Which political party wants more government regulation of the economy quizlet?

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American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Terms in this set (73)

Politicial culture

the set of attitudes that shape political behavior.


belief in the fundamental worth and importance of the individual; the freedom to enjoy one's own promise while also enjoying the benefits and protections of living in society.

Equal Opportunity

equal rights of people to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

Free Enterprise

private business operates largely without government control.

Rule of Law

principle of a government that establishes laws that apply to all members of society; "They [enlightenment philosophers] define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men." - John Adams

Limited Government

a government is under control bu law and by checks and balances and by separation of powers.


the beliefs and ideas that help to shape political opinion and policy.

Alexis de Tocqueville

" Without common ideas, there is no common action, and without common action men still exist, but a social body does not. Thus in order that there be society, and all the more, that this society prosper, it is necessary that all the minds of the citizens always be brought together and held together by some principle ideas."

How do political parties inform their stances and encourage citizens to vote for their candidates?

Through political ideologies.

What does competing ideological differences lead to ?

tension in policy making

How political scientists measure?

They measure the attitudes people form about these values, not how much the Americans believe in the values.

What is Political Socialization?

the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values

What helps develop political beliefs?

-economic status

Political Ideology

a set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of government.


value a stronger federal government to protect economic security and civil rights. They also believe in personal freedom from government intervention in social conduct.


support traditional values and believe in limited government and prefer self-reliance in economic affairs. Morality is important in creating public policy and should not be seen as only a private concern.

What are liberal views on (1) military spending, (2) use of force, (3) abortion, (4) prayer in schools, (5) affirmative action, (6) scope of government, (7) taxes, (8) spending, (9) how to cut crime, and (10) defendant's rights.

(1) believe we should spend less
(2) less willing to commit troops to action, such as the war in Iraq
(3) support "freedom of choice"
(4) are opposed to prayers in school
(5) favor affirmative action
(6) view government as a regulator in the public interest
(7) want to tax the rich more
(8) want to spend more on the poor
(9) believe we should solve the problems that cause crime
(10) believe we should guard them carefully

What are conservative views on (1) military spending, (2) use of force, (3) abortion, (4) prayer in schools, (5) affirmative action, (6) scope of government, (7) taxes, (8) spending, (9) how to cut crime, and (10) defendant's rights.

(1) believe we should maintain peace through strength
(2) more likely to support military intervention around the world
(3) support "right to life"
(4) are supportive of prayer in schools
(5) oppose affirmative action
(6) favor free-market solutions
(7) want to keep taxes low
(8) want to keep spending low
(9) believe we should stop "coddling criminals"
(10) believe that we should stop letting criminals hide behind laws


communication and receptivity are key factors; plays important role in political values during early years. "Kitchen Table Politics"


Socioeconomic characteristics expressed statistically such as age, gender, education level, income level, martial status, occupation, religion, etc.


Citizens who faithfully practice their religion tend to be more conservative; Protestants, Evangelicals, those who attend church on a regular basis tend to be more conservative/vote republican.


Caucasians as a group are most often found on the right side of the political spectrum; African americans are the most reliable sub-group on the left; ninety percent of all African Americans vote democratic. Pacific Rim citizens, due to their religious and family traditions, tend to the right and republican party.


men tend to be more conservative and therefore supporters of the Republican Party; Women on the other hand are more liberal and side with the democrats.


older people = tend to be more conservative and younger people tend to be more liberal.


the more educated you are the more likely you are to be conservative . The one exception would be those citizens holding graduate degrees. Statistically college graduates narrowly vote republican. Those with less education narrowly vote Democratic.


Education influences this demographic characteristic more than any other. Those occupations requiring more education tend to lean more towards the conservative side. White collar jobs lean Republican while blue collar jobs tend to be more democratic. This means labor unions, a smaller percentage of our total workforce, are reliable voters on the left.

Economic Status

The republican party and its values tend to appeal to the middle class. The democratic party champions lower classes. The wealthy are more split in their political allegiances. Determining the political persuasion of the wealthy depends upon other leading demographic ingredients.


Democrats do better in urban environments while republicans win more in suburban and rural areas. Liberals democrats dominate the Northeast. The south is solidly conservative and republican. The west cost now leans strongly liberal though the Plains are clearly conservative. Many of the fiercest political background states now reside in the Midwest.

Generational/Lifecycle/Period Events

can have immediate impact on political values; shape a generations views of government (Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, Vietnam War, Cold War, 9/11)

Cross Cutting Cleavages

demographic "tensions" thatr exist in a person. (i.e. religion pushes an individual to the right but their race pushes them to the left.

What political socialization factors have the greatest influence?

Religion, Race, and Education.


the process in which people, ideas, and goods spread throughout the world, spurring more interaction and integration between the world's cultures, governments, and economies... interconnected world economy and culture (fueled by lowered trade barriers and advancements in communications)

How has globalization influenced American Politics?

By increasing the extent to which the United States influences and is influenced by, the values of other countries!

What are benefits of Globalization?

Promotion of democratic ideals, religious toleration, equal justice for all, gender issues, environmental concerns, creating economic opportunities for all citizens.

What are challenges of Globalization?

Difficulty with consensus on issues (health care, immigration, national security), too much reliance on U.S. to address issues (terrorism, authoritarian governments)

Maragaret Thatcher

T.I.N.A (there is no alternative). Global capitalism, free markets, and free trade are the best and only way for societies to advance.

What type of ideology is the democratic party influenced?

Liberal ideology (Liberals value change and are open to different experiences)

How do political scientist view liberals?

They view them as viewing society to be more like a "caring family"... the role of government is to assure greater fairness, equality, and moral justice.

How do liberals view government?

Liberals often see government as the solution, to help solve societal ills.

What type of ideology influences the Republican Party?

The Republican party is generally influenced by conservative ideology. Conservatives value stability with n emphasis on maintaining traditions (conservatives generally support the status quo)

How do the republicans see the government?

They see government as less of a solution and more as a problem.

How do conservatives characterize government?

Not as a loving parent, but more as an authoritarian obstruction to free markets.

Public Policy

intentional course of action followed by government in dealing with a problem or matter of concern.

Which institutions in our political system are responsible for making public policy?

Both the federal and local governments.

Policy Agenda

lost of potential policy ideas, bills, or plans to improve society... institutions compete for agenda setting in U.S. political system.

What are the steps in the Policy Making Process?

1. Agenda Setting
2. Policy Formulation
3. Policy Adoption
4. Policy implementation
5. Policy evaluation
( If a policy is found to be ineffective, the policy making process will restart)

Fiscal Policy

the use of taxes and spending to impact the economy

Monetary Policy

the use of money supply and interest rates (cost of money... borrow) to impact the economy.

How does the government stabilize the economy?

through monetary and fiscal policy.

Keynesian Economics

theory that recommends that during a recession the national government increase its spending and decrease taxes, and during a boom, cut spending and increase taxes.
-Government should create the right level of supply and demand.

Demand Side Economics

economic theory that advocates government spending and increase in money supply; government spending creates employment opportunities which help to create demand in the economy.

Key concept of economics

deficit spending during recessions and depressions and collecting a surplus when the economy is balanced should lead to a balanced budget.

What form of economics do liberals tend to favor?

Keynesian economics

Supply side economics

economic that encourages tax cuts and deregulation to encourage economic growth.

Liberals Info

Represented by democrats, actively support government regulation of the market... big government policies ultimately grew out of economic crises
- Great Depression: democratic president Franklin Roosevelt promised the nation a "New Deal"... unprecedented economic policy agenda
- Fiscal Policy turned to higher taxes and significant higher spending- balanced budgets were replaced bu Keynesian theories that advocated for government debt.
- The federal reserve centralized monetary policy during this time of crisis
- Monetary policy were money supply is tightened and interest rates increase.
- Typically, liberals look to government to help the under dog (i.e. increase the minimum wage).
- Liberals favor an active government in the economy and favor economic experimentation.

Conservatives Info

Represented by Republicans, advocate for less government regulation of the market... Self reliance, rugged individualism and entrepreneurship have been the backbone of American prosperity according to the conservatives
- Government should stay out of business affairs if at all possible.
- Social safety nets for the disadvantaged are to expected... plan and manage accordingly (social security, medicare, etc. )
-Republicans prefer supply side policies... lowering marginal tax rates.
- Conservatives favor fiscal policies that reduce both taxes and government spending.
- Conservatives believe in monetary policy that should keep interest rates lower.
- Conservatives favor less government regulation of the marketplace.
- Traditionally Americans preferred a government with a laissez faire economic policy.


Are characterized by a desire for little or no government regulation of the market... libertarians demand such policies.
- Libertarians see no need for government intervention in the economy - they oppose most regulations.
- Market forces are to be trusted and governments, they argue, are to be held at an arms distance... government solutions to economic problems should be met with skepticism
-Libertarian policies would result in a smaller government with fewer taxes and government bailouts would be non existent
- The government should balance its budget... libertarians favor little or no regulations of the marketplace.

Liberals tend to favor more government intervention in order to promote social and economic equality.

Example: liberals endorse minimum wage laws, arguing that without government intervention business will take advantage of employees and economic inequality will increase. On the other hand liberals tend to oppose government intervention into areas of private life, such as laws restricting contraception or same-sex marriage.

Conservatives tend to oppose government intervention in order to promote social and economic equality, arguing that the free market will reward individuals according to their talent and hard work.

Conservatives also oppose government restrictions on individual liberties protected in the bill of rights, such as the right to bear arms. On the other hand, conservatives tend to favor government intervention to promote traditional morality, such as outlawing abortion or marijuana, and strongly support government spending on the military and national security.

Libertarian Ideologies

Libertarians oppose all government intervention in economic and social policy, believing that government exists to protect private property and little else. Libertarians do not believe that government should regulate morality or the free market.

Public Opinion Polls

In a representative democracy it is essential to know what the people are thinking... in a political system where sovereignty resides in the people elected, officials must determine public opinion before enacting public policy.
- Public Opinion is measured through scientific polling, and the results of public opinion polls influence government
- "All government rests on public opinion"
- What people think of an issue or a set of issues at any given time... usually measured by public opinion polls.

What are polls?

Polls are interviews or surveys of a sample of citizens used to estimate how the public feels about an issue or set of issues.
- Public opinion is measured through scientific polling, and the results of public opinion polls influences government

Exit Poll

a survey taken at polling places of how people voted

Tracking Poll

polls conducted by media outlets to gauge the potential outcome of a political election on a periodic basis.

Push Poll

a polling technique in which the questions are designed to shape the respondent's opinion

Elements of a scientific poll

- Determining content and phrasing and order of the questions
- Selecting the sample
- Margin of error (+/- range 3-5%)
- Sampling Error (one portion of population instead of entire population)

Random Sampling

a sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion (Representative sample)

Stratified Sampling

a variation of random sampling; the population is divided into subgroups and weighted based on demographic characteristics of the national population (sub groups sample)

What are common problems with polls?

- Improper sampling techniques
- Biased questions
- Small sample size
- large or unreported sampling error
- lack of transparency in methods.

How does polling and public opinion affect politics and public policy?

Politicians are constantly trying to figure out what the public wants and desires... very important in policy making process.

When does the influence of public opinion have the greatest impact on the voting decisions of members of congress?

- when there is a strong opinion as expressed in polls
- competitive elections / reelections

When does the influence of public opinion have a limited impact on the voting decisions of members of congress?

- legislators voting record
- party leadership in the house and senate

Is public opinion fluid?

Yes. Public opinion is very fluid. it constantly changes based on perception/saliency of the issue

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