Which term refers to any form of impersonal sponsor paid one way mass communication?

Communication by marketers that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response.

  1. Promotional strategy is a plan for using promotion effectively:


Public Relations

Sales Promotion

Personal Selling

    1. Competitive advantage is one or more unique aspects of an organization cause target consumers to patronize that firm rather than competitors.

    The Role of Promotion
    in the Marketing Mix

    Competitive Advantage Categories

    High product quality, Rapid delivery, Low prices, Excellent service, Unique features

    1. The main function of a marketer’s promotional strategy is to convince the target market that the goods and services offered provide a competitive advantage.

    The process by which we exchange or share meanings through a common set of symbols.

    Marketing Communication, Categories of Communication (Interpersonal and Mass)

    1. Communication can be divided into two major categories: 

    Interpersonal communication is direct, face-to-face communication between two or more people.

    Mass communication refers to communicating a concept or message to larger audiences, usually through a mass medium such as television or newspapers.

    Marketing Communication (As Senders, As Messagers)

    1. Marketers are both senders and receivers of messages.  As senders, marketers inform, persuade, and remind the target market to adopt courses of action.
    1. As receivers, marketers attune themselves to the target market in order to develop and adapt messages, and spot new communication opportunities.

    marketing communication is a two way process

    1. The sender originates the message.
    2. Encoding is the conversion of the sender’s ideas and thoughts into a message, usually words or signs.
    3. Transmission of a message requires a channel—some communication medium.  Reception occurs when the message is detected by the receiver.  Transmission may be hindered because of noise—anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information.

    communication process (cont.)

    1. Decoding is the interpretation of the language and symbols sent.  Proper match between the message to be conveyed and the target market’s attitude is the job of the marketing manager.  Differences in culture, age, social class, education, and ethnicity can lead to miscommunication.  Marketers targeting consumers in foreign countries must also worry about translation and miscommunication issues.
    2. They rely on market research of analysis for indirect feedback

    1. Promotion has three basic tasks:  it can inform the target audience, persuade the target audience, or remind the target audience.  Often a marketer will try to accomplish two or more of these tasks at the same time.

    1. The informing phase of promotion seeks to convert an existing need into a want or to stimulate interest in a new product.  It is more prevalent during the early stages of the product life cycle.
    2. Persuasive promotion is designed to stimulate a purchase or an action.  It becomes the main promotion goal when the product enters the growth stage of its life cycle.
    3. Reminder promotion is used to keep the product/brand name in the public’s mind.  It is effective during the maturity cycle.

    Combination of promotion tools used to reach the target market and fulfill the organization’s overall goals.

    • Advertising
    • Public Relations
    • Sales Promotion
    • Personal Selling

    Any form of impersonal (one-way) paid communication in which the sponsor or company is identified.

    Advertising Media (Traditional Advertising Media, New Advertising Media)

    Traditional: Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Direct mail, Billboards, Transit cards New : Internet, Banner ads, Viral marketing, E- mail, Interactive video

    The marketing function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies areas within the organization that the public may be interested in, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

    A purchase situation involving a personal, paid-for communication between two people in an attempt to influence each other.

    1. Traditional methods of personal selling include a planned presentation to one or more prospective buyers.  The seller tries to persuade the buyer to accept a point of view or take action.  Frequently, the traditional view of personal selling creates a win-lose outcome at the expense of the buyer.

    1. Relationship selling emphasizes a win-win outcome and the accomplishment of mutual objectives that benefit both buyer and salesperson in the long-term.  The goal is a long-term, committed relationship based on trust and customer loyalty.

    Marketing activities--other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations--that stimulate consumer buying and dealer effectiveness.

    Free Samples, Conteset, Premiums, Trade Shows, Vacation Giveaways

    1. Sales promotion can be aimed at end consumers, trade customers, or a company’s employees.
    1. A major promotional campaign might use several of the tools shown on this slide, along with the other elements of the promotion mix.

    AIDA Concept (Attention, Intrest, Desire, Action)

    Model that outlines the process for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of consumer involvement with the message.



    The careful coordination of all promotional messages to assure the consistency of messages at every contact point where a company meets the consumer.

    Factors Affecting the
    Choice of  Promotional Mix

    Nature of the product, Stage in PLC, Target market factors, Type of buying decision, Promotion funds, Push or pull strategy

    Stage in the Product Life Cycle

    1. For a routine buying decision such as the purchase of toothpaste, the most effective promotional tools are advertising and especially sales promotion.
    1. For buying decisions that are not routine or complex, advertising and public relationships help establish awareness.
    1. In contrast, consumers making complex decisions need large amounts of information, and personal selling is the most effective tool.  Print ads are also effective for conveying large amounts of information.

    What is a form of impersonal sponsor

    Advertising is a form of impersonal, one-way mass communication that is paid for by the sponsor.

    What is defined as any form of impersonal paid communication in which the sponsor or company is identified?

    One definition of advertising is: "Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media."(Bovee, 1992, p.

    What is a paid form of communication termed as?

    Advertising is a paid form of communication which is paid for by marketers to promote goods or services.

    Is any form of impersonal sponsor

    ADVERTISING is defined as any form of impersonal, ONE-WAY paid communication in which the sponsor or company is identified.


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