    The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph because it gives an overview of the sentences to follow. The supporting sentences after the topic sentence help to develop the main idea.

    How do you find the topic sentence in a paragraph?

    Generally, the topic sentence appears at the beginning of the paragraph. It is often the paragraph's very first sentence. A paragraph's topic sentence must be general enough to express the paragraph's overall subject.

    What is a paragraph in business communication?

    A business document, such as a report or letter, begins with a paragraph that introduces the subject of the document. This is followed by one or more paragraphs that develop the subject. A concluding paragraph summarizes the information you've provided or asks the reader to take a specific action.

    Do paragraphs always contain a topic sentence?

    Paragraphs always contain a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. Shorter pieces of writing seldom contain paragraphs. The main idea of a paragraph is stated in the topic sentence. The topic sentence doesn't have to be the first sentence in a paragraph.


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