Which of the management orientations is usually preferred for global marketing campaigns?

Global marketing strategy

When it comes to global marketing strategies, creating strategies that work for every separate local market based on the target audience is the most important thing. It’s difficult to reach these local markets with your brand assets nowadays and harder than ever to stand out from other competitors.

You can’t just copy some local, regional or international marketing strategy deck, add a slide about operating globally, rename the deck Global Marketing Strategy 2022 and go about your day.

So, how do we achieve our targets with international marketing strategies and company branding on a global scale? 

Importance of a global marketing strategy

Global marketing strategy is also known as “international marketing strategy”. So, while it’s true that even a solopreneur can create and roll out a global marketing strategy for their global brand, this doesn’t mean every company can just leave it to a single marketer (or hire an intern) to create and roll out an international marketing strategy.

Nowadays, marketing comes with a long list of niche expertise in strategy, analytics, copy, design, SEO, SEA and so on. Even the various social platforms all have their specifics. So, it would not be smart to have an intern or generalist figure this all out on their own.

This evergrowing list of marketing specialisms is not by accident. Digital or online marketing has matured over the years to become an integral part of doing business online—and whether that’s on a local or global scale, it’s all the same. Even if your business is located in Europe, somebody in Japan could be reading your blog posts, visiting your site or subscribing to your newsletter.  So, the importance of an international marketing strategy is to understand the specific market with its cultural values, current trends, etcetera. This requires market research first, before setting up communication channels with the local audience.

Importance of a global branding strategy

When it comes to branding, many companies focus on their own country and how they brand themselves for customers of that specific country.  They assume their international marketing strategy and global branding strategy will be much the same. But it is not and  businesses should understand the importance of global branding.

The world has become a smaller place thanks to fast (mobile) internet and devices at all price points. People can connect with others across the globe easier than ever before. That doesn’t mean people are the same everywhere. There are cultural differences which you need to take into account.  If customers cannot understand your company’s branding or don’t know you exist at all, then you’re not growing. It’s as simple as that.

So what goes into creating an excellent global branding strategy? It includes knowing your target audience, understanding any cultural differences between where you are and where your company is trying to sell itself, understanding a common language or symbols, and knowing the brands that already exist in that region. Some of these aspects can be achieved through research online and just spending some time learning about the target market. You can also hire agencies to do all the research for you. No matter how you go about: market research is always the first stage of planning global marketing strategies.

Then, when it comes to finding the right target audiences, it’s essential to use caution because sometimes stereotypes can come into play, causing PR problems. Apart from this, it is important  to know whether your company’s branding will fit into what your customers are used to seeing in their home countries or if you need to do something different. Each culture has other preferences or customs regarding colours, symbols, fonts, layouts, logos and so on.

Clear? Okay, let’s not delay any further and dive into explaining all about your global marketing strategy and brand strategy, so you have no problem understanding how to set up an international marketing strategy in the future.

What is a global marketing strategy and branding?

A global marketing strategy is what it says on the tin: a strategic marketing plan that explains a comprehensive marketing strategy for expanding a company’s presence in various countries around the world. In short: an international marketing strategy.

You must be able to answer specific questions to develop an effective worldwide marketing plan:
– What are we aiming for in a global market?

– What are our advantages and drawbacks in certain regions? 

– How can we overcome any problems we might face?

– What potential do we have in this industry?

A global marketing strategy or international marketing strategy should focus on increasing global brand recognition, gaining a competitive advantage, and positioning your company as a helpful alternative for the target audience. It also describes the marketing framework(s), materials and activities you use, such as newsletters, podcasts, ads or entire campaigns, but also analysis, planning, monitoring outcomes and gathering social proof. Usually, this is done by dividing everything into marketing channels like earned, owned and paid.

Other details are usually added to a global marketing strategy (international marketing strategy), as well as the brand strategy documents. You want to use the right product or service names and packaging (if you have/use it), have your pricing in different currencies, and tailor how you go about product launches (from the highest level, like when to launch, down to the minute details, like who takes responsibility for translations, copy checks, PR and website placement).

It’s also the place where you’ll find localised marketing efforts for various regions and new markets. It’s essential to add this. You want the different regions, usually referred to as the Americas, EMEA and APAC, to know how you plan to go about translating your corporate marketing and brand strategy into a local version that can be used by your local marketers to grow the brand. After all, you’ve got different cultures, languages and values to consider. Yet, everything has to translate back to the original brand values and international marketing strategy, as drawn up by HQ.

3 global marketing issues and how to handle global marketing

Global marketing strategies and brand strategies often result in beautifully designed documents that explain everything everyone needs to know. But that’s not where it ends. Now you must execute it. And that’s where most global marketing strategy or international marketing strategy issues arise. It’s especially important to know these if you’re in the tricky business of cross-border marketing. Maybe you encountered challenges before or maybe you wonder what can happen when you want to sell your brand internationally. Let’s name a few issues and how you go about solving them.

Global marketing issue 1: global marketing vs local marketing

Global marketing headquarters always struggle to execute marketing campaigns across various countries because they have to deal with a local marketing department. Even if their task is just to translate a global campaign into a local one, problems will arise. There is always debate on how to localise something.

Surely, the global marketing department will feel that the local marketing department differs too much from the global branding strategy or strategy. Local marketing will usually feel like they aren’t heard and are looked down upon by the marketers of the headquarters. The only way to counter this is to build some flexibility into your guidelines and make sure headquarters meet with its local marketers regularly so everybody feels heard.

Global marketing issue 2: reaching local target audiences

A great creative concept that meets all of the stated criteria and works well in the home country, might fail in other markets. This can happen for a number of reasons: language, culture or even certain local laws. Adapting an idea to fit different cultures and attitudes while maintaining the campaign’s core messages will always be a massive challenge for companies operating globally. It’s a difficult task to keep track of these creative, intellectual and emotional aspects across borders. And adding digital media into the mix—with all its technical, media, and channel choices—makes matters even more challenging.

The best way to handle these issues is to organise your marketing operations in detail. This makes your day-to-day more manageable and helps you counter any issues quickly. You can also be proactive and let all the local marketers draw up a list of the biggest do’s and don’ts. You can then give this list to any marketing agency to help you create a new international marketing strategy or campaign. This outsources some of the work and ensures that the basics are right from the start, so you won’t discover a problem when you’re close to the launch of your international marketing strategy.

Global marketing issue 3: measuring and reporting on campaigns

Global marketers face several challenges when it comes to measuring return on investment (ROI). They must account for (big-budget) campaign success in various countries. Because in the end, the performance of global marketers themselves is judged by the campaigns they handle. Working out goals with corresponding key performance indicators (KPI) at the start is essential for balanced reporting. You also need to make sure everybody knows what these KPIs are.

Global marketers, on the other hand, must be able to be flexible with the data from several different regions and maybe even systems in order to make it meaningful and consumable. Providing uniform measurement across a variety of channels and locations is still difficult, particularly when management demands short-term wins. And they usually do. Should a campaign not perform well enough, a debrief should be done so that everybody knows where the problem has come from and what should be done or measured to improve the following campaign.

Global marketing issue 4: understanding the target audience

While a global marketing campaign needs to be relevant to the global brand strategy and local demands, really understanding the target audience comes with a lot of issues. Local marketers will usually say their audience is different from the one that the global team used to draw data from. Don’t panic if you hear this. It’s rarely the case in reality.  Often, the locals just want to position themselves as experts and be seen and heard.

Not that the global marketing team never makes mistakes or loses sight of the target audience after caving in to demands from internal stakeholders. But these kinds of discussions can do a lot of harm on well-intentioned campaigns, turning them into campaigns that have no effect at all. And there are plenty of hilarious examples of global teams who demand silly campaigns to be implemented in countries where it will lead to brand damage. The bigger the company, the more likely this has happened.

You can avoid this mistake partly by doing proper market research and using the outcome. But the truth is that this data and information often gets put aside when company politics come into play. Whether that’s shareholders demanding to see some results from the company or marketing and sales teams fighting each other for influence and budget. Whatever the reason, every company should come up with plans to minimize those mistakes.

What is an integrated global marketing strategy?

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) means to have a strategic, collaborative marketing function where a targeted audience receives consistent, relevant brand messaging  from many different marketing channels. This is done to ensure prospects are buying the products or services.

At its most basic level, integrated marketing communications helps marketers in ensuring that they are utilising all of the available channels to maximize a campaign’s message and reach the right audience. So, along with all that we mentioned earlier, it is essential to be consistent in your messaging and output so that your brand won’t be damaged.

Global product strategies

Global product strategy refers to the management of a product in different regions of the world, intending to increase its strength and recognition in the markets in which it operates and sell to a given target audience based on local requirements.

Coca Cola, Red Bull and Nike are famous consumer brands with a global product strategy that ties into their various international marketing strategies as part of a great global marketing strategy formula.

For example, whether you see the Red Bull logo on a winning F1 car in Abu Dhabi or on a parachute of a base-jumper doing a crazy stunt in the US, you know without fail that it’s Red Bull, that it’s an energy drink, and that it helps you stay awake or concentrate for whatever extreme task at hand. It also signals that it’s a cool and fearless brand. So, this is a great example of global brand strategy, global product strategy and international marketing strategy put together to form a winning global marketing strategy.

Examples of product adaptation in foreign or international markets

Do you not have the time or budget to create this winning global marketing strategy with an international marketing strategy, global product strategy and global brand strategy for a new product? In that case, you should take a look at a product adaptation in foreign or international market strategies.

It helps you grow your business without launching a completely new product or changing production procedures. What you do is just adapt a new item to offer different benefits. It may also help you keep up with market changes and attitudes, which  could be important for your international marketing strategy or global brand strategy.

A minor product change can already make a difference and help  you stand out if it appeals to new audiences. But this will differ for every business and market. In certain situations, you will want to change more or less, depending on the product, international marketing strategy, global product strategy and global brand strategy for this product.

This can be about changing the product pricing, a quality adaptation, or making changes to the product or even the company. Just make sure everything still goes together with your international marketing strategy.

So, let’s see what a great international marketing strategy looks like for these wildly successful global companies that operate numerous sub-brands, products and services.
In some cases, they are juggling tens or maybe hundreds of brand strategies and international marketing strategies. It’s no wonder then that these multinational brands need a corporate brand strategy to tie all these brand strategies and international marketing strategies together!

Global marketing strategy example 1: Netflix – video streaming, The USA

Streaming video is the new internet. It’s no surprise that Netflix is so successful since just about everyone wants a subscription. The company has developed an agile and integrated approach to its brand strategy and international marketing strategy.

First of all, Netflix adopts a customer-centric approach to marketing. The company collects, analyses and applies data insights across all stages of the customer journey and blends them into one user-friendly and personalised streaming experience. It pulls out all the stops to meet its audience wherever they arefor example, by using advanced algorithms, machine learning and viewer data to rearrange programs over time, based on factors like your viewing history and preferred genres. This leads to the creation of tailor-made content advice that perfectly matches the taste and preference of individual viewers.

Netflix’s international marketing strategy is also multi-channel, innovative and integrated. You often come across Netflix advertising on mobile phones, although most people watch Netflix on larger devices, such as TVs or tablets.

Traditional marketing strategies that concentrate on getting sales through a few channels are being replaced by modern marketing methods that evolve with the market. Your brand, like Netflix, may interact with customers across a variety of media, devices and touchpoints if you utilise constant analysis and optimisation.

Citation: //www.voices.com/blog/global-content-strategy/ 

Global marketing strategy example 2: Apple – IT, The USA

In terms of revenue, as well as its brand ranking, Apple is the most important technology company in the world. Time and time again, Apple has introduced groundbreaking products that have revolutionised the IT market.

Apple focuses on a distinct target audience. As the most high-end IT brand on the market, it generally employs lifestyle segmentation. The urban demographic with sufficient purchasing power to acquire Apple items is the typical segment the company targets.

Apple’s marketing strategy is primarily founded on four ultra-strong pillars:

  1. The superior technology behind its products. Items like the Macbook and Apple Watch are clearly leaders in their particular market segments because of the OS and technology used.
  2. Apple shines when it comes to brand equity and has had a cult following of “brand fans” for quite a while.
  3. Apple’s high margins provide revenue over time.
  4. Apple invests a lot of time and expertise in R&D. The brand doesn’t only live in the present but also has a continuous focus on the future.

Apart from this, Apple has a very smart retail set-up that is focused on helping its customers rather than constantly stuffing new products down their throats. Besides operating its own retail stores, Apple is also present in many other modern and premium retail stores. Apple is one of the most elegant advertisers in the business. Printed ads and television commercials have a clear message and are visually appealing.

In the last decade, Apple started to bring more of its production line in-house, including its chip design. This has given the company a huge advantage over competitors that are stuck with slower silicon by Intel, AMD or Qualcomm. Apple’s biggest strength in the Tim Cook era is the operations side of the business.

Citation: //www.marketing91.com/marketing-strategy-apple/

Global marketing strategy example 3: Toyota – automotive, Japan

Toyota is a popular brand worldwide. Its cars and pickup trucks are known for being comfortable, reliable, well-manufactured and fuel-efficient—a feat that has helped the company gain momentum during and after the oil crisis of the 1970s. And all this at a competitive price!

Toyota started conquering the global markets in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s using a variety of strategies based on the company’s unique selling points. Take, for example, the global communication structure that Toyota has created throughout the years. It allows the Japanese car manufacturer to communicate with different offices across the globe through an impressive plethora of online and offline channels (email, telephone, app, chat, video conference, satellite phones). Modern communication technology also allows Toyota to control and monitor its worldwide business activities in an easier and more efficient fashion.

Toyota has also effectively harnessed traditional strong points like outstanding vehicle performance and low fuel consumption to cater to the growing legion of environmentally aware car users. High commission fees and an emphasis on the important role of local dealers fuel the proactive promotion of Toyota vehicles on the local markets.

By around 2000, Toyota had produced more than 100 million vehicles for export. To cater to the luxury segment and compete with the likes of Audi, BMW and Mercedes, Toyota created Lexus as a separate  brand, which was also the first car company to produce a hybrid consumer car in the 2000s.

Citation: //graduateway.com/international-marketing-assignment

Global marketing strategy example 4: Sony – consumer electronics, Japan

Sony is a well-known Japanese global conglomerate. A leading designer and producer of consumer and professional electronics, as well as the world’s largest video game console company and video game publisher, it is one of the world’s top technology firms.

Additionally, Sony is one of the world’s most important music companies (largest music publisher and second largest record label), as well as the third largest film studio, making it a very comprehensive media corporation. It is Japan’s leading technology and media conglomerate.

Like many other Japanese brands, Sony is known for its quality products, whether those are cameras, image sensors or screens. Sony has effectively embraced the concept of market mix and segmentation as an integral part of the marketing strategy. Sony offers a variety of products to serve specific needs in the market. Television and projectors, home audio, home video and gaming (PlayStation), in-car entertainment, home theatre systems, digital photography, handycam video cameras, and storage and recording media. Each category of these items is broken down into subcategories to serve niche interests in the market, creating a wide and highly diversified product lineup.

Additionally, Sony also embraces globalisation. The Sony brand is present in over 200 countries and is highly recognisable. The company has managed to market its products all over the world as if it’s acting as a national or regional company.


Global marketing strategy example 5: Nintendo – consumer electronics, Japan

Nintendo is a famous consumer electronics company that produces both hardware and software. Its games are very distinct in style and have given rise to popular sub-brands, like the Mario games, over the years.

Nowadays, Nintendo is concentrating on its Switch gaming console and making games for this device. It has also recently ventured into other gaming devices, like smartphones, with its games by launching distinct versions for iOS. The Switch is a handheld device that was launched to combat the increasing shift to mobile gaming. It has proven to be a top seller and a product that put Nintendo on the map again as a force to be reckoned with.

Nintendo provides a good example of an international market strategy and brand strategy where consistency is key. Catering to the company’s loyal followers is very important to keep sales going strong. Nintendo purposely focuses on a clear demographic and social target group: people from the age 15-35 who like video games but are not professional gamers.

When it comes to devising a promotion strategy, Nintendo focuses on the charisma and recognisability of familiar characters (Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Joshi) and a clever, multi-channel promotion through kid’s channels, prime channels, magazines, bulletins and social media. The company presents itself as an affordable and fun alternative to Sony and Microsoft (PlayStation and Xbox).


Global marketing strategy example 6: Huawei – telco & IT, China

Huawei was rapidly becoming one of the largest smartphone and telco/networking companies worldwide, leading the charge with the global transition to 5G. The ongoing trade war between the US and China has, however, thrown a spanner in the works, with the US outlawing sales of most of Huawei’s products in the US itself and pressuring allies to do the same.

The brand continues to sell well in China, and many countries around the world still use its networking technology and other products to roll out its 5G networks. Consistent and heavy investment in advertising and communications has been the mainstay of Huawei’s brand strategy. A significant part of Huawei’s leap from regional player to global leader is also the result of the company’s astute international marketing strategy of building brand partnerships (3Com, Symantec) throughout its development. Huawei also invests quite a lot of energy and money into influencer marketing.


Global marketing strategy example 7: Alibaba – e-commerce & IT, China

Alibaba is known for its B2B, C2C and B2C e-commerce marketplaces. It was one of a number of fast-growing Chinese tech companies that ventured across the tightly controlled Chinese borders in the 2000s. Via sub-brands like the AliExpress marketplace, it gained international popularity among those wanting to easily buy cheap Chinese goods online. Many dropshippers also use the company’s B2B platform to do business.

Alibaba’s international strategy was based on a realisation by founder Jack Ma that in order to gain international appeal, the company needed an international name that was easy to pronounce. It actively did this by pioneering the “new retail” philosophy. A household name in China, Alibaba’s approaching adolescence on the global stage helps brands unlock the potential of Chinese consumers. The company makes it easier for companies to do business everywhere in the following ways:

  • Seamlessly integrating online and offline by utilising data synergies to create operational efficiency.
  • Creating a global infrastructure of commerce through technology.
  • Building a comprehensive, globally present commercial operating system that facilitates “Retail as a Service”.
  • Creating the ultimate shopper-centric platform by combining huge data assets to launch a powerful suite of marketing services.
  • Alibaba managed to make good use of the fact that China is more or less the factory of the world, and that the sellers on its platforms quickly catered to both domestic and international demand. Nowadays, Alibaba is involved in numerous other ventures, such as artificial intelligence, payments and cloud computing.

Citation: //consulting.kantar.com/growth-hub/why-alibaba-is-more-than-a-gateway-to-china/

Global marketing strategy example 8: Booking.com – travel & accommodation, the Netherlands

Booking.com has made booking accommodation online easy. While it started out as a Dutch company way back in the Web 1.0 era of 1996, it mostly started gaining widespread popularity during the Web 2.0 era in the 2000s.

Both its mobile app and website make it very easy to instantly book and pay for any accommodation in just about any country in the world. That’s a huge differentiator compared to going to a local travel agency and booking something there.

Other successful aspects of Booking.com’s marketing and brand strategy are:

  • The option to book special and exclusive accommodations through its Preferred Plus programme.
  • The active promotion of actions aimed at building customer loyalty. Credit for future bookings, promo codes with discounts, free taxis and savings on commissions are some prime examples of marketing geared towards creating customer loyalty.

Citation: //www.mirai.com/blog/what-booking-com-was-doing-to-gain-market-share-while-we-were-all-in-lockdown/

Global marketing strategy example 9: Philips – medical & consumer electronics, the Netherlands

Philips made a big name for itself in consumer electronics. The Dutch international was founded way back in 1891, when it started producing light bulbs. Over the years, the company has made products like radios, TVs, electric shavers and video cassette recorders. It even invented the CD (and later the Blu-ray) and brought it to the market with Sony. However, medical devices is where the company’s current focus lies.

More importantly, Philips recognised opportunities and used its engineering prowess to bring revolutionary products to the market, such as the CD or Blu-ray. It also saw that collaborations with the likes of Sony were necessary to produce these items at a mass scale. Branding-wise, Philips is known for providing usable, quality products at a reasonable price. The company follows a set international marketing strategy of “keeping it simple” and plans to launch “experience zones” that allow potential customers to explore a product before purchasing it. Do-it-yourself and experiential videos are aimed at strengthening the connection between Philips and its customer base.

Citation: //brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/marketing/with-keeping-it-simple-strategy-philips-to-take-social-media-route-to-market-its-latest-product/70449766

Global marketing strategy example 10: Heineken – beverage, The Netherlands

Heineken is a Dutch beer brand that was founded in 1873. Over the years, the company managed to create a unique flavour and gained recognition by winning prestigious international awards.

By tweaking its branding to perfection, like implementing a smiling letter “e” and switching to green bottles instead of the brown ones used by most other brands of the time, Heineken really did stand out. Heineken also brands itself as a company that holds corporate social responsibility in high regard. It actively communicates that it wants to protect the environment. That’s why its products are green and recyclable. Moreover, Heineken promotes responsible alcohol consumption.

With its marketing and branding prowess, Heineken is going places by sponsoring strategic sporting events like the Olympics, where there’s usually a Holland Heineken House, big soccer events, and Formula 1. And, of course, Daniel Craig’s incarnation of James Bond also regularly drinks a bottle of Heineken in the more recent 007 movies…

Citation: //medium.com/marketing-marques-innovation-bordeaux/heineken-how-did-it-become-the-most-popular-brand-in-the-beer-market-f461e2503dff

Global marketing strategy example 11: Unilever – consumer goods, England

This Dutch/British company was founded in 1930 and currently sells a vast assortment of consumer products around the world. Unilever is known for its thorough customer and market research. Not a bad international marketing strategy!

For example, the Dove brand is well-known for using forward-thinking marketing campaigns, like the “Real Beauty” campaign, that redefine stereotypes of its target audience—in this case, predominantly women. In general, Unilever has become and managed to remain top of mind thanks to a clever combination of traditional and large-scale advertising (billboards, video advertisements), sales promotions (for example, giving customers free ice cream or a beverage when they buy products like Dove, Lux or Surf), smart, clearly defined and globally uniform distribution processes, and a product strategy that focuses on the relationship between a specific product and the culture of a specific area.

The Axe/Lynx brand is usually a little more ironic in its tone, and the Axe Apollo Space Academy (AASA) campaign was quite ambitious. However, it fits the target audience.
Citation: //academic-master.com/unilever-marketing-strategy/

Global marketing strategy example 12: GlaxoSmithKline – pharmaceutical, England

GlaxoSmithKline, also known as GSK, is the sixth largest pharma company in the world with around 45 billion USD in revenue.

Its overall marketing efforts are focused on the brands and products that provide it with the greatest growth and highest profits. The company has seven so-called global power brands, such as Sensodyne, Voltaren, Panadol, and Theraflu, as well as 12 regional core brands like Tums and Excedrin. The goal of its international marketing strategy: bring together two highly complementary portfolios of trusted consumer health brands, which cements and further strengthens the image of reliability that the company seeks to present.

Additionally, GSK has also developed a strong focus on digital transformation. The aim is to deliver more meaningful interactions with consumers, fuel brand growth and achieve efficiency savings. This was done by hiring new digital talent, partnering up with a new media agency and developing new partners. The company has also allocated more financial resources towards digital innovation and transformation. And last but not least: GSK’s overall marketing strategy is highly targeted on the brands that deliver the strongest growth numbers and biggest return margins.

Citation: //www.orientation.agency/insights/benchmark-series-gsk-pharmaceuticals

Global marketing strategy example 13: HSBC – banking, England

HSBC is a financial behemoth that needs no introduction. A campaign that the British company released in the Asian metropole of Hong Kong seeks, in HSBC’s own words, to project optimism and confidence in Hong Kong’s future, as well as highlight HSBC’s commitment to playing its full part in supporting individuals, businesses and the community of its home market.

A positive “can-do” attitude is at the core of HSBC’s marketing strategy, even in dire economic or pandemic-troubled times. The message that the company sends out by adopting this public attitude? Great brands are not just out there to make a lot of money but also to provide hope in both good times and bad. 

Citation: //www.campaignasia.com/article/great-brands-always-provide-hope-hsbc-on-the-imperative-behind-its-new-hk-bran/462548

Global marketing strategy example 14: Adidas  – sporting goods, Germany

Adidas is all about wanting to be the best sporting goods company in the world. This broad but clear mission makes it easier for it to fit marketing activities into its international marketing strategy. That’s because sporting goods are fairly easy to attach to strong, positive emotions like winning.

The company supports its business strategy (a limited supply of key items) with an international marketing strategy that uses endorsements from big names in the sporting world and a focus on social media to capture the attention of its target audiences. The marketing and branding strategy of Adidas focuses on:

  • Collaboration through powerful endorsement contracts with well-known athletes and non-athletes (Pharrell Williams, Kanye West).
  • Innovation. Using recycled plastics in its shoes and clothing is a good example.
  • Limiting supply. Limiting the availability of a number of popular shoes helps Adidas to increase its merchandise margins.
  • Social media. Adidas has active Facebook and YouTube channels where it has uploaded thousands of promotional videos for its products.

Citation: //heartofcodes.com/marketing-strategy-of-adidas-adidas-target-market/

Global marketing strategy example 15: Deutsche Telekom – telecommunications , Germany

T-Mobile is a DT brand with international recognition because of its magenta logo and clear branding. It won a prestigious Red Dot Award for creating a simple, minimalistic brand that keeps on being reinvented and updated. It was the number four European telecommunication company in 2008 and currently leads the charts.

The company managed to do this by focusing on brand experience, experimenting a lot with messaging, and expanding rapidly into different countries. Telekom’s marketing strategy is all about inclusiveness. “Life is for sharing” highlights Telekom’s path away from a pure technology provider to a wider mission that still defines the company’s claim today: to foster the exchange of knowledge and experience.

The recognisable pink colour and logo is another trademark that accentuates and consolidates Telekom’s brand identity and increases the recognisability of the company. Atmospheric images, hip music, promotions and powerful testimonials reinforce the overall message that everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of modern technology and fast internet.

Citation: //www.marmind.com/blog/deutsche-telekom-marketing-strategy/

Global marketing strategy example 16: Kindred Group – iGaming, Malta

The Kindred Group is a publicly-traded iGaming company with offices on four continents that provides a variety of entertainment offerings, including online poker, sports betting, and online casinos.

Kindred’s international marketing strategy is predominantly aimed at collecting and analysing valuable data. It translates information into actionable, easy-to-understand insights about its most effective channels, customers, and marketing efforts. In doing so, the company can drive customer retention and engagement, but also optimise ad spend.

Citation: //www.keboola.com/blog/kindred-transforming-raw-data-into-powerful-insights

Global marketing strategy example 17: Kerry Group – consumer goods, Ireland

Kerry Group is an Irish consumer goods company that’s big in Europe. The company’s marketing strategies are focused on innovation, different pricing approaches, such as premium brands mixed with more economical ones and pricing to match, as well as promotion planning and more.

Citation: //www.mbaskool.com/marketing-mix/products/17690-kerry-group.html

Global marketing strategy example 18: Carrefour consumer goods, France

After spending five decades as France’s largest retail company, Carrefour has successfully expanded across Europe and the world, becoming one of Europe’s major retailers.

The secret behind Carrefour’s success is its constant pursuit of localisation. The majority of its market entries have been done through greenfield or collaborative strategies, subject to local legislation. This helps it to meet the demands and preferences of its local consumers.

The biggest differentiator for Carrefour’s success has been its more ingrained adjustment to the local environment and the appreciation of local consumer behaviours and cultures. The company is also committed to sponsoring local economic development wherever it is operating globally, an approach that creates a lot of goodwill and customer loyalty.

Citation: //www.ukessays.com/essays/marketing/the-global-strategy-of-french-retailer-carrefour-marketing-essay.php

What are the components of a global marketing strategy?

The Core Global Marketing Strategy Components.
Define and Separate Global and Local Activities. ... .
Resonate with the Needs of Local Markets. ... .
Build a Proactive Marketing Strategy. ... .
Energize Your Local Marketing Campaigns. ... .
Keep Track of All Marketing Processes. ... .
Examine the Overall Impact of Marketing Actions..

How can we promote international marketing?

Here are the top five realistic ways to promote your product globally:.
Leverage the Power of Storytelling. Stories sell products. ... .
Use Local Influencers to Build Product Awareness. ... .
Take Advantage of Advertising (Both Online and Offline) ... .
Partner With Established Businesses in Your Target Market. ... .
Sponsor Events..

What is the importance of global marketing?

Global marketing allows you to sell more products, attract more customers and enlarge your market share in different countries. Your brand influence will increase. Building a well-known brand's reputation gives you a powerful competitive advantage in local markets of different countries.

Which of the following defines global marketing quizlet?

Which of the following defines Global Marketing? The performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.


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