Which of the following involves data that can be arranged in some order but differences among data values either Cannot be determined or are meaningless?

Collections of observations, such as measurements, or survey responses

The science of planning studies and experiments; obtaining data; and organizing, summarizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting those data and then drawing conclusions based on them

The complete collection of all measurements or data that are being considered

The collection of data from every member of a population

A subcollection of members from a population

Common types of voluntary response samples

Internet polls, main-in polls, telephone call-in polls

When a study has results that are very unlikely to occur by chance

Association between two variables

Occurs when someone either refuses to respond to a survey question or is unavailable

How to find percentage of

Replace % symbol with division by 100, then interpret “of” to be multiplication

A numerical measurement describing some characteristic of a population

A numerical measurement describing some characteristic of a sample

Quantitative(numerical) data

Consists of numbers representing counts or measurements

Categorical(qualitative/attribute) data

Consists of names or labels

Result when the data values are quantitative and the number of values is finite or “countable”

Continuous(numerical) data

Result from infinitely many possible quantitative values, where the collection of values is not countable

Characterized by data that consists of names, labels, or categories only. It is not possible to arrange the data in some order, such as low to high

Data that can be arranged in some order, but differences between data values either cannot be determined or are meaningless

Data that can be arranged in order, and differences between data values can be found and are meaningful; but data at this level do not have a natural zero starting point at which none of the quantity is present

Data that can be arranged in order, differences can be found and are meaningful, and there is a natural zero starting point

Refers to data sets so large and so complex that their analysis is beyond the capabilities of traditional software tools

Involves applications of statistics, computer science, and software engineering, along with some other relevant fields, such as biology and epidemiology

Missing completely at random

If the likelihood of a data value being missing is independent of its value or any of the other data values in the data set

If the missing value is related to the reason that it is missing

Where we apply some treatment and proceed to observe its effect on the individuals

Observe and measure specific characteristics, but we don’t attempt to modify the individuals being studied

One that affects the variables included in the study, but is not included in the study

Design of an experiment includes__

Replication, blinding, randomization

n subjects is selected in such a way that every possible sample of the same size n has the same chance of being chosen

Select some starting point and then select every kth element in the population

Simply use data that are very easy to get

Subdivide the population into at least 2 different subgroups so that subjects within the same subgroup share the same characteristics. Then we draw a sample from each subgroup

Divide the population area into sections, randomly select some of those sections, and choose all the members from those selected sections

Pollsters select a sample in different stages, and each stage might use different methods of sampling

Types of observational studies

Cross-sectional study, retrospective study, prospective study

Data are observed, measured, and collected at one point in time, not over a period of time

Data are collected from a past period by going back in time through records, interviews, etc

Data are collected in the future from groups that share common factors

Occurs when we can see some effect, but we can’t identify the specific factor that caused it

A group of subjects that are similar, but differ in ways that might affect the outcome of the experiment

Occurs when the sample has been selected with a random method but there is a discrepancy between a sample result and a true population result

The result of human error, including such factors as wrong data entries, computing errors, questions with biased wording, false data provided by respondents, forming biased conclusions, or applying statistical methods that are not appropriate for the circumstances

The result of using a sampling method that is not random, such as using a convenience sample or voluntary response sample

A representative value that shows us where the middle of the data set is located

A measure of the amount that the data values vary

The nature or shape of the spread of the data over the range of values

Sample values that lie very far away from the vast majority of the other sample values

Frequency distribution(frequency table)

Shows how data are partitioned among several categories(classes) by listing the categories along with the number(frequency) of data values in each of them

The smallest numbers that can belong to each of the different classes

The largest numbers that can belong to each of the different classes

The numbers used to separate the classes, but without the gaps created by class limits

The values in the middle of the classes

The difference between two consecutive lower class limits in a frequency distribution

((max data value-min data value))/# of classes

A graph consisting of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other

When the distribution of data is not symmetric and extends more to one side than to the other

If the pattern of the points in the normal quantile plot is reasonably close to a straight line, and the points do not show some systematic pattern that is not a straight-line pattern

Not a normal distribution

The points do not lie reasonably close to a straight-line pattern or the points show some systematic pattern that is not a straight line pattern

Consists of a graph of quantitative data in which each data value is plotted as a point above a horizontal scale of values

Represents quantitative data by separating each value into 2 parts:the stem(such as the leftmost digit) and the leaf(such as the rightmost digit)

A graph of time-series data, which are quantitative data that have been collected at different points in time, such as monthly or yearly

Uses bars of equal width to show frequencies of categories of qualitative data

A bar graph for qualitative data, with the added stipulation that the bars are arranged in descending order according to frequencies, so the bars decrease in height from left to right

Depicts qualitative data as slices of a circle, in which the size of each slice is proportional to the frequency count for the category

What do you call the data arranged in some order but the differences between data values Cannot be determined or are meaningless?

Data are at the ordinal level of measurement if they can be arranged in some order, but differences between values either cannot be determined or are meaningless. The interval level of measurement is like the ordinal level, with the additional property that the difference between any two data values is meaningful.

Which level of measurement consists of categories only where data Cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme quizlet?

Nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or categories only. The data cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme. An example of Nominal level of measurement is survey responses such as yes, no, and undecided.

What level of measurement involves meaningful amounts of differences between data has no absolute zero?

Thus the answer is c) interval.

What data can be separated into different categories that are distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristics?

Qualitative variables: Variables that can be separated into different categories distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristic.


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