Which of the following is an example of why there is a need for sports marketing research?

Market research generally involves two different types of research: primary and secondary.

Primary research is research you conduct yourself (or hire someone to do for you.) It involves going directly to a source – usually customers and prospective customers in your target market – to ask questions and gather information. Examples of primary research are:

  • Interviews (telephone or face-to-face)
  • Surveys (online or mail)
  • Questionnaires (online or mail)
  • Focus groups
  • Visits to competitors' locations

When you conduct primary research, you’re typically gathering two basic kinds of information:

  1. Exploratory. This research is general and open-ended, and typically involves lengthy interviews with an individual or small group.
  2. Specific. This research is more precise, and is used to solve a problem identified in exploratory research. It involves more structured, formal interviews.

Primary research usually costs more and often takes longer to conduct than secondary research, but it gives conclusive results.

Secondary research is a type of research that has already been compiled, gathered, organized and published by others. It includes reports and studies by government agencies, trade associations or other businesses in your industry. For small businesses with limited budgets, most research is typically secondary, because it can be obtained faster and more affordably than primary research.

A lot of secondary research is available right on the Web, simply by entering key words and phrases for the type of information you’re looking for. You can also obtain secondary research by reading articles in magazines, trade journals and industry publications, by visiting a reference library, and by contacting industry associations or trade organizations. (Note: When you locate the research you want, check its publication date to be sure the data is fresh and not outdated.)

One excellent source of secondary research data is government agencies; this data is usually available free of charge. On the other hand, data published by private companies may require permission, and sometimes a fee, for you to access it.


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A recent university study suggests that spectators of sporting events have higher levels of involvement with the products being advertised when the home team is winning. What type of research is this? basic research
Marketing research issued only when marketers face a serious problem. False
The unique blend of product pricing, promotion, offerings, and distribution designed to meet the needs of a specific group is the marketing mix. True
Marketing research should be conducted even if the managers will not be able to afford implementing a study’s recommendations. False
Orientation that monitors the external environment in order to deliver the marketing mix to the target market. Systems
Marketing research can potentially address all four elements of the marketing mix. True
When a research firm conducts focus groups to test 3 potential ad concepts for its client, they are using which type of applied research? selective
The concept of market segmentation was introduced in the 1970s. True
Two of the more important determinants of the potential benefits from a marketing research study are profit margins and market size. True
The recent emphasis on customer satisfaction research by many companies relies on the notion that customer satisfaction is closely linked with ___________. Customer Loyalty
Which of the following is under control of the marketer? Marketing Mix
Which of the following is not a way marketing research is used by corporate marketing departments to support the marketing decision-making process? to assess changes in the internal environment
Which of the following is not an internal client of marketing research? franchisees
The Nielsen ratings, compiled by AC Nielsen Media Research, are an example of which type of research? syndicated
According to the survey that tracked challenges facing the marketing research industry, which of the following was ranked as the most challenging? maximizing survey participation rates
Where are the majority of the large global marketing research firms based? United States
What type of manager is among the heaviest users of marketing research? New product development manager
Which of the following is an example of an internal client? a firm’s marketing department
In survey research, it is especially important to protect respondents’_______. anonymity
Suppose a sales manager makes the statement, “The problem with this company is declining sales.” Why is such a statement shortsighted? The sales manager has identified only a symptom of a deeper problem.
A/An _______________ is a survey using a limited number of respondents and often employing less rigorous sampling techniques than are employed in large quantitative studies. pilot study
SPSS would most likely be used for what? analyzing data
“We believe that raising the price of membership of our country club will make it more desirable, and will increase our membership base” is an example of a(n) _______. hypothesis
The first step in the problem-definition process is: recognizing that there is a problem or opportunity
Which of the following is a problem associated with laboratory experiments? The participants may act differently in a real-world setting.
A _____________ sample is characterized by every element in the population having a nonzero chance of being selected. probability
____________ is preliminary research conducted to increase the understanding of a concept, to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved, or to identify important variables to be studied. Exploratory research.
Which of the following would not be a good practice regarding question sequencing? general questions at the end
“First National Bank is….. progressive ____|____|____|____|____ backward” is which of the following question formats? scaled response
“In the space below, please write down your three favorite flavors of ice cream” is an example of what type of question? open ended
Do you own a cell phone? ____YES ____NO” is an example of which type of question format? dichotomous
When a question has only two possible choices, it is referred to as a _____________question. dichotomous
Which type of question does not allow the researcher to perform statistical analysis? open-ended
Which of the following sampling techniques would give the researcher the most confidence in projecting the findings to the overall population? simple random
Of the following, which is the most important consideration when choosing a sample? how well the sample represents the population
The type of error which results from the fact that samples are not perfectly representative of the populations from which they are drawn is known as _______. sampling error
The _____________ is a list of the members or elements from which units to be sampled are selected. sample frame
________________ samples must be selected in such a way that every element of the population has a known and equal chance of being selected. Simple random
The first step in the development of a sampling plan is to: define the population of interest
All other things equal, larger samples will have less ___________ than smaller samples. sampling error
Which of the following types of samples enables the researcher to compute sampling error? probability
Under what kind of sampling procedure must the researcher adhere closely to precise selection procedures to ensure that the results are projectable to the population under study? probability
The difference between the sample result and population value is known as __________. acceptable error

What is the purpose of sports marketing?

Sports marketing is the use of sporting and sports-related events to promote a brand or a product. This form of marketing allows marketers to leverage the popularity and attention of sports to promote a brand or product. Sports and entertainment marketing also covers the marketing and promotion of live sporting events.

Which of these is an example of marketing through sport?

An example of marketing through sport is the Opel brand using Valentino Rossi to promote their car model Opel Adam.

What is sport marketing research?

Sports Market Research provides data, analysis, insights and strategies on athletics and recreation activities. In the Sports industry, there are products manufactures, apparel companies, advertisers, teams, media and other companies. Sports are also growing in popularity in High Growth Emerging Markets.

What are the 4 P's of sports marketing?

The four P's are product, price, place, and promotion. Each sports organization is going to utilize a different combination of these four P's. They'll each have a different product, a different price, a different place, and different promotions to attract any given target segment.


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