Which of the following are preventive measures that can be taken to protect yourself

There is an increasing concern over the consequences of illicit firearms, given their conduciveness on criminality and particularly their nexus with transnational organized crime. It has also been recognized that illicit firearms fuel conflicts, undermine security and hinder development. Yet, a number of preventive and security measures can be implemented to enhance regulatory mechanisms and policies in the fight against these serious threats.
In this context, the Global Firearms Programme (GFP) assists and supports Member States in implementing the preventive and security measures envisaged by the Firearms Protocol and other relevant instruments.

i.  Support for marking of firearms and effective record keeping
The GFP provides advice to Member States on developing a comprehensive strategy for marking of firearms which encompasses the institutional, technical and budgetary settings. In terms of technical assistance, the GFP offers support for the selection of the appropriate marking equipment, and subject to availability of funding, provides marking machines, record-keeping tools and the relevant training for their use.
The GFP is also in the process of developing record-keeping solutions in particular for seized firearms. This will allow for better accountability, increase the capacity of national authorities to monitor and analyse information about firearms trafficking and to improve the tracing of illicit firearms.

 ii. Support for transfer controls
In some countries, insufficient attention is devoted to the establishment of effective transfer control regimes, through functioning export/transit/import mechanisms and adequate preventive control measures. Porous borders and weak border control capacities, as well as limited abilities to enforce effective maritime and air control mechanisms, are considered among the major impediments to combat firearms trafficking and prevent the expansion of potential new trafficking trends.
Therefore, the GFP assists States to build systems of authorizations for import and export, transit and brokering control, in order to better monitor and measure the arms flow in/from or through their territory and to improve transparency in the arms trade.

iii. Security and safety of firearms and ammunition stocks
Preventing and reducing diversion of firearms and ammunition should be a major priority in the fight against their  illicit traffic.
The GFP therefore assists States in this area and is currently implementing activities aimed at enhancing the security and safety of firearms and ammunition stocks in order to prevent their diversion into the illicit market. For instance, GFP provides technical support  for security improvement of storage rooms for seized and confiscated firearms within police services, courts and institutions involved in the investigation and prosecution of firearms offences. This includes providing training to the concerned services, and refurbishing stockpiling sites.

iv. Support for firearms collections and destruction activities
The GFP provides support in the design and implementation of comprehensive national collection and destruction activities including: assistance and technical advice on national campaigns for the voluntary surrender, collection, management and disposal of firearms.
The GFP  identifies the most suitable and cost effective destruction method according to specific national contexts and possibilities, undertaking needs assessment for the development and implementation of an awareness raising work for voluntary surrender of firearms, among other activities.

Get vaccinated 
Vaccines protects vaccinated individuals and those around them who are vulnerable to COVID-19, reducing the risk of spreading the disease.

Use a face mask
If you are infected, the use of a medical face mask reduces the risk of you infecting other people. 

If you are healthy, the use of a medical face mask when visiting busy, closed places reduces the spread of the infection in the community. Always follow local recommendations regarding the use of masks in public spaces.

Cough and sneeze etiquette
Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a disposable tissue. If you use a tissue, dispose of it carefully after a single use and then wash your hands.

Stay at home if you are sick
If you feel unwell, stay at home. If you develop any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, call your healthcare provider for advice immediately.

Keep physical distancing
Physical distancing’ means physically staying apart from other people. Maintain social contact with friends, family and colleagues from a distance instead.

Self isolation
Self-isolate if you know you are infected with COVID-19, or if you have any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection like a cough, fever, sore throat or runny nose.

What are the preventive measures to follow during the Covid

COVID-19 transmission person to person.
Get all the recommended doses of COVID-19 vaccine..
Keep a safe distance from others, especially in closed spaces..
When indoors, open windows if possible..
Wear a mask if you're or those around you are at high risk of severe illness..
Keep hands clean..
Cover coughs and sneezes..

What is preventive measures?

Preventative measure includes the measures or steps taken for prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment. Preventive care strategies are typically described as taking place at the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels.

What preventive measures can we take to avoid ill effects?

Avoid touching surfaces such as table tops, chairs, door handles etc. b) Practice good hygiene Wash your hands frequently using soap and water: After coming home from outside or meeting other people especially if ◆ they are ill. People who have travelled to other countries in last 14 days and their family members.

What are the best ways to protect yourself against the virus?

In those situations, use as many prevention strategies as you can, such as practicing hand hygiene, consistently and correctly wearing a high-quality mask, improving ventilation, and keeping your distance, when possible, from the person who is sick or who tested positive.


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