Who of the following provided the strongest influence on Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

4.Who of the following provided the strongest influence on PresidentMonroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?(A)George Washington(B)John Adams(C)Thomas Jefferson(D)John Quincy Adams

5.Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be anally if any nation challenged the Monroe Doctrine?

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6.Which best explains why the American people were so supportive of theMonroe Doctrine?

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Questions 7-8 refer to the chart below.Vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on aBill to Fund Internal Improvements, 1824RegionForAgainstNew England12Middle States37West43South23Total115Source:Jeffrey B. Morris and Richard B. Morris, editors.Encyclopedia of American History7.Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart, support for federalfunding for internal improvements was strongest in262603486

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8.Support for the bill would have been consistent with support for whichof the following?(A)American System(B)Cultural nationalism(C) Specialization(D)Factory system


SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONSUse complete sentences; an outline or bulleted list alone is not acceptable.Question1. Answer a, b, and c.a)Choose ONE of the choices below, and explain how your choice hadan impact on the industrial growth during this period from prior to theWar of 1812 to the middle of the 19th century."factory system• inventionslabor unionsb)Contrast your choice against one of the other options, demonstratingwhy that option is not as good as your choice.c)Briefly explain whether there were any variations in industrial growthin different sections of the country.Question2. Answer a, b, and c.a)Briefly explain ONE of the parts of Henry Clay's proposed AmericanSystem, a comprehensive plan to bring about economic improvement.Provide at least ONE piece of evidence to support your explanation.protective tariffsNational Bankinternal improvementsb)Briefly explain a criticism of ONE of the parts of Clay's plan citedabove.c)Identify and briefly explain the role played by ONE individual orgroup that was critical of one of the parts or the entire plan for anAmerican System.170U.S. HISTORY: PREPARING FOR THE ADVANCED PLACEMENT®EXAM

Question 3 is based on the following excerpts.

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Civil Disobedience, The Bible, Marbury v Madison, Monroe Doctrine, War Of 1812, Test, Nature, The American, The Lottery, Moby Dick, The Scarlet Letter, Walden, Democracy in America, The Federalist Papers, Friendship

Which of the following best describe the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine is the best known U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere. Buried in a routine annual message delivered to Congress by President James Monroe in December 1823, the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.

What is the Monroe Doctrine quizlet?

Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was a proclamation issued by President James Monroe (1817-1825) to European nations stating that their colonization of the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as aggressive and provoke a US response. In return, the US would not interfere in European affairs.

What global changes prompted the Monroe Doctrine?

The most important global change that prompted the Monroe Doctrine was the collapse of Spain and Portugal's empires in the Americas. The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 also signaled that the Europeans could dedicate their efforts toward restoring Spain's colonies under the Spanish monarchy.

Which of the following did the Monroe Doctrine permit in Latin America?

Which did the Monroe Doctrine permit in Latin America? RIGHT made up of independent republics. How did the United States acquire West Florida from Spain in 1812? Which contributed to Americans' sense of nationalism following the War of 1812?


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