Which of the following political tactics creates a dependency as a source of power

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journal article


The Indian Journal of Political Science

Vol. 74, No. 3 (July - September, 2013)

, pp. 407-412 (6 pages)

Published By: Indian Political Science Association


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It is impossible to escape power in organizations, mainly because organization means consists of people coming together with multiple and complex interests whose personal and professional goal achievement is dependent on organizational relations with people that one does not necessarily like. The pervasiveness of power is the most central aspect of organizational life. Power and politics are often considered to be integral components in the development of the organization. and both are needed for the organization to effectively manage its operations. The paper focuses on the concept of power and politics, their sources and their impact and managing them.

Journal Information

The Indian Journal of Political Science is one of the most reputed refereed journals of Political Science at international level and the foremost journal of the discipline in India.  A quarterly publication, the journal reflects the intellectual tradition and dedication of its parent body, the Indian Political Science Association (IPSA),toward the advancement of political science, scientific study of politics, and dissemination of knowledge through rigorous political inquiry.

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The Indian Journal of Political Science © 2013 Indian Political Science Association
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Module 5: Ch 8_Power & Politics

Time spend: (4-5 hours) 


At the conclusion of this module, you will be able to: 1) paraphrase the sources and uses of power as well as the general dependency postulate…so that you can begin deciphering where power originates.

2) You will be able to explain the relationship between power and politics…so that you can analyze the under workings of power and influence.

3) You will be able to investigate problems of abuse in both power and politics in organizations…so that you can make the connection between an individual’s actions and the impact on the organization. (3 obj’s)

Content Covered: Definition, Bases of power: Formal, Personal & evaluation. Dependency: key to Power, general dependency postulate. What Creates Dependence? Influence Tactics: How Power Affects People, power to employees, empowerment. Abuse of: Harassment & abuse. Workplace politics: definition of, reality of, types of activity, impression management & the ethics of behaving politically.

Content: the material begins with the narrow definition of power and how one obtains power, then moves to the effects of power on others, individuals & groups, within organizations and ends with the overall organizational level impact of power when abused.

Activities in this module:

1. Review the course resources for Module 5.

Purpose: the activities in this module are designed to highlight power, its uses and abuses and to acknowledge its constancy in organizational dynamics.

2. Essay: Written or Video on Power, Influence & The General Dependency Postulate

For this assignment I decided to use a film I watched recently, to help illustrate power, dependency and how power can make people act in ways they never would have imagined. After this assignment, if time permits, I recommend watching the entire film.

Movie: Cassandra’s Dream 2007 found on Cassandra’s Dream

The first scenes will give you information about the two main characters played by Colin Farrell and Ewin MacGregor, who are brothers. One is a mechanic and chronic gambler, Colin Farrell, the other works in the family restaurant and has ideas of being a grandiose and wealthy businessman, Ewan MacGregor. Their uncle, their mother’s brother, is a wealthy plastic surgeon who has offices in Los Angeles and China, and who, on many occasions has helped the family financially and still does.

RELATIONSHIPS: Scenes involving gambling debt, uncle’s lunch and big plans (You can go into the film and slide along the minute bar to the exact minute you need to watch) Location minutes: ‘I lost a lot of money last night playing cards’ and ‘Uncle Howard’s coming!’& ‘My plan’ Min 24:14-25:56 & Min 30:07-31:14

NEED YOUR HELP: The meeting with their uncle Location minutes: ‘I’ll get help’ & ‘I found something I want to devote myself to’ Min 33:14-35:52

HOW YOU CAN REPAY ME: ‘We’ll both find a way to pay you back.’ ‘Yeah, well I um, I wanted to talk to you about that.’ Location minutes: Min 36:09-40:49

Assignment: Using your understanding of Power, specifically, The Bases of Power, Dependency and Influence Tactics, you will need to do the following in either written or video format:

  1. Explain the power relationship among these three characters,
    • the brothers,
    • the brothers with the uncle and,
    • the uncle with the brothers.

By explain, I want you to describe:

a) who is influencing whom and why b)What behaviour do you see that leads you to understand the influence factors? c) Where is the power in all three relationships? d)In each power relationship, who is dependent on whom and can you explain why? e)Who has the control and what are they controlling?

  1. What bases of power can you discern among the three relationships? Is it possible to have more than one base of power or influence? Explain why.
  2. Using your understanding of the General Dependency Postulate, describe who needs whom in this triangle of power, specifically who needs whom the most. Make sure to explain the specific factors contributing to this dependency postulate and why they cause the dependency to be increased and the power therefore to be high.
  3. How skilled is the uncle at using influence tactics with his nephews? Explain your answer along with the specific tactics used.

You may submit a written or video essay that answers these questions, or you can choose to submit in another means you find more suitable. You must ensure you have answered the questions to the best of your abilities and cited any and all sources used or referenced. Post to the D2L Dropbox for Module 5 Understanding Power, dependency and influence. DUE NOVEMBER 22 @ 11:59PM

3. Listen to the  CBC podcast in the Module 5 Resources section and in your group I want you to offer your analysis of this piece and it’s importance in today’s world, or is it important? You may provide a written (5 pages), audio (5 minutes) or vlog (2-3 minutes) piece on your analysis. Keep the following in mind: The importance of power. Is power necessary? Why doesn’t everyone with power abuse it? Post to the course Comments and via Kaltura to D2L Module 5: Group vlog on Power and questions to answer. Include your research.


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