Which phase of the menstrual cycle involves the release of an unfertilized ovum Quizlet

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1, 3, 5

Adverse effects of clomiphene, an ovarian stimulant, include anxiety, dizziness, blurred vision, tachycardia, deep vein thrombosis, nausea, constipation, urticaria, and others. Hirsutism, bradycardia, and increased diuresis are not known adverse effects associated with clomiphene.

Answer: B

Before advising a client about oral contraceptives, the nurse needs to assess the client for signs and symptoms of hypertension. Clients who have hypertension, thrombophlebitis, obesity, or a family history of cerebral or cardiovascular accident are poor candidates for oral contraceptives. In addition, women who smoke, are older than 40 years of age, or have a history of pulmonary disease should be advised to use a different method. Iron-deficiency anemia, dysmenorrhea, and acne are not contraindications for the use of oral contraceptives. Iron-deficiency anemia is a common disorder in young women. Oral contraceptives decrease the amount of menstrual flow and thus decrease the amount of iron lost through menses, thereby providing a beneficial effect when used by clients with anemia. Low-dose oral contraceptives to prevent ovulation may be effective in decreasing the severity of dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Dysmenorrhea is thought to be caused by the release of prostaglandins in response to tissue destruction during the ischemic phase of the menstrual cycle. Use of oral contraceptives often improves facial acne

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Terms in this set (58)

A patient is receiving intravenous methylergonovine after a vaginal delivery. Which postpartum assessment is the nurse's priority to prevent complications of therapy?
Decreased lochia
Uterine contractions


Question During a postpartum assessment, the nurse notes a boggy uterus and increased uterine bleeding. Which drug should the nurse anticipate will be prescribed?
Prostaglandin E


Which medication helps reduce postpartum uterine hemorrhage? Methylergonovine


A 6-year-old child who has chickenpox also has a fever of 102.9* F (39.4 C). The child's mother asks the nurse if she should use aspirin to reduce the fever. What is the best response by the nurse?
"It's best to wait to see if the fever gets worse."
"You can use the aspirin, but watch for worsening symptoms."
"Acetaminophen (Tylenol) should be used to reduce his fever, not aspirin."
"You can use aspirin, but be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle."

"Acetaminophen (Tylenol) should be used to reduce his fever, not aspirin."

The current immunization for tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis, Tdap, is administered to people in which age range?
Under 6 years of age
11-12 years of age and older
Any age range
In the first two years of life.

11-12 years of age and older

What is the priority nursing assessment to monitor when administering vaccinations?
Pain at the injection site
Signs and symptoms of infection Myalgias


A 12-month-old infant has received an MMR II (measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine), and her mother calls the clinic that afternoon to ask about helping her fussy infant to "feel better." What will the nurse suggest?
Apply an ice pack to the injection site.
Apply warm compresses to the injection site.
Observe the site for further swelling and redness.
Bring the infant in to the emergency department for an immediate examination.

Apply warm compresses to the injection site.

An allergy to which substance is listed as a contraindication to the administration of an immunizing drug?


What teaching would the nurse provide to a patient receiving tetanus toxoid?
"Increase fluid and fiber in your diet to prevent constipation."
"Soreness at the injection site is a common reaction."
"You will have lifetime immunity from this injection. This medication must be repeated weekly for four weeks."

"Soreness at the injection site is a common reaction"

A nurse instructor is about to administer a vitamin K injection to a newborn. The student nurse asks the instructor regarding the purpose of the injection. The appropriate response would be:
"The vitamin K provides active immunity
The vitamin K will prevent the occurrence of hyperbilirubinemia.
The vitamin K will protect the newborn from bleeding.
The vitamin K will serve as protection against jaundice and anemia

The vitamin K will protect the newborn from bleeding.

A patient arrives at the clinic with a wound inflicted by a rusty nail. After checking the patient's history, the nurse finds that the patient last received the tetanus booster about 10 years earlier. What is the most approriate nursing action in this situation?
Administer Tdap.
Administer DTAP.
Administer immunoglobulin
Administer polyvalent vaccine

Administer Tdap.

The nursing instructor asks a nursing student to describe the procedure for administering erythromycin ointnent to the eyes of a newborn, Which student statement indicates that FURTHER teaching is needed?
"I will flush the eyes after instilling the ointment."
"I will clean the newborn's eyes before instilling ointment."
"I need to administer the eye ointment within 1 hour after delivery."
"I will instill the eye ointment into each of the newborn's conjunctival sacs."

"I will flush the eyes after instilling the ointment."

Which vaccination is recommended in the prevention of a virus that is known to cause cervical cancer?
Herpes zoster vaccine
Human papillomavirus vaccine
Pneumococcal vaccine
Hepatitis B virus vaccine

Human papillomavirus vaccine

A nurse is assessing an athlete who has been admitted for cardiac arrest. The investigation reports reveal increased blood viscosity. Which drug did the patient likely receive?
Folic acid
Ferrous fumarate
Epoetin alfa
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)

Epoetin alfa

What instructions are given to a patient who is prescribed oral iron tablets?
"Take the iron tablet in a powdered form."
"Take an iron tablet just before going to bed.
"Take the iron tablet after dissolving it in water using a straw."
"Take the iron tablet with plenty of fluids."

"Take the iron tablet with plenty of fluids."

The nurse is assessing a patient who has been taking warfarin and vitamin K1 for the past week. The lab reports reveal that the patient has developed venous thromboembolism. What vitamin ingestion may be the reason for this finding?
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

Vitamin K

A patient with warfarin toxicity is prescribed vitamin K. Which nursing assessment ensures patient safety?
Assess the site for intramuscular drug delivery.
Assess the white blood cell count of the patient.
Assess the amount of blood loss in the patient.
Assess the prothrombin time of the patient.

Assess the prothrombin time of the patient.

The nurse is monitoring a patient receiving alteplase for treatment of an arterial embolism in the left leg. Which finding indicates that the therapy is effective?
2+ pitting edema
Faint posterior tibial pulse
Left leg warm to touch
Numbness in left leg

Left leg warm to touch

The nurse assesses the patient's activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) to determine the effectiveness of the heparin regimen and notes that it is 35 seconds. How will the nurse interpret this value?
The The aPTT is inadequate to evaluate treatment.
The APTT is significantly decreased.
The APTT is significantly elevated.
The aPTT is within normal limits.

The aPTT is significantly decreased.

The nurse is caring for a patient who is prescribed long-term aspirin therapy to prevent a stroke. Which parameters should the nurse assess as a result of this prescription? Select all that apply.
Heart rate
Platelet Count
Blood Pressure
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)

Platelet Count
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)

A patient who has been receiving an intusion of heparin has an activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of 120 seconds. What is the nurse's first action?
Assess for bleeding
Shut off the heparin drip
Keep the patient on bed rest
Call the health care provider

Shut off the heparin drip

Which statement, made by the patient, demonstrates a knowledge deficit regarding colestipol (Colestid)?
The medication may cause constipation, so I will increase fluid and fiber in my diet."
"I should take this medication 1 hour after or 4 hours before my other medications."
"I might need to take fat-soluble vitamins to supplement my diet."
"I should mix and stir the powder in a small amount of fluid as possible in order to maintain potency of the medication."

"I should mix and stir the powder in a small amount of fluid as possible in order to maintain potency of the medication."

What education and discharge information for a patient receiving an antilipemic medication would the nurse include for the patient?
"This medication will take over for other interventions you have been trying to decrease your cholesterol."
"It is important for you to double your dose if you miss one in order to maintain therapeutic blood levels."
"Stop taking the medication if it causes nausea and vomiting."
"Continue your exercise program, and maintain a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids."

"Continue your exercise program, and maintain a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids."

The nurse is providing postpartum care for a female patient who is prescribed methylergonovine. Which aspect of the patient's medical history would be a contraindication for receiving this drug?
Uterine atony
Nausea and vomiting
Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Which monitoring parameter should be evaluated for drug effectiveness for a patient in labor who is receiving oxytocin? Select all that apply.
Fetal heart rate
Fetal movement
Uterine hyperactivity
The patient's blood pressure and pulse Complete blood cell count

Fetal heart rate
Fetal movement
The patient's blood pressure and pulse

Which mechanism of action of raloxifene would the nurse include when conducting patient teaching?
Promotes bone absorption of calcium
Inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone reabsorption
Contains estrogen which stimulates bone reabsorption
Stimulates estrogen receptors on the bone to increase bone density

Stimulates estrogen receptors on the bone to increase bone density

Which assessment finding indicates that a patient is a suitable candidate for oxytocin therapy?
Vaginal bleeding at 38 weeks' gestation
Ineffective contractions in a full-term pregnancy
Absence of cervical ripening at 42 weeks' gestation
Radiographic confirmation of cephalopelvic disproportion

Ineffective contractions in a full-term pregnancy

A patient with menopausal symptoms is seeking hormone replacement therapy During the assessment, the nurse finds that the patient has a history of endometrial cancer and is a smoker. Which information would the nurse provide to the patient?
"The therapy may cause thromboembolic events." "
"You may need to stop smoking during the therapy."
"The treatment should be started as soon as possible."
"The treatment is likely to cause endometrial cancer."

"The therapy may cause thromboembolic events."

The nurse is assessing a female patient who has osteoporosis. The nurse finds that the patient is prescribed a bisphosphonate instead of calcitonin. Which aspect of the patient's medical history may be a reason for this prescription?
Breast cancer
Current smoker
Allergy to salmon
Joint pain

Allergy to salmon

Which statement made by the patient indicates that ospemifene is effective?
"I no longer experience hot flashes."
"I have not experienced any uterine bleeding."
"I am no longer experiencing painful intercourse."
"I have seen a great improvement in my sexual desire."

"I am no longer experiencing painful intercourse."

Which medications listed in a patient's medical history concern the nurse for a patient prescribed raloxifene? Select all that apply.


Which statement made by the nurse regarding the hormonal activity during the monthly menstrual cycle needs correction?
"Estrogen levels inhibit the release of follicle-stimulating hormone."
"High progesterone levels inhibit the release of luteinizing hormone."
"Decreased Gn-RH suppresses the release of follicle-stimulating hormone."
"Surges of Gn-RH, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone stimulate ovulation."

"High progesterone levels inhibit the release of luteinizing hormone."

The obstetrics nurse reviews a postpartum patient's history. The patient is prescribed methylergonovine for control of postpartum hemorage. Which are essential nursing interventions for a pateint recieving this med? Select all that apply.
Monitor the patient for blurred vision.
Administer it before placenta delivery.
Monitor blood pressure during administration.
Assess for pelvic inflammatory disease.
Question the prescription if the patient has liver disease.

Monitor the patient for blurred vision.
Monitor blood pressure during administration.
Assess for pelvic inflammatory disease.
Question the prescription if the patient has liver disease.

A female patient using contraceptives complains of headaches. Which contraceptive is the patient likely using?
Cervical cap with spermicidal jelly
Norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol
Male condom with spermicidal jelly

Norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol

A 46-year-old female patient who complains of hot flashes, fatigue, and sleep disorders unwilling to start hormonal therapy. Which nursing intervention is appropriate for this patient?
Persuade the patient to start the therapy.
Ask the patient to include soy in her diet.
Advise the patient to engage in quiet activities.
Inform the patient about the benefits and risks of the therapy.

Ask the patient to include soy in her diet.

The clinical reports of a patient taking fertility drugs indicate an increase in prolactin concentrations, which leads to impaired fertility. Which information would the nurse obtain from the patient?
Current smoking status
Presence of abnormal uterine bleeding
Current use of medications for depression
Compliance with the fertility drugs

Presence of abnormal uterine bleeding

A female patient is taking estrogen with progesterone. To facilitate monitoring of the risks associated with this therapy, which instruction would the nurse include in patient teaching?
"Have a yearly mammogram."
"Have tests for serum cholesterol."
"Perform weight-bearing exercise."
"Report missed menstrual periods."

"Have a yearly mammogram."

The clinical report of a patient who is undergoing estrogen therapy indicates thrombosis. Which event may the nurse suspect as the cause of thrombosis?
Cigarette use
Low fluid intake
Use of herbal supplements
Current tricyclic antidepressant use

Cigarette use

The clinical reports of a patient taking a bisphosphonate and calcium supplement indicate poor therapeutic levels of the bisphosphonate. Which changes in the medication administration will the nurse need to encourage the patient to implement?
"Discontinue the calcium supplement."
"Space the medications 1 to 2 hours apart."
"Replace the bisphosphonate with calcitonin."
"Obtain a prescription for increasing the bisphosphonate dose." supplements

"Space the medications 1 to 2 hours apart."

The labor and delivery nurse is caring for a patient in preterm labor who is receiving indomethacin. The patient develops hypotension. Which action would the nurse perform?
Place the patient on her left side.
Immediately discontinue intravenous (IV) fluids.
Administer phentolamine mesylate.
Instruct the patient to bear down and push.

Place the patient on her left side.

Which condition is a contraindication to the use of oral contraceptives?
Renal failure
Ovarian failure
Pulmonary embolism
Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Pulmonary embolism

The nurse is about to administer dinoprostone to a patient. Which condition is this medication used for?
Premature labor
Accelerated labor
Postpartum hemorrhage
Termination of pregnancy

Termination of pregnancy

What is the purpose of giving estrogen therapy in combination with progestins?
To treat ovarian cancer
To treat breast cancer
To prevent endometrial cancer
To reduce the chances of vaginal cancer

To prevent endometrial cancer

A pregnant patient is receiving magnesium sulfate to inhibit uterine contractions. The patient develops depressed reflexes and confusion. Which medication does the nurse anticipate administering?
Protamine sulfate
Calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate

The nurse at the fertility clinic is instructing a patient about the adverse effects of clomiphene. Which effects would the nurse instruct the patient to report to the health care provider? Select all that apply.
Blurred vision Increased diuresis

Blurred vision

Which medication may decrease the effectiveness of norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol?
Calcium citrate


Which statement indicates that the patient understands the benefit of continUous administration of progestin with an estrogen regimen?
"Endometrial cancer risk can be reduced by adding progestin."
"The progestin in the regimen will help prevent breast cancer."
"The progestin in the regimen will help prevent ovarian cancer."
"Vaginal cancer is prevented by adding progestin to the regimen."

"Endometrial cancer risk can be reduced by adding progestin."

What is the reason for prescribing dinoprostone to a patient who is at 38 weeks' gestation of pregnancy?
To terminate pregnancy
To induce cervical ripening
To treat gestational hypertension
To treat pelvic inflammatory disease

To induce cervical ripening

The nurse is assessing a patient who is prescribed estrogen replacement therapy. A history of which medical condition would be a contraindication to this therapy?
Weight loss
Uterine bleeding
Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis

Which black box warning for oral contraceptives would the nurse teach to a patient? Select all that apply.
Dementia Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Cigarette smoking
Cardiovascular disease
Serious cardiovascular events

Breast cancer
Cigarette smoking
Cardiovascular disease
Serious cardiovascular events

Which adverse reaction may occur as a result of raloxifene use during perimenopause?
Hot flashes
Loss of hair
Brown discoloration of face
Yellow undertone to the skin

Hot flashes

During a postpartum assessment, the nurse notes a boggy uterus and increased uterine bleeding. Which drug would the nurse anticipate will be prescribed?
Prostaglandin E


Which hormone is responsible for initiating activity in the ovary?
Luteotropic hormone
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Which medication is contraindicated in a patient who has osteoporosis and a history of deep vein thrombosis?


The nurse observes that a female patient is at risk for postpartum uterine hemorrhage. Which medication would the nurse discuss with the health care provider to initiate?


Which medication is used to treat hypogonadism?
Esterified estrogens

Esterified estrogens

Which clinical manifestations can be observed in a patient who is receiving teriparatide therapy? Select all that apply.
Joint pain
Chest pain
Hot flashes
Loss of appetite

Joint pain
Chest pain

Which phase of the menstrual cycle involves the release of an unfertilized ovum?
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4

Phase 3

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What is released ovulation quizlet?

The mature egg cell is released from the ovary, this is called ovulation. The egg cell travels through the egg tube towards the uterus. The uterus grows a thick lining of glands and blood vessels, the uterus is ready to feed and protect a fertilised ovum. The release of the ovum to the ovary.

Which hormone initiates the cycle of events in the female ovary?

Leutinizing hormone (LH), the other reproductive pituitary hormone, aids in egg maturation and provides the hormonal trigger to cause ovulation and the release of eggs from the ovary.

Which medication is most likely to promote follicular maturation in an infertile female?

In women, hCG is used during infertility treatment to trigger final follicular maturation and ovulation, as well as for luteal phase support.

Which hormone is produced by the fertilized oocyte quizlet?

-If the released egg is fertilized, it will be implanted into the uterine wall. -Following implantation, a developing embryo begins to secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which keeps the corpus luteum functional.


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