Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to illustrate?

CHAPTER 14USING VISUAL AIDS28029.Jasmine plans to show a video of an explosion in her speech. According to yourtextbook, she should

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30.If you were giving a speech about how to execute basic karate moves, the best kind ofvisual aid to use would probably be

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31.According to your textbook, which of the following is an advantage of using PowerPointin a speech?a.PowerPoint enables you to combine a variety of visual aids.b.PowerPoint is an excellent way to display photographs.c.PowerPoint allows you to display large amounts of text.d.all of the abovee.a and b only

32.According to your textbook, when using PowerPoint in a speech, you should

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33.As your textbook explains, if you are going to use PowerPoint in a speech, you should

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34.When you use PowerPoint in a speech, you should

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  • Sometimes there is no substitute for showing the actual object to your audience. For example, you need to show the actual assault rifle to your classmates during your public speaking class on campus to illustrate key points made about the weapon.

      a. True
      b. False
  • PowerPoint slides or a Prezi presentation can enhance any speech.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Using several different sized fonts for each PowerPoint slide is not advisable because it may confuse your audience and make reading text difficult.

      a. True
      b. False
  • The “rule of seven” for PowerPoint slides is that each slide should have a minimum of seven bullet points to be effective.

      a. True
      b. False
  • There is little reason to use visual aids if the choice of aids serves no useful purpose.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Computer-assisted presentations are enhanced by the following:

      a. Read your bullet points on PowerPoint slides to your audience
      b. Provide lots of animation and clever graphics for each slide
      c. Practice with the technology before giving your presentation
      d. All of the above
  • Guidelines for competent use of visual aids include

      a. avoid simple visual aids; they are too commonplace
      b. almost any visual aid is preferable to no aid at all
      c. an occasional misspelling or grammatical error on a poster or slide is fine as long as you don’t have too many
      d. none of the above
  • Which of the following is a common mistakes made by speakers who use visual aids?

      a. The speaker stands in front of the visual aid, blocking the audience from seeing it
      b. Font size of 44 points is used for PowerPoint slide headings when lecturing in a large auditorium using a huge screen
      c. Covering visual aids when not referring to them; this prevents audience members from studying the aid carefully
      d. All of the above
  • You are giving a speech on Middle East crises in the last decade. Recognizing that most members of your audience cannot identify most countries and their locations, you should

      a. draw a map of the Middle East while giving your speech
      b. provide a bar graph of each country
      c. show a large map of the Middle East taken from a geography book
      d. provide a table that lists all Middle Eastern countries with directions that give their locations
  • You want to demonstrate the perils of gum disease. Which of the following would be an effective visual aid?

      a. Asking for a volunteer from the audience and showing the state of his or her gums for all to see
      b. Showing a large photo of gum disease
      c. Drawing a picture on the whiteboard showing potential “hot spots” for gum disease
      d. All of the above
  • Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to show the proportion?

    If you wanted to show the relationships among the parts of a whole, the best visual aid would probably be a pie graph.

    What type of visual aid is best when illustrate proportions of a whole?

    Pie Graph. Pie graphs are usually depicted as circles and are designed to show proportional relationships within sets of data; in other words, they show parts of or percentages of a whole. They should be simplified as much as possible without eliminating important information.

    Which of the following is the most common type of visual aid?

    PowerPoint (or equivalent) Microsoft PowerPoint is probably now the most commonly used form of visual aid. PowerPoint is a computer program that allows you to create and show slides to support a presentation. You can combine text, graphics and multi-media content to create professional presentations.

    Which of the following types of visuals would it be best to include in your text if you wanted to show relationships and processes?

    When individuals need to show a pattern or relationship of data, it is best to use visual graphics, such as bar, pie and line charts. These charts help illustrate specific relationships and communicate a pattern as part of a message.


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