Which context clue from the poem best helps the reader understand the meaning of brazen

1. Mrs. Bailey's class had been hearing an annoying scratching noise in the closet behind Mrs. Bailey's desk for months. They were quite astonished when all the sudden, a mouse darted out of the closet and ran across the room.

In this paragraph, the word darted means that the mouse:
A. waited alone
B. grew bigger
C. looked closely
D. moved quickly

D. moved quickly

2. Kelly invited Josh to go to the new restaurant in town with a large Mexican food buffet. They each went back for seconds and thirds. Josh felt uncomfortably full as he was not accustomed to eating so much.

What is the meaning of accustomed in this paragraph?
A. managed by
B. different from
C. changed by
D. in the habit of

D. in the habit of

3. Use the definitions below to answer the question.
Passage /pasij/ noun. 1. A journey or voyage: the passage by ship took more than two weeks. 2. A way through: not many people know about the passage in the woods that leads to my house. 3. A section or piece of writing: We were asked to read the passage and answer the questions 4. The passing of a law by a legislature: the passage of the bill into law was met with cheers

Sentence: The coal miners were trying to find a passage through the mountain.

Which is the best definition of the word passage as it is used in the sentence?
A. Definition 1
B. Definition 2
C. Definition 3
D. Definition 4

B. Definition 2

4. Read this paragraph

I was supposed to meet my brother to look for rocks for the pond that our father was building in the backyard. I spotted a few rocks about five feet down. Without waiting for my brother, i began to climb down the steep side of the ravine to grab a few rocks that I knew my father would like.

Which word is a synonym for ravine as it is used in the paragraph above?
A. bird
B. boulder
C. ditch
D. meadow

C. ditch

5. Read this paragraph.
The fifth graders at West Middle School were going to take a retreat to a camp in the woods. The students had been having a difficult time since their town had been destroyed by a tornado. Their counselor wasafraid they hadn't released their emotions yet and she was afraid it would affect their relationships with each other. The camp allowed them to regain their trust in one another and feel that they will be safe.

Which of the following words from the selection uses the prefix re-, meaning "again," with a root word?
A. relationship
B. released
C. retreat
D. regain

D. regain

6. Read this poem.

Wind blowing at my face,
The mountain was freezing,
Worries invaded my head that the
rescue team was nowhere near,
My options were starting to fade.

I knew I had one last chance,
The flare sat lonely in my father's rescue kit,
Remember his words,
When all else fails, launch.
Keep your back straight
Hold your shoulders still,
Aim for the sky!

Which line from the poem best helps the reader understand the meaning of launch?
A. aim for the sky
B. when all else fails
C. hold your shoulders still
D. Keep your back straight

A. aim for the sky

7. Use the definitions below to answer the question.

post /pohst/ noun 1. a strong piece of timber
or metal used to support or hold something 2. a
military base with permanent buildings 3. the
station where a person is located while on duty
such as a soldier or nurse 4. a person who
traveled express, especially over a fixed route,
carrying mail, currency, etc.

Paragraph: The officer was on duty at the high school basketball game and he received a call from his boss at the police station. Evidently, they were busy, and the officer needed to return to his post at the station.

Which is the best definition of the word post as it is used in this paragraph?
A. Definition 1
B. Definition 2
C. Definition 3
D. Definition 4

C. Definition 3

8. Read this paragraph.

The groundskeeper at the zoo was concerned about the amount of trash the visitors at the zoo were throwing on the ground causing a risk to the wildlife and causing pollution at the zoo. To minimize the trash on the ground, he placed more trash cans throughout the park and signs that warned visitors not to throw trash on the zoo grounds.

The word minimize in this paragraph means —
A. to take action
B. reduce
C. change on a regular basis
D. settle

B. reduce

9. Read this paragraph.

People were waving for Jenna to pull over. She had no idea what they wanted until she heard the "thump, thump"! Her tire was flat,she pulled over to the side of the road and fortunately an auto service was there within a half hour with a portable air compressor to fill her tire.

The meaning of the root "port" helps the reader know that the word portable in this paragraph means--
A. able to be carried
B. able to speak on
C. able to be shared
D. able to hear through

A. able to be carried

10. Read this paragraph.

Jess challenged his teammates, James and Will, to take on their rivals from acrosstown at the weekend "three on three"basketball tournament. However James was going to be out of town, but he told Jess that his tall, thin and long-legged cousin, Zach could take his place. Jess was worried that his gawky cousin might not be such a good choice and he was a bit unreliable as well.

Which phrase in this paragraph helps the reader understand the meaning of gawky?
A. take his place
B. might not be such a good choice
C. tall, thin and long-legged
D. a bit unreliable

C. tall, thin and long-legged

11. Use the definitions below to answer the question.

hold (hohld) verb 1. to grasp 2. to set aside 3.to have a belief 4. to keep from doing something

Sentence: The department store told her they would hold her new dress for three days if she couldn't pick it up right away.

Which is the best definition of the word hold as it is used in the sentence above?

A. Definition 1
B. Definition 2
C. Definition 3
D. Definition 4

B. Definition 2

12. Read the paragraph

Gina's aunt was going to surprise her niece and sign her up for jazz dance classes. Gina had wanted to take jazz for years and her aunt wanted to give her the classes for her birthday. On the day of Gina's birthday, her aunt had two jazz dancers go to Gina's house to hand her the jazz class gift certificates in person. As soon as Gina opened the gift certificate, she was speechless and sputtered out a "thank- you" and a "I can't believe it" when her aunt called.

In this paragraph, the word sputtered means —
A. spoke in a confused way
B. acted out in an amusing way
C. made a polite suggestion
D. moved at a slow pace

A. spoke in a confused way

13. Read the following.
One of the apartment's in Jessica's apartment building had a major fire. The firemen had to extract Jessica's neighbor,Mrs. Hayes, out of the window. Fortunately, no one was injured, but everyone had d to evacuate their apartments for a week until they could clean up the damage.

ex-: Latin-Greek prefix meaning "out of" or "away from"

The information in the box helps the reader understand that the word, extract in the paragraph above means —
A. to copy
B. to separate or obtain
C. to get or pull something
D. to deduce an answer to a question

C. to get or pull something

14. Read this paragraph.

The team had been traveling to their soccer tournament for two days from Seattle to Orlando. They took two vans and a car. They stayed at a hotel along the way with six people in each hotel room. Some girls had to sleep on the floor. One mother was weary that by the time they got there, the players would be worn out. She insisted that all the girls get some sleep while they were on the road.

In the paragraph above, the word weary means —
A. causing impatience
B. physically or mentally exhausted
C. causing fatigue
D. inpatient or dissatisfied with something

D. inpatient or dissatisfied with something

15. Use the definitions below to answer the question.

track (trak) noun 1. a path made by people or animals 2. a course or route followed 3.parallel lines of rails for railroads 4. a footprint made by people or animals

Emily was upset at her father and decided to walk to school. She took a shortcut her friend had told her about. Even though she had to cut through the wooded area, it didn't bother her because she could see the track all the kids had made and just followed it.

Which is the best definition of the word track as it is used in this paragraph?

A. Definition 1
B. Definition 2
C. Definition 3
D. Definition 4

A. Definition 1

16. Read this paragraph.

Savannah and her science partner Ruben were working on an experiment in chemistry class. They came up with a great idea, but it departed from the old way of thinking that their teacher had discussed in class.

Which word or words from the paragraph above help the reader understand the meaning of the word departed?
A. to offer rewards
B. to ignore their feelings or thoughts
C. to pass away
D. to say farewell

B. to ignore their feelings or thoughts

17. Read the following paragraph.

Kimberly's uncle wrote a book about the greatest presidents in the United States including President Roosevelt, President Kennedy and President Obama. He wanted to thank all the people who helped him research the material, so he wrote a foreword to the book thanking all of them.

fore- Anglo-Saxon prefix meaning "before" or "earlier"

The information in bold helps the reader understand that the word, foreword in the paragraph above means —
A. a second book as a follow-up to a book
B. a part of a book at the beginning of the book
C. an additional chapter in a book
D. a sequel in a book

B. a part of a book at the beginning of the book

18. Read this sentence.

When examining mummies, archaeologists consider not only its appearance but what it was made of and how it was made and how old it might be.

Which word is a synonym for the bolded word (examining)?
A. studying
B. questioning
C. searching
D. discovering

A. studying

19. Kendra wrote this sentence for her essay.

"The streets in our city used to be very clean, but they are not clean anymore."

Kendra looked up the word clean in a thesaurus and found this entry.

clean (kleen) adjective 1. pure, orderly, spotless 2. even, regular 3. thorough, complete 4. honest, fair

In the sentence, Kendra wants to replace clean with a synonym. Which word should she use?
A. thorough
B. regular
C. orderly
D. honest

C. orderly

20. Read this paragraph.
Dorothy loved her summers with her grandmother. Dorothy's mother passed away when she was young, so spending time with her grandmother made her feel closer to her mother. She loved wearing matching aprons with her grandmother and making peach cobbler for her grandfather. But most of all, she loved going through the old photos that she cherished of her mother when she was a little girl.

In the paragraph above, which of the following words could be used in place of the word cherished?

A. wondered
B. dreamed
C. adored
D. supported

C. adored

What is the meaning of context clue?

Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.

What are the 5 context clues and examples?

The five types of context clues are:.
Definition/Explanation Clues. Sometimes a word's or phrase's meaning is explained immediately after its use. ... .
Restatement/Synonym Clues. Sometimes a hard word or phrase is said in a simple way. ... .
Contrast/Antonym Clues. ... .
Inference/General Context Clues. ... .

What are the 4 examples of context clues?

Four Types of Context Clues.
Definitions or restatements..
Antonyms or opposites..
Examples or explanations..

What is an example of a context clue?

Examples of Context Clues Definition Context Clue– My friend is sometimes hasty when he does his homework. He does it too quickly and is careless. Synonym Context Clue– I was astonished and amazed when I won free tickets to the concert! Antonym Context Clue– My sister is compassionate but sometimes she can be mean.


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