Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the evaluative bias of language?

Which of the following would be considered an instrumental need that can be met through communication?
a. Developing a romantic relationship with someone you find attractive
b. Convincing your roommate to turn off her music by midnight each night
c. Talking with your grandfather on the telephone after not speaking with him for a while
d. Making small talk with a stranger you just met at a party

Which type of noise is associated with distractions that result from a loud environment?
a. Physical noise
b. Psychological noise
c. Physiological noise
d. Psychic noise

To say that words are symbols accurately reflects which of the following ideas?
a. People give communication its meaning
b. Words are representations of ideas
c. Words can have different meanings for different people
d. All the answers are correct

When your roommate says "We're out of detergent again" and you take that as a criticism, you are paying attention to which aspect of the message?
a. Context dimension
b. Relational dimension
c. Representative dimension
d. Content dimension

A sign in the library that reads "No Talking Allowed" would constitute an example of what?
a. Perceptual filter
b. Relational dimension
c. Explicit rule
d. Unintentional communication

According to the text, which of the following is NOT a necessary characteristic of interpersonal communication?
a. It defines relationships
b. It happens over time
c. It relates to intimate information
d. It occurs between people

Different cultures have different standards that define competent communication. This cultural variation speaks to which element of communication competence?
a. Effectiveness
b. Sensitivity
c. Appropriateness
d. Responsibility

Imagine that you have just called a friend, but your friend didn't take the call and it went to voicemail. At first, you assumed your friend was simply away from the phone or busy, but you start to wonder if he might be angry with you or ignoring you. This exercise is an example of what?
a. Self-monitoring
b. Cognitive complexity
c. Communication competence
d. Interpersonal communication

Metacommunication occurs when individuals discuss the meaning or subtext of their messages. T/F

Having empathy means feeling sorry for someone else. T/F

Which of the following statements about listening is true, according to your text?
a. Listening is an innate ability
b. People spend more time listening than speaking
c. Everyone who listens to a message hears the same thing
d. Hearing is the same as listening

Rachel finished her oral exam in her Spanish class, and her teacher Señora Lopez evaluated her performance. Although Rachel did well on the exam, and most of the teacher's comments were positive, Rachel focused only on the negative critiques and felt very bad about her performance. Rachel just engaged in which of the following behaviors?
a. Psuedolistening
b. Content-oriented listening
c. Selective attention
d. Negative attention bias

Dan is an atheist who has a keen interest in politics. Whenever Dan is watching a debate and one of the candidates mentions his or her belief in God, Dan stops listening to that candidate. Sometimes, he'll even change his vote if a candidate mentions God too frequently. Which of the following listening barriers describes Dan?
a. Rebuttal tendency
b. Closed-mindedness
c. Attack listening
d. Information overload

According to your text, which of the following statements correctly represents the two parts of interpretation?
a. Focus on the subjective meaning of the speaker's message; and gauge the truthfulness of his or her claim
b. Understand the point of view the speaker represents; and assign a mental interpretation of his or her statement based on that understanding
c. Pay attention to all of the speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages; and signal your interpretation back to the speaker
d. Interpret the speaker's message carefully; and remember your interpretation for future interactions with the speaker

Which form of listening occurs when you are trying to experience what another person is thinking or feeling?
a. Critical
b. Empathic
c. Informational
d. Passive

How is psuedolistening related to glazing over?
a. They are the same thing
b. You're actually listening during glazing over, but not during psuedolistening
c. You're actually listening during psuedolistening, but not during glazing over
d. Glazing over involves pretending to listen, but psuedolistening does not

Asking follow-up questions to confirm our interpretations of someone else's statements is a strategy for
a. Separating what is said from what isn't said
b. Avoiding the vividness effect
c. Minimizing the effect of a confirmation bias
d. Evaluating the speaker's credibility

The tendency to pay attention only to information that supports our values and beliefs is called what?
a. Vividness effect
b. Mere exposure effect
c. Valuation bias
d. Confirmation bias

Hearing is a passive process; listening is an active process. T/F

Empathic listening means feeling sorry for someone else. T/F

Which term refers to the ongoing process of making meaning from what we experience in our environment?
a. Attribution
b. Primacy
c. Egocentrism
d. Perception

During your first session of this class, your instructor introduced herself and you probably respected her position as an authoritative figure in the classroom. Which of the following classification schema likely helped you organized that information?
a. Physical constructs
b. Role constructs
c. Interaction constructs
d. Psychological constructs

A fellow student in one of your communication classes, Rose, starts acting particularly nice to you in the weeks leading up to the first exam. Classmates have frequently treated you this way in the past in the hope that you will help them study. As a result, you are suspicious of rose's motives. In this scenario, you are likely basing your suspicions on
a. Personal experience
b. Your knowledge of Rose
c. The closeness of your relationship with rose
d. All the answers are correct

Rick and Jamie recently started dating. To commemorate their first month as a couple, Rick surprised Jamie when he picked her up at work in a rented limousine with floor-level tickets to a concert. After the show, Rick was upset because Jamie would barely speak to him. Jamie was also upset because she has been planning on surprising Rick with a quiet dinner at home. After two days of fighting, they broke up. What was likely the root of this conflict?
a. Egocentrism
b. Negativity bias
c. Altercentrism
d. Perceptual set differences

You liked most everything about your new roommate when you first met, but when you found out she smokes, that overshadowed all of her good qualities in your mind. What perception-making process are you displaying here?
a. Primacy effect
b. Negativity bias
c. Stereotyping
d. Egocentrism

Samantha was a fantastic softball player, but she rarely took credit for her success. Every time a reporter from the school paper would ask her for a quote, Samantha would say, "I just got lucky today" or "Their pitcher just gave me something I could hit." Which of the following likely factors into Samantha's personality?
a. Internal locus
b. External locus
c. Negative attribution
d. Self-serving bias

Which of the following was NOT suggested in your textbook as one of the ways to combat perceptual inaccuracies?
a. Avoiding biased opinions
b. Knowing yourself
c. Focusing on the characteristics of others
d. Considering the context

When competent communicators discover that their perceptions were inaccurate, they will respond by
a. Seeking more information
b. Considering alternative perceptions
c. Revising their perceptions accordingly
d. All answers are correct

The state's of perception happen in a very ordered and linear fashion. T/F

Egocentrism is a normal stage of human development. T/F

Which of the following vocal behaviors is a dimension of nonverbal communication?
a. Tone of voice
b. Rate of speech
c. Loudness
d. All of these

Contemporary research suggest that approximately what percentage of meaning is transmitted nonverbally?
a. 30-35%
b. 45-50%
c. 65-70%
d. 90-95%

Why do people tend to believe nonverbal message even when they contradict verbal messages?
a. Nonverbal behaviors are completely involuntary and reflect people's true states
b. People will only attempt to control their nonverbal behavior when they are lying
c. It is harder for most people to control their nonverbal communication than their verbal communication
d. All answers are correct

Which of the following pairs of nonverbal channels is particularly useful in communicating emotion?
a. Facial expressions and vocal behaviors
b. Eye contact and hand gesturing
c. Body movement and eye contact
d. Vocal behaviors and body movement

Which type of gesture has a direct verbal translation?
a. Illustrator
b. Regulator
c. Emblem
d. Adaptor

The study of touch behavior is known as
a. Haptics
b. Oculesics
c. Proxemics
d. Kinesics

Your textbook identifies several ways that speakers can use nonverbal communication to increase the persuasiveness of their statements. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is NOT in line with these prescriptions?
a. Speaking softly, slowly and calmly
b. Matching someone else's nonverbal behavior
c. Casually touching someone on the arm
d. Maintaining eye contact with someone while speaking

Effectively interpreting nonverbal communication includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. Sensitivity to others nonverbal messages
b. Trying to decipher the correct meaning of nonverbal behavior
c. Looking past cultural differences to understand the meaning
d. Asking for clarification when necessary

The pupil of the eye contracts when we look at someone we find attractive. T/F

Of all the senses, smell is mostly tied to memory. T/F

Which concept of culture includes judgments about how good, desirable or beautiful something is?
a. Symbols
b. Values
c. Norms
d. Language

A group of students who attend the same high school and all belong to the school's computer club would be an example of what?
a. Cultural norming
b. Enculturation
c. A co-culture
d. Cultural adaptation

Which of the following is true in high collectivistic cultures?
a. People are expected to look out for themselves
b. People take an indirect approach to handling conflict
c. Children are taught that they are special and unique
d. Individual achievement is more important than group harmony

Which of the following statements is NOT true about high-context cultures?
a. Maintaining harmony is important
b. Offering personal opinions is valued
c. Offenses are to be avoided
d. Environmental cues are important for understanding messages

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the attitude of someone from a low-power-distance culture?
a. It is necessary to look for the deeper meaning in someone else's statements
b. It is unacceptable to question a boss, especially in front of co-workers
c. It is acceptable to engage in aggressive behavior to achieve personal success
d. It is a person's individual right to question authority

Idioms and gestures are examples of
a. Communication codes
b. Cultural truisms
c. Cultural speech development
d. Communication power-distance

Some researchers believe women and men grow up in different speech communities. According to that idea, men are taught to do ____ and women are taught to do ____.
a. Intimate talk; expressive talk
b. Instrumental talk; expressive talk
c. Social talk; personal talk
d. Expressive talk; personal talk

With respect to sex differences in emotion, which of the following is true?
a. Women are less likely to express positive emotions than men are
b. Men are more likely to express sadness and depression than women are
c. Women and men report experiencing the same amount of emotion
d. Men and women do not differ from each other in how they express jealousy

In a low-context culture, people are expected to be direct and say what they mean. T/F

Biological sex is genetically determined, whereas gender roles are socially constructed. T/F

Which theory says that each of us is born with a fundamental drive to seek, form, maintain and protect strong social relationships?
a. Equity theory
b. Need to belong Theory
c. Attraction theory
d. Predicted Outcome Value theory

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a close relationship?
a. Need for deep commitment
b. Minimization of interdependence
c. Dialectical tensions
d. Continuous investment

______ is the desire to stay in a relationship no matter what happens.
a. Investment
b. Passion
c. Commitment
d. Intimacy

Jordan wants to feel emotionally close to his girlfriend but he also wants to make his own decisions. Which dialectical tension is he experiencing?
a. Openness-closedness
b. Revelation-concealment
c. Novelty-predictability
d. Autonomy-connectedness

When you meet Carrie, you are drawn to her as a friend because she is an excellent piano player, just like you are. This is an example of which form of attraction?
a. Social attraction
b. Physical attraction
c. Competence attraction
d. Task attraction

Which theory predicts that the more we learn about someone, the more we like that person?
a. Social exchange theory
b. Uncertainty reduction theory
c. Attraction theory
d. Equity theory

Which term refers to your realistic expectation of what you think you deserve from a relationship?
a. Comparison level for alternatives
b. Comparison level
c. Complementarity assessment
d. Predicted Outcome Value

During which of Knapp's stages of relationship termination do couples decrease both the quality and frequency of their interactions?
a. Differentiation
b. Termination
c. Circumscribing
d. Stagnating

Most relationships have some measure of interdependence; what differentiates them is their degree of interdependence. T/F

Uncertainty reduction theory suggests that people get to know each other if they believe the effort will be worth it. T/F

What type of language rule deals with the correct pronunciation of words?
a. Phonological
b. Syntactic
c. Semantic
d. Pragmatic

The literal, "dictionary" definition of a word is its ____ meaning.
a. Denotative
b. Connotative
c. Abstract
d. Referent

Which of the following statements would be true according to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
a. If a culture does not have a word for an emotion, its members will not be able to experience that emotion
b. Regardless of the language that individuals from different cultures might speak, people see the world in basically the same way
c. The culture that you are raised in determines the languages you will speak in your lifetime
d. The distinction between nouns and verbs does not exist in most languages

Which persuasion strategy takes advantage of the speaker's credibility?
a. Appeal to logos
b. Appeal to ethos
c. Appeal to pathos
d. None of the answers are correct

The claim that "4 out of 5 doctors prefer" a certain medication for a headache is an example of which kind of statement?
a. An equivocal statement
b. Weasel words
c. A red herring
d. An allness claim

According to research, a joke must contain what in order to be considered funny?
a. A put-down
b. An expectancy violation
c. At least one funny-sounding word
d. All of the answers are correct

Saying that someone has been "let go" instead of "fired" is an example of which language behavior?
a. Hate speech
b. Slang
c. Euphemism
d. Profanity

Which of the following is true about I-statements?
a. They ignore the problem
b. They allow us to shift blame
c. They allow us to claim ownership of our thoughts and feelings
d. They shift responsibility for one's own thoughts or feelings to the listener

Slang can serve an important social function by helping people distinguish between those who do and do not belong to their social networks. T/F

Profanity is highly context-specific. T/F

Which of the following statements about friendships is FALSE?
a. Friendships are voluntary
b. Friendships are governed by rules
c. Friendships are the same in both sexes
d. Friendships usually occur between peers

At which stage of friendship do people begin to think of themselves as friends and their communication becomes more personal?
a. Friendly relations
b. Moves toward friendship
c. Nascent friendship
d. Stabilized friendship

When considering a potential spouse, someone from an individualistic culture such as the US would more likely ask which questions?
a. What's in it for my family?
b. How does my heart feel?
c. What will others think?
d. Will this marriage last?

According to Gottman's couple typology, which type of couple handles disagreements in a way that is open, but discussions tend to be competitive rather than cooperative?
a. Validating
b. Volatile
c. Conflict-avoidant
d. Hostile

Gottman has discovered that satisfied couples maintain what ratio of positive to negative communication?
a. 5:1
b. 8:1
c. 14:1
d. 1:1

Family ____ can serve as an important way of promoting communication in a blended family.
a. Stories
b. Secrets
c. Rituals
d. Vacations

Research shows that which of the following is positively related to your job satisfaction?
a. Being friends with your co-workers and boss
b. Being friends with your customers and clients
c. Maintaining personal boundaries at work
d. All answers are correct

Let's say you're friends with your co-worker, Eric, who's up for a promotion. Which of the following reflects the task dimension of your relationship?
a. Based on his performance, you don't feel Eric deserves the promotion
b. As his friend, you want Eric to get the promotion
c. If Eric doesn't get the promotion you will console him and cheer him up
d. All of these are examples of the task dimension of your relationships

Friendship rules are almost always explicit rather than implicit. T/F

People in arranged marriages are usually unhappy with their relationships. T/F

Which of the following is true with respect to interpersonal conflict?
a. It involves independent parties
b. It involves perceived scarce resources
c. It occurs within oneself
d. It is synonymous with disagreement

Which of the following statements accurately reflects the idea of reframing a conflict?
a. Thinking of conflict as a game when you traditionally think of it as a battle
b. Engaging in a cooling off period before you have a conflict discussion
c. Trying to see a conflict from someone else's POV
d. Minimizing your responsibility for a conflict

Jon recently stopped a conflict with his girlfriend, Ana, and said to her, "You don't know how to have a disagreement without losing your temper and swearing!" Ana replied, "Well at least I want to confront the issues instead of avoiding them!" Jon and Ana's exchange is an example of
a. The content dimension of conflict
b. The relational dimension of conflict
c. Metaconflict
d. Psuedoconflict

Which of the following statements about collectivistic cultures is true?
a. In conflict, group priorities are more important than individual priorities
b. Individuals are more likely to avoid conflict altogether
c. Parties involved in a conflict are likely to enlist a mediator to help reach an agreement
d. All answers are correct

Which form of power derives from ability to punish?
a. Legitimate power
b. Expert power
c. Referent power
d. Coercive power

People in which type of culture think of the unequal distribution of power as normal or even desirable?
a. High-content
b. Low-context
c. High-power-distance
d. Low-power-distance

When engaged in interpersonal conflict, ____ is the practice of saving up past grievances and bringing them all up at the same time.
a. Blindsiding
b. Counter-attacking
c. Gunnysacking
d. Rubber band balling

According to Gottman, people engage in which behavior when they insult each other and attack each other's self worth?
a. Contempt
b. Defensiveness
c. Criticism
d. Stonewalling

Traditional gender socialization encourages men to use accommodating conflict management strategies. T/F

The disinhibition effect suggests that online conflicts are more likely to involve inequitable distributions of power than face-to-face conflicts. T/F

Your own understanding of who you are as a person comprises your
a. Face
b. Image
c. Reference group
d. Self-concept

According to the Johari window, there are aspects of our personalities that others can see in us but that we are unaware of. These are know as the ____ aspects of our self.
a. Open
b. Hidden
c. Blind
d. Unknown

One of the ways we figure out who we are is by seeing who others think we are. The term for that process is
a. Social comparison
b. Reflected appraisal
c. Personality
d. Evaluative assessment

Your subjective evaluation of yourself is known as
a. Self evaluation
b. Self esteem
c. Self concept
d. Self image

When we consider how we want to be perceived by other people, we are considering our
a. Identity
b. Image
c. Self monitoring
d. Self concept

Which face need refers to our need to be respected for our abilities and intelligence?
a. Autonomy face
b. Competence face
c. Character face
d. Fellowship face

Martin disclosed something personal to his friend Tony. Afterward, Tony felt as though he had to disclose something personal in return. Tony's feelings exemplify which principle?
a. Breadth
b. Need for autonomy
c. Norm of reciprocity
d. Identity management

According to social penetration theory, the ___ dimension concerns the number of topics disclosed, whereas the ___ dimensions concerns the level of detail in topics disclosed.
a. Breadth; depth
b. Depth; breadth
c. Range; penetration
d. Penetration; range

Self-concept is entirely subjective. T/F

In personal relationships, it's always best to increase the breadth and depth of self-disclosure. T/F

Deception has several basic elements. Which of the following is NOT among them?
a. The sender must believe the information is false
b. The receiver must believer the information is true
c. The information must be transmitted knowingly
d. The sender must intend to create a false belief in the receiver

When tonyas boss asked her what time their meeting with the new client was, she replied that it was at 3:30. She was certain that she didn't bother to check her calendar. When tonya and her boss arrived at the client's office, the client was very upset because she had been waiting for 30 minutes for their 3:00 meeting. Tonya checked her calendar, and sure enough, the meeting had been scheduled for 3:00. Which of the following is true of this scenario?
a. Tonya lied to her boss, in order to avoid potential harm
b. Tonya didn't lie to her boss, because she didn't mean for her boss to believe her
c. Tonya lied to her boss, because she failed to check facts before making a statement
d. Tonya didn't lie to her boss, because she believed the statement was true

Which of the following forms of deception is an act of dissimulation?
a. Exaggeration
b. Falsification
c. Sarcasm
d. Equivocation

When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her, Ramon gives her a vague, ambiguous response. Which form of deception is he attempting?
a. Fibbing
b. Equivocation
c. Exaggeration
d. Falsification

According to deception research, which of the following behavioral changes is a reliable cue to deception?
a. Increased smiling
b. Reduced vocal pitch
c. Decreased eye contact
d. Decreased gesturing

Research shows that men are more likely than women to lie about which characteristic in an online dating ad?
a. Physical attractiveness
b. Education level
c. Age
d. Ethnicity

According to research, an increase in which of the following nonverbal behaviors is indicative of deception?
a. Forward leans
b. Genuine smiles
c. Vocal fluency
d. Blinking

Which of the following would tend to increase your chances of detecting deception?
a. Being lied to by a friend instead of a stranger
b. Being lied to by a highly motivated liar
c. Being very suspicious
d. Being lied to by a very expressive liar

Many forms of politeness and discretion involve being deceptive. T/F

Our truth bias is usually stronger for friends than for strangers. T/F

Which of the following provides the most accurate description of psychological counseling quizlet?

Which of the following provides the most accurate description of psychological counseling? The act of providing psychological direction to a decision or course of action.

What is a systematic sample in cross cultural research?

Systematic sampling is a sampling process that defines a process by which each sample is selected. If you put all of the population in a list, a systematic sampling would be to take every third item until you collect the desired sample size.

Which of the following statements can be best associated the frustration aggression theory of prejudice group of answer choices?

Which of the following statements can be best associated the frustration-aggression theory of prejudice? Prejudice is a form of displayed aggression caused by frustration. Across cultures, when people explain why they succeed or fail, three explanations are commonly given.

What is the name for a variable that can be placed into either of two mutually exclusive categories?

Categorical variables fall into mutually exclusive (in one category or in another) and exhaustive (include all possible options) categories. Therefore, categorical variables are qualitative variables and tend to be represented by a non-numeric value.


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